Loop with delay or completion in objective c - ios

I have an app wherein I need to loop through and load stored data in order to generate information to save to PDF file, pages. I created a loop, but it runs too fast, so to speak. The saved pages cannot load fast enough, so the resulting data is incomplete. I think I need to create a for loop with delay or completion handler. Something like:
for (int i = 0, i < numberOfPages, doTaskWithCompletion:i++) {
arrayOfPages = [self loadDataAtIndex:i withCompletionHandler:handler];
[self writeDataToFile:arrayOfPages];
Not even sure how to write that pseudo-code, but basically I only want to jump to the next iteration after a completion handler has fired for the task of loading the data.
Note: Source data comes from core data, saved as PDF file. The data is pages and views for page. Each page can have 1 or unlimited views. Each view might have data too, like an image. What happens currently is that the number of pages written is correct, but the page's views that are rendered to PDF are identical, because they all read the same data, as the pages are not loaded before the PDF is written.

You may approach the problem as follows:
First define a generic completion block type. Note, param result can be anything. If it's an NSError this signals a failure, otherwise success.
typedef void (^completion_t)(id result);
Define a block type for your asynchronous task. Your task takes an index as input, and - since it is asynchronous, it takes a completion block as last parameter:
typedef void (^unary_async_t)(int index, completion_t completion);
Your task block object can be defined as follows:
unary_async_t task = ^(int index, completion_t completion) {
[self loadDataAtIndex:index withCompletion:^(id result){
if (![result isKindOfClass:[NSError class]]) {
[self writeDataToFile:result];
result = #"OK";
if (completion) {
Note: your loadDataAtIndex:withCompletion: is asynchronous, and thus, it takes a completion block as last parameter. The completion block's parameter result is the result of the asynchronous task, namely the "array of pages" - or an NSError object if that fails.
In this completion block, you safe your result (the pages) to disk, invoking writeDataToFile:. (We assuming this won't fail). If that is all finished, task invokes the provided completion block completion (if not nil) passing the result of the whole operation, which is #"OK" in case of success, and an NSError in case of failure.
Now, the more interesting part: how to make this in a loop, where numerous _task_s will be executed sequentially, one after the other:
We define two helper methods - or functions:
What we finally need is a function with this signature:
void apply_each_with_range(int lowerBound, int upperBound,
unary_async_t task, completion_t completion);
This is the function which shall invoke task N times, passing it parameter index in the range from lowerBound (including) to upperBound (not including), where N equals upperBound - lowerBound and index starts with lowerBound.
It's an asynchronous function, and thus, takes a completion block as last parameter. Do I repeat myself? Well, you should recognize the pattern! ;)
Here is the implementation:
void apply_each_with_range(int lowerBound, int upperBound,
unary_async_t task, completion_t completion)
do_apply(lowerBound, upperBound, task, completion);
And the other helper - which is finally performing some sort of "for_each index in range[upperBound, lowerBound] sequentially invoke task with parameter index":
static void do_apply(int index, int upperBound,
unary_async_t task, completion_t completion)
if (index >= upperBound) {
if (completion)
task(index, ^(id result) {
if (![result isKindOfClass:[NSError class]]) {
do_apply(index + 1, upperBound, task, completion);
else {
// error occurred: stop iterating and signal error
if (completion) {
The function do_apply first checks whether the index is out of range. If, then it is finished and calls the completion handler with an #"OK".
Otherwise, it invokes task with argument index and provides a completion handler which gets invoked when task finished, which itself passes the result of the task. If that was successful, do_apply will invoke itself with argument index incremented by one. This may look like a "recursion" - but it is not. do_apply already returned, when it invokes itself.
If task returned and error, do_apply stops, "returning" the error from task in its completion handler (which is finally provided by the call-site).
Now, you just need to put these pieces together in your project - which should be fairly easy.

You can test to see if the data is saved and set a flag to see whether or not the data is saved. Then put an if statement like if the flag is set to yes then run the for loop. You can do something like that for all of your data to make sure all data is stored. Good luck!! Hope this helps!!


