Why am I getting this error in a basic Rails+Ember app? - ruby-on-rails

I am trying to do a simple CRUD app using Ember + Rails and I'm getting the following error when trying to go to the /workouts route.
Error while loading route: TypeError {} ember.js?body=1:415
Uncaught TypeError: Object function () {
if (!wasApplied) {
Class.proto(); // prepare prototype...
o_defineProperty(this, GUID_KEY, undefinedDescriptor);
o_defineProperty(this, '_super', undefinedDescriptor);
var m = meta(this), proto = m.proto;
m.proto = this;
if (initMixins) {
// capture locally so we can clear the closed over variable
var mixins = initMixins;
initMixins = null;
this.reopen.apply(this, mixins);
if (initProperties) {
// capture locally so we can clear the closed over variable
var props = initProperties;
initProperties = null;
var concatenatedProperties = this.concatenatedProperties;
for (var i = 0, l = props.length; i < l; i++) {
var properties = props[i];
Ember.assert("Ember.Object.create no longer supports mixing in other definitions, use createWithMixins instead.", !(properties instanceof Ember.Mixin));
for (var keyName in properties) {
if (!properties.hasOwnProperty(keyName)) { continue; }
var value = properties[keyName],
if (IS_BINDING.test(keyName)) {
var bindings = m.bindings;
if (!bindings) {
bindings = m.bindings = {};
} else if (!m.hasOwnProperty('bindings')) {
bindings = m.bindings = o_create(m.bindings);
bindings[keyName] = value;
var desc = m.descs[keyName];
Ember.assert("Ember.Object.create no longer supports defining computed properties.", !(value instanceof Ember.ComputedProperty));
Ember.assert("Ember.Object.create no longer supports defining methods that call _super.", !(typeof value === 'function' && value.toString().indexOf('._super') !== -1));
Ember.assert("`actions` must be provided at extend time, not at create time, when Ember.ActionHandler is used (i.e. views, controllers & routes).", !((keyName === 'actions') && Ember.ActionHandler.detect(this)));
if (concatenatedProperties && indexOf(concatenatedProperties, keyName) >= 0) {
var baseValue = this[keyName];
if (baseValue) {
if ('function' === typeof baseValue.concat) {
value = baseValue.concat(value);
} else {
value = Ember.makeArray(baseValue).concat(value);
} else {
value = Ember.makeArray(value);
if (desc) {
desc.set(this, keyName, value);
} else {
if (typeof this.setUnknownProperty === 'function' && !(keyName in this)) {
this.setUnknownProperty(keyName, value);
} else if (MANDATORY_SETTER) {
Ember.defineProperty(this, keyName, null, value); // setup mandatory setter
} else {
this[keyName] = value;
finishPartial(this, m);
this.init.apply(this, arguments);
m.proto = proto;
sendEvent(this, "init");
} has no method 'find'
My code is located here: https://github.com/ecl1pse/ember-workouts
What am I doing wrong?
Edit: Upon further investigation I believe the culprit is
EmberWorkouts.WorkoutsRoute = Ember.Route.extend(
model: -> EmberWorkouts.Workout.find()
This doesn't actually return anything. How do I debug from there?
If I replace that with this
EmberWorkouts.WorkoutsRoute = Ember.Route.extend
model: -> [{title: 'hi'}, {title: 'damn'}]
The view actually renders content.
How do I get the model to collect from Rails properly?

Ember Data's interface has changed a little with the current release:
You can clear out the store.js file entirely. Ember Data will automatically set up a data store for you using the REST Adapter (unless you tell it otherwise).
Use model: -> #store.find('workout') instead.
I tested this with your app and it works.
If you haven't read through the Ember Data Guide in the last week or two (it's changed a lot), I would spend a few minutes on it.

