iPod: How to fire clickwheel events? - ios

I'd like to develop a simple tool for controlling the clickwheel of an connected Apple iPod. The development should be easy but I've no idea how to start. A solution like that would be great:
# Pseudocode
$iPod = new iPodFramework()->getConnectedDevices()->select(0);
I just need to fire these events by clicking buttons:
Scroll up/down
Hold on/off
There are several remote controls in the stores which actually do the same, but how? I don't want to spam, so I avoid posting a link for now.
Does anyone know...
how to start?
which language I need?
any tutorials, frameworks, code-snippets?
keywords/topics for googling?
Thanks in advance!


UIAccessibilityTraitAllowsDirectInteraction and VoiceOver: issue or bug in iOS?

This is a quite strange behavior that 'persecutes' me since iOS 7.0 :) I hope someone of you can help me this time! As you probably know when you are using VoiceOver your gestures are totally different from the 'normal way'. When you need to bypass VoiceOver for a specific view you can set its accessibility traits as UIAccessibilityTraitAllowsDirectInteraction. When the view has this parameter set the user can interact with it as usual (like VoiceOver is not active in that particular view).
Quite often happens that this ability is randomly lost so VoiceOver acts in its normal way.
Did anyone of you encounter this problem in its experience? Did he solve it? Fortunately turning off and on VO seems to temporarily solve this issue (until next time it happens again)
Any idea? Thank you very much
I've seen this with other things as well. For example, notifications can be spotty, particular Screen Changed or Content Changed notifications. I believe this happens as a result of turning VoiceOver on and off. For example, if you were to turn VoiceOver on, leave it running, and open your application as a user would, you would never experience these issues.
However, if you use the VoiceOver shortcut. Or interrupt the application, re-install, and restart while using Xcode, you can disrupt the VoiceOver's connection to the application. It doesn't bond correctly. So, simple things like navigation work fine. But advanced features like notifications (and perhaps some of the more complicated traits) don't work.
Essentially, I would classify this as a bug, but a bug that only shows itself when you use VoiceOver in a way that only a developer would use it.

how to distinguish on iOS volume button clicked from setting it by a software

Is there any way to distinguish in the iOS app a situation that someone have changed volume by hardware buttons on iPhone/iPad from the situation that it has been done by some UI control in the app?
I have searched for that and so far I came up with many ways to be notified that the volume has been changed but there is no way to find out whether it was done by the UI control or hardware buttons. Notifications include info abut a reason of change but it is the same for both situations.
After a long search I came up with this:
There is no way to detect hardware button been pressed (so far iOS 7). You can only be informed with the result - volume changed. It means that the only solution will be to properly handle situation when the volume change is triggered by some UI component.
You might want to have a look at the private API. rpetrich did some research again.. :) click here
But you need to know that this is not really a good idea because apple probably will reject your app when accessing private apis.

how to change joystick controlls in xna

exactly the title. i need it for my game.
i know how to change controlls on some games trough some programms that do exactly that, but i want to go into options screen, go change controlls, choose whether i will play on joystic or keyboard and then configure my controlls.
i googled but all i found are tutorials on how to use 360's joystick.
i would be SO grateful if anyone could enlighten me with his knowledge.
(i think that this is the first question about that on the internet)
have no code for this, and no idea of how to begin.
thatks for ANY feedback :)
If you mean stuff like invert Y or button remapping, you have to code your own.

IOS prev/next button close keyboard unexpectedly

I'm currently using PhoneGap (Cordova) to build an App on iPad/iPhone.
One of my page in the app (in html/css/js), have more than 100 input type Number.
When i use finger to target each of them, it's working like a charm.
But when i use the prev/next button from IOS Keyboard, sometime, i don't know why, keyboard slide to down and when i try to open it again with targeting a input with my finger keyboard just blink... Impossible to fixe it without a scroll to release all event.
I've clean my code, refactored some part, look on google and stackoverflow if someone had the same problem but i found nothing...
Did someone know if it's a UIWebView problem ? Or phoneGap? or something else?
Thank's for reading.
If you are happy to just remove the next/previous buttons from your app entirely, the new Phonegap/Cordova 2.6.0rc1 has made this incredibly simple.
In your config.xml file, just set the HideKeyboardFormAccessoryBar preference to true.
In order for those two buttons to work you need to specify their behavior and it seems that it is not specified. Made some research and I think you have two options. Either you get rid of the next/previous buttons at all like explained here or you override textFieldShouldReturn: in a way similar to what is described in this post.

Different ways of show notifications from tray bar

What are the alternatives to balloon hints to show notifications from the tray bar?
What I want to achieve is something like Skype notifications, so I want to also have the feature of piling up notifications (in Skype we have John is online, Marc is online and Jim is online at the same time). How can I achieve this?
Moreover, something nicer looking than the balloon hint would be better.
you can use the TJvDesktopAlert component which is part of the JVCL library, you can find an example in this directory jvcl\examples\JvDesktopAlert\JvDesktopAlertDemo.dpr
(source: agnisoft.com)
You can just create your own form and popup it as the tray notification at corresponding position.
You can create custom form and show it next to the system notification area. LMD ElPack includes TElTrayInfo component for exactly this purpose.
Have a look at Growl: http://www.growlforwindows.com/gfw/
It is a good looking UI
