Show a callout in a iOS UIView - ios

Is there a way to get custom callouts on a regular UIView in iOS?
What I am looking for is a solution similar to Quickactions in Android.
Has anyone tried to do this kind of implementation and been successful at it?

Short answer is NO, there is no built-in way to get something like this. However, you can build your own custom callout UIView and add it as a subview to the parent view.


iOS Disable scroll for map view ONLY while zooming

I am currently trying to look for a solution for disabling scrolling on a MKMapView while a person is zooming in/out. Does anyone know of a solution to this? Thanks!
I would check out this control which keeps the map centered on a point when zooming and it sounds like it should be able to achieve you desired effect. I'm not sure if you're using Objective-C or Swift since there is no tag, however you will be able to use this with either languages.

Custom Callout View like MKAnnotationView's Callout

I have a custom MKAnnotationView which I have customised according to the documentation of Apple Docs.
So far it's been really nice to follow it because it was very neat and clean code and I haven't used any third party for it. Here's the screenshot of it.
Now I am stuck at the UI part of it, making callout look like native callout. I don't want to use any other third party in which I would have to redo my work or I have to abandoned guidelines of Apple.
So I guess I am looking for a simple solution which I can make in my Callout View's xib or similar.
Ok so I have finally figured out a way. I was loading the callout view from a nib and I have made changing in it to mimic the native look. I have embedded my icons/uiimageview's into another uiview. Parent view will be transparent and child view(that contains all the icons now) will have another uiimageview(with callout arrow) at it's centre bottom.
This solved my problem.

How to draw inside a view in a UIScrollView or UIViewVontroller?

I want to implement a signature feature in my tabbar application. I want to add a subView to a UIScrollView or UIViewController (which ever is the more appropriate and easier). Which control should I use for it?
I want to pick the touch events on the signature view and draw on those points to get the signature. Any help would be highly appreciated.
You can use just a UIView for drawing points get touched. I needed to implement something like that and the following page was really helpful. It explains all with code. You may want to check it out.
First thing you need to read is this -
and check this apple demo - GLPaint
after that you may check this - tutorial

MKAnnotationView - Callout title or description with multiple lines?

Is it possible to display several lines in title or description/subtitle without writing your own custom annotation view, using i.e. MKPinAnnotationView?
I believe it's not possible.
What you need is to create a custom callout, and layout it the way you want. You can even mimic the native appearance.
This page can help you creating the custom callout:

how to make custom gestures in ios

is it possible to make custom gestures in iOS such as a zigzag, or a other lines types?
and can one link any action to a gesture. if you know an answer, or a link to an answer or exlanation, please share ... thanks
It is possible to create your own gesture recognizers. You can look at this section of the Event Handling Guide for iOS which gives information as to how you can build your own custom subclass.