The fix for this error (as of ember-data 1.0.0.beta.6) for me was to make sure that the JSON returned from the server included an "id" field for each model, BUT not to explicitly declare the id when setting up the Ember DS.Model.
jbuilder template:
json.scans do
json.array! #scans do |scan|
json.id scan.id # This prop has to be there
json.name scan.name
Ember model:
EmberApp.Scan = DS.Model.extend(
// Don't include the id prop here
name: DS.attr("string")


Back and forward buttons not rendering templates in ember rails app

I always have this issue in ember apps that are built on a rails backend. I have a groups.hbs template which lists out a bunch of groups, when you click on a group it loads the group.hbs template next to the groups template and changes the url to /groups/:group_id.
However, when I click the back and forward buttons, or try to manually load a url with a specific :group_id the group template fails to render and the console throws a giant
Uncaught TypeError: Object function () {
App.Group = Ember.Object.extend()
all: ->
url: App.apiUrl('/groups')
).then (data) ->
console.log data
groups = []
for group in data.response
Mdm.Router.map ->
#resource 'groups', ->
#resource 'group', {path: "/:group_id"}
location: 'history'
I've never experienced this issue when building standalone ember apps. Any idea what would cause this?
I should add that I am pulling my data from an api via XHR requests.
I just explicitly created the GroupRoute and had it load all of the groups, this code is identical to the GroupsRoute. The template is still not rendering, but I no longer get that error.
App.GroupRoute = Ember.Route.extend(model: ->
And GroupsRoute:
App.GroupsRoute = Ember.Route.extend(model: ->
Here's the whole error if it helps anyone.
Uncaught TypeError: Object function () {
if (!wasApplied) {
Class.proto(); // prepare prototype...
o_defineProperty(this, GUID_KEY, undefinedDescriptor);
o_defineProperty(this, '_super', undefinedDescriptor);
var m = meta(this);
m.proto = this;
if (initMixins) {
// capture locally so we can clear the closed over variable
var mixins = initMixins;
initMixins = null;
this.reopen.apply(this, mixins);
if (initProperties) {
// capture locally so we can clear the closed over variable
var props = initProperties;
initProperties = null;
var concatenatedProperties = this.concatenatedProperties;
for (var i = 0, l = props.length; i < l; i++) {
var properties = props[i];
Ember.assert("Ember.Object.create no longer supports mixing in other definitions, use createWithMixins instead.", !(properties instanceof Ember.Mixin));
for (var keyName in properties) {
if (!properties.hasOwnProperty(keyName)) { continue; }
var value = properties[keyName],
if (IS_BINDING.test(keyName)) {
var bindings = m.bindings;
if (!bindings) {
bindings = m.bindings = {};
} else if (!m.hasOwnProperty('bindings')) {
bindings = m.bindings = o_create(m.bindings);
bindings[keyName] = value;
var desc = m.descs[keyName];
Ember.assert("Ember.Object.create no longer supports defining computed properties.", !(value instanceof Ember.ComputedProperty));
Ember.assert("Ember.Object.create no longer supports defining methods that call _super.", !(typeof value === 'function' && value.toString().indexOf('._super') !== -1));
if (concatenatedProperties && indexOf(concatenatedProperties, keyName) >= 0) {
var baseValue = this[keyName];
if (baseValue) {
if ('function' === typeof baseValue.concat) {
value = baseValue.concat(value);
} else {
value = Ember.makeArray(baseValue).concat(value);
} else {
value = Ember.makeArray(value);
if (desc) {
desc.set(this, keyName, value);
} else {
if (typeof this.setUnknownProperty === 'function' && !(keyName in this)) {
this.setUnknownProperty(keyName, value);
} else if (MANDATORY_SETTER) {
Ember.defineProperty(this, keyName, null, value); // setup mandatory setter
} else {
this[keyName] = value;
finishPartial(this, m);
delete m.proto;
this.init.apply(this, arguments);
} has no method 'find'
So I think I figured out the problem, when you click the back button or enter a manual url it wasn't finding the obkect based on id. So I added a find() method to the Group model. Not it looks like this:
Mdm.Group = Ember.Object.extend()
all: ->
url: Mdm.apiUrl('/groups')
).then (data) ->
console.log data
groups = []
for group in data.response
find: (group_id) ->
url: Mdm.apiUrl("/groups/#{group_id}")
).then (data) ->
renderTemplate: (data)
And my GroupRoute looks like this:
Mdm.GroupRoute = Ember.Route.extend
model: (params) ->
console.log 'oh hai'
Now in the console when I click the back button it is loading the data but its not associating the group template with the group_id. What is the best practice way to tell ember to do this?
I'm not a rails developer but try doing something like this for the simple model/route setup you show above
App.Group = Ember.Object.extend().reopenClass
groups: []
find: ->
url: "/api/groups/"
type: "GET"
cache: false
dataType: "json"
beforeSend: =>
success: (results) =>
[#groups.addObject(App.Group.create(result)) for result in results]
error: =>
alert "error: failed to load the available groups"
App.Router.map ->
#resource "groups", path: "/", ->
#route "group", path: "/:group_id"

Writing a list of strings to a file

From the API page, I gather there's no function for what I'm trying to do. I want to read text from a file storing it as a list of strings, manipulate the text, and save the file. The first part is easy using the function:
abstract List<String> readAsLinesSync([Encoding encoding = Encoding.UTF_8])
However, there is no function that let's me write the contents of the list directly to the file e.g.
abstract void writeAsLinesSync(List<String> contents, [Encoding encoding = Encoding.UTF_8, FileMode mode = FileMode.WRITE])
Instead, I've been using:
abstract void writeAsStringSync(String contents, [Encoding encoding = Encoding.UTF_8, FileMode mode = FileMode.WRITE])
by reducing the list to a single string. I'm sure I could also use a for loop and feed to a stream line by line. I was wondering two things:
Is there a way to just hand the file a list of strings for writing?
Why is there a readAsLinesSync but no writeAsLinesSync? Is this an oversight or a design decision?
I just made my own export class that handles writes to a file or for sending the data to a websocket.
exportToWeb(mapOrList, 'local', 8080);
exportToFile(mapOrList, 'local/data/data.txt');
//Save data to a file.
void exportToFile(var data, String filename) =>
new _Export(data).toFile(filename);
//Send data to a websocket.
void exportToWeb(var data, String host, int port) =>
new _Export(data).toWeb(host, port);
class _Export {
HashMap mapData;
List listData;
bool isMap = false;
bool isComplex = false;
_Export(var data) {
// Check is input is List of Map data structure.
if (data.runtimeType == HashMap) {
isMap = true;
mapData = data;
} else if (data.runtimeType == List) {
listData = data;
if (data.every((element) => element is Complex)) {
isComplex = true;
} else {
throw new ArgumentError("input data is not valid.");
// Save to a file using an IOSink. Handles Map, List and List<Complex>.
void toFile(String filename) {
List<String> tokens = filename.split(new RegExp(r'\.(?=[^.]+$)'));
if (tokens.length == 1) tokens.add('txt');
if (isMap) {
mapData.forEach((k, v) {
File fileHandle = new File('${tokens[0]}_k$k.${tokens[1]}');
IOSink dataFile = fileHandle.openWrite();
for (var i = 0; i < mapData[k].length; i++) {
} else {
File fileHandle = new File('${tokens[0]}_data.${tokens[1]}');
IOSink dataFile = fileHandle.openWrite();
if (isComplex) {
for (var i = 0; i < listData.length; i++) {
listData[i] = listData[i].cround2;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < listData.length; i++) {
// Set up a websocket to send data to a client.
void toWeb(String host, int port) {
//connect with ws://localhost:8080/ws
//for echo - http://www.websocket.org/echo.html
if (host == 'local') host = '';
HttpServer.bind(host, port).then((server) {
server.transform(new WebSocketTransformer()).listen((WebSocket webSocket) {
webSocket.listen((message) {
var msg = json.parse(message);
print("Received the following message: \n"
if (isMap) {
} else {
if (isComplex) {
List real = new List(listData.length);
List imag = new List(listData.length);
for (var i = 0; i < listData.length; i++) {
listData[i] = listData[i].cround2;
real[i] = listData[i].real;
imag[i] = listData[i].imag;
webSocket.send(json.stringify({"real": real, "imag": imag}));
} else {
webSocket.send(json.stringify({"real": listData, "imag": null}));
onDone: () {
print('Connection closed by client: Status - ${webSocket.closeCode}'
' : Reason - ${webSocket.closeReason}');
I asked Mads Agers about this. He works on the io module. He said that he decided not to add writeAsLines because he didn't find it useful. For one it is trivial to write the for loop and the other thing is that you have to parameterize it which the kind of line separator that you want to use. He said he can add it if there is a strong feeling that it would be valuable. He didn't immediately see a lot of value in it.

