How to update the app from app store if new app version is available? - ios

What I am trying to do is when you open the app, app will query the app store to check if your current version is lower than the one in app store. If yes, the app will direct user to app store to upgrade it.
The current version of the app on app store is 1.5.4. What I am doing is to go to xcode and change the version of the app to 1.5.3 in xcode5 and then try to run the app again. Now I can detect a new version of the app like below :
Like I said, user will be direct to app store to update the app. However, on the app store, the page shows Free not Update one.
How can we direct user to update the app if there is a newer version from app store.
The url I am trying is
and I also try this
but app store displays a blank page.


Is there a way to force update my react native application without the versioning system in app?

I have an app that is currently live on the app store. I am trying to find a possibility if there could be a force update done for iOS app users without the apps versioning system.
Issue: In the Current app which iOS users use has a bug in the custom force update screen which we built, where the go to app store button doesn't work.
Is it possible to trigger force update for an iOS app any other means which could possibly direct the users to app store if the latest version is not installed?
We have built a versioning system in our which had a bug due to which iOS users where not able to redirect to app store correctly.
Looking for possible other ways of forcing update for iOS users who have the old versions of the app.

Will auto-updates still apply to extant app installs if I remove my app from the app store?

I have an iOS app that I am deprecating. I've prepared a new version of the app that, on launch, will say "Sorry, but this app is being removed, please use our website instead" and provides a link to our site.
What I'd like to do is
Release this update
As soon as it is approved, remove the app from the iTunes App Store
The intent is that customers with the app already installed will get auto-upgrade to the new version with the deprecation message, and no new installs will be ever happen.
However it's not clear to me if updates will get pushed out if I remove the app from the store. Does anyone have experience with this? Any reason this plan will not work?

The new version of my iOS app appears in the App Store but users are unable to update their current version to the new one

I have had an app in the App Store for 1 month now and I just released a new version yesterday.
Now, new users who download the app from the App Store gets the new version, which is great, but people who already had the app can't update it. If they go to the App Store and look for the app, they'll see an "Open" button instead of an "Update" button.
Is it something usual when a new version was just released, so it would just be a matter of time before the update is available ?
It was a matter of time indeed.
After 2 days, users were able to update the app from the App Store.

How to open my App for update in App Store without having it released

I'm coding an IPhone/IPad App and have a webservice to check if the version is too old.
If the version is too old, then a message should appear a say: "Version too old. Click on the button to download the newest version in the app store."
The user should now be linked to the app in the app store.
How can I get the full link without having my app released in the app store and have an ID?
Best regards
One option is to send your app for a testFlight test. It allows you to have the full App Store link without releasing the app to the public.
I think you can use<companyname>/<appname> as per this guide.
This will, however, probably redirect via Safari first (I have not tried). But you can use this for the first version and later change it to the real URL in an update.

Get latest version of app from Appstore

How can I get the latest version of the app from the Appstore?
I want to compare current user version to the latest version on the Appstore.
If the version of the user is older than the one on the Appstore, I will notify him to update it.
You can try iVersion by nicklockwood.
It allows to automatically check for updates and inform the user about new features. It automatically detects when the new version of an app is released on the App Store and informs the user with a helpful alert that links them directly to the app download page.
