Xcode5 iOS7 - UIPopoverController Corner Radius - ios

I'm transitioning an application to iOS 7 which has been fairly smooth, there's one thing I cannot figure out.
I have a view controller with a couple buttons that I display with a UIPopoverController.
It looks to me like the popover controller is doing something to clip the content of it's view controller to be rounded.
iOS6 (I want this):
iOS7 (something changed):
I'm using custom popover controller background class described here http://blog.teamtreehouse.com/customizing-the-design-of-uipopovercontroller
Here's my specific version of that background class http://pastebin.com/fuNjBqwU
Does anyone have any idea what to change to get it back to my iOS 6 look?

In popover content controller:
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
self.view.superview.layer.cornerRadius = 0;

I tried getting #OneSman7's solution to work, but the view with the cornerRadius wasn't the direct superview of the contentViewController.view instance. Instead, I had to walk up the view hierarchy searching for the one whose cornerRadius is no 0 and reset it (which is just a UIView instance, no special class name to check for). A less than ideal solution, but seems to work so far.
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
UIView *view = self.view;
while (view != nil) {
view = view.superview;
if (view.layer.cornerRadius > 0) {
view.layer.cornerRadius = 2.0;
view = nil;

Perhaps you could just replace your background view's contentViewInsets with:
+ (UIEdgeInsets)contentViewInsets{
return UIEdgeInsetsZero;
And then just give your contentViewController's view some extra padding on its edges, so that even though the corners will still be rounded, they won't contain any of your popover content so the rounding effect won't be visible.


Bounds automatically changes on UIScrollView with content insets

I'm using a UIScrollView as my paging scroll view, pagesScrollView. Inside that, I put individual UIScrollViews which are used exclusively for zooming. Inside each of those, I have one view which is the page item which should be zoomable. All of that is inside a UINavigationController with a translucent navbar.
My pagesScrollView has contentInset.top = 64 and bounds.origin.y = -64 (that seems weird to me, but that's what the system is setting automatically for me), and this works just fine. My screen looks great!
However, after I scroll the pagesScrollView even a tiny bit, as soon as scrollViewWillEndDragging is called, the pagesScrollView begins an animated change from bounds.origin.y = -64 to bounds.origin.y = 0 which causes my page items to be obscured by the navbar.
On the left is what it looks like when it loads, on the right is what it looks like after I drag just a few pixels and then let go, it slides up under the navbar (because the bounds.origin.y goes to 0).
The problem is that I don't have any code that is altering the bounds and I don't have any code in the various scroll delegate methods that do anything. I've added a bunch of scroll delegate methods and just added NSLog()s so I can figure out when/where the change is happening, but it's not happening anywhere in my code.
So, I don't know what code I can show you to help you help me.
EDIT: I built a new project from scratch to remove all other variables.. I put a bare UIViewController into a UINavigationController. I put a UIScrollView into my View the entire size of the view. The following code is the entire project.
It turns out the issue (described below) only appears once PAGING IS ENABLED on the UIScrollView! Wtf? :)
Here is a link to download a basic project with only a few lines of code which demonstrates the problem. Just click in the scrollview and you'll see it shift up as the bounds change. http://inadaydevelopment.com/stackoverflow/WeirdScrollViews.zip
How can I have paging enabled on my scrollview without the bounds freaking out during scrolling and shifting everything under the nav bar?
It's possible to set the navbar to opaque and the problem is avoided, but the ideal is to have standard iOS7 behavior so that after the content view is zoomed, THEN the content is allowed to be under the navbar and should show through the translucency normally.