using the Advanced Compilation in google closure compiler

I am new in google closure compiler,and after read the documents in the closure tools site,I create a js and make the test.
However I found that even I use the Advanced Compilation level,the compiled codes are still easy to decompilated.
For example,this is the codes:
(function() {
_NameSpaceInternal_.Class = function() {
var clazz = function() {
this["init"] && this["init"].apply(this, arguments);
var pros = {}, arg;
for(var c = 0, k = arguments.length; c < k; ++c) {
arg = arguments[c];
if( typeof arg === 'function') {
if(c == 0 && k > 1) {
var F = function() {
F.prototype = arg.prototype;
pros = new F;
arg = arg.prototype;
} else {
if(arg.init) {
clazz = arg["init"];
delete arg["init"]
for(var p in arg)
pros[p] = arg[p]
clazz.prototype = pros;
return clazz;
After compiled(I make a pretty format for human reading):
window.__MapNS__ = {};
window.__MapNSImpl__ = {};
__MapNSImpl__.a = function() {
function c() {
this.init && this.init.apply(this, arguments)
for (var b = {}, a, d = 0, e = arguments.length; d < e; ++d) if (a = arguments[d], "function" === typeof a) 0 == d && 1 < e && (b = function() {}, b.prototype = a.prototype, b = new b, a = a.prototype);
else {
a.b && (c = a.init, delete a.init)
if (!b || !a) throw Error("You must provide an object to copy from and to");
for (var f in a) b[f] = a[f];
c.prototype = b;
return c
(function(c) {
c.Person = __MapNSImpl__.a({
init: function(b) {
this.name = b
Now,taks the class defination for "Person" for example, after compiled,all the methods for "Person" are clearly for hacker even these method have to be exposed.
But I wonder if I can make the compiled codes like this;
var xx="init",xxx="whatever",xxxx=="Person";
c[xxxx] = __MapNSImpl__.a({
xx: function(b) {
this.name = b
Just like the google map's compress.
Any idea?
The exact answer you are looking for is to enable the AliasStrings pass in the compiler by either using the Java API or by making a custom build of the compiler. The pass is not enabled by default as it tends to produce larger code when accounting for gzip.
To actually get the same effect that most google products achieve, you'll need to make substantial changes to your code.
Define your objects and methods in the global scope. Assign them to namespaces after declaring them globally. You can use the output_wrapper flag to wrap the compiled code in a function to prevent global scope collisions. Example:
function a() {}; window['Namespace']['obj'] = a;
Define your objects directly - don't use a helper method. So instead of
var a = _NameSpaceInternal_.Class({"init":function(name){ this.name=name; });
You would use something like:
function a(){}; a.prototype.name = ""; a.prototype.init = function(name) { this.name=name; };
This avoids using quoted syntax and allows the compiler to rename your properties and methods.
For many more examples of coding style that compiles/renames optimally with Closure-compiler, see the Closure Library.

