Error 6 initializing SQL*Plus in UNIX - sqlplus

I am getting the belwo mentioned error while trying to open sqlplus from UNIX server.
Error 6 initializing SQL*Plus
Message file sp1.msb not found
SP2-0750: You may need to set ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle software directory
Please advise.


Starting thingsboard service on windows Error 1067

I am getting the below error when I run net start thingsboard
A system error has occurred.
System error 1067 has occurred.
The process terminated unexpectedly.
Problem was with windows service java wrapper
I was able to run thingsboard from command line with out using service wrapper using below command :
SET BASE=C:\thingsboard
SET LOADER_PATH=%BASE%\conf,%BASE%\extensions
SET jarfile=%BASE%\lib\thingsboard.jar
SET installDir=%BASE%\data
java -jar thingsboard.jar
I had same Problem that I solved by giving correct path of java in
Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\System\Advanced system settings\Advanced\Environmental Variables\System variables
In system variable select Path and click on Edit and give your java version path
for example mine is:
C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_172\bin
if this is not working check whether multiple java versions are available or not.
there should not be multiple java path in Environment Variables if its there delete others and let only correct path

Error Using Jenkins to execute oracle script at remote database?

I am using sqlplus-script-runner plugin to run my sql command at remote server as my screenshot, but I got error:
ERROR: ORACLE_HOME directory [] does not exist!
Do you know how to config Oracle_home of remote db ?
I found the answer: Oracle_home is oracle path on my local machine and include the remote ip on the instance
Try changing your url to
Does Jenkins user have visibility to that folder?

creating jhipster-spring boot project war file error

I have an jhipster-spring boot application which is running docker. I want to create war file. I found some commands here:
When I type ./mvnw -Pdev package .I am typing this command in intellij terminal. I am getting this error:
I have no idea what is it because normally my app is running correcty. What I need for creating war? Should I connect database? There is no more info in above link.
from the logs that you pasted, it looks an error from spring and hibernate. check if the connections to database are working, check if your database is setup correctly as in the logs found this
Wrong column type in FRAUD.PUBLIC.MODEL_WEIGHT for column weight. Found: double, expected: real
after that use the command ./mvnw -Pprod package to generate the WAR file.
Hope this helps.

Exception with running Neo4j version 3 communitiy edition

I unpacked the tar file of Neo4j linux version.
When running the server (./bin start) it seems like the server is up, but I cant access the browser (although I get a message it is ready).
Running the console (./bin console) - returns an error: "Error: Could not find or load main class org.neo4j.server.CommunityEntryPoint"
Did anyone also encountered this issue? How can I solve this?
Thank you
How did you run ./bin console? I'm curious since such a thing does not exist.
To start up the database you use bin/neo4j start - then you point your browser to localhost:7474.
For command line based access use bin/neo4j-shell.

ERROR Failed to start Neo Server

I have to use neo4j for my rails application.
So I started installing the neo4j server.I followed steps to install here on linux.
But when I run
./bin/neo4j console
It gives
ERROR Failed to start Neo Server on port [unknown port] Bad value 'conf/neo4j-http-logging.xml' for setting 'org.neo4j.server.http.log.config': HTTP log directory [/opt/neo4j-community-2.3.2/data/log] is not writeable.
org.neo4j.graphdb.config.InvalidSettingException: Bad value 'conf/neo4j-http-logging.xml' for setting 'org.neo4j.server.http.log.config': HTTP log directory [/opt/neo4j-community-2.3.2/data/log] is not writeable.
I am unable to start the neo4j server.Help me how to resolve it.
Thanks in advance.
The error message very clearly mentions the root cause:
HTTP log directory [/opt/neo4j-community-2.3.2/data/log] is not writeable.
So check file permissions and fix them so the user running neo4j can write to that directory.
