Background update issue on iOS app - ios

I'm trying to make an "auto-update" process to make the user stay updated every X minutes while the app's awake. What I'm doing it's a background call every X minutes that asks the server if there are updates to make or not.
The thing is that when I make a call and the server returns YES, I've got to to update two things: my local DB and also the user interface (cause there might be changes on the interface too).
What I've got now is a thread problem. If I don't make any drawing while the app's updating I've got no issue, but when I do the app crashes.
Any ideas how could I control that threading issue?

I'm assuming you are using CoreData for your database. You need to make sure that any updates you make to the managed object context occur on the thread on which that context was created (typically the main thread).
You also need to make sure that any updates you make to the user interface also occur on the main thread.

Maybe try running the code on a background thread. one easy way to do this is preformSelectorOnBackgroundThread method...


When and why should you use NSUserDefaults's synchronize() method?

So I've had a look at the apple documentation on the NSUserDefaults's synchronize() method. See below for reference:
The page currently reads:
Because this method is automatically invoked at periodic intervals, use this method only if you cannot wait for the automatic synchronization (for example, if your application is about to exit) or if you want to update the user defaults to what is on disk even though you have not made any changes.
However, what I still don't understand is when should this method be called? For example, should it be called every time the user changes the app's settings? Or should I just trust that the background api is going to handle that? And does the leaving of the view immediately after a settings change in memory result in that change being lost?
Also, when might a failure to call synchronize() result in user settings not getting changed correctly?
Furthermore, what is the cost (performance, memory or otherwise) of calling this method? I know it involves reading and writing from/to the disk but does that really take that much effort on phones?
There seems to be so much confusion about user defaults. Think of it this way. It's essentially the same as you having a global dictionary available throughout your app. If you add/edit/remove a key/value to the global dictionary, that change is immediately visible anywhere in your code. Since this dictionary is in memory, all would be lost when your app terminates if it wasn't persisted to a file. NSUserDefaults automatically persists the dictionary to a file every once in a while.
The only reason there is a synchronize method is so your app can tell NSUserDefaults to persist the dictionary "now" instead of waiting for the automatic saving that will eventually happen.
And the only reason you ever need to do that is because your app might be terminated (or crash) before the next automatic save.
In my own apps, the only place I call synchronize is in the applicationDidEnterBackground delegate method. This is to ensure the latest unsaved changes are persisted in case the app is terminated while in the background.
I think much of the confusion comes from debugging an app during development. It's not uncommon during development that you kill the app with the "stop" button in the debugger. And many times this happens before the most recent NSUserDefaults changes have been persisted. So I've developed the habit of putting my app in the background by pressing the Home button before killing the app in the debugger whenever I want to make sure the latest updates are persisted.
Given the above summary, let's review your questions:
should it be called every time the user changes the app's settings?
No. As described above, any change is automatically available immediately.
Or should I just trust that the background api is going to handle that?
Yes, trust the automatic persistence with the exception of calling synchronize when your app enters the background.
And does the leaving of the view immediately after a settings change in memory result in that change being lost?
This has no effect. Once you add/edit/delete a key/value in NSUserDefaults, the change is made.
Also, when might a failure to call synchronize() result in user settings not getting changed correctly?
The only time a change can be lost is if your app is terminated before the latest changes have been persisted. Calling synchronize when your app enters the background solves most of these issues. The only remaining possible problem is if your app crashes. Any unsaved changes that have not yet been persisted will be lost. Fix your app so it doesn't crash.
Furthermore, what is the cost (performance, memory or otherwise) of calling this method? I know it involves reading and writing from/to the disk but does that really take that much effort on phones?
The automatic persistence is done in the background and it simply writes a dictionary to a plist file. It's very fast unless you are not following recommendations. It will be slower if you are misusing NSUserDefaults to store large amounts of data.
Apple's documentation for synchronize() has been updated and now reads:
Waits for any pending asynchronous updates to the defaults database and returns; this method is unnecessary and shouldn't be used.
As anticipated, it has been deprecated as mentioned in Apple Doc
Waits for any pending asynchronous updates to the defaults database and returns; this method is unnecessary and shouldn't be used.
Original Answer
-synchronize is deprecated and will be marked with the NS_DEPRECATED macro in a future release.
-synchronize blocks the calling thread until all in-progress set operations have completed. This is no longer necessary. Replacements for previous uses of -synchronize depend on what the intent of calling synchronize was. If you synchronized…
— …before reading in order to fetch updated values: remove the synchronize call
— …after writing in order to notify another program to read: the other program can use KVO to observe the default without needing to notify
— …before exiting in a non-app (command line tool, agent, or daemon) process: call CFPreferencesAppSynchronize(kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication)
— …for any other reason: remove the synchronize call
As far i know, synchronize is used to sync the data immediately but iOS can handle that in smart way. So you dont need to call it everytime. If you call it everytime then it will turn to performance issue.
Check apple documentation:
Official Link

Can RealmCollectionChange be used as a way of syncing data back to server?

