Can I track session duration of a specific user-id via Google Analytics? - ios

I have an iOS app with Google Analytics to track engagement/retention, and I have been trying to set up a way to track the session durations of specific users. I followed all of the steps to send the User-ID value when a user logs into a session (using &uid), and I have also created a User-ID enabled reporting view. However, I have no idea how to sift through the bulk session data to pick out the behavior of an individual user. Thanks for your time and help, this is really important to my company.

User ID - iOS SDK
The User ID feature enables the measurement of user activities that
span across devices in Google Analytics, such as attributing an
interaction with a marketing campaign on one mobile device to a
conversion that occurs on another mobile device or in the browser.
When User IDs are sent with Google Analytics hits using the userId
field, your reports will reflect a more accurate count of unique users
and offer new cross-device reporting options.
Userid is used internally by Google analytics to give you more actuate user data in your reports, there for your reports already have it included.
If you are trying to find the value itself so that you can track a user though their use of your application you cant. Google Analytics doesn't allow you to track individual users that would violate their privacy. You could add this value as a custom dimension and track them that way as long as its a non identifiable userid you are using, something that cant be tracked back to a specific user.


How to generate specific user statistics from Firebase?

I'm using Firebase Auth and Firebase RTDB for a B2B App. At this time I would like to establish a mechanism to detect if the App has not been used in the last 24 hours and thus activate churn prevention schemes per user/company.
I have considered two alternatives:
Make a record in Firebase RTDB every time a person enters the APP, however I see the following drawbacks:
I must generate a new App update
I must modify the structure of the database with new records
I must establish new security rules
Use Firebase Analytics. I find this approach interesting, but I'm not sure if this type of behavior/event can be identified at the specific user level.
Is it possible to generate usage statistics for specific users in Firebase Analytics?
Can I have specific segments in Firebase analytics with specific UIDs grouped?
Have you tried any other approach to get this type of usage statistics?

Using Multipeer Connectivity Framework and saving the nearby devices founded

I am new to Swift and is currently developing an Multipeer Connectivity app for a course project. The app also has an online log-in feature that stores each user information in Firebase(the backend support).
Once the app gets wifi connection, I want to have a 'friends list' feature in my app and add other app users to this list from the nearby devices found. So far, the only way I could think of is to associate the peerID with an existing app user from Firebase. However, according to the documentation, peerID seems to be associated with the device itself so if two different users used the same device to sign in, this approach can't really work. Is there a better way to achieve my goal?
In my opinion, it depends on what do you want to go with your application as well as how you develop it regarding your business. One of possibility is that one user as a point of time is just registered one device. So you can provide a simple login screen that users will enter their name then map it with device id and save to Firebase. The username is considered as user id as well. So if they try to sign in from another device, you will check whether or not it existed in the system. if existed, ask them that wish to register this device or not, then update your map (user id and device id) from Firebase.
From your friend list, it is still a list of the username of your friends,in which you can add any nearby devices found.

Google Analytics for iOS 1-time (per user) event tracking

I am using Google Analytics iOS SDK (version 2 but will upgrade if it solves problem). How can I track what percentage of my app users have pressed a certain button at least once? I set up a lot of event tracking, thinking this would do it, but the reports are in terms of sessions not users. E.g., it will show what percentage of sessions included an event, so a single user may be counted multiple times. I defined a custom dimension variable that is unique for each app install, but I don't see how to use that as aggregation unit.
All I can think of is to define my own "one time events" by keeping my own database on the device and only pass to Google Analytics the first time it occurs. Is there no better way?
Google Analytics now offers User segment. You could create a user segment, and use the particular event you're interested in as a condition.
In the context of app measurement, a User is defined as a unique Client ID, which is the random ID generated by the GA SDK when the application first runs. It remains stable for as long as an app is installed.
More details here:

Is there a way to get reported User ID from Flurry API?

I have an iOS game using Flurry, so I'm sending to Flurry unique IDs for each player trough [Flurry setUserID:#"USER_ID"] and after some hours I'm getting this ID's from "Flurry Page >Events > Event Logs > Download CSV" to tie a user in my internal systems (as Flurry User ID is it evil? indicate); but this is a manual process and take a lot of time.
Is there a way to get this Event Logs from Flurry API? I'm currently using:
as Flurry indicates ( but this gives only a summary.
I contacted the Technical support, take a look at their answer
Thank you for contacting Flurry Technical Support. I will be happy to
answer your questions.
I'm afraid the raw data API is no longer available as it is being
phased out. Apologies for any inconvenience.
However, as an alternative to the raw data API we have introduced a
feature where you can download 100,000 rows of raw event logs from
under "Events-->Event Logs" on the left navigation. Just download
often so you don't miss anything.
The user ID on Flurry is available under the Events Logs section,
provided you've set it to be collected.
The user ID is set using this code: FlurryAgent.setUserID(String);
The Flurry userID can be used to tie a user back to your internal
systems. The userID will travel along with the user through out the
event logs. It is up to you to ensure that the userID is unique for
each individual user. It is highly recommended to seek user permission
before collecting any data for analytics.
Please let me know if I can assist further.

Setting a "tag" with Flurry Analytics for iOS

I am working on an iOS app, and using Flurry Analytics to track analytics. In the app, the user has the option of selecting a group to belong to. Is there a way to mark analytics with a tag, so that I can separate the analytics for each group in Flurry?
You can use the Segments feature in Flurry to track user groups based on age, gender, location, custom events, date range, etc. In your particular case, you can log an event when a user makes a selection, and assign that event to a unique Segment. The analytics of each Segment can be tracked independently on the developer dashboard. Please write to if you need any further assistance on this. (Disclaimer: I work at Flurry)
