Performing multiple queries on the same model efficiently - ruby-on-rails

I've been going round in circles for a few days trying to solve a problem which I've also struggled with in the past. Essentially its an issue of understanding the best (or an efficient) way to perform multiple queries on a model as I'm regularly finding my pages are very slow to load.
Consider the situation where you have a model called Everything. Initially you perform a query which finds those records in Everything which match certain criteria
#chosenrecords = Everything.where('name LIKE ?', 'What I want').order('price ASC')
I want to remember the contents of #chosenrecords as I will present them to the user as a list, however, I would also like to understand more of the attributes of #chosenrecords,for instance
#minimumprice = #chosenrecords.first
#numberofrecords = #chosenrecords.count
When I use the above code in my controller and inspect the command history on the local server, I am surprised to find that each of the three queries involves an SQL query on the original Everything model, rather than remembering the records returned in #chosenrecords and performing the query on that. This seems very inefficient to me and indeed each of the three queries takes the same amount of time to process, making the page perform slowly.
I am more experienced in writing codes in software like MATLAB where once you've calculated the value of a variable it is stored locally and can be quickly interrogated, rather than recalculating that variable on each occasion you want to know more information about it. Please could you guide me as to whether I am just on the wrong track completely and the issues I've identified are just "how it is in Rails" or whether there is something I can do to improve it. I've looked into concepts like using a scope, defining a different variable type, and caching, but I'm not quite sure what I'm doing in each case and keep ending up in a similar hole.
Thanks for your time

You are partially on the wrong track. Rails 3 comes with Arel, which defer the query until data is required. In your case, you have generated Arel query but executing it with .first & then with .count. What I have done here is run the first query, get all the results in an array and working on that array in next two lines.
Perform the queries like this:-
#chosenrecords = Everything.where('name LIKE ?', 'What I want').order('price ASC').all
#minimumprice = #chosenrecords.first
#numberofrecords = #chosenrecords.size
It will solve your issue.


What is one way that I can reduce .includes association query?

I have an extremely slow query that looks like this:
people = includes({ project: [{ best_analysis: :main_language }, :logo] }, :name, name_fact: :primary_language)
.where(name_id: limit(limit).unclaimed_people(opts))
Look at the includes method call and notice that is loading huge number of associations. In the RailsSpeed book, there is the following quote:
“For example, consider this:
Car.all.includes(:drivers, { parts: :vendors }, :log_messages)
How many ActiveRecord objects might get instantiated here?
The answer is:
# Cars * ( avg # drivers/car + avg log messages/car + average parts/car * ( average parts/vendor) )
Each eager load increases the number of instantiated objects, and in turn slows down the query. If these objects aren't used, you're potentially slowing down the query unnecessarily. Note how nested eager loads (parts and vendors in the example above) can really increase the number of objects instantiated.
Be careful with nesting in your eager loads, and always test with production-like data to see if includes is really speeding up your overall performance.”
The book fails to mention what could be a good substitute for this though. So my question is what sort of technique could I substitute for includes?
Before i jump to answer. I don't see you using any pagination or limit on a query, that may help quite a lot.
Unfortunately, there aren't any, really. And if you use all of the objects in a view that's okay. There is a one possible substitute to includes, though. It quite complex, but it still helpful sometimes: you join all needed tables, select only fields from them that you use, alias them and access them as a flat structure.
Something like
(NOTE: it uses arel helpers. You need to include ArelHelpers::ArelTable in models where you use syntax like NameFact[:id])
relation.join(name_fact: :primary_language).select(
I'm not sure it will work for your case, but that's the only alternative I know.
I have an extremely slow query that looks like this
There are couple of potential causes:
Too many unnecessary objects fetched and created. From you comment, looks like that is not the case and you need all the data that is being fetched.
DB indexes not optimised. Check the time taken by query. Explain the generated query (check logs to get query or .to_sql) and make sure it is not doing table scan and other costly operations.

How can I disable lazy loading of active record queries?

I want to query some objects from the database using a WHERE clause similar to the following:
#monuments = Monument.where("... lots of SQL ...").limit(6)
Later on, in my view I use methods like #monuments.first, then I loop through #monuments, then I display #monuments.count.
When I look at the Rails console, I see that Rails queries the database multiple times, first with a limit of 1 (for #monuments.first), then with a limit of 6 (for looping through all of them), and finally it issues a count() query.
How can I tell ActiveRecord to only execute the query once? Just executing the query once with a limit of 6 should be enough to get all the data I need. Since the query is slow (80ms), repeating it costs a lot of time.
In your situation you'll want to trigger the query before you your call to first because while first is a method on Array, it's also a “finder method” on ActiveRecord objects that'll fetch the first record.
You can prompt this with any method that requires data to work with. I prefer using to_a since it's clear that we'll be dealing with an array after:
#moments = Moment.where(foo: true).to_a
# SQL Query Executed
#moments.first #=> (Array#first) <Moment #foo=true>
#moments.count #=> (Array#count) 42
In this case, you can also use first(6) in place of limit(6), which will also trigger the query. It may be less obvious to another developer on your team that this is intentional, however.
AFAIK, #monuments.first should not hit the db, I confirmed it on my console, maybe you have multiple instance with same variable or you are doing something else(which you haven't shared here), share the exact code and query and we might debug.
Since, ActiveRecord Collections acts as array, you can use array analogies to avoid querying the db.
Regarding first you can do,
Regarding the count, yes, it is a different query which hits the db, to avoid it you can use length as..