I noticed that in Realm Swift, there is a RealmCollectionChange
It seems to contain the objects that have changed. Can I use that notification block to add code to sync the data back to a back end database?
Is the notification block running on the main queue?
For sure you can use the provided notification mechanisms to propagate changes to a server. You should make sure though, that your requests to the server doesn't cause new changes once the server responds, otherwise you can run into a situation where you would be constantly notified about new updates, as also seen in the related docs section User-Driven Updates.
The notification block is ran on the thread on which you add it. But these APIs are only available to auto-updating Realms which require a runloop. By default only the main thread has a runloop, if you don't run any additional yourself on dedicated background threads.
Be aware that synchronizing is a non-trivial problem and using these notifications alone won't give you a full solution for every challenge involved into that problem space.

Is it mandatory to call NSUserDefaults synchronize method?

Please, anyone, help me: Is calling NSUserDefaults's synchronize() method mandatory?. If I don't call it, what will happen? My application is working fine without it.
Since iOS12, it isn't mandatory anymore.
Apple says:
This method is unnecessary and shouldn't be used.
You can find more information on iOS12 release note:
NSUserDefaults has several bug fixes and improvements:
Removed synchronization requirements. It's no longer necessary to use synchronize, CFPreferencesAppSynchronize, or CFPreferencesSynchronize. These methods will be deprecated in a future version of the OS.
Now that you don't need to call these synchronization methods, the performance characteristics of NSUserDefaults and Preferences Utilities are slightly different: The time taken for enqueueing write operations is now paid by the writing thread, rather than by the next thread to call synchronize or do a read operation.
From the docs:
Because this method is automatically invoked at periodic intervals, use this method only if you cannot wait for the automatic synchronization (for example, if your application is about to exit) or if you want to update the user defaults to what is on disk even though you have not made any changes.
Meaning that if you kill the app right after something is written to the defaults without the periodic interval catching it, it will get lost. You probably did not kill the app right after a write event yet which is why your app seems to work fine so far.
Normally it works perfectly fine and you only have to use it in special cases, for example when the app will close directly after writing to NSUserDefaults. So you can simply add the synchronize method to the corresponding AppDelegate-method.
As others have said, you don't normally have to call synchronize at all.
Normally the system calls it for you so your defaults changes get written.
However, when working with Xcode it's pretty common to terminate your app by pressing command period or clicking the stop button. In that case it terminates the app without warning and your user defaults changes will quite likely not be written out, and will be lost.
This can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on what you want. It's certainly confusing.
You can "fix" it by calling synchronize each time you make a change, or on some time interval. However that does slow your app down and increase it's power requirements (both by very small amounts.) If you are in a loop, writing changes to 10,000 server or Core Data records, and you change user defaults after each pass, then calling synchronize after each one might have a measurable effect on app speed and on battery life. In most cases you're not likely to notice the difference however.

iOS - app interface freezes up on startup during network calls

The app I am working on fetches a bunch of different newsfeeds when it first starts up and updates any expired ones. While this is happening the interface often freezes up and you can't click anything. The actual network calls are being done on a separate thread, but the database operations are being done on the main thread. Would this cause the interface to freeze?
I have been told that I need to make it to where only two feeds to update are inserted into the network operation queue at a time so that it won't try all of them at once, but it's already set up to only do so many network calls at once. I don't understand how having less things in a queue at a time would cause it to go faster if they're just going to be put in there sequentially anyways. Please correct me if I am wrong, I'm still pretty new to this.
Any kind of help regarding what could cause the UI to freeze up during startup like this would be much appreciated!
It is always a good idea to move time consuming operation away from the main thread.
Fortunately it is pretty simple to do on iOS. If the time-consuming task is fairly simple you could consider using performSelectorInBackground
[self performSelectorInBackground:#selector(myFunction:)
It is however important to remberber, that you must not access the GUI from the background thread. To get objects back to the main thread use performSelectorOnMainThread
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(myFunction:) myParamwaitUntilDone:YES];
Try applying this strategy to your database calls. Depending on your scenario you might want to wrap it up in a NSOperation or use a Thread when the cause of the freeze is found.

Restarting Main Thread in IOS

I have an application/game which I am adding a restart button to. The easiest thing for me to do this is if there was a bit of code which would release all objects created by the app running and restart the main thread (there are many of them including timers which may be running when the reset button is being pressed).
Is there any such code?
I understand that it may be possible to run the app in a secondary thread and refresh that but I dont have any threading experience.
can anyone help?
The only thing i know is you can force kill your app but be prepared as it will be rejected by apple and even if you get success in killing app then you cannot restart it.
It is not possible to restart the main thread or anything similar. You're probably thinking of the wrong design. Think of it from an object oriented perspective: what you need to do is to restore the state of some objects that keep track of the state of your application.
So say you have a Game class that has some properties like:
what you'd have to do is restore those to 0 (or whatever the initial value is).
Hope you get the idea ;)
there is not easy way to do that, if you want to restart the game or level you will have to recreate the level, by re assign the level variables redrawing the correct components etc..., you will not be able to restart the game or level by restarting a thread,