Objective-c method to use blocks

I have a method that calls a long running process. the long running process and I use AFNetworking which itself uses blocks and returns success block and failure block. So I am trying to test my method and the tests will fail before the success block is called. I thought I would try to get my method to also use blocks. I have another method that I managed to change to use blocks but that only uses bool isFinished and the return value is void. The method I have difficult with needs to return NSDecimalNumber* and takes an NSString.
Method signature
(NSDecimalNumber*) getRate:(NSString*) rateCode;
I would like to be able to able to add a completion block with a BOOL that I set when the AFNetworking method enters the success block
I would also like to be able to call the method and within it's completion block access the NSDecimalNumber* value it returned
Possible? If so please show me how
You probably have to split it apart.
You can have a fetchRate: method that takes a completion block:
- (void)fetchRate:(NSString*)rateCode completion:(void (^)(NSDecimalNumber *))completion;
Then call like this:
void (^completion)(NSDecimalNumber *) = ^(NSDecimalNumber * rate){
// this is called when rate is returned from your webservice
// call fetchRate: now, results will arrive later...
[ myObj fetchRate:<rate code> completion:completion ];
// code here runs immediately; the results come back later.
-fetchRate: looks something like...
- (void)fetchRate:(NSString *)rateCode completion:(void (^)(NSDecimalNumber *))completion
void (^asiCompletionBlock)(/*args*/) = ^(/*...args...*/){
// called after ASI request completes
NSDecimalNumber * answer = /* get answer from ASI HTTP response */
// call our completion block that was passed in:
completion( answer );
// do your asi HTTP request here, pass asiCompletionBlock for completion arg

Add completion block to enumerateObjectsWithOptions

I need to perform an action after the complete enumeration of all the objects in an array. How can I add a completion block to enumerateObjectsWithOptions(_:usingBlock:) in Swift.
Or how to know when enumerateObjectsWithOptions(_:usingBlock:) has completed.
allVisitors.enumerateObjectsWithOptions( NSEnumerationOptions.Concurrent, usingBlock: { (obj, idx, stop) -> Void in
Method enumerateObjectsWithOptions in NSArray is synchronous.
So what you write on the next line will be executed after your block has been executed for every element in the array. These users tested the version without options.
allVisitors.enumerateObjectsWithOptions( NSEnumerationOptions.Concurrent, usingBlock: { (obj, idx, stop) -> Void in
// do your stuff
println("now allVisitors.enumerateObjectsWithOptions has done")
The method: enumerateObjectsWithOptions(_:usingBlock:) is synchronous.
By default, the enumeration starts with the first object and continues
serially through the array to the last object. You can specify
NSEnumerationConcurrent and/or NSEnumerationReverse as enumeration
options to modify this behavior. This method executes synchronously.
So, you don't need to add a completion block to know when finishes, just write what you want to execute below enumerateObjectsWithOptions(_:usingBlock:)
If you want, I can try to help you to add a block at the end, but I think it not make sense.

iOS Why wouldn't exiting a method in the main thread from a sub-thread work?

I'm initiating an asynch thread using grand central dispatch in objective-c using the following code:
dispatch_queue_t myQueue = dispatch_queue_create("My Queue",NULL);
dispatch_async(myQueue, ^{
For a very long time I was having trouble correctly exiting the IBAction that triggers this. I do a lot of the code in the main thread wrapped inside this GCD thread using this code:
[[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperationWithBlock:^{
What I originally tried to do was simply put the return; statement inside this mainQueue block. After a lot of fiddling I discovered that to break out of the IBAction that contains all this the return; needs to be in the GCD queue.
Why is this? I thought that return would exit methods regardless of where it is in the program. Also, is it even possible to exit from a nested queue call like this?
A block is similar to a function. It is a different context from the code which defines it. A return statement within a block exits that block, not the method or function within which the block was defined. (If the block has a non-void return type, the return statement also gives the return value of the block.)
For example, consider:
void foo(void)
int (^block)(int, int) = ^int(int a, int b) { return a + b; }
printf("3 + 5 = %d\n", block(3, 5));
The return statement in the block does not return from foo(), it just returns from the block and gives the return value of the block. The block is like a little separate function except that its code is provided right in the middle of another function and it can capture local variables from the context of its definition.
Now, the block given to dispatch_async() does not take arguments or return a value, but the flow control of the return statement is the same. It returns from that block, not from the method or function containing the call to dispatch_async(). In particular, since dispatch_async() runs the block asynchronously, it is quite possible (even likely) that the block won't be run until well after the method or function that called dispatch_async() has already exited.

Callback from inside a block (Objective C)

I have this method with a block in it, I want it to send the userID to another method as soon as it exists. userID is a value that is parsed from the internet, so it usually takes about 2 seconds to load up and 'exist'. Is there any way I can do a 'when userID exists, send it to another method?
Here's all my code:
- (void)parseForUserID {
//Get the Data you need to parse for (i.e. user main page returned as a block of NSData.
TClient *client = [[TClient alloc] init];
[client loginToMistarWithPin:#"20014204" password:#"yuiop" success:^{
[client getUserID:^(NSString *result) {
NSString *userIDWithHTML = [self userIDRegex:result];
NSString *userID = [self onlyNumbersRegex:userIDWithHTML];
//if userID exists, send it to another method in a different class
} failure:^{
NSLog(#"login failed from controller");
I see that this is the third question you ask related to the same issue, so I guess you're having some trouble understanding blocks.
First you have to understand that the block, in a certain sense, can be seen as a function. The difference is that, unlike a function, the block has no name, and instead of using function's name you just place the code inline where you need it.
Second thing to understand is that a block is usually used as a callback. Other callback mechanisms are function pointers and delegates. When you pass a block as a parameter to a function you're basically telling the function: "Hey, when certain conditions are met, execute this little code for me, please"
Third think to understand is if the block (or any callback) will be called synchronously. Actually this has nothing to do with the block itself, per se, but rather with the function being called. If the function is asynchronous, the function will create another thread and return immediately to execute the next line after the one that invoked the asynchronous function. Meanwhile the new thread will execute some code (the body of the async function) and, eventually execute the block passed as parameter, and finally the thread is killed and doesn't exist any more. (Note: There's no way to know if a function is synchronous or asynchronous other that reading the documentation for such a function).
Now let's go back to your code.
[client loginToMistarWithPin:#"20014204" password:#"yuiop" success:^{
[client getUserID:^(NSString *result) {
NSString *userIDWithHTML = [self userIDRegex:result];
NSString *userID = [self onlyNumbersRegex:userIDWithHTML];
[anotherClassInstance someMethod:userID];
} failure:^{
NSLog(#"login failed from controller");
Everything that should be executed once the user logged in should be placed inside the block (if the function is synchronous you could place it after the block). To send the userID to another class, just call that class' method as you would in any other part of your code.
In my opinion using a delegate is not necessary (although only you would know, since you're the architect of your app).
As #santhu said, use either the delegate pattern or notification pattern. It's also a common practice to use both of them. Usually a delegate is the correct approach but sometimes you need a notification. Using both covers all your bases.
Look them up before deciding which and for full details on how they work, but basically:
[client getUserID:^(NSString *result) {
NSString *userIDWithHTML = [self userIDRegex:result];
NSString *userID = [self onlyNumbersRegex:userIDWithHTML];
// delegate pattern:
if ([self userIdIsValid:userID]) {
if (self.delegate && [self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(foundValidUserID:)]) {
[self.delegate foundValidUserID:userID];
} else {
if (self.delegate && [self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(foundInvalidUserID:)]) {
[self.delegate foundInvalidUserID:userID];
// notification pattern:
if ([self userIdIsValid:userID]) {
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:MyFoundValidUserIDNotification object:self userInfo:#{#"userID": userID}];
} else {
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:MyFoundInvalidUserIDNotification object:self userInfo:#{#"userID": userID}];
There is a third option, which is you could use a block callback... this is how the new kids on the block do it... there's no well defined pattern here, blocks are brand new and delegates/notifications are 20 years old. But here's how I'd use a block to define a callback:
typedef void (^UserIdCallbackBlock)(NSString *userID);
- (void)parseForUserIDOnSuccess:(UserIdCallbackBlock)successCallback onFailure:(UserIdCallbackBlock)failureCallback {
NSString *userID = [self onlyNumbersRegex:userIDWithHTML];
if ([self userIdIsValid:userID]) {
} else {
I would like to give a hint regarding your comment:
