Determining the number of red apples in a basket using opencv - opencv

I am trying to detect the number of red apples I have in a basket.
The samples are an empty basket, a basket with just one apple and a basket with two apples.
My approach to solve the problem is to find out when there is no apple in the basket ( by using the absence of red)
Plotting a histogram that shows when there is one apple in the basket.
I have no clue how to find out how n apples there are in a basket.

I don't know how is the apple and basket in your test image. You can calculate histogram of your samples using this OpenCV tutorial.

You must use a LookUp Table if you are insisting on using histograms for this problem.
1. In this way you have to provide samples of histograms of images on every class that you are going to classify the images to (empty basket, a basket and one apple inside, a basket and two of them and so forth).
2. Using this sample you can create a unique criterion histogram for every class (the LUT), and a error function which can estimate how similar a histogram is to each of these criterion histograms (a simple error function can be the differences summation of the histogram value in every red intensity)
3. Whereby you can retrieve the error value of a histogram (of an input image) to each of LUT histograms and the one with minimum error is the class which your image belongs to.
Hope this helps

Here are some clues:
Convert your color to HSV space instead of on RGB space.
Count the pixels which you determined as "red" row by row (that's the way make the spatial histogram), find the location with the max number of red pixels.
If you are familiar with machine learning and computer vision, I would recommend Haar classification (similar way of face detecting).


How to guess the human races based on skin color

There are some questions asked how to do skin detection, e.g. Skin Color Detection in OpenCV.
Now, assuming I got the skin already, what do in opencv I should in order to guess the races of the person in the image? I don't need a really accurate result, but I just want to guess whether the person is black (e.g. african), white, or yello (asian)
Get some example images, segment them, and get the skin regions. Then take an average / median / small random sample of pixel values. Then cluster your example data, and see if the clusters correlate to the races you are trying to classify. That then tells you how to parameterise the classifier.

Detect banana or apple among the bunch of fruits on a plate with > 90% success rate. (See image)

Hi! I'm kinda new to OpenCV and Image processing. I've tried following approaches until now, but I believe there's gotta be a better approach.
1). Finding color range (HSV) manually using GColor2/Gimp tool/trackbar manually from a reference image which contains a single fruit (banana)
with a white background. Then I used inRange(), findContour(),
drawContour() on both reference banana image & target
image(fruit-platter) and matchShapes() to compare the contours in the
It works fine as long as the color range chosen is appropriate. (See 2nd image). But since these fruits doesn’t have uniform solid color, this approach didn't seem like an ideal approach to me. I don't want to hard-code the color-range (Scalar values) inside inRange().
2). Manual thresholding and contour matching.
Same issue as (1). Don't wanna hard-code the threshold value.
3). OTSU thresholding and canny edge detection.
Doesn't work well for banana, apple and lemon.
4). Dynamically finding colors. I used the cropped banana reference
image. Calculated the mean & standard deviation of the image.
Don't know how to ignore the white background pixels in my mean/std-dev calculation without looping through each x,y pixels. Any suggestions on this are welcome.
5). Haar Cascade training gives inaccurate results. (See the image below). I believe proper training might give better results. But not interested in this for now.
Other approaches I’m considering:
6). Using floodfill to find all the connected pixels and
the average and standard deviation of the same.
Haven't been successful in this. Not sure how to get all the connected pixels. I dumped the mask (imwrite) and got the banana (from the reference banana image) in black & white form. Any suggestions on this are welcome.
7). Hist backprojection:- not sure how it would help me.
8). K-Means , not tried yet. Let me know, if it’s better than step
9). meanshift/camshift → not sure whether it will help. Suggestions are welcome.
10). feature detection -- SIFT/SURF -- not tried yet.
Any help, tips, or suggestions will be highly appreciated.
Answers to such generic questions (object detection), especially to ones like this that are very active research topics, essentially boil down to a matter of preference. That said, of the 10 "approaches" you mentioned, feature detection/extraction is probably the one deserving the most attention, as it's the fundamental building block of a variety of computer vision problems, including but not limited to object recognition/detection.
A very simple but effective approach you can try is the Bag-of-Words model, very commonly used in early attempts at fast object detection, with all global spatial relationship information lost.
Late object detection research trend from what I observed from annual computer vision conference proceedings is that you encode each object by a graph that store feature descriptors in the nodes and store the spatial relationship information in the edges, so part of the global information is preserved, as we can now match not only the distance of feature descriptors in feature space but also the spatial distance between them in image space.
One common pitfall specific to this problem you described is that the homogeneous texture on banana and apple skins may not warrant a healthy distribution of features and most features you detect will be on the intersections of (most commonly) 3 or more objects, which in itself isn't a commonly regarded "good" feature. For this reason I suggest looking into superpixel object recognition (Just Google it. Seriously.) approaches, so the mathematical model of class "Apple" or "Banana" will be a block of interconnecting superpixels, stored in a graph, with each edge storing spatial relationship information and each node storing information concerning the color distribution etc. of the neighborhood specified by the superpixel. Then recognition will be come a (partial) graph matching problem or a problem related to probabilistic graphical model with many existing research done w.r.t it.

