Google map's turn by turn gps navigation for ios development - ios

My app required to include turn by turn gps navigation. Can anybody tell how to integrate google map for turn by turn gps navigation.
I can found it in android development. But i can't found navigation from google map's iOS development documentation.
Please anybody help to resolve my problem.

The google map ios Sdk does not have any turn-by-turn navigation api or navigation api's,yet.
Please refer link for custom url schema features.

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Google map sdk for ios- how to find onmylocationchange in ios

I am developing an app similar to google map navigation . i found google map sdk having a method for finding location changes in android (OnMyLocationChangeListener). but i didn't get a similar method for iOS . please advise me how to do that in ios. sample code is appreciated

API/SDK to integrate turn by turn navigation in iOS app

do you know a sdk / API which I can integrate a complete turn by turn navigation in my app?
is there such a thing?
You could try with MKDirectionsRequest or similar classes from Apple's MapKit
Yes - use the Scout SDK (OpenStreetMap based solution) - you can embed TBT directly in your app and they have a free tier to get you started.

Customized Google maps on iOS to a dark color

I want to customize my google map view as block color can any one please provide any suggestions regarding this.
I have found a link: MapBox this may be use furll to me,
but there is no clue how to use this sdk, and wether it is open source or paid sdk?
The pricing for MapBox is here:
And info on their iOS SDK is here:
There is a feature request to add styling support to the google maps SDK here:

MKMapView init failed in an App which contains Google Maps SDK

I am now testing some Maps service provider.
First I have a tableview which contains two provider:"Map Kit","Google Maps SDK".
And when I go into the map kit sample,then get out, and then go into the google maps sample, everything works fine.
But, when I go into the google maps sample first, then get out, and then go into the map kit sample, it crash.
When debug, I find out it crash when [[MKMapView alloc] init]
Why this happens?
Although in real App, we won't have two map service provider, I still want to know the reason.
There are a couple of existing questions which cover this:
Google Maps SDK & Mapkit in the same app cause crash
Switch Google Maps SDK & Mapkit in the same app cause crash
However, this was related to this bug which Google fixed in version 1.1.2 (released 26th March) - so make sure you have the latest version of the SDK.
Otherwise, as explained in the other questions, you might need to clear or save/restore the OpenGL context before calling MapKit.

How can I compute a map route on iOS6?

I am developing an iPhone application for driving. I have used mapkit to show the locations. I need to add turn by turn navigation in it. how i can do that on ios6? can you give my example?
Turn by turn navigation is not built into the SDK. You can ask the built in Apple Maps app to give the user directions between two points, but that will not display the route in your app.
You may want to look at the free Mapbox SDK:
Although that will require you use OpenStreetMaps for the map, I believe.
It looks like there may be a few other free options (like something from MapQuest) and I think Cloudmade offers SDK support for routes, though that SDK is not free:
