Print definition of a function in Forth - forth

When a word is already defined in Forth, is there a way to print its definition?
I've heard that many of Forth's built-in functions such as emit, drop, etc. are defined in terms of the language itself, and I'd like to be able to look at their definitions.

You can usually use
see emit
Which in Gforth gives you something like:
: (emit)
outfile-id emit-file drop ;
Defer emit
IS emit


How to simulate a user's input (only internally)?

I need to parse something during the runtime of my eclipse plugin (created with Xtext) which would then be treated as if the user has typed it in but without actually popping up and beeing visible for the user as an input of himself.
For exmample I have this input:
for "i" from 1 to 3 do {};
My problem woth this input is that the variable i is not declared as a normal declaration with a "=" but I need the parser to tell that it is one. So I want to let the parser parse
i = 1;
so it recognizes it as a normal declaration and allows cross-references to it.
Greeting Krzmbrzl
All in all the thing I want is to add a statement i=1; to the AST
I just want to have eclipse support for an existing language so I'm not writing an interpreter nor a generator. The problem is that when I have a for-loop like above the actual interpreter of that language declares a variable i (or however it's named in the loop header) and therefore this variable is available in the loop body. In my case my parser doesn't recognise i as a variable because it only knows that a declaration is done via "=" so I can't use i in the loop body (if I try so I get the error that the declaration i cannot be resolved). This is why I want to add this declaration manually when such a loop is created. I don't need to worry about any compiling or interpreting difficulties because I don't do this myself. As I already said I just want to have all the cool eclipse features for this language.
Ok, now I understand your problem. It is still no good idea to add any element to the AST to resolve any cross reference! You don't do that! Instead you should try to refactor your grammar in a way that "i" in for "i" from ... is a compatible declaration of a variable. There are several tricks to do that. Have you completely read the Xtext documentation? Have also read the Xtext book? Both documents tell a lot about how to make Xtext do things you will not expect.
Anyway, two tricks I often use are:
Introduce an unused, abstract Parser Rule which you can then use as destination of a cross reference, but which is never used as an attribute (containment reference).
VarDecl | ForVarDecl;
name=ID ...;
'"' name=ID '"';
'for' decl=ForVarDecl 'from' from=INT 'to' to=INT 'do' block=Block;
ref=[AbstractDecl] ...;
Define any ParserRule, which returns an other type.
ForDecl returns VarDecl:
'"' name=ID '"';
If you would post the grammar which corresponds to this specific problem, we could develop a solution which is safe. Adding anything to the AST during live processing content of the editor will lead to a faulty state which can destroy your document.

Why does Erlang have arity in its imports?

I find Erlang's module arity import /n where n is the number of arguments rather bizarre.
In Java and various other languages you can do something like:
import static com.stuff.Blah.myFunction;
Which will import all overloaded Blay.myFunction(..) regardless of parameters.
Besides I guess being explicit why did the language designers decide this was a good idea (I'm not trying to criticize the language... just curious)?
Does it have to do with code swapping?
Or does it have to do with hiding guard methods for recursion? If so why not allow arity on export but no need for arity on import?
Why would I want to be that explicit? That is import the two argument function but not the the three argument of myFunction?
You should be aware of what importing functions in Erlang really does. It is a pure textual transformation. If I do an -import(foo, [bar/1,baz/2]). it means that when I write a call like bar(5) or baz(a, 3) the compiler transforms these to foo:bar(5) and foo:baz(a, 3). That is all it does, nothing else. It doesn't check anything:
It doesn't check if the module foo contains the functions bar/1 or baz/2.
It doesn't even check if the module foo exists.
Really all it does is hide that you are calling a function in another module. That is why the recommendation from experienced Erlangers is "don't use it". It was a mistake. Unfortunately it is much easier to add stupid things than to get rid of them so we were never able to remove it.
"Does it have to do with code swapping?"
Yes, sort of. The unit of all code handling in Erlang is the module. So you compile modules, load modules, purge and delete modules. This means that there are no inter-module dependencies at all in the system and the compiler makes no assumptions about other modules when it is compiling a module. No assumptions are made that the environment in which a module is compiled will be the same in which it is run. That is why it is at runtime the system checks whether the function you are trying to call in another exists, or even if the module itself exists. That is why the import was a purely textual transformation.
Erlang was originally developed in Prolog.
In Prolog, the arity adds additional meaning to what you consider to be the 'arguments, as I understand from a function' in a procedural programming language. But that model does not apply here.
The so-called clauses 'married(X,Y).' and 'married(X,Y,Z).' imply a different kind of relationship 'married', which can be declared as married/2 and married/3.
In procedural programming, 'add(a,b)' or 'add(a,b,c)' are intended to generate the addition of a different number of arguments. That's not immediately the case in Prolog, where it is possible to have the relationship 'a and b, added' or 'a, b and c, added' mean something else. Needless to say, Prolog allows you to declare 'add' as you would expect a function would do. But it allows for more. More available meaning, means more need to control it.
And as in any module system, selecting what you want to expose to external clients makes sense: hence the declaration of arity.
Does it have to do with code swapping?
Kind of. The modules in Erlang are compiled separately (which is part of what allows code swapping), unlike Java classes, so the compiler doesn't know how many versions of the imported function with different arities exist. It could assume that all calls of a function with the given name come from the same module, of course, but the designers likely decided it wasn't particularly useful.
In fact, you rarely want to use imports at all, at least in my experience, just as you rarely use static imports in Java. Just write module:function, like Class.staticMethod.
Or does it have to do with hiding guard methods for recursion?
No, since not importing functions doesn't hide them in any way.

