DB-agnostic Calculations : Is it good to store calculation results ? If yes, what's the better way to do this? - ruby-on-rails

I want to perform some simple calculations while staying database-agnostic in my rails app.
I have three models:
.---------------. .--------------. .---------------.
| ImpactSummary |<------| ImpactReport |<----------| ImpactAuction |
`---------------'1 *`--------------'1 *`---------------'
ImpactAuction holds data about... auctions (prices, quantities and such).
ImpactReport holds monthly reports that have many auctions as well as other attributes ; it also shows some calculation results based on the auctions.
ImpactSummary holds a collection of reports as well as some information about a specific year, and also shows calculation results based on the two other models.
What i intend to do is to store the results of these really simple calculations (just means, sums, and the like) in the relevant tables, so that reading these would be fast, and in a way that i can easilly perform queries on the calculation results.
is it good practice to store calculation results ? I'm pretty sure that's not a very good thing, but is it acceptable ?
is it useful, or should i not bother and perform the calculations on-the-fly?
if it is good practice and useful, what's the better way to achieve what i want ?
Thats the tricky part.At first, i implemented a simple chain of callbacks that would update the calculation fields of the parent model upon save (that is, when an auction is created or updated, it marks some_attribute_will_change! on its report and saves it, which triggers its own callbacks, and so on).
This approach fits well when creating / updating a single record, but if i want to work on several records, it will trigger the calculations on the whole chain for each record... So i suddenly find myself forced to put a condition on the callbacks... depending on if i have one or many records, which i can't figure out how (using a class method that could be called on a relation? using an instance attribute #skip_calculations on each record? just using an outdated field to mark the parent records for later calculation ?).
Any advice is welcome.
Bonus question: Would it be considered DB agnostic if i implement this with DB views ?

As usual, it depends. If you can perform the calculations in the database, either using a view or using #find_by_sql, I would do so. You'll save yourself a lot of trouble: you have to keep your summaries up to date when you change values. You've already met the problem when updating multiple rows. Having a view, or a query that implements the view stored as text in ImpactReport, will allow you to always have fresh data.
The answer? Benchmark, benchmark, benchmark ;)


Question regarding role-playing dimension

I hope you can be helpful in answering one question in regards to role-playing dimensions.
When using views for a role playing dimension, Does it then matter which view is referred to later in the analysis. Especially, when sorting on the role playing dimension, can this be done no matter which view is used?
Hope the question is clear enough. If not, let me know and I will elaborate.
Thanks in advance.
Do you mean you have created a view similar to "SELECT * FROM DIM" for each role the Dim plays? If that's all you've done then you could use any of these views in a subsequent SQL statement that joins the DIM to a FACT table - but obviously if you use the "wrong" view it's going to be very confusing for anyone trying to read your SQL (or you trying to understand what've you've written in 3 months time!)
For example, if you have a fact table with keys OrderDate and ShipDate that both reference your DateDim then you could create vwOrderDate and vwShipDate. You could then join FACT.OrderDate to vwShipDate and FACT.ShipDate to vwOrderDate and it will make no difference to the actual resultset your query produces (apart from, possibly, column names).
However, unless the applicable attributes are very different for different roles, I really wouldn't bother creating views for role-playing Dims as it's an unnecessary overhead and just going to cause confusion to anyone you've given access to at this level of the DB (who presumably have pretty strong SQL skills to be given this level of access?).
If you are trying to make life easier for end-users then either create these types of "views" in the models of the BI tool(s) they are using - and not directly in the DB - or, if they are being given access to the DB, then create View(s) across the Fact(s) and all their joined Dimensions

Thinking Sphinx & Rails questions

I'm building my first Rails app and have it working great with Thinking Sphinx. I'm understanding most of it but would love it if someone could help me clarify a few conceptual questions
When displaying search results after a sphinx query, should I be using the sphinx_attributes that are returned from the sphinx query? Or should my view use normal rails objects, such as #property.title, #property.amenities.title etc? If I use normal rails objects, doesn't that mean its doing extra queries?
In a forum, I'd like to display 'unread posts'. Obviously this is true/false for each user/topic combination, so I'm thinking I should be caching the 'reader' ids within the topic's sphinx index. This way I can quickly do a query for all unread posts for a given user_id. I've got this working, but then realised its pointless, as there is a time delay between sphinx indexes. So if a user clicks on an unread post, it will still appear unread until the sphinx DB is re-indexed
I'm still on development so I'm manually indexing/rebuilding, but on production, what is a standard time between re-indexing?
I have a model with several text fields - should I concat these all into one column in the sphinx index for a keyword search? Surely this is quicker than indexing all the separate fields.
Slightly off-topic, but just wondering - when you access nested models, for example #property.agents.name, does this affect performance? Or does rails automatically fetch all associated entries when a property is pulled from the database?
To answer each of your points:
For both of your examples, sphinx_attributes would not be helpful. Firstly, you've already loaded the property, so the title is available directly without an extra database hit. And for property.amenities.title you're dealing with an array of strings, which Sphinx has no concept of. Generally, I would only use sphinx_attributes for complicated calculated attributes, not standard column references.
Yes, you're right, there will be a delay with this value.
It depends on how often your data changes. I have some apps where I can index every day because changes are so rare, but others where we'll run it every 10 minutes. If the data is particularly volatile, I'll look at using deltas (usually via Sidekiq) to have changes reflected in Sphinx in a few seconds.
I don't think it's much difference either way - unless you want to search on any of those columns separately? If so, it'll need to be a separate field.
By default, as you use each property's agents, the agents for that property will be loaded from the database (one SQL call per property). You could look at the eager loading docs for how to manage this better when you're dealing with multiple records. Thinking Sphinx has the ability to pass through :include options to the underlying ActiveRecord call.

