How to make networked software aware of itself? - ios

I have an Android and iOS app that I would like to be accessible through PC software. Currently, the mobile application will display an IP address and the PC user must manually type this number in to create a connection.
I know there is some sort of broadcasting standards, but I'm having trouble figuring out what method make sense in my case.
A solution that works for both Android (native activity, version >= 2.3.3) and iOS would be ideal.

Bonjour by Apple might be what you're looking for. It allows your application to broadcast your service over the local network so that the PC will automatically discover it. You can find more information here.


See devices connect to my wifi router using Swift and allow/block wifi acces

In short i'm trying to build an App that will grant/block wifi access to my son's wifi for his Ipad and his PS4 remotely using an App. I researched the topic and can't figure out how this can be done. Ideally i'd like to be able to grant/block wifi access independently Ie. block wifi to the Ipad and allow PS4.
How can this be done, no need for the full code ( well if you insist i'll take it ) but just point me in the right direction.
Depending on the router you're using you're going to need to write something that interacts with the router's API, if it has one. If it doesn't, you will need to replace the firmware on your router with something like ddwrt that can be scripted. From there, you might be able to create an app that talks to the router's API.
TLDR: You're probably better off simply bookmarking the management page for the router and enabling/disabling access for the devices.
It occurred to me that some mainstream consumer router/access point manufacturers (Linksys, Asus, etc) have companion apps for managing their devices from the LAN side. You should see if such an app exists for your router, and if not, perhaps consider getting a different router that supports such an app.

How to link/pair HTML 5 with a hardware device?

I have two entities which I would like to be able to start a communication:
Hardware Device Using Atmel ATSAMS70 and WINC1500 Wifi Module
HTML 5 App
The idea to have a HTML 5 app is to be able to communicate easily with most of the commercial devices like: Windows computers, Android Phones, Mac OSX computer and iOS devices. Apart from that, I would avoid working with native code at all.
Currently, they can talk with each other using WebSockets but somehow the IP address of the custom board has to be known from HTML 5 to initiate the communication.
In order to do this, I can think of 3 options:
Using WebRTC I can get the local IP address of the browser and then I could do a scan of the local devices considering a network mask.
Have an external server that the hardware device can send its local address which will be later retrieved by HTML 5.
Using Bonjour or some sort of device discovery service between the board and HTML5.
I could not find a way to achieve #3 but #2 seems feasible to me. #1 is what I am doing now, but WebRTC is currently not supported on iOS.
So, is there any other better possibility to achieve this communication?
You don't mention how the WINC1500 unit is being connected to the network but presumably this is in STA mode (acting as a wifi station rather than becoming a software access point or part of an ad-hoc network) and is being provided with its IP details through an existing access point?
Ordinarily I'd suggest that once connected, the device ought to start indicating its availability on the network via a regular UDP broadcast on a specific port but my (admittedly limited) understanding of WebSockets it is that it creates TCP connections. The only implementation of Bonjour that I've seen uses UDP messaging too, that may be why you've had trouble with your third approach.
Your second approach seems more likely to work well. A server at a known (or discoverable) IP on the local network which allows the Atmel device to register itself (and its IP address) and also allows other applications (your HTML 5 WebSockets applications) to request that connection information to allow them to create the WebSocket TCP connections they need.
I suppose that doesn't really answer your question as to "Is there a better way?", other than to say "Not that I can think of, your second approach looks good to me...". Sorry! Sounds like a very interesting project, overall,

Communication between iOS app installed on different devices on the same LAN

I have just delivered a prototype for a big client, everything was fine but I'm now curious to know if the solution/architecture I've chosen was the right one or there's place for improvement in case the project will keep on.
The task was to build two iOS apps: one running on 5 different iPhones, and another running on 2 iPads. Basically the iPhone applications had to communicate information to the iPads, and occasionally they also had to send information between each other (iPhone to iPhone). All the infos where small JSON objects/chunks whose size was small, really small.
The app was not intended to reach the app store, is a working prototype to test out some ideas in a user testing environment.
I discarded bluetooth because we are talking about a peer-to-peer communication, not a one-to-one.
What I did was to use web sockets thanks to SocketIO, through a small Node.js server that was running on my mac. The server was really simple, just receiving the messages from the clients and broadcasting information to the other ones.
What do you think? Is the solution I've chosen ok, or there are better ones?
For example, this morning I've just found out these thread here on SO, and I've discovered I could have used GameKit. What do you think?
Socket.IO is nice because it is fairly simple to implement but it has the downside of requiring a central server. If you wanted to avoid that, you could use the Multipeer Connectivity framework that was introduced in iOS 7.
It will let you create one-to-one communication channels between devices on either the same WiFi network or Bluetooth. Once the channel is created, you can send whole NSData objects (or create streams but it doesn't seem relevant to your use case).
A good read :
The WiTap sample from Apple demonstrates peer-to-peer networking over Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Using Bonjour, the application both advertises itself on the local network and displays a list of other instances on the network. Supports infrastructure networks, peer-to-peer Bluetooth, and peer-to-peer Wi-Fi (on compatible hardware).
I have personally tested it and it works fine and well documented.
I think is the best choice. It is built on top of (which in turn is built on the fastest websocket implementation: ws) It has oldest to newest fallbacks, so it starts with long polling and works its way up. This guarantees a quick initial connection instead of needing to poll the device for features. You can read more on this here. Best of all, it handles everything seamlessly. You write your code as if websockets are supported on connecting devices and if not it will use other methods behind the scenes.
This post details many of the websocket libraries you could use with your server. Which websocket library to use with Node.js?
I am convinced Bonjour is the best solution:
Apps can also leverage Bonjour to automatically detect other instances
of the app (or other services) on the network.
However I've never used it myself; perhaps someone who has can comment?

