I have a model called DeviceState which contains states like "active","offline","online".
I have another model called Device which belongs_to to DeviceState.
To have methods such as #device.active? and #device.offline? on the device model, I've defined a dynamic method like so:
DeviceState.all.each do |method|
define_method((method.name + "?").to_sym) do
self.device_state.name == method.name
My problem is that when I try to create tests on the Device model, the dynamic method are not created because the DeviceState model hasn't been populated on the database while the test environment started up. So by the time I create the DeviceState data with factory girl, it would be too late.
One solution I tried is to seed the DeviceState in spec_helper, however while this worked for the first test it didn't work for all the rest as the database cleaner removed the data.
What would be the best way to overcome those dynamically defined methods?
As everyone pointed out in the comments, you should make the list of states static rather than dynamic based on a database table.
If you do decide to make this list static, you do the following to avoid having to write a new method every time you add a state.
class Devise < ActiveRecord::Base
extend EnumFieldUtil
enum_field :devise_state, %w[active offline online]
Using a utility method that you can define in lib folder so that you can re-use it in other models if neccesary
module EnumFieldUtil
def enum_field(field, allowed_values)
allowed_values.each do |value|
class_eval %Q{
define_method("is_#{value}?") { self.#{field} == '#{value}' }
class_eval %Q{
validates_inclusion_of :#{field}, :in => #{allowed_values}, :message => "{{value}} must be in #{allowed_values.join ','}"
Inspired by Ryan Bate's Rail Casts on state machines
I want to hide certain implementations from the main Model methods, because of clean code reasons. I don't want my Model to contain a lot of huge methods, only the clearest and verbose functionalities.
For example:
class SomeModel
#included stuff
#fields & attrs
def modelMethod
variable = functionality1(functionality2)
if some condition
Should I put my functionality methods under a private or protected part at the end of the same model file, or should I put them into a helper file?
If I'm right, the codes in the helpers are only used for the View. What is the convention for this?
Having private or protected has nothing to do with the type of cleanup you're trying to do.
This is related to inheritance method visibility/access (though inheritance can obviously be used for reusability).
Methods will depends on reusability. Why not leverage concerns? Say we have SomeModel and want multiple models to implement suspensions.
# app/models/some_model.rb
class SomeModel
include Suspendable
Then add your model concern.
# app/models/concerns/suspendable.rb
module Suspendable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
has_one :suspension
scope :active, -> { joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN suspensions').where(suspension: {id: nil} }
Or if this only really applies to a single model, but want to keep the model strictly DB manipulations (not Business oriented), then you could have namespaced concerns.
# app/models/concerns/some_model/availability.rb
module SomeModel::Availability
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
module ClassMethods
def availabilities_by_some_logic
If you have a method or set of methods that are used in various models:
Rails Concerns
This is different from private/protected and you can have private/protected methods in a concern. This is just how to extract out duplication.
If you have a method that is needed by the model, and only the model (not subclasses of the model, and never called outside the class:
If you have a method that is needed by the model and its subclasses but not from outside the model:
If you need to be able to call the method from outside the class:
this answer goes into better detail on those
So the goal is to turn for instance "ProductCustomer", which comes from the class, into "product customer".
I used to have this:
It didn't work out of course, since if the notifiable is nil it breaks. I don't
want to use try or something similar since it can be solved with using notifiable_type.
So now I changed to this:
notification.notifiable_type.split(/(?=[A-Z])/).join(' ').downcase
But this is way too complex to use every time in the view. So either I would like to define this as a view helper or using some ruby formatting method if there is a simple one.
Can somebody tell me what the Rails convention is in this case? If it's a helper, how does the method looks like and where should I put it?
module MyModule
def human_model_name
ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, MyModule)
Including MyModule in ActiveRecord::Base will add human_model_name in all ActiveRecord instances. So, you will be able to do...
user.human_model_name #=> user
notification.human_model_name #=> notification
notification.notifiable.human_model_name #=> product customer
any_active_record_instance.human_model_name #=> etc.
To avoid exceptions when notifiable is nil, you can use try method.