displaying errors in grails without refreshing the page

I have a page with dynamic list boxes(selecting value from the first list populates the values in the second list box).
The validation errors for the list boxes are working fine, but while displaying the error messages the page is getting refreshed and the selected values are been set to initial status(need to select the values again in the list boxes)
The page is designed to add any number of list boxes using ajax calls, so adding and selecting the values again is going to be a rework.
Could you help me in displaying the validation errors and keeping the selected values as they are(previously I faced a similar situation which was resolved by replacing local variables of preprocess and postprocess with a global variable, this time no luck with that approach)
Any hints/help would be great
static constraints = {
validator: {val, obj ->
Properties dm = (Properties) val;
def deviceCheck = [:];
if (obj.customErrorMessage == null) {
for (def device : dm) {
if (device.key == null || "null".equalsIgnoreCase(device.key)) {
return ["notSelected"];
deviceCheck.put(device.key, "");
if (deviceCheck.size() != obj.properties["numberOfDevices"]) {
return ["multipleDevicesError"];
customErrorMessage (
validator: {
if ("sameDeviceMultipleTimes".equals(it)) {
return ['sameDeviceMultipleTimes']
public LinkedHashMap<String, Object> preProcess(sessionObject, params, request) {
Submission submission = (Submission) sessionObject;
def selectedFileName = sessionObject.fileName;
logger.debug("submission.deviceMapping :"+submission.deviceMapping)
try {
Customer customer = Customer.get(submission.customerId);
OperatingSystem operatingSystem = OperatingSystem.get(submission.operatingSystemId)
def ftpClientService = new FtpClientService();
def files = ftpClientService.listFilesInZip(customer.ftpUser, customer.ftpPassword, customer.ftpHost, customer.ftpToPackageDirectory, selectedFileName, operatingSystem, customer.ftpCustomerTempDirectory);
def terminalService = new TerminalService();
OperatingSystem os = OperatingSystem.get(submission.getOperatingSystemId());
def manufacturers = terminalService.getAllDeviceManufacturersForType(os.getType());
logger.debug("manufacturers after os type :"+manufacturers)
logger.debug("files in preprocess :"+files)
def devicesForFiles = [:]
files.each { file ->
def devicesForThisFile = [];
submission.deviceMapping.each { device ->
if (device.value == file.fileName) {
String manufacturer = terminalService.getManufacturerFromDevice("${device.key}");
def devicesForManufacturer = terminalService.getDevicesForManufacturerAndType(manufacturer, os.getType());
devicesForThisFile.push([device:device.key, manufacturer: manufacturer, devicesForManufacturer: devicesForManufacturer]);
logger.debug("devicesForFiles :"+devicesForFiles)
return [command: this, devicesForFiles: devicesForFiles, files: files, manufacturers: manufacturers];
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.warn("FTP threw exception");
logger.error("Exception", e);
this.errors.reject("mapGameToDeviceCommand.ftp.connectionTimeOut","A temporary FTP error occurred");
return [command: this];
public LinkedHashMap<String, Object> postProcess(sessionObject, params, request) {
Submission submission = (Submission) sessionObject;
Properties devices = params.devices;
Properties files = params.files;
mapping = devices.inject( [:] ) { map, dev ->
// Get the first part of the version (up to the first dot)
def v = dev.key.split( /\./ )[ 0 ]
map << [ (dev.value): files[ v ] ]
deviceMapping = new Properties();
params.files.eachWithIndex { file, i ->
def device = devices["${file.key}"];
if (deviceMapping.containsKey("${device}")) {
this.errors.reject("You cannot use the same device more than once");
return [];
//customErrorMessage = "sameDeviceMultipleTimes";
deviceMapping.put("${device}", "${file.value}");
if (params.devices != null) {
this.numberOfDevices = params.devices.size(); //Used for the custom validator later on
} else {
this.numberOfDevices = 0;
//logger.debug("device mapping :"+deviceMapping);
submission.deviceMapping = mapping;
return [command: this, deviceMapping: mapping, devicesForFiles: devicesForFiles ];
The problem is in your gsp page. Be sure that all field are initialised with a value
<g:text value="${objectInstance.fieldname}" ... />
Also the way it is selecting values is through id, so be sure to set it as well:
<g:text value="${objectInstance.fieldname}" id=${device.manufacturer.id} ... />