- (void) viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
NSArray *colors = #[
[UIColor blueColor],
[UIColor orangeColor],
[UIColor magentaColor],
NSArray *zoomerColors = #[
[UIColor greenColor],
[UIColor yellowColor],
[UIColor purpleColor],
self.scroller.pagingEnabled = YES;
[self.scroller setContentSize:CGSizeMake(self.scroller.frame.size.width*colors.count, self.scroller.frame.size.height)];
CGRect subviewFrame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 160, 240);
for (int index=0; index < colors.count; index++) {
UIColor *color = [colors objectAtIndex:index];
UIColor *zoomerColor = [zoomerColors objectAtIndex:index];
UIView *subview = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:subviewFrame];
subview.backgroundColor = color;
CGRect zoomerFrame = CGRectMake(index*self.scroller.frame.size.width, 0, self.scroller.frame.size.width, self.scroller.frame.size.height);
UIScrollView *zoomer = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:zoomerFrame];
[zoomer addSubview:subview];
zoomer.backgroundColor = zoomerColor;
[self.scroller addSubview:zoomer];
Just switch off Adjust Scroll View Insets
It's an iOS bug. I created the following subclass of UIScrollView to get a log of what happens to y over time and who was pushing it:
#implementation CSScrollView
- (void)setContentOffset:(CGPoint)contentOffset
NSLog(#"%0.0f %#", contentOffset.y, [NSThread callStackSymbols]);
NSLog(#"[%#]", self.layer.animationKeys);
[super setContentOffset:contentOffset];
(and changed the view class in the storyboard)
When you release your finger, a method called UIScrollView _smoothScrollDisplayLink: starts animating the scroll view to its final position. As per the second log, there's no CAAnimation involved, the scroll view uses its own display link to do its own transition. That custom code appears to make the mistake of animating from y = whatever to y = 0, failing to take the content offset into account.
As a proof-of-concept hack I changed the code to:
#implementation CSScrollView
- (void)setContentOffset:(CGPoint)contentOffset
contentOffset.y = -64.0f;
[super setContentOffset:contentOffset];
And, unsurprisingly, the problem went away.
You probably don't want to hard code the -64.0f but I'd conclude:
it's an iOS bug;
work around it by rejecting nonsensical values via a subclass of UIScrollView with a suitable custom implementation of - setContentOffset:.
A sensible generic means might be to check the state of self.panGestureRecognizer — that'll allow you to differentiate between scrolls the user is responsible for and other scrolls without relying on any undocumented API or complicated capturing of delegate events. Then if necessary crib the correct contentOffset.y from the current value rather than hardcoding it.
My pagesScrollView has contentInset.top = 64 and bounds.origin.y = -64 (that seems weird to me, but that's what the system is setting automatically for me), and this works just fine. My screen looks great!
It because of iOS 7 sets contentInset.top to 64 on all scrollviews.
Just add this line of code into your view controller and all will work as expected:
-(UIRectEdge)edgesForExtendedLayout {
return UIRectEdgeNone;
I checked on your example project.
I have checked you example use below code in viewController.m file
if ([[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion].floatValue>=7.0) {
self.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeNone;
It's working fine...
It turns out the issue (described below) only appears once PAGING IS ENABLED on the UIScrollView! Wtf? :)
As you said that, If you enable the scroll paging, the UIScrollView will stop at a paging edge after a dragging or any movement, which is promised by the framework. Bounds.origin.y set by zero means that the first page edge matched the scroll view frame edge, cuz you have 64 contentInsets there. So that's not bug, that is what it is. And since your bar is translucent, remember where is your scroll view's frame edge, it's under the bar. In a word, this is not a bug, I think, but a effect of scroll paging.

Strange UISearchDisplayController view offset behavior in iOS 7 when embedded in navigation bar

I am building an iOS 7-only app. I am trying to set a UISearchDisplayController into the navigation bar.
I have it set up like this: In the storyboard, I added a "Search Bar and Search Display Controller" to my view controller's view, and set it at (0,0) relative to the top layout guide. I set constraints to pin to left, top and right. (I played with the constraints, i removed them completely, it doesn't matter) On top of that I have my Table view. When I added the search bar to the view in the storyboard, it automatically setup outlets for searchDisplayController and searchBar delegate. In code I have self.searchDisplayController.displaysSearchBarInNavigationBar = YES; I have two problems:
1) Without any buttons showing for the search bar (Interface builder -> select search bar -> Options: none selected) the search bar is in the middle of the screen:
If I click on the navigation bar, it starts editing the search bar:
notice also that the dark overlay appears to be offset from the navigation bar. It seems to me that the space is the same height as the navigation bar. Like it has been shifted down by that much. Also, when it displays the search results, the top of the content view is shifted down by the same amount (more pictures follow), which brings me to the second problem.
