App icon size for new iOS - ios

I realize that iOS 7 is not out yet and should not be discussed but I could not find the answer to this question anywhere and iOS 7 comes out in a few days.
I submitted my app for iOS 7 and I got a warning saying I am missing the icon size 120 X 120 which apparently is the new standard size for icons in iOS 7. What I don't understand is what I should name this icon because my app supports both iOS 6 (Default app icon size is 114 X 114) and iOS 7.
Does anyone know how I should name this 120 X 120 icon for iOS 7 and my old iOS 6 icon that was 114 X 114?

It doesn't matter what you name the file as long as you hook it up correctly in Targets General Tab. You just click the Folder icon and select the file you want to use. The naming convention only really mattered because that was what was in the info.plist by default for a new project.
And the Targets General Tab realy just sets values in the app's info.plist
Note: I have a build setting ICON_SUFFIX = "Beta" so my beta release via TestFlight has a different bundle ID and Icon so it sits along side my app store version and doesn't over write it.

You can also use one asset catalog to organise your icon images, it's quite easy.If there is one image asset catalog, you use that one, otherwise you can new one. then select Use Asset Catalog in the App Icons part of General tab, you need to prepare the following image size and just drag the images to the corresponding location.
The icon sizes for iPhone and iPad for iOS 5~7 screenshot is as below:
or download it here

Here is online tool, Icons Master, which will create about AppIcon.appiconset folde, take care how icons should be big naming convection as well.

I just came across the solution here. Anyone with this problem refer to this following post!
iOS 7 App Icons, Launch images And Naming Convention While Keeping iOS 6 Icons


App Icon not shown on iPad

I am developing iPhone app. When i run the app on iPhone i can see the the icon on Home screen. But when i run the same app on iPad whitish icon appears which normally appears when the app has no icon.
I have tested my other iPhone apps they are working fine but this is causing trouble. I used Asset Catalogs to display app icons and they are perfectly adjusting in it. What could be the problem here any suggestions?
I also initially started with developing the app for iPhone and then needed to add iPad icons and here where I found them:
1) go to Assets
2) find appIcon (usually on top)
3) go to attributes inspector
4) choose iPad ios swift version
5) iPad iCons holders will appear you will need to fill them
xCode 5 was not showing anything related to iPad for an iPhone only app. So when i migrated my images to Assets Catalogs and clicked on app icon in the Attribute Inspector i was given the options like i want to give icons for iPad. So i provided and problem solved :)
for Universal application iPad Icon file size is 72x72 and named Icon-72 and for Retina its 114x114 with Icon-72#2x.png. Try to include this files into your resource bundle and then build your app
In project settings there are fields for App Icons please refer to the attachment
go to general , then app icon source , then click the appicon
by default , you can't see the place for ipad
3 . left click and create a new image set
then you can see all icon size , add the #76 #152 for ipad
In my case i do have set images for iPad in my assets but even then it was not showing. I have to check Target Membership check box. I had imported AppIcons folder and this got uncheck.
In project settings there are fields for both, iPad and iPhone icons. You may want to provide different icons for different devices, so try providing your icon for both, iPad and iPhone. Even though it will be the same image.
Hope the stackoverflow link will help How do you update the app icons and launch images to support IOS 6 and 7 simultaneously?
As answered by Andy Bean, try using Asset Catalog.
Link 2: iOS 7 App Icons, Launch images And Naming Convention While Keeping iOS 6 Icons

Xcode 5 iPhone app app store upload error

Hi I created a iPhone app for iOS 7 and assigned icon using AppIcon set in Images.xcassets. It works good. I try to upload the build in app store through Application Builder it gave following error.
icon specified in the info.plist not found under the top level app wrapper: AppIcon 40x40
icon specified in the info.plist not found under the top level app wrapper: AppIcon 60x60
Even i gave icons 120 x 120, 80 x 80, 58 x 58.
Please help me. If choose iOS 7 as a target device above 3 icons only ask by AppIcon set but while upload gives error.
You need to have the icon with size 40*40 and 60*60 in your application.
Here my info.plist with all icons for all iOS :
Add all images on your project and with this website you can generate all the icon size with the good name for iOS 6 and iOS 7 from your image 1024*1024.
Please used the new version of application loader that was included in Xcode 5, not used the old version.
The menu:[Xcode]-[Open Developer Tool]-[Application Loader].
Your App icons must be under the top level
I ended up deleting the App Icon package and it worked!

