how to change joystick controlls in xna - xna

exactly the title. i need it for my game.
i know how to change controlls on some games trough some programms that do exactly that, but i want to go into options screen, go change controlls, choose whether i will play on joystic or keyboard and then configure my controlls.
i googled but all i found are tutorials on how to use 360's joystick.
i would be SO grateful if anyone could enlighten me with his knowledge.
(i think that this is the first question about that on the internet)
have no code for this, and no idea of how to begin.
thatks for ANY feedback :)

If you mean stuff like invert Y or button remapping, you have to code your own.


ARSCNView as VRView

Long things short:
I want make my iOS application Mac friendly. In my case I want (I don‘t know how to do) to use my ARSCNViews as an view that presents me everything in VR.
I don‘t want to have any special room. I only want to show SCNNodes.
I have got an ARSCNView so I see things in AR,
*but I want to see the things(SCNNodes) in VR, so that the users don’t have to continue using camera.
I want to see make an VRView from my AR(SCN)View.
I couldn‘t find any information how to do that.
I tried hard for 4 days.
Does somebody know how to do that?
I already tried:
create a new camera
Use some not helpful code from Stackoverflow and  Dev Documentation
Like Stereo
Tried to create to ARSCNViews to give one as the input for the other on (I gave the first non camera input
(Something really stupid) I wanted to use an SCN
The simplest solution for nonAR (a.k.a. VR) app is to use SCNView.

How do I get rid of the bar on the bottom of the screen that allows you to take pictures in xcode?

I want the user to be able to see the content from the back camera but I do not want them to be given the option of taking a picture of it. Is there a function that I can call to turn this feature off?
I have run into a similar situation. You will want to use AVFoundation to construct your own interface. Your question was not nearly specific enough, so I'll give you my assumption of your situation: you are trying to hide the UIImagePicker button so the user cannot take a picture. UIImagePicker does not offer much in the way of customization, so AVFoundation will be your best bet. Check out this tutorial from Jameson Quave and it should help you understand what direction to be headed in. Cheers!

iPod: How to fire clickwheel events?

I'd like to develop a simple tool for controlling the clickwheel of an connected Apple iPod. The development should be easy but I've no idea how to start. A solution like that would be great:
# Pseudocode
$iPod = new iPodFramework()->getConnectedDevices()->select(0);
I just need to fire these events by clicking buttons:
Scroll up/down
Hold on/off
There are several remote controls in the stores which actually do the same, but how? I don't want to spam, so I avoid posting a link for now.
Does anyone know...
how to start?
which language I need?
any tutorials, frameworks, code-snippets?
keywords/topics for googling?
Thanks in advance!

iOS: animation icon model "springboard"

I want to know if is possible simulate the little movement of icons in iPhone springboard when I do a long press in one of them. Can you help me?
I was at a conference last year and one of the talkers was an ex Apple employee around at the time of creating that icon wobble.
When they were creating it they used a combination of animation of scale, rotation and translation (both up, down and left, right).
When showing it to Steve Jobs he couldn't be satisfied by any of the wobbles that he was shown.
In the end they created some custom sliders (behind the home screen) that he was able to access so that he could customise the animation himself and get it "just right".
I know this doesn't help at all but thought it might be interesting.
Anyway, it looks like the link that Robotic Cat provided in the comments might give you something worth looking at.

How can I get a slot machine effect in the IOS SDK with text?

I need to create a list of words then have the words cycle through in a slot machine effect when swiped from top to bottom.
the only issues I'm having problems figuring out is the scrolling text part. UIPICKERVIEW doesn't cycle around (plus I need to only show one option at a time). I've hunted for examples and/or tutorials regarding this but haven't found anything that points me in the right direct.
Anyone know of a tutorial or have suggestions where I can get started or further my research? thanks.
You could use iCarousel for this:
Run the Basic iOS Demo and select the Cylinder carousel type in vertical orientation with wrap on. If that looks like what you want, the documentation will explain how you can set it up in your project.