What kind of feature vector is better to detect whether there is a car in a car park slot ?

My aim is to detect whether a car slot is empty or occupied by a car. Finally, the number of cars will be counted in a car park.
The camera is monitoring the car park as it is seen in the sample pictures. Each car park slot is presented with very less pixels. I select four pixel points to define ROI, and I apply the perspective transformation in the image, please see Image 1.
SVM would be a nice approach to classify the samples and train. Unfortunately, I am not sure about the feature vector.
The challenges:
-Shadow of the cars in the adjacent slots
-A car is one slot is visible partially in another slot.
-Shadow of the big buildings
-Weather changes (sunny, cloudy etc. )
-After the rain, slot color is changed (dry or wet)
-Different slots and perspective changes
What kind of features or feature vectors would be the best for the classification?
Thank you in advance,
A color histogram could already be enough if you have enough training data. You can train with shadowed, partly shadowed, non-shadowed empty spots as well as with different cars. It might be difficult to get enough training data, you could also use synthetic data (render cars and shadows on the images).
So it is not only a question about features, but also about training samples.

Detecting shades of color in OpenCV

I have a lots of images of paper cards of different shades of colors. Like all blues, or all reds, etc. In the images, they are held up to different objects that are of that color.
I want to write a program to compare the color to the shades on the card and choose the closest shade to the object.
however I realize that for future images my camera is going to be subject to lots of different lighting. I think I should convert into HSV space.
I'm also unsure of what type of distance measure I should use. Given some sort of blobs from the cards, I could average over the HSV and simply see which blob's average is the closest.
But I welcome any and all suggestions, I want to learn more about what I can do with OpenCV.
EDIT: A sample
Here I want to compare the filled in red of the 6th dot to see it is actually the shade of the 3rd paper rectangle.
I think one possibility is to do the following:
Color histograms from Hue and Saturation channels
compute the color histogram of the filled circle.
compute color histogram of the bar of paper.
compute a distance using histogram distance measures.
Possibilities here includes:
Chi square,
Earthmover distance,
Bhattacharya distance,
Histogram intersection etc.
Check this opencv link for details on computing histograms
Check this opencv link for details on the histogram comparisons
Note that when computing the color histograms, convert your images to HSV colorspace as you yourself suggested. Then, there is 2 things to note here.
[EDITED to make this a suggestion rather than a must do because I believe V channel might be necessary to differentiate the shades. Anyhow, try both and go with the one giving better result. Apologies if this sent you off track.] One possibility is to only use the Hue and Saturation channels i.e. you build a 2D
histogram rather than a 3D one consisting of values from the hue and
saturation channels. The reason for doing so is that the variation
in lighting is most felt in the V channel. This, together with the
use of histograms, should hopefully make your comparisons more
robust to lighting changes. There is some discussion on ignoring the
V channel when building color histograms in this post here. You
might find the references therein useful.
Normalize the histograms using the opencv functions. This is to
account for the different sizes of the patches of material (your
small circle vs the huge color bar has different number of pixels).
You might also wish to consider performing some form of preprocessing to "stretch" the color in the image e.g. using histogram equalization or an "S curve" mapping so that the different shades of color get better separated. Then compute the color histograms on this processed image. Keep the information for the mapping and perform it on new test samples before computing their color histograms.
Using ML for classification
