How can I compute a map route on iOS6? - ios

I am developing an iPhone application for driving. I have used mapkit to show the locations. I need to add turn by turn navigation in it. how i can do that on ios6? can you give my example?

Turn by turn navigation is not built into the SDK. You can ask the built in Apple Maps app to give the user directions between two points, but that will not display the route in your app.
You may want to look at the free Mapbox SDK:
Although that will require you use OpenStreetMaps for the map, I believe.
It looks like there may be a few other free options (like something from MapQuest) and I think Cloudmade offers SDK support for routes, though that SDK is not free:


Is there a built-in charting library in iOS 9

I'm currently working on an app where I need to displa charts like in the added picture. I already know about ios-charts framework, etc.
But I really like the charts from iOS 9 health app landscape mode. It's showing current value when touching:
Now I'm wondering if this kind of chart is available for developers from Apple in iOS 9, because I already saw it in some other 3rd party apps (e.g. Idealo app for iPad (Germany))
Thanks in advance!
No, there is no native Chart library in iOS. There are however, plenty of libraries available. Unfortunately, you will need to dig through them to find the one closest to what you've seen.
Of course, you could also reach out to the developers of the apps you like and ask them directly. Most developers like to share information like that.

IOS App Submission Routing App

I am trying to submit my app for review in Itunes Connect, but when I try to submit it I get an error:
To configure this app as an IOS routing app, upload a routing app
coverage file on the app's Version page in My Apps on iTunes Connect.
To configure your app as an IOS routing app, the app's Info.plist must
contain the MKDirectionsApplicationSupportedModes key.
So in my project, in the Capabilities, the Maps is turned off. I do have the MapKit.framework in my project, as I do utilize the map, however I do not ever show routing information nor provide it in my app. Is the fact that this framework in my project causing this ITunes Connect error, and if so, how do I go about fixing it. And by fixing it, I want it to turn off routing.
My app is not made to provide routing information, nor do I want to set it as an iOS routing app.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am using XCode 6.
I figured it out. In my info plist there was a document type name of MKDirectionsRequest. Removing that solved the problem.
From the apple docs
(To use the features of the Map Kit framework, you must turn on the
Maps capability in your Xcode project.)
above the entire paragraph.(
Location-based information consists of two pieces: location services
and maps. Location services are provided by the Core Location
framework, which defines Objective-C interfaces for obtaining
information about the user’s location and heading (the direction in
which a device is pointing). Maps are provided by the Map Kit
framework, which supports both the display and annotation of maps
similar to those found in the Maps app. (To use the features of the
Map Kit framework, you must turn on the Maps capability in your Xcode
project.) Location services and maps are available on both iOS and OS
Not sure but maybe you only need to turn on mapkit
In my info.plist I had to delete two entries:
1) the document you referenced above - MKDirectionsRequest
2) MKDirectionsApplicationSupportedModes - MKDirectionsModeCar which is called "Maps routing app supported modes"
I just faced this exact issue last week.
I had accidentally turned on Map capabilities and turned it off later. Like your case, this didn't fix the issue.
I believe what fixed it was removing MapKit from here.
I was trying other things at the time so try this and if this isn't it then I'll see if something else I changed fix this.

Google map's turn by turn gps navigation for ios development

My app required to include turn by turn gps navigation. Can anybody tell how to integrate google map for turn by turn gps navigation.
I can found it in android development. But i can't found navigation from google map's iOS development documentation.
Please anybody help to resolve my problem.
The google map ios Sdk does not have any turn-by-turn navigation api or navigation api's,yet.
Please refer link for custom url schema features.
Please see our Terms of Service, specifically 10.2.c.i.

iOS Native Maps URL scheme multiple pins

I am using PhoneGap to build applications for iOS and Android.
I want to open the native map application on iOS with multiple pins. I am able to open the native map on iOS device using their Maps URL scheme using a ?q=lat,long parameter
Is it possible to open the native maps app and showing multiple pings instead of only one?
I have tried enough to search for it but there isn't enough documentation to answer my question.
Thank you for the help
Create an MKMapItem for each pin you want to display, save the MKMapItems to an array, and then use openMapsWithItems:launchOptions: to send the array to the Maps app. The Maps app will display a pin for each item in the array.
I have not used this myself, but it's from Apple's documentation at:

MKMapView init failed in an App which contains Google Maps SDK

I am now testing some Maps service provider.
First I have a tableview which contains two provider:"Map Kit","Google Maps SDK".
And when I go into the map kit sample,then get out, and then go into the google maps sample, everything works fine.
But, when I go into the google maps sample first, then get out, and then go into the map kit sample, it crash.
When debug, I find out it crash when [[MKMapView alloc] init]
Why this happens?
Although in real App, we won't have two map service provider, I still want to know the reason.
There are a couple of existing questions which cover this:
Google Maps SDK & Mapkit in the same app cause crash
Switch Google Maps SDK & Mapkit in the same app cause crash
However, this was related to this bug which Google fixed in version 1.1.2 (released 26th March) - so make sure you have the latest version of the SDK.
Otherwise, as explained in the other questions, you might need to clear or save/restore the OpenGL context before calling MapKit.
