Search multiple keywords in Youtube GData Youtube class - youtube

The Youtube API document says that multiple keywords can be searched during video fetch as per the below link.
The below link gives some examples for the same. The example provided for the "q" parameter says that we can use NOT (-) and OR (|) operator in the search:
Example: q=boating%7Csailing does a search for either boating or sailing.
I am able to understand these points. My question is I am using ZendGData library in Zend Framework 2 to search the videos. I am not sure how to provide multiple keywords for the search.
$yt = new ZendGData\YouTube();
$query = $yt->newVideoQuery();
All the combinations that I tried is provided below. None of them works.
$query->setQuery("french or tamil");
Note: The docs says to use url encode so that the pipe symbol is encoded. That's why I treid %7C in the search.
The URL generated by the ZendGData class is:|tamil&start-index=58&max-results=50&safeSearch=none&orderby=viewCount&format=5&v=2
This does not fetch the videos with keyword "tamil". All the videos are from the first keyword only.
Please point me in the correct direction.

Or this with a simple space. Tested it and it found all the keywords
So try this $query->setQuery("french tamil"); or $query->setQuery(urlencode(("french tamil"));
Also your start-index looks strange and should that not be start-index=1


What encoding technique needs to be used on keywords containing special characters to fetch YouTube videos

I'm trying to fetch YouTube videos for keyword 'Color&Co' but I'm unable to get similar response through YouTube API as compared to manually searching same keyword on
I have tried following encoding techniques to get response from YouTube API similar to manually searching on
keyword = 'Color&Co'
I'm expecting YouTube API to return response similar to searching same keywords with special characters on
Since it is a GET request to the endpoint documented here and the search term is passed as the q query string, you only need to use standard query string encoding as for any url. Even works with emojis.
Thus: ...?q=Color%26Co

Using Adwords, is it possible to create url specific to each keyword for thousands of keywords?

Every URL ends with the same pattern, "Part-123456789" where the "Part" is a constant and the "123456789" is a part number. I want to run an adwords campaign targetting every part # and directing to the unique url for that part. Is there a simple way to do this?
Note: Adwords Editor is giving me ambiguous rowtype errors whenever I try to upload the keywords and URL's together in the same line of a .csv file.
The available value track parameters for AdWords tracking templates offers both the keyword ID and matched keyword:
You could use this to determine the part number in the URL but it may require some mapping in the content management system.

Using Python RegEx in Zapier Formatter Extract Pattern

I have a field in an RSS item that includes a URL such as:,1
I'm trying to setup a Zap in Zapier using the Formatter tool to essentially extract the root domain without the .com. So:
I have no clue how to use the Formatter Extract Pattern tool though. Can't figure out the syntax.
Best case scenario, it can look at any URL and extract the name of the site (e.g. facebook/google/yelp). If that's too complicated, then I could provide a finite list of what terms to look for and have it return the first (and only) one found. So it would check if the URL contained facebook or google or yelp and if so return that name as a value.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
This is totally possible. The input is the text you want to search (the full url) and the pattern is your regular expression.
In your case, you want to find the word between www. and .com. Use the regular expression www\.(\w+)\.com.
That worked for me, and pulled out yelp.
You can see each part of the regex explained here:
​Let me know if you've got any other questions!

How to specify a language using Insight API for Twitter from IBM Bluemix Platform

I'm starting to use Insight API for Twitter from IBM Bluemix.
It's hard to find supporting resource for using this. So far I am using CURL and specifically formed URL to query the API service, and the service returns results in JSON format.
Here's an example of the URL I used with CURL to search for some tweets with the API:
https://(my seucrity key)$MSFT%28posted:2016-01-01T00:00:00Z,2016-09-01T00:00:00Z%29&size=20
This URL returns a JSON object with tweets with keyword #MSFT, and between the time frame of 2016-1-1 to 2016-9-1, only return 20 tweets.
I would like to add to that link by specifying a language for the tweet to search for, so far I come up empty. Can you please help me ?
I have tried adding the following to the URL and did not do anything:
lang=EN, lang="en"
lang:en, lang:EN
The syntax is lang:en and you need to make sure to include it as part of your query.
I created the following query based on the one you provided in your question:
The unencoded query is
($MSFT AND posted:2016-01-01T00:00:00Z,2016-09-01T00:00:00Z AND lang:en)
You can find documentation here.
But in this link you can find more details on the syntax, which is:

Decode url_encoded_fmt_stream_map to valid Url

Im using url_encoded_fmt_stream_map to get a List of Youtube VideoStream "urls".
I want to use these urls to show Youtube videos in my VideoView.
My method pretty much returns a String Array containing Strings like this:
If you have a close look at it, you can see that this String actually contains valid information. Unfortunately I have no idea how to extract a valid url out of this.
How would I do that?
If I create an URI with the String above and add it to my VideoView, a message "Can't play this video." pops up.
As you probably know, youtube link looks like that:
And as you said, all the parameters we need are shown in your string.
There are 2 important parameters we need to extract from your string: url and signature.
The Link eventually should look like this: url + "&signature=" + sig.
You can take a look at my code, where I extract all the available links out of youtube link. It's wriitten in java for an android app: link
Thank you for your effort.
I solved this problem by sticking to the official YouTube API. Also see this question:
Getting YouTube Video ID including parameters