Symfony Doctrine Models for Entity Without Primary Keys

I'm working with a legacy database while re-building the web application. I want to use Symfony2.x which obviously has Doctrine as ORM.
I've around 50 (mysql) tables which has NO Primary Keys. When I try to generate models, it does not let me do and throw an exception with "No Primary Key on ... table".
Do I must have Primary Keys on tables to use Doctrine or is there any way around it?
Any help would be great.
Doctrine requires every entity class to have an identifier/primary key.
Take a look at this page: http://www.doctrine-project.org/docs/orm/2.0/en/reference/basic-mapping.html#identifiers-primary-keys
It is a requirement for Doctrine to have an identifier/primary key.
Take a look at this page: http://www.doctrine-project.org/docs/orm/2.0/en/reference/basic-mapping.html#identifiers-primary-keys
But there is a way to generate mappings and entities from tables that do not have a primary key. A table with no primary key is an unusual and bad database design but such a scenario exists in case of legacy databases.
Note: All references below refer to Doctrine 2.0
1. Find the file DatabaseDriver.php (in Doctrine/ORM/Mapping/Driver/DatabaseDriver.php)
2. Find the method reverseEngineerMappingFromDatabase. Modify the code as stated below. The original code is:
private function reverseEngineerMappingFromDatabase()
if ($this->tables !== null) {
$tables = array();
foreach ($this->_sm->listTableNames() as $tableName) {
$tables[$tableName] = $this->_sm->listTableDetails($tableName);
$this->tables = $this->manyToManyTables = $this->classToTableNames = array();
foreach ($tables as $tableName => $table) {
/* #var $table \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table */
if ($this->_sm->getDatabasePlatform()->supportsForeignKeyConstraints()) {
$foreignKeys = $table->getForeignKeys();
} else {
$foreignKeys = array();
$allForeignKeyColumns = array();
foreach ($foreignKeys as $foreignKey) {
$allForeignKeyColumns = array_merge($allForeignKeyColumns, $foreignKey->getLocalColumns());
if ( ! $table->hasPrimaryKey()) {
throw new MappingException(
"Table " . $table->getName() . " has no primary key. Doctrine does not ".
"support reverse engineering from tables that don't have a primary key."
$pkColumns = $table->getPrimaryKey()->getColumns();
if ($pkColumns == $allForeignKeyColumns && count($foreignKeys) == 2) {
$this->manyToManyTables[$tableName] = $table;
} else {
// lower-casing is necessary because of Oracle Uppercase Tablenames,
// assumption is lower-case + underscore separated.
$className = $this->getClassNameForTable($tableName);
$this->tables[$tableName] = $table;
$this->classToTableNames[$className] = $tableName;
The modified code is:
private function reverseEngineerMappingFromDatabase()
if ($this->tables !== null) {
$tables = array();
foreach ($this->_sm->listTableNames() as $tableName) {
$tables[$tableName] = $this->_sm->listTableDetails($tableName);
$this->tables = $this->manyToManyTables = $this->classToTableNames = array();
foreach ($tables as $tableName => $table) {
/* #var $table \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table */
if ($this->_sm->getDatabasePlatform()->supportsForeignKeyConstraints()) {
$foreignKeys = $table->getForeignKeys();
} else {
$foreignKeys = array();
$allForeignKeyColumns = array();
foreach ($foreignKeys as $foreignKey) {
$allForeignKeyColumns = array_merge($allForeignKeyColumns, $foreignKey->getLocalColumns());
if ($table->hasPrimaryKey()) {
$pkColumns = $table->getPrimaryKey()->getColumns();
if ($pkColumns == $allForeignKeyColumns && count($foreignKeys) == 2) {
$this->manyToManyTables[$tableName] = $table;
} else {
// lower-casing is necessary because of Oracle Uppercase Tablenames,
// assumption is lower-case + underscore separated.
$className = $this->getClassNameForTable($tableName);
$this->tables[$tableName] = $table;
$this->classToTableNames[$className] = $tableName;
3. Find the method loadMetadataForClass in the same file. Modify the code as stated below.
Find the code stated below:
try {
$primaryKeyColumns = $this->tables[$tableName]->getPrimaryKey()->getColumns();
} catch(SchemaException $e) {
$primaryKeyColumns = array();
Modify it like this:
try {
$primaryKeyColumns = ($this->tables[$tableName]->hasPrimaryKey())?$this->tables[$tableName]->getPrimaryKey()->getColumns():array();
} catch(SchemaException $e) {
$primaryKeyColumns = array();
The above solution creates mappings(xml/yml/annotation) even for tables that don't have a primary key.
