Decode url_encoded_fmt_stream_map to valid Url - parsing

Im using url_encoded_fmt_stream_map to get a List of Youtube VideoStream "urls".
I want to use these urls to show Youtube videos in my VideoView.
My method pretty much returns a String Array containing Strings like this:
If you have a close look at it, you can see that this String actually contains valid information. Unfortunately I have no idea how to extract a valid url out of this.
How would I do that?
If I create an URI with the String above and add it to my VideoView, a message "Can't play this video." pops up.

As you probably know, youtube link looks like that:
And as you said, all the parameters we need are shown in your string.
There are 2 important parameters we need to extract from your string: url and signature.
The Link eventually should look like this: url + "&signature=" + sig.
You can take a look at my code, where I extract all the available links out of youtube link. It's wriitten in java for an android app: link

Thank you for your effort.
I solved this problem by sticking to the official YouTube API. Also see this question:
Getting YouTube Video ID including parameters


Search multiple keywords in Youtube GData Youtube class

The Youtube API document says that multiple keywords can be searched during video fetch as per the below link.
The below link gives some examples for the same. The example provided for the "q" parameter says that we can use NOT (-) and OR (|) operator in the search:
Example: q=boating%7Csailing does a search for either boating or sailing.
I am able to understand these points. My question is I am using ZendGData library in Zend Framework 2 to search the videos. I am not sure how to provide multiple keywords for the search.
$yt = new ZendGData\YouTube();
$query = $yt->newVideoQuery();
All the combinations that I tried is provided below. None of them works.
$query->setQuery("french or tamil");
Note: The docs says to use url encode so that the pipe symbol is encoded. That's why I treid %7C in the search.
The URL generated by the ZendGData class is:|tamil&start-index=58&max-results=50&safeSearch=none&orderby=viewCount&format=5&v=2
This does not fetch the videos with keyword "tamil". All the videos are from the first keyword only.
Please point me in the correct direction.
Or this with a simple space. Tested it and it found all the keywords
So try this $query->setQuery("french tamil"); or $query->setQuery(urlencode(("french tamil"));
Also your start-index looks strange and should that not be start-index=1

Google reader public RSS get more than 9 items

We need to parse the data from a google reader public rss feed, the problem is that the url parameter n=numerofitemstoretrieve only works up to n=9
For example in our test url:
Retrieves 2 news items
Retrieves only 9 news items
How can we overcome this limitation? Is there another parameter for this case? Or another method?
We found that using this alternative url the n parameter works fine:
The only problem is the output format its different this way, so if someone finds a better solution we will grant the response to him/her
It seems the results are cropped only when the url is viewed in the browser...if you get the web contents from code it returns the correct item count...(in contrast using the alternative url the returned contents are right both ways: getting them from code as well as viewing it in the browser)
In Atom format (link in the top right in the two urls in the OP) :
The content with /api/ in the URL in the second post is in JSON format, slightly harder to parse than the Atom XML.

Parse list of Short URL's

I have a nice long list of shortened URLs with identifiers, like:
Wondering if a utility exists to feed a list of shortened links and have it return the long version?
The full url is available as an entity.
You can get this with the streaming API.
Here is an example for you : Twitter Full URL - Shortened URL

Youtube API missing field

I have problem getting statistics information from youtube data api. I make a request to, it works for some, but for some video id, the response does not contain 'entry', 'yt$statistics', 'gd$rating' for example:
zLcbznigfs missing 'entry', aVfN6XjACDY missing 'yt$statistics', fjhQ9Kf4iHk missing 'gd$rating'
After moving around, i found out the solution for this: use &alt=atom instead of using &alt=json, which means that we better read from Atom feed than JSON (and feedparser is an excellent module for doing this). I have checked this with several video id, it works fine.
Hope that help. Thanks.

URL for a link to Twitter for a specific tweet

I have some Javascript that uses Twitter API to get tweets. I parse the data and use jQuery to generate HTML for the DOM.
An aspect of what I want to display is a "View this tweet" link -- yeah, sorta sounds silly, but it allows a user to get a URL for a specific tweet.
I am generating an a tag with an href. The URL is of the form:{twitter-user-id}/status/{tweet-status-id}
where the content in curly braces is actual data extracted from the tweet (no, I am not including the curly braces). For example:
What happens in operation is that this works for some tweets, but not others. For the ones that fails, the Twitter server responds with content that says the requested page does not exist.
Am I doing something wrong? should work.
it will redirect to the needed status.
Unfortunately, all of the answers provided so far rely on an HTTP redirect.
The direct link is of the form:{tweet-status-id}
FYI: id_str is the variable you need to call instead of id
id_str should be taken from the tweet object and replaced in[id_str]
You can use like:[YOURID]
Twitter redirect based on status ID not username.
It works for desktop and mobile.
You can use
''+ user.screen_name+'/status/' + id_str
I've been tried it. It's work good:
- Web :
- Mobile && Web:
I hope it's helpful for you.
