Is there a way to get reported User ID from Flurry API? - ios

I have an iOS game using Flurry, so I'm sending to Flurry unique IDs for each player trough [Flurry setUserID:#"USER_ID"] and after some hours I'm getting this ID's from "Flurry Page >Events > Event Logs > Download CSV" to tie a user in my internal systems (as Flurry User ID is it evil? indicate); but this is a manual process and take a lot of time.
Is there a way to get this Event Logs from Flurry API? I'm currently using:
as Flurry indicates ( but this gives only a summary.

I contacted the Technical support, take a look at their answer
Thank you for contacting Flurry Technical Support. I will be happy to
answer your questions.
I'm afraid the raw data API is no longer available as it is being
phased out. Apologies for any inconvenience.
However, as an alternative to the raw data API we have introduced a
feature where you can download 100,000 rows of raw event logs from
under "Events-->Event Logs" on the left navigation. Just download
often so you don't miss anything.
The user ID on Flurry is available under the Events Logs section,
provided you've set it to be collected.
The user ID is set using this code: FlurryAgent.setUserID(String);
The Flurry userID can be used to tie a user back to your internal
systems. The userID will travel along with the user through out the
event logs. It is up to you to ensure that the userID is unique for
each individual user. It is highly recommended to seek user permission
before collecting any data for analytics.
Please let me know if I can assist further.


Facebook Analytics SDK for iOS app: how to disable value tracking for non-valuable events like App Install or Start Trial?

I'm running Facebook Ads campaigns for my iOS app and quite naturally I have Facebook Analytics SDK integrated inside my app to track App Installs and Start Trial events to measure the "quality" of the traffic my campaigns bring.
At the Analytics settings page inside Facebook developer dashboard.
I have the option Log In-App Events Automatically (Recommended) set to "Yes", which I presume enables the tracking of App Install and Start Trial events. There's also a Shared App Secret field filled in with the value from iTunesConnect.
Indeed, the App Install and Start Trial events have started to appear inside Analytics dashboard
However I noticed when viewing the stats for just App Installs there's a quite considerable value in USD attributed to these events. I decided to take a closer look into these events using Event Debugging
and selecting "App Install" in the events filter.
There I saw that some (only some and as if randomly) App Installs have a value associated with them. To me this is an unexpected behavior since I can't imagine revenue being made by just receiving an install.
Same goes for Start Trial event, which always has the value associated to it (equal to the sale price of a subscription period) and once again this makes no sense to me because started trials themselves bring no value to me. They may be canceled or may end up in Billing Retry when the user has no money on the bank card attached to their iTunes account, etc. I track the conversions from Start Trial to Purchase on my backend separately with great precision and only these conversions as well as subsequent renewals would bring real value to my business.
I can and will track these Purchases manually and post them to Facebook (server-to-server style) and I will supply the corresponding value to these events myself, which will help to understand the overall performance and ROI but I need to clean my stats from these "false" automatically and erroneously attributed values to App Install and Start Trial events first.
I've already reported this issue to Facebook few days ago, however they seem to be slow in handling such requests so I've decided to ask here if anybody ran into similar issue.
Add this to your plist file to disable Auto Event Logging
Thanks to Lena Bru for giving enough food to find a solution.
The Facebook documentation is scarce on the raised questions and the support answer literally headed me towards the documentation. To recap things, there were 2 main issues (the second one I've mentioned in the comments to Lena's reply):
Facebook was tracking value for the events, which brought no value to my business
Some of the events I've sent from backend didn't appear in the campaign reports
To solve both of these problems, I:
Turned off the value tracking option in the Facebook app settings
On the client side I've started setting up User ID (which the client receives from backend) according to Facebook documentation
I've started to send all of the events, which I wanted to view inside Facebook business cabinet, under custom names from backend. I've supplemented them with app_user_id parameter (see Advanced Matching for App Events in Facebook documentation) so that they could match the App Installs reported from client.
There's still a smaller issue left (it feels like Facebook reports include 20% less installs than actually happening) but the current setup is already something to begin with.