Load a file into F#'s FSI - without using #load

I want to load a file from a .fsx script into into the F# Interactive Session but I can't use #load since I only want to load it if a certain condition is true.
Is there a function like FSI.LoadFile or something instead of the compiler directive?
Looking at the source code (fsi.fs, line 1710 here
| IHash (ParsedHashDirective("load",sourceFiles,m),_) ->
fsiDynamicCompiler.EvalSourceFiles (istate, m, sourceFiles, lexResourceManager),Completed
Now, some of these parameters are probably easy to fake - in particular sourceFiles and m. I suspect that the other parameters are harder to fake.
I suspect that you are not trying to solve the problem in a good way. An alternative solution may be to do something like
let conditionally_load fname cond =
if cond then System.IO.File.Copy(fname,"dummy.fs")
else System.IO.File.Create("dummy.fs")
conditionally_load "something.fs" true
#load "dummy.fs"
Although you might need a ;; before the #load to ensure that the function runs before the #load
What you are looking to do is tricky, since you want the decision on whether to load additional code to be taken at evaluation time. A solution to this would be to modify the shell so that script loading can be scheduled at the next iteration of the REPL. In essence, your FSI.LoadFile function would simply add the path to a global queue, in the form of a ParsedHashDirective("load",["foo.fsx"], ...) expression.
The queue could then be prepended to the actions list next time the ExecInteractions method is called in line 1840. This should work fine, but clearly you won't be getting any intellisense support.

Can I get lex to put out a yylex() function with a different name?

I want to have two lexers in one project, and I don't want to run into problems with having multiple yylex functions in the build. Can I make lex output with a different prefix?
You can use the -Pprefix parameter for flex in your makefile. Using flex -Pfoo you would effectively prefix all yy generated functions. Have a look at the manual page for further details.
flex lets you do that. Just define the YY_DECL macro. Dunno about actual Unix(tm) lex(1) though.
You could build a C++ lexer. This means all the state information is held in an object.
Then it is just a matter of using the correct object!

Lua Sandboxing - Eliminating Function Creation

I've read on the Lua wiki / here / etc. on how to sandbox lua code generally. But I haven't been able to find something that disallows function creation. For example, the example here provides a sample code as:
assert(run [[function f(x) return x^2 end; t={2}; t[1]=f(t[1])]])
And that's with an empty environment. But I want to eliminate the ability to create a function (the 1st part of the code) - e.g., just allow expressions. Any idea on how to do that? Does it have to be in C somehow? Thanks in advance!
If you want to evaluate expressions only, you could try this:
function run(s) return loadstring("return "..s)() end
(error handling omitted)
This simple solution will prevent most `attacks', but not eliminate them because one can say
(function () f=function(x) print"hello" end end)()
which defines a new function named f.
Your best bet is to use a sandbox and not worry about what the user does to the environment, because it'll not be your environment.
You can try detecting the creation of functions by looking for the string "function" before allowing the execution of the lua script. For example from your C/C++ backend.
If "function" appears throw a "you are not allowed to create functions" error and don't execute the code.
A couple notes:
You might want to try to customize the detection a bit more - only throw errors if you detect function followed by blanks and an opening parenthesis, for example. I'm leaving that as an exercise.
You should be aware that there are some standard lua functions that kindof expect the users to be able to create functions - for example, the string table has several of those. Without creating functions, it'll be very difficult for your users to work with strings (it is already difficult enough with functions...)