A cleaner way can be use delegate
class Notification < ActiveRecord::Base
delegate :human_model_name, to: :notifiable, prefix: true, allow_nil: true
Then, you can do:
notification.notifiable_human_model_name # if notifiable is nil will return nil as result instead of an exception
A simple method in your Notification model
class Notification < ActiveRecord::Base
def human_notifable_name
return unless self.notifiable # to avoid exception with nil notifiable
View Helper (If you think this is a view related method only)
module ApplicationHelper # or NotificationHelper
def human_model_name(instance)
return unless instance # to avoid exception with nil instance
Then, in your view...
<%= human_model_name(notification.notifiable) %>
Either option is fine. I would use one or the other depending on the case. In this case, I would use the first option. I think you are adding behaviour that can be useful in any model. I mean your method is not directly related with something about notifications. In a more generic way you want a method to return the class name of an ActiveRecord's instance. Today you want the model name of the notifiable ActiveRecord's instance. But, tomorrow you may want the model name of any ActiveRecord model.
To answer the question "Where should I put a method?" I suggest to break (without fear) a little bit the MVC pattern and read about:
Decorators, presenters and delegators
(a little bit old, but you can get the idea)
In railscasts project you can see this code:
before(:each) do
login_as Factory(:user, :admin => true)
The corresponding definition for the function is:
Factory.define :user do |f|
f.sequence(:github_username) { |n| "foo#{n}" }
I can't understand how the admin parameter is passing to function, while in the function there's no word about admin parameter. Thanks
Factory.define is not a function definition, it is a method that takes a symbol or string (in this case user) and a block that defines the factory you are making. Factory(:user, :admin => true) makes a User object, with admin attributes. It is not calling the code in your second snippet, it is calling Factory() which initializes a factory, and selects one (in this case the one defined in second snippet). Then it passes options in hash form to Factory as well.
Factory selects the :user factory which is very generic. The option :admin=>true just tells Factory to set the admin instance variable on User to true.
This is actually what it is calling in factory.rb in factory girl
def initialize(name, options = {}) #:nodoc:
#name = factory_name_for(name)
#options = options
#attributes = []
So Factory(name,options) is equivalent to Factory.new(name,options) in this code.
http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Kernel.html Notice Array and String etc have similar constructs. I am trying to figure out how they did that now.
This is all confusing even for decent Ruby programmers. I recommend strongly the book "Metaprogramming Ruby" It is probably the best book I have read in ruby and it tells you a lot about this magic stuff.
Michael Papile's response is essentially correct. However, I'd like to elaborate upon it a bit as there are some technical nuances that you might wish to be aware of. I looked over the code for railscasts and factory_girl and I believe there are a few extra pieces to the puzzle that explain how the :admin => true arg ends up creating the admin attribute of the user factory. The attribute addition does not actually happen by way of Factory's initialize() method, although as Michael pointed out that method is indeed being called in service of building the new user factory object.
I'm going to include in this explanation all the steps I took in case you'd like to see how to go about investigating similar questions you might have.
Since your original post is dated Feb. 17th I looked at the version of railscasts that closely matches that date.
I looked in its Gemfile:
Line 18:
gem "factory_girl_rails"
I then checked out the commit of factory_girl_rails that most closely matched the Feb 17th date.
Line 16:
s.add_runtime_dependency('factory_girl', '~> 2.0.0.beta')
factory_girl version 2.0.0.beta was actually not so easy to find. There are no github tags with that name so I just checked out the closest in terms of commit date.
Lines 122-128:
# Shortcut for Factory.default_strategy.
# Example:
# Factory(:user, :name => 'Joe')
def Factory(name, attrs = {})
Factory.default_strategy(name, attrs)
So the Factory invocation in railscasts is actually calling a convenience method which invokes the "default strategy", which is located in the same file:
Lines 39-52:
# Executes the default strategy for the given factory. This is usually create,
# but it can be overridden for each factory.
# Arguments:
# * name: +Symbol+ or +String+
# The name of the factory that should be used.
# * overrides: +Hash+
# Attributes to overwrite for this instance.
# Returns: +Object+
# The result of the default strategy.
def self.default_strategy(name, overrides = {})
self.send(FactoryGirl.find(name).default_strategy, name, overrides)
Note that FactoryGirl.find is invoked to get the object on which to invoke default_strategy. The find method resolves to here:
Lines 12-14:
def find(name)
#items[name.to_sym] or raise ArgumentError.new("Not registered: #{name.to_s}")
Here the name is :user. Thus we wish to invoke default_strategy on the user factory. As Michael Papile pointed out, this user factory was defined and registered by the railscasts code that you originally thought was the class definition for Factory.