If I have two models and need a calculation on each attribute, should I calculate on the fly or create a 3rd model?

I have two models - Score & Weight.
Each of these models have about 5 attributes.
I need to be able to create a weighted_score for my User, which is basically the product of Score.attribute_A * Weight.attribute_A, Score.attribute_B * Weight.attribute_B, etc.
Am I better off creating a 3rd model - say Weighted_Score, where I store the product value for each attribute in a row with the user_id and then query that table whenever I need a particular weighted_score (e.g. my_user.weighted_score.attribute_A) or am I better off just doing the calculations on the fly every time?
I am asking from an efficiency stand-point.
I think the answer is very situation-dependent. Creating a 3rd table may be a good idea if the calculation is very expensive, you don't want to bog down the rest of the system and it's ok for you to respond to the user right away with a message saying that calculation will occur in the future. In that case, you can offload the processing into a background worker and create an instance of the 3rd model asynchronously. Additionally, you should de-normalize the table so that you can access it directly without having to lookup the Weight/Score records.
Some other ideas:
Focus optimizations on the model that has many records. If Weight, for instance, will only have 100 records, but Score could have infinite, then load Weight into memory and focus all your effort on optimizing the Score queries.
Use memoization on the calc methods
Use caching on the most expensive actions/methods. if you don't care too much about how frequently the values update, you can explicitly sweep the cache nightly or something.
Unless there is a need to store the calculated score (lets say that it changes and you want to preserve the changes to it) i dont see any benefit of adding complexity to store it in a separate table.

Performance implications of a table with many fields

I have a table that is currently at 40 fields. A significant expansion of its capability now has it looking like something more like 100 fields.
What are the database and Rails performance implications of having a table with more fields? My understanding of relations is that they don't load the data until absolutely necessary, but would having so much more information slow down, say, a filtered index of these records (showing only the main 8-10 fields)?
The fields I'm specifically talking about adding are not relevant to any of my reports or most of my queries - they simply store data that is used on the back end.
Normalization is not a problem here (there are no fields like field1, field2, ..., for example). I know it's hard to answer these questions when posed in a qualitative manner, but is it likely better to build these 60 fields in this table, or should I create a separate 1-1 table for them?
Having a single table is not a big deal and make things easier when it comes to queries. So if it's relevant, no need to split.
Still, you should only query what you need in your views so use the ActiveRecord's select: doc here.
Yes, having a lot of fields will slow down access to the table, however, in general not significantly enough that it matters for average data sizes. Most SQL databases arrange tables row by row, so on the disk, first all 40 fields of row 1, then all 40 fields of row 2, and so on, are stored. This means, that if you are only interested in retrieving the first 2 fields, you will still read all other 38 fields and then jump to the next row that matches. This is not a big issue if you have only a few matching rows, but might be, if you would have many matches that are also consecutive.
That said, I would still heavily advice against a table with 40 fields, except when there is a very good reason to do so (which you might have, but you give to little details to answer this). In general, having that many fields indicates the use of some alternative design. Definitly, if what I wrote above starts becoming an issue, you should order the fields according to the access patterns (so if normally fields 1-10 and 20,24,25,30 are accessed together, put those groups into separate tables).

Best way to store time series in Rails

I have a table in my database that stores event totals, something like:
I would like to transition from these simple aggregates to more of a time series, so the user can see on which days these events actually happened (like how Stack Overflow shows daily reputation gains).
Elsewhere in my system I already did this by creating a separate table with one record for each daily value - then, in order to collect a time series you end up with a huge database table and the need to query 10s or 100s of records. It works but I'm not convinced that it's the best way.
What is the best way of storing these individual events along with their dates so I can do a daily plot for any of my users?
When building tables like this, the real key is having effective indexes. Test your queries with the EXAMINE statement or the equivalent in your database of choice.
If you want to build summary tables you can query, build a view that represents the query, or roll the daily results into a new table on a regular schedule. Often summary tables are the best way to go as they are quick to query.
The best way to implement this is to use Redis. If you haven't worked before with Redis I suggest you to start. You will be surprised how fast this can get :). The way I would do such a thing is to use the Hash data structure Redis provides. Just assign every user to his Hash (making a unique key for every user like "user:23:counters"). Inside this Hash you can store a daily timestamp as "05/06/2011" as the field and increment its counter every time an event happens or whatever you want to do with that!
A good start would be this thread. It has a simple, beginner level solution. Time Series Starter. If you are ok with rails models: This is a way it could work. For a sol called "irregular" time series. So this is a event here and there, but not in a regular interval. Like a sensor that sends data when your door is opened.
The other thing, and that is what I was looking for in this thread is regular time series db: Values come at a interval. Say 60/minute aka 1 per second for example a temperature sensor. This all boils down to datasets with "buckets" as you are suspecting right: A time series table gets long, indexes suck at a point etc. Here is one "bucket" approach using postgres arrays that would a be feasible idea.
Its not done as "plug and play" as far as I researched the web.