for code readability, it's not that I just have one more task to do, the thing I put inside this block will also have a block and another block and another.
This is a typical asynchronous pattern - called "continuation".
Given, that you should also implement proper error handling and that you should also provide a means to cancel that whole "chain" of asynchronous tasks at any point, the typical solutions with NSOperationQueues and NSOperations, dispatch_queue and blocks, NSNotifications or delegates will inevitable become unduly elaborate, complex and difficult to comprehend by others. (There's already an answer here that demonstrates this grandiose ;) )
So, whenever problems become more complex and the "built-in frameworks" don't provide a comfortable solution, third party libraries come into play to help you.
But first, lets have a non-trivial example, based on your comment:
it's not that I just have one more task to do, the thing I put inside this block will also have a block and another block and another
OK, lets suppose your objective is actually:
Asynchronously perform a Login for a web service.
Then, if that succeeded, asynchronously fetch a list of objects as JSON.
Then, if that succeeded, parse the JSON response.
Then, if that succeeded, insert the objects into a managed object context and asynchronously save the chain of managed object contexts and make it persistent.
When this all above succeeded, update the UI on the main thread
If anything fails, report the error of the task that failed
I will show how a solution utilizing a library implementing "promises" (see wiki Future and promises) may look like:
Without further ado, and without thorough explanation what that "Promise" is about, suppose we have a method defined in your View Controller, which is declared:
- (RXPromise*) loginToMistarWithPin:(NSString*)pin
Note: The above method is asynchronous and it is functional equivalent to the form:
typedef void (^completion_t)(id result, NSError*error);
- (void) loginToMistarWithPin:(NSString*)pin
then suppose we have another method in your View Controller, fetching objects from a remote server (asynchronous as well):
- (RXPromise*) fetchObjects;
Then, suppose we have a class CoreDataStack which consists of a "root context" saving to the persistent store having a child managed object context, the "main context", which is associated to the main thread.
The class CoreDataStack defines this method, which saves a chain of managed object contexts, which is basically setup: childContext -> main_context -> root_context:
- (RXPromise*) saveWithChildContext:(NSManagedObjectContext*)childContext;
Then, the whole task as stated in the steps 1. through 5. can be expressed as follows:
[client loginToMistarWithPin:#"20014204" password:#"yuiop"]
.then(^id(id result){
// login succeed, ignore result which is #"OK"
// Now fetch the objects with an asynchronous network request,
// returning JSON data as a NSData object when it succeeds:
return [client fetchAllUsers];
}, nil)
.then(^id(NSData* json){
// The network request succeeded, and we obtain the JSON as NSData.
// Parse it and get a Foundation representation:
NSError* error;
id jsonArray = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:json
if (jsonArray) {
return jsonArray; // handler succeeded
else {
return error; // handler failed
.then(^id(NSArray* objects){
// Parsing succeeded. Parameter objects is an array containing
// NSDictionaries representing a type "object".
// Save into Core Data:
// Create a managed object context, which is a child of the
// "main context" of a Core Data stack:
NSManagedObjectContext* moc = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc]
moc.parentContext = self.coreDataStack.managedObjectContext;
// Create managed objects and initialize them with the given
// NSDictionary:
for (NSDictionary* object in objects) {
// note: `createWithParameters:inManagedObjectContext` executes on
// the context's queue
[Object createWithParameters:object inManagedObjectContext:moc];
// Finally, asynchronously save into the persistent store and
// return the result (a RXPromise):
return [self.coreDataStack saveWithChildContext:moc];
}, nil)
.thenOn(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^id(id result){
// Saving to the backing store succeeded. Now, we possibly want to
// update some UI on the main thread. We are executing on the main
// thread already (see thenOn(dispatch_get_main_queue())
[self.tableView reloadData];
return nil;
}, nil)
.then(nil, ^id(NSError* error){
// If something went wrong in any of the above four steps, the error
// will be propagated down and "cought" in this error handler:
NSLog(#"Error: %#", error);
Disclaimer: I'm the author of the library RXPromise available at GitHub. There are a few more Objective-C libraries which implement Promises.