What is going on with the app icon

Can someone please tell me what is going on with app submission and the icon i have submitted my app with a icon at 72X72 so apple sends me this email
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "Spotify HD". Your delivery was successful, but you may wish to correct the following issues in your next delivery:
Missing recommended icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly '76x76' pixels, in .png format.
Missing recommended icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly '152x152' pixels, in .png format.
So i change the dimensions to what they are after and then when i try and validate the app with xcode i get the following error.
You app icon dimensions 76X76 dont meet the size 72X72????
What is going on.
The new icon sizes are likely in preparation for iOS 7. Try checking the documentation for iOS 7 to determine changes for submission specific to icon sizes.
In preparation for iOS 7, Apple has asked all developers to start submitting their new iOS 7 ready apps. One of many changes to the new OS is new varying sizes to icons. You should submit all the icon sizes you previously used to need to submit (in order to maintain backwards compatibility) and additionally include a 76x76 and 152x152 icon. "Splash screen" images in iOS 7 have also changed their default size, so all those resources will need to be adjusted. Also bear in mind that icons in iOS 7 will no longer get the automatic 'shine' treatment - so make sure your icons look good without it (and it is not recommended to add your own shine - it's against guidelines and would look out of place).
According to the new prerelease doc for iOS 7.
You need to have new size icon added for iOS 7.
Changing to only iOS 7 size icon will not work like you have done in your case as your app is also targeting iOS 6 which requires different icon size for iPad.
You need to add both size icons for iOS 6 and iOS 7 to successfully submit.
Icon sizes specified in apple doc here

Launch Images in iOS 7 with Xcode 5

I've been setting my own names on launch images for my apps in the Info.plist like
with the following images in bundle (with correct dimensions, 320x480 px for default.png and 640x960 px for default#2x.png etc.)
this have been working great prior to iOS 7 and Xcode 5. Now when I look in the General tab for the corresponding target in Xcode 5 my launch image files get mixed up from other targets in my project, which worries me, even though I haven't seen wrong launch image files when actually running the target. Should I be worried? The chosen images isn't in the build target so I should be fine there, but is there a risk of getting a blank image instead?
My main question is, can I use my default setup in Info.plist (that help auto detected respective launch images) for iOS 7, and if so, what should I name the corresponding launch images (now that there's the "iOS 6.1 and Prior" options as well with different dimensions)? This especially applies for the iPad Portrait Retina (iOS 7) that has new dimensions. The auto detection on iPad Portrait Non-Retina (iOS 7) refers to an image, not in the build target, that has the right dimensions. Again, when running a simulator with iPad Retina and iOS 7.0 the correct launch image shows.
Anden, I ran into the same problem today while adding a new target to the half dozen I already had that were set up in the same way that you set up yours.
I decided to use that "Use Asset Catalog" button, which took some work to set up, but has simplified things greatly in the end:
1- (optional) Delete (remove references only) the icon and launch image files from your project. I don't think you need the files to be in the project navigator anymore.
2- Choose your primary target, go to "General" and "App Icons" (as you showed above).
3- Press the "Use Asset Catalog" button, with the "Migrate Launch Images" checked as well.
4- This creates a file called "Images.xcassets" in your project navigator. Go there, and find the App Icon and Launch Image catalogs corresponding with the particular target. You can drag and drop image files from the finder into the slots in the catalog, and rename the icon/default groups from the list on the left.
5- Once you've got the image slots filled up, go back to the "General" for each target, and press the "Use Asset Catalog" button again for each target. Instead of creating a new xcassets file for each, you can store all the launch images and icon files in the same xcassets file.
I think it is a bug in xcode 5. I filed a bug, perhaps you should too ( Make Apple aware things like this are not working well, and are taking our time and nerves.