2) I messed around with it for a while and decided to check the option to have it show the cancel button. Now I have the search bar embedded in the nav bar correctly, but the overlay is still shifted down:
Again, when the search results table view appears, it is shifted down by the same amount (notice the scroll bar on the right side):
Even more bizarrely, I set a border on the search display controller's tableview layer, and it appears correct:
I have never used the UISearchDisplayController before and I unfamiliar with how to set it up, but functionally it works fine. I have read some other similar posts but the only advice is to hack it up by adjusting frames and setting manual offsets. I'd prefer to know what is causing this, is it a bug? Something I'm doing wrong? If it's a bug I can wait for a fix. It seems like such a basic thing that a thousand people must have done without any problem so I feel like I'm not setting it up correctly somehow. Thanks for you input.
I remember running into the same exact problem that you are observing.There could be a couple of solutions you can try.
If you are using storyboards
You should click on the view controller or TableView Controller which you have set up for your tableview and go to its attribute inspector and look under ViewController section and set the Extend Edges section to be under Top Bars.
If you are not using storyboards you can manually set the settings using the viewcontrollers edgesForExtendedLayout property and that should do the trick. I was using storyboards.
In my case, using storyboards, I had to check both Under Top Bars and Under Opaque Bars and leave Under Bottom Bars unchecked.
In my case, I actually had to uncheck all the Extended Edges boxes (essentially the same as programmatically setting Extended Edges to UIRectEdgeNone I believe) in my Storyboard in order to stop my search bar from offsetting itself. Thank you guys!
definesPresentationContext = true
override func viewDidLoad() {
searchController = UISearchController(searchResultsController: nil)
searchController.searchResultsUpdater = self
searchController.hidesNavigationBarDuringPresentation = false
searchController.dimsBackgroundDuringPresentation = true
searchController.searchBar.searchBarStyle = UISearchBarStyle.Prominent
self.tableView.tableHeaderView = searchController.searchBar
definesPresentationContext = true
or see UISearchBar presented by UISearchController in table header view animates too far when active
My problem was just Adjust scroll view inserts. After change to false I didn't have problem
I had a same problem. And I solve this issue with adding view object under the tableview.
Add new ViewController on the Storyboard
Drag TableView to the new VC
Drag Table Cell to the TableView
Make a Connection for TableView DataSource, TableView Delegate to the new VC
I had very similar behavior happening. For me, the solution was to uncheck Extend Edges Under Top Bar in the storyboard settings for the parent view controller (I've turned off transparent navbars, not sure if that effects anything). If you're not using storyboard, you have to set [UIViewController edgesForExtendedLayout].
From the Apple docs:
This property is only applied to view controllers that are embedded in containers, such as UINavigationController or UITabBarController. View controllers set as the root view controller do not react to this property. Default value is UIRectEdgeAll.
Unfortunately none of the above solutions worked for me, I'm using a UITableViewController.
This link helped:
I put the code below for convenience:
static UIView *PSPDFViewWithSuffix(UIView *view, NSString *classNameSuffix) {
if (!view || classNameSuffix.length == 0) return nil;
UIView *theView = nil;
for (__unsafe_unretained UIView *subview in view.subviews) {
if ([NSStringFromClass(subview.class) hasSuffix:classNameSuffix]) {
return subview;
}else {
if ((theView = PSPDFViewWithSuffix(subview, classNameSuffix))) break;
return theView;
- (void)correctSearchDisplayFrames {
// Update search bar frame.
CGRect superviewFrame = self.searchDisplayController.searchBar.superview.frame;
superviewFrame.origin.y = 0.f;
self.searchDisplayController.searchBar.superview.frame = superviewFrame;
// Strech dimming view.