Lines 23-25:
Factory.define :user do |f|
f.sequence(:github_username) { |n| "foo#{n}" }
So in investigating what the default strategy is for the user factory, I looked around in the railscasts project and found this:
Lines 43-45:
def default_strategy #:nodoc:
#options[:default_strategy] || :create
:create is the default strategy. We go back to factory_girl to find the def for create.
Lines 37-55:
# Generates, saves, and returns an instance from this factory. Attributes can
# be individually overridden by passing in a Hash of attribute => value
# pairs.
# Instances are saved using the +save!+ method, so ActiveRecord models will
# raise ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid exceptions for invalid attribute sets.
# Arguments:
# * name: +Symbol+ or +String+
# The name of the factory that should be used.
# * overrides: +Hash+
# Attributes to overwrite for this instance.
# Returns: +Object+
# A saved instance of the class this factory generates, with generated
# attributes assigned.
def create(name, overrides = {})
FactoryGirl.find(name).run(Proxy::Create, overrides)
The create strategy calls the run method defined here:
Lines 86-97:
def run(proxy_class, overrides) #:nodoc:
proxy = proxy_class.new(build_class)
overrides = symbolize_keys(overrides)
overrides.each {|attr, val| proxy.set(attr, val) }
passed_keys = overrides.keys.collect {|k| FactoryGirl.aliases_for(k) }.flatten
#attributes.each do |attribute|
unless passed_keys.include?(attribute.name)
A translation/summarization of what this code is doing:
First, the proxy object is built by calling new on the proxy_class, which in this case is Proxy::Create, which is defined here:
Basically all you need to know is that proxy is building a new user factory object and invoking callbacks before and after the factory object is created.
Going back to the run method, we see that all the extra args that were originally passed into the Factory convenience method (in this case, :admin => true) are now being labelled as overrides. The proxy object then invokes a set method, passing in each attribute-name/value pair as args.
The set() method is part of the Build class, the parent class of Proxy.
Lines 12-14:
def set(attribute, value)
#instance.send(:"#{attribute}=", value)
Here #instance refers to the proxied object, the user factory object.
This then, is how :admin => true is set as an attribute on the user factory that the railscasts spec code creates.
If you want, you can google "programming design patterns" and read about the following patterns: Factory, Proxy, Builder, Strategy.
Michael Papile wrote:
http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Kernel.html Notice Array and
String etc have similar constructs. I am trying to figure out how they
did that now.
If you are still curious, the Array and String you see in the Kernel doc are actually just factory methods used to create new objects of those types. That's why no new method invocation is needed. They are not actually constructor calls per se, but they do allocate and initialize Array and String objects, and hence under the hood they are doing the equivalent of calling initialize() on objects of those types. (In C though, of course, not Ruby)
I don't think that second snippet is the definition for the function. Function definitions have def and end. I think that second snippet looks like a function or method being called with an argument of :user and a block that takes an f parameter.
Of course with metaprogramming you can never really be sure what the hell is going on.
So, I have a database of people on an external system, and I want to set up the code to easily create people records internal to our sysem based on the external system. The field names, of course, are not the same, so I've written some code which maps from one table to the next.
class PeopleController < ApplicationController
def new
#person = Person.new
if params[:external_id] then
initialize_from_external_database params[:external_id]
def initialize_form_external_database(external_id)
external = External::Person.find(external_id)
if external.nil?
#person.name_last = exteral.last_name
#person.name_first = external.first_name
Okay, so the stuff in the "else" statement I can write as a loop, which would use a hash something like:
FieldMappings = {
:name_last => :last_name,
:name_first => :first_name,
:calculated_field => lambda {|external_person| ... },
But where would you put this hash? Is it natural to put it in the External::Person class because the only reason we access those records is to do this initialization? Or would it go in the controller? Or a helper?
