Restarting Main Thread in IOS - ios

I have an application/game which I am adding a restart button to. The easiest thing for me to do this is if there was a bit of code which would release all objects created by the app running and restart the main thread (there are many of them including timers which may be running when the reset button is being pressed).
Is there any such code?
I understand that it may be possible to run the app in a secondary thread and refresh that but I dont have any threading experience.
can anyone help?

The only thing i know is you can force kill your app but be prepared as it will be rejected by apple and even if you get success in killing app then you cannot restart it.

It is not possible to restart the main thread or anything similar. You're probably thinking of the wrong design. Think of it from an object oriented perspective: what you need to do is to restore the state of some objects that keep track of the state of your application.
So say you have a Game class that has some properties like:
what you'd have to do is restore those to 0 (or whatever the initial value is).
Hope you get the idea ;)

there is not easy way to do that, if you want to restart the game or level you will have to recreate the level, by re assign the level variables redrawing the correct components etc..., you will not be able to restart the game or level by restarting a thread,


Is gen_server restart strategy copy state?

Erlang world not use try-catch as usual. I'm want to know how about performance when restart a process vs try-catch in mainstream language.
A Erlang process has it's small stack and heap concept which actually allocate in OS heap. Why it's effective to restart it?
Hope someone give me a deep in sight about Beam what to do when invoke a restart operation on a process.
Besides, how about use gen_server which maintain state in it's process. Will cause a copy state operate when gen_server restart?
I recommend having a read of
Here's my understanding: restart is effective for fixing "Heisenbug" which only happens when the (Erlang) process is in some weird state and/or trying to handle a "weird" message.
The presumption is that you revert to a known good state (by restarting), which should handle all normal messages correctly. Restart is not meant to "fix all the problems", and certainly not for things like bad configuration or missing internet connection. By this definition we can see it's very dangerous to copy the state when crash happened and try to recover from that, because this is defeating the whole point of going back to a known state.
The second point is, say this process only crashes when handling an action that only 0.001% (or whatever percentage is considered negligible) of all your users actually use, and it's not really important (e.g. a minor UI detail) then it's totally fine to just let it crash and restart, and don't need to fix it. I think it can be a productivity enabler for these cases.
Regarding your questions in the OP comment: yes just whatever your init callback returns, you can either build the entire starting state there or source from other places, totally depend on the use case.

Background update issue on iOS app

I'm trying to make an "auto-update" process to make the user stay updated every X minutes while the app's awake. What I'm doing it's a background call every X minutes that asks the server if there are updates to make or not.
The thing is that when I make a call and the server returns YES, I've got to to update two things: my local DB and also the user interface (cause there might be changes on the interface too).
What I've got now is a thread problem. If I don't make any drawing while the app's updating I've got no issue, but when I do the app crashes.
Any ideas how could I control that threading issue?
I'm assuming you are using CoreData for your database. You need to make sure that any updates you make to the managed object context occur on the thread on which that context was created (typically the main thread).
You also need to make sure that any updates you make to the user interface also occur on the main thread.
Maybe try running the code on a background thread. one easy way to do this is preformSelectorOnBackgroundThread method...

iOS lifecycle: what happens before UIApplication runs?