iOS: filesharing without iTunes?

I develop an enterprise application for iOS and the user should be able to add files from the desktop to the application.
I implemented this using filesharing, which works great.
Now this company wants to get rid of iTunes from their machines (which is quite understandable, iTunes is a very invasive process).
The question is, is it still possible to somehow use filesharing without iTunes? maybe with another application?
Or what other way is there to send files to the app (preferrably without the need of an internet connection)
//edit: must work on windows 7 and must not require to install iTunes (there are some other tools that allow access to the iPad filesystem, but they go through drivers installed by iTunes)
You could exchange data via the local wireless network (a connection to the internet is not required, just the iOS device and the Windows computer need to be on the same network).
One option:
You can then create a simple TCP/IP connection over sockets between an iOS app and a Windows application and exchange the data you want.
However you probably need to implement a suitable simple Windows application to do this.
An other, maybe simpler, solution:
You could start a webserver in your iOS-App and show it's IP on the screen. By entering this IP in a browser on the desktop computer you can access websites on the iOS device, which can make documents available for download or receive uploads.
For how to do this, have a look at this question.
There are a number of ways to achieve this, ranging from trivial to sophisticated.
Your question says that you would prefer to avoid an internet connection. Simple solutions may require it - if you want to abstract the difficult parts, you're going to have to let somebody do the dirty work, and that's probably going to be someone(thing) on the internet. Midrange solutions may require a network but not internet connection. A sophisticated solution could probably be whatever you want - but one thing I would say, is that trying to tap into the USB connector is either going to result in a hacktastic or very complicated solution to implement.
One method would be to integrate a third party framework that basically does what your looking for. Look at the Dropbox development kit, for example - allowing Windows (or any platform) users to drop files on their desktops into a shared dropbox, and this can then be read by an iOS application which includes the iOS drobox API.
Another method would be to setup a simple WebDAV server in your office. Host it on a windows box, or a cheap linux box. Give users desktop's access to the share via whatever protocol you want (eg, Windows File Sharing). Then you'd implement a WebDAV client in your app (eg, WTClient) to pull files.
Finally, you could build your own transmission system. A sophisticated example might involve Bonjour and TCP/IP, a simpler-but-custom solution may involve a simple JSON web service running off a local (or remote) server.
I have suggestion but that will require the Internet. I would suggest you to use the DropBox API in the windows and iPhone both. It's awesome to use and very simple for file sharing.
Now a days everybody have dropbox account and have files in it to share. So that shouldn't cost anything other than a bit of implementation (this learning can also be used in other file sharing applications).
Here are some guidance:
You can add apps and documents to USB-connected devices with the Apple Configurator
You may use a simple Ftp server installed on PC, so you can connect to server from Ios and upload/download files from iOS to PC....
All work is done by Pc and your app will use IP (Intranet or Internet) of PC to share all files.
From Ios you can read all files in FTP server and work with them.
I use the FileBrowser app to get access to network shares over WiFi and will allow you to load supported files to the device. The company responsible is creating an API to allow you to do this within your own app:!/Stratospherix/status/193114857271336960

Transfer data over wifi without a database

I want to get to know how I can transfer data easily between 2 iPhones, over wifi. I would like to know if I could do that without having a server or database, but within an app (so without using email).
Game Kit has support for Peer-to-Peer-Connectivity and is, despite the name, not only usable for games:
The GKSession class allows your application to create and manage an
ad-hoc Bluetooth or local wireless network, as shown in Figure 1.
Copies of your application running on multiple devices can discover
each other and exchange information, providing a simple and powerful
way to create multiplayer games on iOS. Further, sessions offer all
applications an exciting mechanism to allow users to collaborate with
each other.
You can also check out Bonjour API from Apple. I am not sure if you need a static IP for it to work or it can just work over wifi. Just trying to give a pointer.
Based on your exact usecase, it can work well.
Check it out here, Game center is also there.