Added: Using Rails 2.3.5.
I'd put this code in the External::Person to avoid Person even having to know it exists. Use a 'to_person' method (or maybe 'to_internal_person') on External::Person. Keep the Hash in External::Person and use it to perform the generation. Either way as JacobM says, you want this code in your model, not controller.
class PeopleController < ApplicationController
def new
if external = External::Person.find_by_id params[:external_id]
#person = external.to_person
#person = Person.new
If you're in Rails 3.x (maybe also in 2.x, I'm not sure), you can put miscellaneous classes and modules in your /extras folder which is included in the autoloader path. This is where I always put things of this nature, but I' not aware of any Rails convention for this sort of thing.
First of all, I would do that work in your (internal) Person model -- give it a class method like create_person_from_external_person that takes the external person and does the assignments.
Given that, I think it would be OK to include the hash within that Person model, or somewhere else, as Josh suggests. What would be particularly cool would be to write a generic create_person_from_external_person method that would ask the external person for a hash and then do the mapping based on that hash; that approach could support more than one type of external person. But that may be overkill if you know this is the only type you have to deal with.
I wouldn't put it in the controller, but, again, I wouldn't do that work in the controller either.
You can put it on a module on the lib directory so you don't mess any of your classes that will be full of awesome code that will probably last many years. Another good reason is you can then include/require your mapping module everywhere you need it (maybe in your tests).
module UserMapping
FIELDS = { :last_name => :name_last, .... }
If you drop the module on the lib and you use rails 3 you should put this on your config/application.rb file:
config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)
On Rails::VERSION::MAJOR < 3 the lib directory is automatically added to the autoload_path
In my rails app I would like to track who changes my model and update a field on the model's table to reflect.
So, for example we have:
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
before_create :set_creator
belongs_to :creator, :class_name => "User"
def set_creator
# no access to session[:user_id] here...
What's a good testable way for me to get at the user_id from my model? Should I be wacking this data in Thread.current ?
Is it a better practice to hand this information from the controller?
Best practice in MVC is to have your Models be stateless, the controller gets to handle state. If you want the information to get to your models, you need to pass it from the controller. Using a creation hook here isn't really the right way to go, because you are trying to add stateful data, and those hooks are really for stateless behavior.
You can pass the info in from the controller:
Foo.new(params[:foo].merge {:creator_id => current_user.id})
Or you can create methods on User to handle these operations:
class User
def create_foo(params)
Foo.new(params.merge! {:creator_id => self.id})
If you find yourself writing a lot of permissions code in the controller, I'd go with option 2, since it will let you refactor that code to the model. Otherwise option 1 is cleaner.
Omar points out that it's trickier to automate, but it can still be done. Here's one way, using the create_something instance method on user:
def method_missing(method_sym, *arguments, &block)
meth = method_sym.to_s
if meth[0..6] == "create_"
obj = meth[7..-1].classify.constantize.new(*arguments)
obj.creator_id = self.id
You could also override the constructor to require user_ids on construction, or create a method inside ApplicationController that wraps new.
There's probably a more elegant way to do things, but I definitely don't like trying to read state from inside Model code, it breaks MVC encapsulation. I much prefer to pass it in explicitly, one way or another.
Yeah, something like that would work, or having a class variable on your User model
cattr_accessor :current_user
Then in your controller you could have something like:
User.current_user = current_user
inside a before filter (assuming current_user is the logged in user).
You could then extend AR:Base's create/update methods to check for the existence of a created_by/updated_by field on models and set the value to User.current_user.
I'd create new save, update, etc methods that take the user_id from everything that calls them (mainly the controller).
I'd probably extend ActiveRecord:Base into a new class that handles this for all the models that need this behaviour.
I wouldn't trust Thread.current, seems a bit hackish. I would always call a custom method which takes an argument:
def create_with_creator(creator, attributes={})
r = new(attributes)
r.creator = creator
As it follows the MVC pattern. The obviously inherient problem with this is that you're going to be calling create_with_creator everywhere.
You might find PaperTrail useful.
Probably you could check out usertamp plugins, found two in github