UIView *dimmingView = PSPDFViewWithSuffix(self.view, #"DimmingView");
if (dimmingView) {
CGRect dimmingFrame = dimmingView.superview.frame;
dimmingFrame.origin.y = self.searchDisplayController.searchBar.frame.size.height;
dimmingFrame.size.height = self.view.frame.size.height - dimmingFrame.origin.y;
dimmingView.superview.frame = dimmingFrame;
- (void)setAllViewsExceptSearchHidden:(BOOL)hidden animated:(BOOL)animated {
[UIView animateWithDuration:animated ? 0.25f : 0.f animations:^{
for (UIView *view in self.tableView.subviews) {
if (view != self.searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView &&
view != self.searchDisplayController.searchBar) {
view.alpha = hidden ? 0.f : 1.f;
// This fixes UISearchBarController on iOS 7. rdar://14800556
- (void)correctFramesForSearchDisplayControllerBeginSearch:(BOOL)beginSearch {
if (PSPDFIsUIKitFlatMode()) {
[self.navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:beginSearch animated:YES];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self correctSearchDisplayFrames];
[self setAllViewsExceptSearchHidden:beginSearch animated:YES];
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.25f animations:^{
self.searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView.alpha = beginSearch ? 1.f : 0.f;
- (void)searchDisplayControllerWillBeginSearch:(UISearchDisplayController *)controller {
[self correctFramesForSearchDisplayControllerBeginSearch:YES];
- (void)searchDisplayControllerDidBeginSearch:(UISearchDisplayController *)controller {
[self correctSearchDisplayFrames];
- (void)searchDisplayControllerWillEndSearch:(UISearchDisplayController *)controller {
[self correctFramesForSearchDisplayControllerBeginSearch:NO];
- (void)searchDisplayController:(UISearchDisplayController *)controller didShowSearchResultsTableView:(UITableView *)tableView {
// HACK: iOS 7 requires a cruel workaround to show the search table view.
if (PSPDFIsUIKitFlatMode()) {
controller.searchResultsTableView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(self.searchDisplayController.searchBar.frame.size.height, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
Go to storyboard.
Click on the view controller.
Go to attribute inspector under the ViewController section.
Set the Extend Edges section to be Under Top Bars and Under Opaque Bars.
Make sure to un-check Under Bottom Bars.

iOS 7 UISearchBar right spacing

Don't know why, my search bar in iOS 7 is leaving a right space. It's ok in iOS 6.
I know it has something to do with the section index, because if I remove it the space disappears, but I don't know how to fix it. Any thoughts?
Embed your UISearchBar in a UIView and then add that as the tableHeaderView. Structuring it that way in a storyboard worked for me. I'm guessing iOS resizes the UISearchBar in the tableHeaderView, but leaves a basic UIView alone (and doesn't bother to look inside it).
You might also want to make the section index transparent, which I did with:
[[UITableView appearance] setSectionIndexBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
[[UITableView appearance] setSectionIndexTrackingBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
Until a better answer appears, I just manually changed the frame of the search bar like this:
- (void)viewDidLayoutSubviews {
[super viewDidLayoutSubviews];
CGRect barFrame = self.searchBar.frame;
barFrame.size.width = self.view.bounds.size.width;
self.searchBar.frame = barFrame;
I had this same issue with the iPhone 6/ 6Plus when using a SearchDisplayController. (Using Swift)
I tried setting the frame of the search bar but with no luck but i noticed that if i tapped on the textField of the UISearchBar and then cancelled it then it would take on the proper size of the view. I therefore managed to fix the issue by calling the code below in ViewDidLoad of the viewController using the search.
self.searchController.setActive(true, animated: false)
self.searchController.setActive(false, animated: false)
self.contactsTableView.sectionIndexBackgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
The reason for that white edge is because your index layer has a white background and is on top of the search bar. This should be sufficient.
Add the search bar inside a UIView put as tableView's header view. Set the tableview's sectionIndexBackgroundColor to clear color because it covers the header.
Tested with iOS 7, 7.1;
Because the table view always leaves 15px on the right for section Indexes View, so you should resize the Seach bar after reloading the table view
self.tblData.sectionIndexBackgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor]; //(iOS >= 7 only)
Cheating time:
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView willDecelerate:(BOOL)decelerate
[self performSelector:#selector(resizeSearchBar) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.01];
- (void) resizeSearchBar
CGRect frame = self.searchBar.frame;
if (frame.size.width < self.tblData.frame.size.width) {
frame.size.width = self.tblData.frame.size.width;
self.searchBar.frame = frame;
- (void) reloadTableData // call it anytime you want to reload table view
[self.tblData reloadData];
[self performSelector:#selector(resizeSearchBar) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.01];
Dont cheat like me, just do the simpler way:
self.searchBar.searchBarStyle = UISearchBarStyleMinimal; // iOS >= 7 only
I also attached a UISearcBar in my application, and nothing is wrong there even my application supports rotation also.