Besides simply computing the distance and taking the closest one (i.e. a 1 nearest neighbor classifier), you might want to consider training a classifier to do the classification for you. One reason for doing so is that the training of the classifier will hopefully learn some way to differentiate between the different shades of hues since it has access to them during the training phase and is required to differentiate them. Notice that simply computing a distance, i.e. your suggested method, may not have this property. Hopefully this will give better classification.
The features use in the training can still be the color histograms that I mention above. That is, you compute color histograms as described above for your training samples and pass this to the classifier along with their class (i.e. which shade they are). Then, when you wish to classify a test sample, you likewise compute a color histogram and pass it to the classifier and it will return you the class (shade of color in your case) the color of the test sample belongs to.
Potential problems when training a classifier rather than using a simple distance comparison based approach as you have suggested is partly the added complexity of the program as well as potentially getting bad results when the training data is not good. There is also going to be a lot of parameter tuning involved to get it to work well.
See the opencv machine learning tutorials here for more details. Note that in the examples in the link, the classifier only differentiate between 2 classes whereas you have more than 2 shades of color. This is not a problem as the classifiers in general can work with more than 2 classes.
Hope this helps.

How to match texture similarity in images?

What are the ways in which to quantify the texture of a portion of an image? I'm trying to detect areas that are similar in texture in an image, sort of a measure of "how closely similar are they?"
So the question is what information about the image (edge, pixel value, gradient etc.) can be taken as containing its texture information.
Please note that this is not based on template matching.
Wikipedia didn't give much details on actually implementing any of the texture analyses.
Do you want to find two distinct areas in the image that looks the same (same texture) or match a texture in one image to another?
The second is harder due to different radiometry.
Here is a basic scheme of how to measure similarity of areas.
You write a function which as input gets an area in the image and calculates scalar value. Like average brightness. This scalar is called a feature
You write more such functions to obtain about 8 - 30 features. which form together a vector which encodes information about the area in the image
Calculate such vector to both areas that you want to compare
Define similarity function which takes two vectors and output how much they are alike.
You need to focus on steps 2 and 4.
Step 2.: Use the following features: std() of brightness, some kind of corner detector, entropy filter, histogram of edges orientation, histogram of FFT frequencies (x and y directions). Use color information if available.
Step 4. You can use cosine simmilarity, min-max or weighted cosine.
After you implement about 4-6 such features and a similarity function start to run tests. Look at the results and try to understand why or where it doesnt work. Then add a specific feature to cover that topic.
For example if you see that texture with big blobs is regarded as simmilar to texture with tiny blobs then add morphological filter calculated densitiy of objects with size > 20sq pixels.
Iterate the process of identifying problem-design specific feature about 5 times and you will start to get very good results.
I'd suggest to use wavelet analysis. Wavelets are localized in both time and frequency and give a better signal representation using multiresolution analysis than FT does.
Thre is a paper explaining a wavelete approach for texture description. There is also a comparison method.
You might need to slightly modify an algorithm to process images of arbitrary shape.
An interesting approach for this, is to use the Local Binary Patterns.
Here is an basic example and some explanations :
See that method as one of the many different ways to get features from your pictures. It corresponds to the 2nd step of DanielHsH's method.