questions/problems while implementing reusable thread-safe core data pattern

I'm having trouble implementing the thread-safe core data concepts outlined in this tutorial. My goal is to have a reusable portion of code that can take arguments in, do core data operations (adds, updates, deletes) and then callback asynchronously when done.
So heres the block that 'safely' modifies core data objects:
+ (void)saveDataInContext:(void(^)(NSManagedObjectContext *context))saveBlock
NSManagedObjectContext *context = [NSManagedObjectContext context];
[context setMergePolicy:NSMergeByPropertyObjectTrumpMergePolicy];
[defaultContext setMergePolicy:NSMergeObjectByPropertyStoreTrumpMergePolicy];
[defaultContext observeContext:context];
if ([context hasChanges])
[context save];
From the way I understand it, this executes a block of code? I don't understand how the 'context' being passed in figures in. Is this part of the block's signature?
So here is the wrapper that does the operation in the background and adds a completion call:
+ (void)saveDataInBackgroundWithContext:(void(^)(NSManagedObjectContext *context))saveBlock completion:(void(^)(void))completion
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0), ^{
[self saveDataInContext:saveBlock];
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
Here is an example using it:
NSArray *listOfPeople = ...;
[NSManagedObjectHelper saveDataInBackgroundWithContext:^(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext){
for (NSDictionary *personInfo in listOfPeople)
PersonEntity *person = [PersonEntity createInContext:localContext];
[person setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:personInfo];
} completion:^{
self.people = [PersonEntity findAll];
What is the 'localContext' passed in here? I think most of my issues here revolve around not understanding blocks.
A brief look at that tutorial shows it is talking about magical record. I have never used it, so I can't speak for it.
// This declares a class method that returns void and takes a block as parameter.
// The block returns void and has one parameter, namely, a pointer to an
// NSManagedObjectContext object.
+ (void)saveDataInContext:(void(^)(NSManagedObjectContext *context))saveBlock;
You would call that method like this...
[SomeClass saveDataInContext:^(NSManagedObjectContext *context){
// Some code
That means you are passing in a block of code to the function. At some point it will execute the bock of code you gave it. When it does, it's going to pass a managed object context into the block so it can do something with it.
Now, look at the implementation of that method...
+ (void)saveDataInContext:(void(^)(NSManagedObjectContext *context))saveBlock
// Create a MOC - note there is no concurrency type, so it will get
// NSConfinementConcurrencyType, which means it must be used exclusively
// from the thread in which it was created. Since it is a local variable
// and it gets destroyed after this function is called, that should be cool
// PROVIDED the using block does not do anything untoward with it.
NSManagedObjectContext *context = [NSManagedObjectContext context];
// Set the merge policy
[context setMergePolicy:NSMergeByPropertyObjectTrumpMergePolicy];
// MR must set some default context...
// Some how the above context needs a persistent store to save...
[defaultContext setMergePolicy:NSMergeObjectByPropertyStoreTrumpMergePolicy];
// Probably setting up notification handler for DidSave
[defaultContext observeContext:context];
// Now, this is where the block you passed in gets called.
// Note, that the managed object context has already been setup for you.
// Now that it's setup, the block of code that you passed in is going
// to be called, and it will be given a context that it can use to execute
// code in the calling thread.
// If you changed something to the context in your block of code, the save.
if ([context hasChanges])
[context save];
Let's revisit a our code that called this method...
[SomeClass saveDataInContext:^(NSManagedObjectContext *context){
// Now, the saveDataInContext method has been called. However, inside
// that method, a call was made to the block that was passed in.
// That would be this here block of code. So, if you look up in
// the method, where is calls "block(context)" this block of code will
// be executed right there. Mentally, you can cut and paste this code
// in that spot.
// The context parameter is the context that was passed to this block.
// you can use it to do any Core Data stuff...
Now, this code is very similar, but it takes two blocks. One is used to execute some code on the context, and the other is a block that will get executed with the asynchronous save has completed.
saveBlock should be familiar. It's the same concept as in the above example.
completion is a block, that returns void, and takes not parameters. It will get called when all the work has been done.
+ (void)saveDataInBackgroundWithContext:(void(^)(NSManagedObjectContext *context))saveBlock completion:(void(^)(void))completion
// Dispatch some work on one of the global concurrent queues. It will
// get done on some thread, nobody knows which one, but it does not matter