Could you try removing and re creating UISearchBar in storyboard/xib
I added the search bar as a subview of the top-level view instead of the table view. Used autolayout to pin the searchbar to the top guide, and a vertical space constraint of 0 between the search bar and the table view.
The accepted solution with the method viewDidLayoutSubviews makes the screen flicker.
Instead what I did was create a subclass of UISearchBar that simply does this:
#interface FullWidthSearchBar : UISearchBar
#import "FullWidthSearchBar.h"
#implementation FullWidthSearchBar
- (void)setFrame:(CGRect)frame {
frame.size.width = self.superview.bounds.size.width;
[super setFrame:frame];
And then I assigned that class to the search bar on my xib:
The problem is the right white block, so if we change the block color the same as the search bar background, it looks normal.
if (IOS7) {
self.tableview.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:self.searchBar.backgroundImage];

topLayoutGuide in child view controller

I have a UIPageViewController with translucent status bar and navigation bar. Its topLayoutGuide is 64 pixels, as expected.
However, the child view controllers of the UIPageViewController report a topLayoutGuide of 0 pixels, even if they're shown under the status bar and navigation bar.
Is this the expected behavior? If so, what's the best way to position a view of a child view controller under the real topLayoutGuide?
(short of using parentViewController.topLayoutGuide, which I'd consider a hack)
While this answer might be correct, I still found myself having to travel the containment tree up to find the right parent view controller and get what you describe as the "real topLayoutGuide". This way I can manually implement automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets.
This is how I'm doing it:
In my table view controller (a subclass of UIViewController actually), I have this:
- (void)viewWillLayoutSubviews {
[super viewWillLayoutSubviews];
_tableView.frame = self.view.bounds;
const UIEdgeInsets insets = (self.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets) ? UIEdgeInsetsMake(self.ms_navigationBarTopLayoutGuide.length,
0.0) : UIEdgeInsetsZero;
_tableView.contentInset = _tableView.scrollIndicatorInsets = insets;
Notice the category methods in UIViewController, this is how I implemented them:
#implementation UIViewController (MSLayoutSupport)
- (id<UILayoutSupport>)ms_navigationBarTopLayoutGuide {
if (self.parentViewController &&
![self.parentViewController isKindOfClass:UINavigationController.class]) {
return self.parentViewController.ms_navigationBarTopLayoutGuide;
} else {
return self.topLayoutGuide;
- (id<UILayoutSupport>)ms_navigationBarBottomLayoutGuide {
if (self.parentViewController &&
![self.parentViewController isKindOfClass:UINavigationController.class]) {
return self.parentViewController.ms_navigationBarBottomLayoutGuide;
} else {
return self.bottomLayoutGuide;
Hope this helps :)
I might be wrong, but in my opinion the behaviour is correct. The topLayout value can be used by the container view controller to layout its view's subviews.
The reference says:
To use a top layout guide without using constraints, obtain the guide’s position relative to the top bound of the containing view.
In the parent, relative to the containing view, the value will be 64.
In the child, relative to the containing view (the parent), the value will be 0.
In the container View Controller you could use the property this way:
- (void) viewWillLayoutSubviews {
CGRect viewBounds = self.view.bounds;
CGFloat topBarOffset = self.topLayoutGuide.length;
for (UIView *view in [self.view subviews]){
view.frame = CGRectMake(viewBounds.origin.x, viewBounds.origin.y+topBarOffset, viewBounds.size.width, viewBounds.size.height-topBarOffset);
The Child view controller does not need to know that there are a Navigation and a Status bar : its parent will have already laid out its subviews taking that into account.
