Facebook Social Discovery - programmatic post to specific user's wall? - ios

How do I trigger a programmatic post to a specific person's Facebook wall so that it looks like this (but replace GO TRY IT ON with my app):
I do not want this to be a generic post to the world. I want this targeted to the specific user's wall whom I specify. I want to include a specific message. I already have social discovery for my app enabled (meaning that I can see my app when I search facebook on my iPhone, and I see it in my list of apps such that I can tap the row and launch my app from facebook).

Looks like you want to familiarize yourself with the concept of the Open Graph -> https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/
product is obviously an object defined in that apps open graph settings, and suggesting is an action that can be undertaken with products.
So what you've shown us in this picture is not a normal post, it's the publication message of an Open Graph action.
But I'm not aware of any simple way to make this publication visible only to one user. The general visibility is set by the user in the auth dialog for your app. I don't know if there's a way to further restrict visibility for a single action publication, maybe by dynamically creating a friendlist with only that one user in it or something …


Need to open web page within telegram bot chat -- big picture

Building my first telegram bot and it's going to be quite complex.
Part of workflow needs to open a webview within telegram that will require user interaction, return to bot chat altering chat with data received from user.
Reading through the entire api, SO, github, I'm having trouble finding anything about the viewing webpages, much less if we can interact. Before I get deep into this project it would be awesome to have some starting direction.
Can you create web views (like you see for "instant view" articles, google maps, etc), and if so can you get data from user to use back at the chat bot?
Another option is possibly using a "game". In our case, it won't be a conventional game, but maybe we could use the html5 game to render what we need, and interact with the user. I know it can pull scores, names, etc to update message, maybe we could somehow make this work?
I'm currently working through the api. This is one of my first apps, and my first telegram bot. I really appreciate any assistance on how to get started here.
This is in Rails, using https://github.com/telegram-bot-rb/telegram_bot_app as a starter. Mostly needing to know if this concept it possible, but anything more specific would be great, too. Thanks!
You can't create web view with the bot API and you don't need to do that. You can simply link to a web page using simple links or inline buttons and the page will open in Telegram's inline browser (Depending on user's settings).
If you include the user ID in the URL you will know who is using the webpage. e.g example.com?uid=1234
Now that you know who is using the webpage, you can use the ID to send messages or anything else in Telegram chat while user is on the webpage.
At the end you can redirect the user back to your bot URL (telegram.me/botusername).
You can now use Seamless Telegram Login to link to a web page and log in the user. This feature can also be used in groups
Try the new Telegram Web App API
It can open a web page on the bottom sheet, which you can expand almost to the full screen.
You can configure the web app open button by following these steps:
Open BotFather
Type /mybots, select your bot
Click Bot Settings > Menu Button
Set up a menu button that opens a certain URL

facebook like action in ios

I have integrated facebook SDK in ios,and now want to use like action. For this, I have used like logo of facebook but this is rejected with following message-
"Please address the following feedback from our review team. Once you have made the changes listed below you may resubmit for review.
Thanks for making changes to your submission. This action type still doesn’t meet our criteria to become available to users. Here are the remaining changes that you need to make to your action type: Your button branding doesn’t follow Section 5.6 of the Facebook Terms and Section I.8 of the Platform Policy: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/guides/policy/examples_and_explanations/branding/ The graphics must reflect your own branding and the user experience of your site. Learn more about branding: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/submission-process/#uex."
If I will use like button as my application theme, then how user will know that he is going to like on facebook.
According to facebook
You can use the Built-in Like action to create custom buttons in your
app, but the button must not emulate or otherwise copy the design of
Facebook’s Like buttons. For example, you may not use a “thumbs up”
image with the word “like” in your Open Graph actions without prior
written permission from Facebook, and any custom like button you
create must not confuse users into thinking that your Open Graph
action will result in a connection to a Facebook Page.
They have clearly stated that "you may not use a “thumbs up” image with the word “like”"
So what's best thing which you can do ??
just a thumbs Up button.
You may not be allowed to use same button as Facebook has, as per Apple's guidlines.
So, in that case, you can put the same button but with different color OR you can even change the sign of fingers and make a little change in the icon. It will create an impression of Facebook like button but it is not exactly same as it.

Doing Facebook Requests directly without the built-in UI

I wanted to confirm if this is possible. I want to publish "User To User Requests" directly to the open graph action with my own UI (specifically the friend selector).
My friend selector does follow the platform guidelines (ie do not allow users to select all users at once). My question is that can I publish these requests directly without having to use any of the FB UIs including the request dialog preview (we are going to show our own preview).
This is to be built on iOS. The primary reason we want to use our own UI is because our design team feel that the popups hinder UX on mobile and they want to make it seamless. Their reasoning is a design issue that probably up for another discussion all together, but what I want to know is about using the requests api without using the native FB ui.
The answer is simply, YES, yes you can do this and then post the request to each friend using the id's of the friends selected by the User. All you have to do is just retrieve the friend list retrieve selected user ids and POST to them the requests.

How should I show my app's icon on Facebook's friend list in iOS?

I am new in handling apps that will be connecting with Facebook.
I want to let my user log in my app with Facebook account and be able to send something, for example, a gift to their Facebook friends.
I want to get the user's friends list and which is very easy by using FBFriendPickerViewController. However, I want to have an effect that if their Facebook friend(s) is/are also using my app, the app icon will be shown at the right hand side of the user table cell (Just like some Phone Contact lists will show if the contact has Whatsapp/ Google+)
I have been searching through sites but still find nothing about this.
So my question is, is there any "official" way (using Facebook SDK method) to show the icon?
Or I have been thinking of another approach is that, I first get the friend list and then saved it, with the information that whether the "friend" is using my app or not. Then I create a custom friend picker view and check the condition to enable/disable the visibility of the app icon.
I can get the information by using approached of using GraphAPI fields or using external database, for which are mentioned in this , this and this .....
Anybody help?
Ok I end up with customizing my own table view... : )

Let sites know they were visited from WebView inside iOS App

I'm trying to figure out the best way I can inform analytics trackers that the page view is coming from my app, rather than a 'direct visit' (for example).
I have an app that displays a list view of tons of different news stories, and I want to make it so that, when a user taps on one of the stories, and it is displayed in my UIWebView, the website being loaded is somehow informed that the referral came from 'example-iphone-app', or maybe my iPhone app's website?
Is there any way to manipulate the http request to make the iPhone app act as if the link is being opened by a referral link on my website?
I was originally thinking of just adding a query string with a parameter like ?source=myappname, but realized this is not a reliable (or even useful) way of alerting site owners with Google Analytics, SiteMeter, Urchin, etc. from where the request has come.
If you're using Google Analytics then you can set the utm_source and utm_medium query parameters and they will be displayed as the referral source. utm_source is where you would put your myappname parameter and utm_medium should probably be set to referral unless you are charging per click then it is usually set to cpc.