Thinking Sphinx & Rails questions

I'm building my first Rails app and have it working great with Thinking Sphinx. I'm understanding most of it but would love it if someone could help me clarify a few conceptual questions
When displaying search results after a sphinx query, should I be using the sphinx_attributes that are returned from the sphinx query? Or should my view use normal rails objects, such as #property.title, #property.amenities.title etc? If I use normal rails objects, doesn't that mean its doing extra queries?
In a forum, I'd like to display 'unread posts'. Obviously this is true/false for each user/topic combination, so I'm thinking I should be caching the 'reader' ids within the topic's sphinx index. This way I can quickly do a query for all unread posts for a given user_id. I've got this working, but then realised its pointless, as there is a time delay between sphinx indexes. So if a user clicks on an unread post, it will still appear unread until the sphinx DB is re-indexed
I'm still on development so I'm manually indexing/rebuilding, but on production, what is a standard time between re-indexing?
I have a model with several text fields - should I concat these all into one column in the sphinx index for a keyword search? Surely this is quicker than indexing all the separate fields.
Slightly off-topic, but just wondering - when you access nested models, for example, does this affect performance? Or does rails automatically fetch all associated entries when a property is pulled from the database?
To answer each of your points:
For both of your examples, sphinx_attributes would not be helpful. Firstly, you've already loaded the property, so the title is available directly without an extra database hit. And for property.amenities.title you're dealing with an array of strings, which Sphinx has no concept of. Generally, I would only use sphinx_attributes for complicated calculated attributes, not standard column references.
Yes, you're right, there will be a delay with this value.
It depends on how often your data changes. I have some apps where I can index every day because changes are so rare, but others where we'll run it every 10 minutes. If the data is particularly volatile, I'll look at using deltas (usually via Sidekiq) to have changes reflected in Sphinx in a few seconds.
I don't think it's much difference either way - unless you want to search on any of those columns separately? If so, it'll need to be a separate field.
By default, as you use each property's agents, the agents for that property will be loaded from the database (one SQL call per property). You could look at the eager loading docs for how to manage this better when you're dealing with multiple records. Thinking Sphinx has the ability to pass through :include options to the underlying ActiveRecord call.

DB-agnostic Calculations : Is it good to store calculation results ? If yes, what's the better way to do this?

I want to perform some simple calculations while staying database-agnostic in my rails app.
I have three models:
.---------------. .--------------. .---------------.
| ImpactSummary |<------| ImpactReport |<----------| ImpactAuction |
`---------------'1 *`--------------'1 *`---------------'
ImpactAuction holds data about... auctions (prices, quantities and such).
ImpactReport holds monthly reports that have many auctions as well as other attributes ; it also shows some calculation results based on the auctions.
ImpactSummary holds a collection of reports as well as some information about a specific year, and also shows calculation results based on the two other models.
What i intend to do is to store the results of these really simple calculations (just means, sums, and the like) in the relevant tables, so that reading these would be fast, and in a way that i can easilly perform queries on the calculation results.
is it good practice to store calculation results ? I'm pretty sure that's not a very good thing, but is it acceptable ?
is it useful, or should i not bother and perform the calculations on-the-fly?
if it is good practice and useful, what's the better way to achieve what i want ?
Thats the tricky part.At first, i implemented a simple chain of callbacks that would update the calculation fields of the parent model upon save (that is, when an auction is created or updated, it marks some_attribute_will_change! on its report and saves it, which triggers its own callbacks, and so on).
This approach fits well when creating / updating a single record, but if i want to work on several records, it will trigger the calculations on the whole chain for each record... So i suddenly find myself forced to put a condition on the callbacks... depending on if i have one or many records, which i can't figure out how (using a class method that could be called on a relation? using an instance attribute #skip_calculations on each record? just using an outdated field to mark the parent records for later calculation ?).
Any advice is welcome.
Bonus question: Would it be considered DB agnostic if i implement this with DB views ?
As usual, it depends. If you can perform the calculations in the database, either using a view or using #find_by_sql, I would do so. You'll save yourself a lot of trouble: you have to keep your summaries up to date when you change values. You've already met the problem when updating multiple rows. Having a view, or a query that implements the view stored as text in ImpactReport, will allow you to always have fresh data.
The answer? Benchmark, benchmark, benchmark ;)

Search a relation without a second query

My question is about how to perform varying levels of search into a database while limiting the number of queries.
Let's start simple:
#companies = Company.where("active = ?", true)
Let's say we display records from this set. Then, we need:
#clientcompanies = #companies.where("client_id = ?",
We display something from #clientcompanies. Then, we want to drill down further.
#searchcompanies = #clientcompanies.where("name LIKE ? OR notes LIKE ?", "#{params[:search]}%", "#{params[:search]}%")
Are these three statements the most efficient way to go about this?
If indeed the database is starting with the entire Company table each time around, is there a way to limit the scope so each of the above statements would take a shorter amount of time as the size of the set diminishes?
In case it matters, I'm running Rails 3 on both MySQL and PostgreSQL.
It doesn't get much more optimized then what you're already doing. Exactly zero of those statements will execute a SQL query until you try to iterate over the results. Calling methods like all, first, inspect, any?, each etc will be when the query is executed.
Each time you chain on a new where or other arel method, it appends to the sql query that it'll execute at the end. If, somewhere in the middle, you want to see the query that'll be executed you can do puts #searchcompanies.to_sql
Note that if you run these commands in the console each statement appears to run a SQL query only because the console automatically runs .inspect on the line you entered.
Hopefully I answered your question :)
There's a great railscast here: that explains how ActiveRelation works, and what you can do with it.
I may have mis-understood your question. You indicated that after each where call you were displaying information from the query. What's the use-case for this? Are you displaying all companies on the same page that you have filtered-out companies from a search? If you display something from that very first query then you will be pulling every single company row from your database (which is not going to be very scalable or performant at larger quantities of company entries).
Would it not make sense to only display information from the #searchcompanies variable?