If I create a new page based project, embed it in a navigation controller, and add this code to the parent view controllers it seems to be working fine:
you can add a constraint in the storyboard and change it in viewWillLayoutSubviews
something like this:
- (void)viewWillLayoutSubviews
[super viewWillLayoutSubviews];
self.topGuideConstraint.constant = [self.parentViewController.topLayoutGuide length];
The documentation says to use topLayoutGuide in viewDidLayoutSubviews if you are using a UIViewController subclass, or layoutSubviews if you are using a UIView subclass.
If you use it in those methods you should get an appropriate non-zero value.
Documentation link:
In case if you have UIPageViewController like OP does and you have for example collection view controllers as children. Turns out the fix for content inset is simple and it works on iOS 8:
- (void)viewWillLayoutSubviews {
[super viewWillLayoutSubviews];
UIEdgeInsets insets = self.collectionView.contentInset;
insets.top = self.parentViewController.topLayoutGuide.length;
self.collectionView.contentInset = insets;
self.collectionView.scrollIndicatorInsets = insets;
This has been addressed in iOS 8.
How to set topLayoutGuide position for child view controller
Essentially, the container view controller should constrain the child view controller's (top|bottom|left|right)LayoutGuide as it would any other view. (In iOS 7, it was already fully constrained at a required priority, so this didn't work.)
I think the guides are definitely meant to be set for nested child controllers. For example, suppose you have:
A 100x50 screen, with a 20 pixel status bar at the top.
A top-level view controller, covering the whole window. Its topLayoutGuide is 20.
A nested view controller inside the top view covering the bottom 95 pixels, eg. 5 pixels down from the top of the screen. This view should have a topLayoutGuide of 15, since its top 15 pixels are covered by the status bar.
That would make sense: it means that the nested view controller can set constraints to prevent unwanted overlap, just like a top-level one. It doesn't have to care that it's nested, or where on the screen its parent is displaying it, and the parent view controller doesn't need to know how the child wants to interact with the status bar.
That also seems to be what the documentation--or some of the documentation, at least--says:
The top layout guide indicates the distance, in points, between the top of a view controller’s view and the bottom of the bottommost bar that overlays the view
That doesn't say anything about only working for top-level view controllers.
But, I don't know if this is what actually happens. I've definitely seen child view controllers with nonzero topLayoutGuides, but I'm still figuring out the quirks. (In my case the top guide should be zero, since the view isn't at the top of the screen, which is what I'm banging my head against at the moment...)
This is the approach for the known guide length. Create constrains not to guides, but to view's top with fixed constants assuming guide distance will be.
Swifty implementation of #NachoSoto answer:
extension UIViewController {
func navigationBarTopLayoutGuide() -> UILayoutSupport {
if let parentViewController = self.parentViewController {
if !parentViewController.isKindOfClass(UINavigationController) {
return parentViewController.navigationBarTopLayoutGuide()
return self.topLayoutGuide
func navigationBarBottomLayoutGuide() -> UILayoutSupport {
if let parentViewController = self.parentViewController {
if !parentViewController.isKindOfClass(UINavigationController) {
return parentViewController.navigationBarBottomLayoutGuide()
return self.bottomLayoutGuide
Not sure if anyone still got problem with this, as I still did a few minutes ago.
My problem is like this (source gif from https://knuspermagier.de/2014-fixing-uipageviewcontrollers-top-layout-guide-problems.html).
For short, my pageViewController has 3 child viewcontrollers. First viewcontroller is fine, but when I slide to the next one, the whole view is incorrectly offset to the top (~20 pixel, I guess), but will return to normal after my finger is off the screen.
I stayed up all night looking for solution for this but still no luck finding one.
Then suddenly I came up with this crazy idea:
[pageViewController setViewControllers:#[listViewControllers[1]] direction:UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirectionForward animated:NO completion:^(BOOL finished) {
[pageViewController setViewControllers:#[listViewControllers[0]] direction:UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirectionForward animated:YES completion:^(BOOL finished) {
My listViewControllers has 3 child viewcontrollers. The one at index 0 has problem, so I firstly set it as root of pageviewcontroller, and right after that set it back to the first view controller (as I expected).
Voila, it worked!
Hope it helps!