I have a question that I can't really answer, so I wonder if someone may shed some light here.
Basically I am interested in knowing what is going on in iOS before and while I run an app...but from the OS perspective.
I've seen a lot of posts regarding what happens when the user tap on an app in the main screen, but I am interested in knowing basically what happens behind the scenes, before that the app takes control and main runs the singleton for UIApplication. And also once that the app is running, is the whole OS blocked in the main run loop of the app or something else is going on?
In particular, I would like to understand who creates the process where UIApplication will run (so the whole app will run inside that process, I assume).
Also would like to know what is the OS doing when for example, I open a connection in an app...since I see that a new thread is created (looking at a crash report I see a bunch of threads running, not just the main one), but I don't get where and who creates them (UIApplication itself?, where they running already before launching the app?).
Hope that the question is clear; I've search all over to find info but all that I get is that when you tap an app, main() runs and calls UIApplication,which takes control, deal with the delegate and views and so on...but what is going in the OS is a mystery.
Is there any resource related to the iOS part? Thanks!
The operating system of the iPhone works really similar to any other modern operating system. There is a kernel which provides low level functions, an API that provides high level functions (either to applications either to the OS itself) and so on.
There are a lot of processes always alive in the OS itself, just think about the fact that the device is able to receive notifications, receive calls, manage connections and whatever it needs to run.
When you launch an application the only thing that changes is that a process is launched and the control of it is given to the application.
And also once that the app is running, is the whole OS blocked in the main run loop of the app or something else is going on?
The whole OS is not blocked, the process launched is just scheduled together with many other processes that constantly run. This is achieved by multi-tasking.
In particular, I would like to understand who creates the process where UIApplication will run (so the whole app will run inside that process, I assume).
The process is created by the OS itself, which istantiates a new process structure to manage the just launched application and schedule it (with a high priority since it will run in foreground).
(UIApplication itself?, where they running already before launching the app?).
Threads are similar to processes in the sense that they have their code and they actually do something but a thread is lightweight because many thread can be managed by just one process. This mean that your application (or an API call) can create a thread which will run together with the main thread of your application and manage their operations but all these thread will share the same CPU allocation time and the same memory space and whatever. Actually Cocoa hides many of the details from a developer point of view, so that you don't care exactly about which threads are automatically started by the application because you don't need to: they are used to dispatch messages between objects, to manage asyncronous events and whatever.
But this is just the tip of the iceberg, before understanding how iOS works you should learn how a lower level infrastructure works, eg BSD Unix which is actually one of the ancestors of Darwin, which is the kernel on which iOS is operating. After understanding how it works you will undersand also how the infrastructure over it works (which is iOS + its API).

willEnterForeground randomly restarts app

I thought my app was almost ready to ship, but this one thing is making me crazy!
In my didEnterBackground handler, I save some images to cache and dump everything I can possibly think of and the OS seems to randomly dump my app and restart it. It doesn't seem to be very consistent. Sometimes it comes back fine and sometimes I get a restart. According to Allocations, my memory usage is down to around 1 or 2 mb in my didEnterBackground.
And by dumping everything, I mean I remove subviews, remove objects from arrays and set a ton of stuff to nil...which means in my willEnterForeground I have to recreate a bunch of stuff.
I really don't know what else to do.
Any help here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
BTW, this is in iOS 5 and using ARC.
At the background state the app can always get killed by the watchdog. There is no guarantee that the app is always working in the background.
To learn more about Multitasking watch the Session 320 from WWDC 2011 there is a plenty of information about multitasking.

Self Updating

What's the best way to terminate a program and then run additional code from the program that's being terminated? For example, what would be the best way for a program to self update itself?
You have a couple options:
You could use another application .exe to do the auto update. This is probably the best method.
You can also rename a program's exe while it is running. Hence allowing you to get the file from some update server and replace it. On the program's next startup it will be using the new .exe. You can then delete the renamed file on startup.
It'd be really helpful to know what language we're talking about here. I'm sure I could give you some really great tips for doing this in PowerBuilder or Cobol, but that might not really be what you're after! If you're talking Java however, then you could use a shut down hook - works great for me.
Another thing to consider is that most of the "major" apps I've been using (FileZilla, Paint.NET, etc.), are having the updaters uninstall the previous version of the app and then doing a fresh install of the new version of the application.
I understand this won't work for really large applications, but this does seem to be a "preferred" process for the small to medium size applications.
I don't know of a way to do it without a second program that the primary program launches prior to shutting down. Program 2 downloads and installs the changes and then relaunches the primary program.
We did something like this in our previous app. We captured the termination of the program (in .NET 2.0) from either the X or the close button, and then kicked off a background update process that the user didn't see. It would check the server (client-server app) for an update, and if there was one available, it would download in the background using BITS. Then the next time the application opened, it would realize that there was a new version (we set a flag) and popped up a message alerting the user to the new version, and a button to click if they wanted to view the new features added to this version.
It makes it easier if you have a secondary app that runs to do the updates. You would execute the "updater" app, and then inside of it wait for the other process to exit. If you need access to the regular apps DLLs and such but they also need updating, you can run the updater from a secondary location with already updated DLLs so that they are not in use in the original location.
If you're using writing a .NET application, you might consider using ClickOnce. If you need quite a bit of customization, you might look elsewhere.
We have an external process that performs updating for us. When it finds an update, it downloads it to a secondary folder and then waits for the main application to exit. On exit, it replaces all of the current files. The primary process just kicks the update process off every 4 hours. Because the update process will wait for the exit of the primary app, the primary app doesn't have to do any special processing other than start the update application.
This is a side issue, but if you're considering writing your own update process, I would encourage you to look into using compression of some sort to (1) save on download and (2) provide one file to pull from an update server.
Hope that makes sense!