// because the code in this block calls saveDataInContext, and passes the
// block it was given that does some modifications to the context.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0), ^{
[self saveDataInContext:saveBlock];
// Now, when the above work is done, we are still running in some random
// thread. I guess the library wants all callbacks to happen on the main
// thread, so this block is dispatched on the main thread. Note that it
// calls the second bock passed in as the completion block.
// So the <saveBlock> will be run on some random thread, and then, when
// it is done, the <completion> block will be called on the main thread.
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
Like earlier, when you call that method, you can mentally replace the with the first block you pass in, and replace with the second block.
[NSManagedObjectHelper saveDataInBackgroundWithContext:^(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext){
// This is the first block. It gets executed where you see <saveBlock>
// being used in the earlier method. You are being given the already
// prepared MOC, and it's name is <localContext>. Do your managed object
// context stuff with it. Note that it will be running in some unknown thread.
for (NSDictionary *personInfo in listOfPeople)
PersonEntity *person = [PersonEntity createInContext:localContext];
[person setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:personInfo];
} completion:^{
// Now, this is the second block, which is run when all the core data saving
// has been completed. It will run on the main thread.
self.people = [PersonEntity findAll];
Hopefully, that helps you understand what is happening, even though I don't know what magical record is really doing under the covers.
In response to this comment...
I don't think I understand how these blocks work. If a block has this
method signature "+
*context))saveBlock" why is the block NOT using "context" or "saveBlock"? Which is the return value for a block and which is the
passed in value? – Mike S
First, the block does not have this signature...
+ (void)saveDataInContext:(void(^)(NSManagedObjectContext *context))saveBlock;
That is a class method. Let's break it down piece by piece. First, however, let's forget the block parameter, and use something easy, for comparison.
+ (void)foo:(NSInteger)someInteger;
That is a is a class method, foo:, which returns void and takes one argument. The type of that single argument is NSInteger. If I wanted to call it, I would do so like this:
[SomeClass foo:42];
+ (void)saveDataInContext:(void(^)(NSManagedObjectContext *context))saveBlock;
is a class method, saveDataInContext:, which returns void and takes one argument. The type of that single argument is void(^)(NSManagedObjectContext *context).
Now, don't let that gobbly-dee-gook fool you. It's just a type (albeit a somewhat confusing one to parse if you don't understand much C) So, what is void(^)(NSManagedObjectContext *context)
First, it is a block. If that (^) after the void were (*) it would be a function pointer.
Basically, it means that the type of that argument is a block that returns void and has one parameter, namely a pointer to a NSManagedObjectContext (with a name context).
So, if we read it out loud...
+ (void)saveDataInContext:(void(^)(NSManagedObjectContext *context))saveBlock;
is a class method, with selector saveDataInContext: which returns void and has one parameter, which has a name saveBlock and is of the type "block that returns void and has one parameter of type NSManagedObjectContext *."
Just like we call the first example like this...
[SomeClass foo:42];
we call the latter example like this...
[SomeClass saveDataInContext:^(NSManagedObjectContext *context){
// We are creating a bock of code, so stuff some code in here.
Now, just like you passed the integer 42 to foo: you are passing the block in between the {} as the argument to saveDataInContext:.
Now, note that the signature of thesaveDataInContext: method wants a block that itself has a parameter. So, when you provide your block, you are basically saying, "Hey, here is a block of code for you to call, and when you do so, make sure you give me a pointer to a NSManagedObjectContext object that I can use.
What this means is that when your block is called, the calling code will call your block and provide a NSManagedObjectContext * to you with the variable name context.
Think of it like this, as a trivial example of saveDataInContext:.
+ (void)saveDataInContext:(void(^)(NSManagedObjectContext *context))saveBlock {
// Create a context to give the block we are going to call..
NSManagedObjectContext *moc = //
Now, when your code is called, you will get the moc object as your argument. Bascially, that method creates a managed object context, does all the thread safety stuff, then calls your block of code, and gives you a pointer to the managed object context that it has safely created. Your code is executed within the confines of that safe environment, using the MOC passed to it as a function (block) parameter.
I hope that didn't make it worse...