This is an unfortunate behavior that appears to have been rectified in iOS 11 with the safe-area API revamp. That said, you will always get the correct value off the root view controller. For example, if you want the upper safe area height pre-iOS 11:
Swift 4
let root = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow!.rootViewController!
let topLayoutGuideLength = root.topLayoutGuide.length

How can I modify PKRevealController slide-out menus to deal with iOS 7?

I have an application using PKRevealController which implements a slide-out menu similar to the ones in the popular Facebook and GMAIL apps on iOS. The app is built in XCode 5, and runs on iOS 6 and iOS 7. I need to figure out how to have it work sanely in both places, so a simple .XIB hack that makes it look okay in iOS 7 but makes it look worse in iOS 6 is not okay.
The code works great for iOS 6, where the status bar is opaque and the top view is not alpha-blended with the status bar.
However, on iOS 7, just for example, I have created this view in my .xib file, here is how it appears running in ioS 6 simulator, shown here with the slide out menu opened:
The same .xib file running on ios 7, when the slide-out menu open, the top of the slide out menu's .xib content is now under the status bar, as Apple said it would be in their ios 7 transition guide:
The class I need to modify in PKRevealController is probably the presenting view controller that is creating and presenting the contained view, the contained view is called PKRevealControllerContainerView, I think. I think I probably need to create
some kind of view hierarchy like this:
[ Outermost View container
[ some kind of blob to occupy the header area ]
[ the client view I want to appear the way it did in iOS 6]
I've been reading around, and there may be much simpler approaches, but I don't quite understand them, approaches like adding properties to my info.plist, like View controller-based status bar appearance = YES. I tried that it did not have the desired effect.
How do I go about fixing this? I have read the Fine Guide published by Apple and it has not provided code, only general guidance like this page on the status bar.
It's easy to replicate this problem, just clone the git repo https://github.com/pkluz/PKRevealController, build and run.
The code that brings up the pop-up view looks like this:
- (void)addLeftViewControllerToHierarchy
if (self.leftViewController != nil && ![self.childViewControllers containsObject:self.leftViewController])
[self addChildViewController:self.leftViewController];
self.leftViewContainer.viewController = self.leftViewController;
if (self.leftViewContainer == nil)
self.leftViewContainer = [[PKRevealControllerContainerView alloc] initForController:self.leftViewController shadow:NO];
self.leftViewContainer.autoresizingMask = [self autoresizingMaskForLeftViewContainer];
self.leftViewContainer.frame = [self leftViewFrame];
[self.view insertSubview:self.leftViewContainer belowSubview:self.frontViewContainer];
[self.leftViewController didMoveToParentViewController:self];
The above is invoked by PKRevealController.m, like this:
- (void)showLeftViewControllerAnimated:(BOOL)animated
__weak PKRevealController *weakSelf = self;
void (^showLeftViewBlock)(BOOL finished) = ^(BOOL finished)
[weakSelf removeRightViewControllerFromHierarchy];
[weakSelf addLeftViewControllerToHierarchy]; // HELLO LEFT Slide-out menu.
Is there a better approach than my idea? Did Apple provide some way to make this easy or does trying to support iOS 6 and iOS 7 in a single codebase leave me doing hacks like the above I'm considering?
Here, for instance, is a really ugly hack where I don't bother placing any view underneath the apple system status bar, leaving a black bar at the top, which is no good, but it shows I'm modifying the right area in the code, at least:
- (void)addLeftViewControllerToHierarchy
CGRect lvFrame;
if (self.leftViewController != nil && ![self.childViewControllers containsObject:self.leftViewController])
[self addChildViewController:self.leftViewController];
self.leftViewContainer.viewController = self.leftViewController;
if (self.leftViewContainer == nil)
self.leftViewContainer = [[PKRevealControllerContainerView alloc] initForController:self.leftViewController shadow:NO];
self.leftViewContainer.autoresizingMask = [self autoresizingMaskForLeftViewContainer];
lvFrame = [self leftViewFrame];
lvFrame.origin.y += 20; // ugly hack demo code only! don't really do it this badly!
lvFrame.size.height -= 20;
self.leftViewContainer.frame = lvFrame;
[self.view insertSubview:self.leftViewContainer belowSubview:self.frontViewContainer];
[self.leftViewController didMoveToParentViewController:self];
The above hack is almost enough, if I also add this to UIViewController+PKRevealController.m:
return UIStatusBarStyleBlackOpaque;
The above code, when added, causes the following hint/warning:
Category is implementing a method that will also be implemented by its primary class.
