Sencha app with Cordova on Xcode - ios

I am trying to build a ios package using sencha and phone gap. I followed the steps here I am able to build and run the package on ios simulator. However, I can only see the index.html page. All the model, view and controller folders with js files created by sencha are not copied there. So, I am not able to run the app which i built using sencha.
When i click on the app/view/Main.js i get error The requested URL was not found on this server.
Any help on this would be great.

I think that the problem is that they expect you to run only the "production" version of you app inside cordova. When you set production the microloader is not used and everything is compiled into one file instead. That should solve the issue.


Angular route is not working with Cordova iOS

I'm facing an issue with Cordova, Cordova-ios 6.2.0 and Angular 12.0.
When I'm building my app with Cordova and launch it in an emulator (or with a device), I'm arriving to a white screen.
I did some research and try some "fix" but nothing worked.
Finlly, I've find that it could be because of the balise.
So, I tried to play with the tag and modify the href with ., ./, / but nothing worked.
I've tried without and it worked, but without routing.
Has someone already had this problem?
The Angular router needs the app to be hosted on a "proper" HTTP scheme and does not work with file: URLs. You can check how your app runs, if you open the JavaScript console for your app running on an iOS device with Chrome and typing location.href. If you see file: you need to set up a custom scheme.
Please checkout the documentation and this announcement

Selected folder doesn't contain a config.xml in phonegap

I am using windows 7 .my antivirus is now disabled. I want to build a hybrid app. i downloaded phone gap. when i creating new phone gap project their shows "Selected folder doesn't contain a config.xml ". I tried lot of time but i cant able to create a project .after seeing this message selected folder contain 4 folders but it is empty. I want to built a hybrid app but i am stuck in beginning please help me to solve problem.
i am attaching screenshot of project creation and error message .1st screen shot is how i created project.2nd one is error message when i click create project.3rd one is empty folders created in selected folder for creating project.
When i select a folder with config file it show below error...
It helped me to create the project through the PhoneGap CLI and then just add the project in the Gui. That worked for me
Install phonegap Cli with npm: npm install -g phonegap#latest
Go to your project folder and create the project: phonegap create testproject
Start the PhoneGap Desktop App and add the existing project
We've pinpointed the issue, there seems to be have been a recent change to the template and it seems to have a compatibility issue with the connect-phonegap create API which is used by PhoneGap Desktop to create projects.
We're currently working on a fix.
In the mean time you can also use the PhoneGap CLI as an alternative.

How to edit the Xcode Project for Meteor iOS integration?

I want to create an app icon, splash screen, edit the app name, and set some cordova / app settings.
meteor run ios opens up the simulator but doesn't open or the project. Where is that project and does this Xcode project ever get overwritten? I don't want to lose any settings I make.
For example I want to set the app url scheme so I can implement a redirect to the app. I also want to set cordova preferences to disallow over scroll. Typically I would do these things from within the .xcodeproj but where is it and when does it get overwritten / reset?
From what i have seen from the docs and my experience so far
meteor run ios only runs the iOS emulator with your code in it. The code related to this build is in .meteor/local/cordova-build but is temporary and will get overwritten all the time
meteor run ios-device -p yourlocalip:yourlocalport will launch XCode with the cordova-built .xcodeproject, and a local server on your computer. It is intended to make you able to run and debug your code from an actual iPhone device, with the changes you make on your computer to the code repercuted instantly on the iPhone screen. You need your computer and your phone to be on the same Wifi to enable this feature. The code related to this build is in .meteor/local/cordova-build but is temporary and will get overwritten all the time
meteor build /Path/To/Builds/Directory/NewBuild -p yourserverhost:yourserverip will actually create the cordova-built .xcodeproject pointing to your real server at the path you specified. From this project you can customize as much as you want BUT you will indeed loose these settings with a new build...
Except if you use the yourproject/cordova-build-override/ folder !
As described in the offical cordova meteor docs under "Advanced build configuration" everything you put in this folder will overwrite the files created by meteor during its build. So you can configure everything in the Cordova/Phonegap way there. If you were able to configure your features through Cordova usually, you will be able to do it there.
Bonus that I have learned the hard way :
Always destroy the .meteor/local folder before building one of those three things, i got stuck in a state where XCode remembered some of my changes to the .xcodeproject and everything was messed up. After destroying this folder, everything went back to normal :)
hope i helped
If you are looking for the path to the Xcode project in your filesystem, it is located at:
You'll have to navigate to your project directory and open .meteor because it is a hidden file.
Note: If you want to be able to see hidden files in finder on a mac, then type into your terminal defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE, and then restart finder. Change TRUE to FALSE to only see visible files.

InAppBrowser not launching

I've installed Phonegap using the npm and my app is working great, except when I call to launch a website it does not give me the footer with the done button so my app get's stuck on the called web page.
I am using XCode to build an ios app.
I've used npm to add the InAppBrowser plugin. It added the to to the config.xml.
I've added the site to my whitelist in config.xml. The site opens fine, just without the done button/footer.
It added the InAppBrowser plugin entry to:
It added the InAppBrowser plugin folder in /#myapp#/platforms/#platform#/plugins/
The related SRC files for InAppBrowser are in the platform folder as well
(for example IOS plugin src files are: /#myapp#/platforms/#platform#/#appname#/Plugins/)
I added a console.log function to InAppBrowser.js to confirm that the plugin is loaded, but it does not generate a log entry.
I've tried many things to get the footer/done button to show without any success, but I seem to be missing something here.
I solved this problem by recreating the Xcode project using cordova (instead of phonegap). I went through all of the solutions several times with no luck, so I used the terminal to build a new cordova project, added the InAppBrowser to the project, then copied my code and assets from the old project to the new one. Launched the app on my ipad and it all worked just fine.
I don't suspect it's a problem with Phonegap 3.1.0. I think there was a project issue that kept it from working and starting over with a clean project did the trick.
All is well.
One note is that I saw postings that reported cordova interrupts the console.log function, so be careful with that. Alerts work just fine.

Index.html not found on PhoneGap application when testing on a device

I have created a small IPhone Application with PhoneGap (1.5), and I would now like to test it on my device.
I have set the output to my IPhone, and clicked build. The application is added, but I receive the following error when trying to run it on the phone:
ERROR: Start Page at 'www/index.html' was not found.
It works fine if I try it on the simulator, so what might I have forgotten?
I guess you could try to remove your www folder from your project and try to re-add it this way
PhoneGap application: "ERROR: Start Page at `www/index.html` was not found"
Hope it helps
I found out that there might have been an issue when I set up the application in the first place. First of all I saw that I referenced to an older version (1.4) of PhoneGap. I downloaded the newer version of the javascript component and replaced it, but it didn't help.
I then simply just created a new solution an copied the code from my old project and then it worked.
I am sorry to say that I don't know excately what went wrong.
