facebook like action in ios - ios

I have integrated facebook SDK in ios,and now want to use like action. For this, I have used like logo of facebook but this is rejected with following message-
"Please address the following feedback from our review team. Once you have made the changes listed below you may resubmit for review.
Thanks for making changes to your submission. This action type still doesn’t meet our criteria to become available to users. Here are the remaining changes that you need to make to your action type: Your button branding doesn’t follow Section 5.6 of the Facebook Terms and Section I.8 of the Platform Policy: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/guides/policy/examples_and_explanations/branding/ The graphics must reflect your own branding and the user experience of your site. Learn more about branding: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/submission-process/#uex."
If I will use like button as my application theme, then how user will know that he is going to like on facebook.

According to facebook
You can use the Built-in Like action to create custom buttons in your
app, but the button must not emulate or otherwise copy the design of
Facebook’s Like buttons. For example, you may not use a “thumbs up”
image with the word “like” in your Open Graph actions without prior
written permission from Facebook, and any custom like button you
create must not confuse users into thinking that your Open Graph
action will result in a connection to a Facebook Page.
They have clearly stated that "you may not use a “thumbs up” image with the word “like”"
So what's best thing which you can do ??
just a thumbs Up button.

You may not be allowed to use same button as Facebook has, as per Apple's guidlines.
So, in that case, you can put the same button but with different color OR you can even change the sign of fingers and make a little change in the icon. It will create an impression of Facebook like button but it is not exactly same as it.


Swift - How to set custom title in SKStoreReviewController?

I wonder that if i can set custom title in SKStoreReviewController?
I read the apple document and search a lot in google
But I didn't find solution
What can I do if I want to implement the pop view like image above
No, you can't do it with SKStoreReviewController. Some apps make a custom one but can't send the ratings to the App Store.
According to Apple Documentation:
The SKStoreReviewController API lets you give users an easy way to
provide feedback about your app. You can prompt for ratings up to
three times in a 365-day period. Users will submit a rating through
the standardized prompt, and can write and submit a review without
leaving the app.
It means you can only show a standardized prompt. However, you can create a custom prompt and redirect the user to your app in the app store.

Redirect to Apple Maps with "Avoid Highways" automatically selected

We have an app that allows users to check-out and ride a certain type of vehicle, and I want to build a button that, when pressed, redirects them to their default navigation app, optionally with a destination pre-selected. Crucially, this vehicle is not allowed on highways, so we do not ever want to direct users to a route with highways in it.
Right now, I am stuck because it looks like I cannot launch Apple Maps with "avoid highways" selected. I am using the URL "http://maps.apple.com/daddr=0,0&dirflg=h", but &dirflg=h did not work for me, neither did &avoid=highways or &avoid=h. Looking at Apple's documentations, it appears that this param just isn't available: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/featuredarticles/iPhoneURLScheme_Reference/MapLinks/MapLinks.html
It looks like for iOS users I would have to redirect them to use Google Maps instead, which I can do according to the Google Maps iOS SDK docs: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/ios-sdk/urlscheme. Is that true? Is there really no way to open Apple Maps with 'avoid highways' selected?
Yep—from that documentation it looks like there’s indeed no flag for that setting in the request URL. You may want to file an enhancement request on MapKit for that feature.

How should I show my app's icon on Facebook's friend list in iOS?

I am new in handling apps that will be connecting with Facebook.
I want to let my user log in my app with Facebook account and be able to send something, for example, a gift to their Facebook friends.
I want to get the user's friends list and which is very easy by using FBFriendPickerViewController. However, I want to have an effect that if their Facebook friend(s) is/are also using my app, the app icon will be shown at the right hand side of the user table cell (Just like some Phone Contact lists will show if the contact has Whatsapp/ Google+)
I have been searching through sites but still find nothing about this.
So my question is, is there any "official" way (using Facebook SDK method) to show the icon?
Or I have been thinking of another approach is that, I first get the friend list and then saved it, with the information that whether the "friend" is using my app or not. Then I create a custom friend picker view and check the condition to enable/disable the visibility of the app icon.
I can get the information by using approached of using GraphAPI fields or using external database, for which are mentioned in this , this and this .....
Anybody help?
Ok I end up with customizing my own table view... : )

Facebook Social Discovery - programmatic post to specific user's wall?

How do I trigger a programmatic post to a specific person's Facebook wall so that it looks like this (but replace GO TRY IT ON with my app):
I do not want this to be a generic post to the world. I want this targeted to the specific user's wall whom I specify. I want to include a specific message. I already have social discovery for my app enabled (meaning that I can see my app when I search facebook on my iPhone, and I see it in my list of apps such that I can tap the row and launch my app from facebook).
Looks like you want to familiarize yourself with the concept of the Open Graph -> https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/
product is obviously an object defined in that apps open graph settings, and suggesting is an action that can be undertaken with products.
So what you've shown us in this picture is not a normal post, it's the publication message of an Open Graph action.
But I'm not aware of any simple way to make this publication visible only to one user. The general visibility is set by the user in the auth dialog for your app. I don't know if there's a way to further restrict visibility for a single action publication, maybe by dynamically creating a friendlist with only that one user in it or something …

How to programmatically "like" a Facebook page within an iOS app?

I want to add code to my iOS app which prompts users to "like" my app's Facebook page after they use the program X number of times. However I want to keep it as simple as possible for the user. What are the best practices for programmatically "liking" a page? Right now, I have a link to my Facebook page in the "Help" screen, but I want to make it more visible to the user and try to get more "fans."
There's no API to actually create a Like connection.
No, there isn't really way to like anything without user's click. It's because of malicious applications/sites