Audit logs retrieval in slack

I need to check audit logs for activities done between a timeperiod on my slack account. I couldn't find any API/methods which can help me with audit logs retrieval. I need to see what all users have been added, removed or invited between a given timeframe. Any help on how this can be done?
There are of course methods to download login (team.accessLogs) and integration activity (team.integrationLogs), but they only provide a part of the functionality you asked for and the first is only available on paid tier.
However you could develop a small custom app for logging all required activity using the new Event API. With the Event API your app can subscribe to any event type you like to log. Whenever an event of that type occures Slack will send a request to your app, with detailed context information. Your app can then store this info in a file for later retrieval and analysis.
e.g. users added:

Can I track session duration of a specific user-id via Google Analytics?

I have an iOS app with Google Analytics to track engagement/retention, and I have been trying to set up a way to track the session durations of specific users. I followed all of the steps to send the User-ID value when a user logs into a session (using &uid), and I have also created a User-ID enabled reporting view. However, I have no idea how to sift through the bulk session data to pick out the behavior of an individual user. Thanks for your time and help, this is really important to my company.
User ID - iOS SDK
The User ID feature enables the measurement of user activities that
span across devices in Google Analytics, such as attributing an
interaction with a marketing campaign on one mobile device to a
conversion that occurs on another mobile device or in the browser.
When User IDs are sent with Google Analytics hits using the userId
field, your reports will reflect a more accurate count of unique users
and offer new cross-device reporting options.
Userid is used internally by Google analytics to give you more actuate user data in your reports, there for your reports already have it included.
If you are trying to find the value itself so that you can track a user though their use of your application you cant. Google Analytics doesn't allow you to track individual users that would violate their privacy. You could add this value as a custom dimension and track them that way as long as its a non identifiable userid you are using, something that cant be tracked back to a specific user.

What code is needed to be notified in real-time whenever my iOS app is downloaded?

I recently published my first iOS app and felt really dissatisfied with apple's iTunesConnect portal for tracking app sales. Specifically, I can't tell what time of day the app was downloaded, and I have to wait for the results until the next morning.
Does anyone know a piece of code that can be unobstrusively inserted in my app that will somehow report to me after if has been installed for the first time? I don't want any privacy/rules violations, I just want the app to report that it has been downloaded, and maybe a few metrics regarding country/time/etc.
Thanks for the help!
Regarding a first run 'phone home,' is it possible to execute some HTML without having the user knowing (I don't want to interrupt their experience by opening a webbrowser). For example, some javascript from a statcounter? If not, what can I do?
There are a lot of analytics tools that can help you get better metrics.
Google Analytics
Google analytics gives you usage information in real time, which is nice.
Also, if your users log in through Facebook, they provide some interesting analytics as well.

Facebook: "URL could not be liked because it has been blocked" error in iOS app

I'm working on an iOS app that allows the user to like a Facebook page within the app. I've implemented this using FacebookLikeView. During the course of testing this functionality, I've liked and unliked the same page multiple times. Unfortunately, this seems to have triggered Facebook's spam detection. Now, when trying to like a page using the like button displayed by FacebookLikeView, the following error is presented: "URL could not be liked because it has been blocked".
Based on reports of the same problem found by searching the web, I've filled out this form to request that Facebook remove the block. However, I've received no response from them. I'm not sure how to proceed. Has anyone else run into this issue and successfully solved it?
With billions of pieces of content being shared on Facebook every month and bad actors constantly targeting the people who use Facebook, preventing spam isn't easy. Just as a community relies on its citizens to report crime, we rely on you to let us know when you encounter spam, which can be anything from a friend request sent by someone you don't know to a message that includes a link to a malicious website.
From : Explaining Facebook Spam Detection
This is no answer and what Donn Lee said is maybe the best answer.
My best guess at this is to send them lot information regarding you testing the app rather than abusing the system. You could try screenshots, contact info and explain what you are testing it for.
Try : Facebook Help Center
Developer Help : Rate Limits, Restrictions and Disables
Try filing a bug on the Facebook Developers Bugreporter.
If it's been a week and the site is still blocked, submit your site on this form.
if it comes down to no other option, there is also unrelated contact info on Facebook Newsroom, including the e-mail address