I'm including the above notes to show what I've tried, and I welcome some idea of how the real experts are doing this.
My own modified copy of the PKRevealController code, including the hack above, in a slightly improved form, is found here: https://github.com/wpostma/PKRevealController
I've been struggling with PKRevealController as well. While I'm still looking for better solutions I will share what I came up with until now.
My two problems were:
Status bar style was always the same and I wanted a different style for the front view and the menu;
The menu view top cell (it's a table view controller) showed up behind the status bar.
1. Dynamic status bar style
First I had my own PKRevealController subclass where I was having a custom initialiser and some custom methods to load new view controllers into the front view navigation view controller. But that's not relevant for now.
I used this subclass to implement preferredStatusBarStyle as follows so that the reveal controller can provide the right style for each state:
- (UIStatusBarStyle)preferredStatusBarStyle {
switch (self.state) {
case PKRevealControllerFocusesLeftViewController:
return [self.leftViewController preferredStatusBarStyle];
case PKRevealControllerFocusesRightViewController:
return [self.rightViewController preferredStatusBarStyle];
case PKRevealControllerFocusesFrontViewController:
return [self.frontViewController preferredStatusBarStyle];
case PKRevealControllerFocusesLeftViewControllerInPresentationMode:
return [self.leftViewController preferredStatusBarStyle];
case PKRevealControllerFocusesRightViewControllerInPresentationMode:
return [self.rightViewController preferredStatusBarStyle];
return UIStatusBarStyleDefault;
This alone doesn't work however. You still have to say that the status bar style needs to change with setNeedsStatusBarAppearanceUpdate. As Apple says this should be called from inside an animation loop and you can find one in PKRevealController's setFrontViewFrameLinearly method. This is how it looks after I've modified it:
- (void)setFrontViewFrameLinearly:(CGRect)frame
[UIView animateWithDuration:duration delay:0.0f options:options animations:^
self.frontViewContainer.frame = frame;
if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:#"7.0" options:NSNumericSearch] != NSOrderedAscending) {
[self setNeedsStatusBarAppearanceUpdate];
completion:^(BOOL finished)
safelyExecuteCompletionBlockOnMainThread(completion, finished);
If you try it out at this point the styles will be mixed up. You can quickly conclude that by the time preferredStatusBarStyle is called the reveal controller state is still not changed. For that go to every method that sets the state, e.g. enterPresentationModeForRightViewControllerAnimated and set the state before it calls any change to the frame (the one is going to trigger the animation loop). I did it in 5 different places.
2. Left/Right menu with inset
For this one I have to say I used a workaround: I've just set a header view on the table view (tableHeaderView property).
Put this in viewDidLoad of your UITableViewController:
UIView *headerView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.f, 0.f, self.tableView.frame.size.width, 20.f)];
headerView.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
self.tableView.tableHeaderView = headerView;
Don't forget to add some condition so it doesn't get executed in iOS 6. Use this other answer to know how to do it.
If you don't need iOS 5- support, you could use autolayout and align topmost views to topLayoutGuide.
So, for example, if your left view controller is a UIViewController with a UITableView in it, you could snap UITableView's top edge to the topLayoutGuide.
You can do it in (1) IB (storyboard) or (2) from code.
I personally prefer the first approach, as far as it removes the need of unnecessary code. You just open your storyboard and snap your table view's top edge to topLayoutGuide. In iOS 7 you'll end up with topLayoutGuide constraint, in iOS6 topLayoutGuide constraint is converted to a common to-container-view constant.
If you use second approach, you'll have to make sure you don't use topLayoutGuide in iOS6, something like this:
// assume you'r in your UIViewController subclass
if (![self respondsToSelector:#selector(topLayoutGuide)])
// topLayoutGuide is not supported, probably iOS6
// add constraints to snap tableview's top edge to superview's top edge
// cool, topLayoutGuide is supported, probably iOS7
// add constraints to snap tableview's top edge to topLayoutGuide