Icon dimensions don't meet size requirements no matter what

I am trying to put my app on the market and am granted with this error everytime I try:
Ipad: icon.png: dimensions (57 x 57) don't meet the size requirements. The icon file must be 72x72 pixels in .png format.
I have seen the endless posts about about modifying the .plist and also Edit Project Settings -> Build -> uncheck Compress PNG Files( Icon.png file error in universal app ). I have done both of this. I have also went through apples guide for universal app Icons and followed that as well. However I noticed a difference in the .plist file I have and they have ( (Mine has a Primary Icon attribute ) Is there something I am missing or is the apple documentation our of date?
When I change the icon to 72x72 I then get the same error except it says the icon file must be 57x57. It seems like it's trying to use icon.png for both the iphone and ipad icon when It should be using icon-72.png for ipad and icon.png for iphone. Is this defined somewhere else?
First of all I'm not sure if this is a rule or if it's just common practice, but your icons should start with a capital "I". Second, your iPad icon should be 72x72 not 57x57 like the iPhone icon. And finally, you're missing your iPad retina icon "Icon-72#2x.png" 144x144px.
Full break down of icons.
Icon.png = 57x57 iPhone non retina
Icon#2x.png = 114x114 iPhone retina
Icon-72.png = 72x72 iPad non retina
Icon-72#2x.png = 144x144 iPad retina
If you make sure your icons are exactly as I've listed then you won't have any problems.
If you are still experiencing problems after making these changes then try deleting all icon images from the project, and deleting the icon keys from your .plist file.
Then re-add the images to the project by dragging them directly to their corresponding placeholder in the summary tab of Xcode's navigator.
Well, I agree with #NSPostWhenIdle, But as far as the Naming conventions he is right, if you are adding directly to the plist,
But when it is concerned with Xcode , from Xcode 4.2, when you open the target settings -> Summary
I hope that you are using Xcode later than 4.2
And when you mouse over the App Icons section, it will show the size of icons and right click there and add icons. Xcode itself fix the names for your icons according to the size of the icons which you are selecting like this
So, No matter of fighting with the naming conventions of iCons, and if you add like this, these icon names are fixed my Xcode itself and these icons are automatically added to the plist File as well.
I removed the icons from my project via the file system, renamed them as suggested by NSPostWhenIdle and sree charan. I then dragged and dropped them into the the app icon section and removed and readded the entries in the .plist via a text editor. However this still wasn't effecient enough, I thought that removing the files from the project in the file system would remove the references in the project, THIS IS NOT TRUE. I suggest to anyone that with icon problems after this to do what I previously stated and remove all icon references/files via the project and NOT the file system before re-adding.
Your icon.png is probably not exactly 57x57. in finder, right click on the icon.png, get info. If it still says 57x57, then I am not sure why its throwing that error.
I had a similar issue when my icon.png was 57x56 (which I had never checked until xcode whined).
IF these dont work, restart your Xcode and or Mac, make a clean build.
I just want to add (for others finding this question) that I recently ran into this error, but in my case it was complaining that 76x76 did not meet the requirement of 72x72, which didn't make any sense to me since our iPad app is iOS 7 only and therefore according to all official documentation only requires icons of size 76x76 and 152x152.
Icon dimensions (76 x 76) don't meet the size requirements. The icon file must be 72x72 pixels, in .png format.
Anyhow it turned out the person uploading the binary was using an older version of Application Loader (from Xcode 4.6) and this check was happening client-side before the upload even took place.
Submitting the same binary using the newer Application Loader from Xcode 5 had no problem!
