Index.html not found on PhoneGap application when testing on a device - ios

I have created a small IPhone Application with PhoneGap (1.5), and I would now like to test it on my device.
I have set the output to my IPhone, and clicked build. The application is added, but I receive the following error when trying to run it on the phone:
ERROR: Start Page at 'www/index.html' was not found.
It works fine if I try it on the simulator, so what might I have forgotten?

I guess you could try to remove your www folder from your project and try to re-add it this way
PhoneGap application: "ERROR: Start Page at `www/index.html` was not found"
Hope it helps

I found out that there might have been an issue when I set up the application in the first place. First of all I saw that I referenced to an older version (1.4) of PhoneGap. I downloaded the newer version of the javascript component and replaced it, but it didn't help.
I then simply just created a new solution an copied the code from my old project and then it worked.
I am sorry to say that I don't know excately what went wrong.


Unity iOS support, installation failed

I am trying to use Unity to create an iOS app. I used Unity Hub to install Unity. I then opened Unity, went to File-Build Settings. I click on iOS, and it says "No iOS module loaded", so I clicked on the "Open Download page". I downloaded UnitySetup-iOS-Support-for-Editor-2018.4.7f1 and ran it. It looks like everything is going smoothly, and right at the end I get the message in the attached screen shot.
I have tried closing Xcode and Unity. I have tried restarting my computer. I have done several Google searches, but I haven't found anything that helps. Does anyone have any ideas?
I suspect the installation path got messed up.
You have to use the Unity Hub to install additional packages.
Go to Installs, click the 3 vertical dots and select Add Modules.
I had a similar problem with tvOS support and it seems that if you don’t have Unity installed to /Applications/Unity, installing addons will fail. (I had it in /Applications/Unity-2019.4.7f1.)
I moved my Unity to /Applications/Unity, installed the addon, and then moved Unity back.
The accepted answer did not work for me.
However, what did the job (Unity 2018, Unityhub 3.4.1) was copying the installed /Applications/Unity/PlaybackEngines to the current /Applications/Unity-[2018....]/PlaybackEngines

Why Xcode shows "This app could not be installed at this time." pop-up?

When I run the project and add the app in simulator for the first time, everything is okay. But when I run it again, Xcode prompts this message as a pop-up window at the end of compilation:
This app could not be installed at this time.
I already checked the relevant question, and tried all the advised ways to solve this issue; checking mentioned logs, cleaning project, restarting simulator, changing it, erasing all content and settings in it. Nothing works. I must erase the app and recompile it every time to open the app. Did you get the same message before? Is there any way to detect problem and resolve it? Btw, I use Xcode 9.2 at High Sierra.
This error pop-up may come up for different reasons. There is no specific reason to see it for now. In my case, a JSON file that I added to Bundle in order to provide mock data triggered this issue. This file was containing a Turkish letter in one of the keys. After I fix it, the pop-up is gone. Interestingly, earlier simulators (<=9.1) work properly if JSON file contains Turkish letter but 9.2 simulators cannot tolerate it.
Worked for me when I rebuild the project after deleting the derived data folder.
I think I may have found a solution. This all started a short time after I let Xcode update my project settings. Specifically on my CocoaPod-Subproject. I removed the pods and reinstalled them and now I am no longer getting the pop-up.

Internal API error

Since few days, every time I try to run my app on my iPhone, I get get this error message "There was an internal API error".
I'm getting this error just with one application only on my iPhone. In fact, there's no problem with the same app on simulator or on my iPad. No problem too with other apps on my iPhone...
I've tried many things mentioned in those threads:
"There was an internal API error." while running an app on any iPhone/iPod-touch device
Xcode 4.4 - There was an internal API error
like remove/re-run the app, reboot iPhone/mac, clear cache, check plist, check profiles, check build settings, restore iPhone.
I'm using xCode 7.1.1 and iOS 7.1.2
Can someone point me on what I forget to check please ?
As per my work and research I got a solution. Since I was preparing the build in manual way from product. In that case my was copying in folder from which I have to create a build, that app was not copied properly and I prepared the build and installed in my device, in that case I got this error.
I again clean the Xcode prepare the build properly and installed it, it works.
When I rename my project and delete the special character "ç", xCode success to run the app on my iPhone. It might be related to xCode 7, before there was no problem for compiling.
I also had this problem. The way I solved it was by removing the special characters from the Product Name (in Build Settings) - I had an 'æ'. Indeed, it looks related to Xcode 7, because it used to work on previous versions of Xcode.

App installation failed: Could not write to the device

In Xcode 6.3, I got this error when trying to run an iOS project written in Swift on a real device.
App installation failed
could not write to the device.
I tried to clean the project and run again, but the same error occurs.
How can I fix this error?
Deleting the app on the device and running the project again works for me.
I did a Clean and installed my app successfully.
I turned off the device and turned it on again after which I did not get such error.
OK, few things you should consider that could guide us to the problem, please check and post the answers:
is your project using capabilities? are they set correctly (should be all green)
did you try with a different project (something really simple)?
are you able to install apps from the App Store?
did you check the amount of free space left in the device?
if not, another suggestion will be using exception breakpoint, there is someone that posted an explanation how to setup it, do it and post the logs
App installation failed
I hope it helps you
Got this problem twice in one week on complete different devices.
One device had no more storage left, after deleting some apps the project installed perfectly.
The other device was fixed after rebooting the device
If you are using a free developer account you may need to uninstall some other apps you have signed.
For me it was the provisioning profile - I used distribution instead of development
My issue was an embedded framework.
Go to "Build Phases" -> "Embed Frameworks" -> Check "Copy only when installing", and it got rid of the issue for me.
For me the following did not work on iOS 11 beta 10, XCode 9 beta 6:
Restart the device
Deleting the app from the device
No symlinks were in the project
There was plenty of storage available
Deleted Derived Data and voilá, it worked again
in my project this problem happened because there was a folder with symbolic link. I removed that folder and it worked properly.
This error has many potential root causes, as can be seen by the large variety of suggested answers. The best approach to troubleshooting app installation issues like this one is usually to inspect the console of the iOS device itself, as that'll often provide much more specific error messages. In Xcode open the 'Devices and Simulators' window and take a peek at the logs of the device where your app is being installed.
In my case, the "Could not write to the device" error was being caused by this:
Feb 27 10:54:58 iPhone-7-110 installd(MobileSystemServices)[46] : 0x16f92f000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 38: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /private/var/installd/Library/Caches/
Which clearly hints at what's actually going on. I had forgotten to set an Info.plist file for my dynamic framework target (used by the app).
I had a symlink in my project to a file outside of the project. When I deleted this symlink the install worked fine.
I was having the same error, i just deleted the project and fixed!
Go to Window -> Project and right click, and remove from projects!
In the case of your device have an app with the same bundle identifier, Xcode will throw this error.
Try to delete potential app with the same bundle identifier.
Check your provision profile, maybe you are using the app store provision profile like me. I had to change the app store provision profile to development, now it's working.
Tried all of the above answers: Deleting the app, clearing storage space, cleaning the project...
What finally worked was bumping the build number in info.plist (General > Build)
For anyone still facing this Issue:
There are so many reasons and this is one of them as it happened to me.
I've faced the same problem and I was connected wirelessly and If you are trying to install the application in wireless connecting mode (connected through same network), this might probably because of poor internet connection. Check your internet connection and try again, it works fine...
Get rid of embedded libraries, dont' just throw it in there make sure it is embedded indeed.
If you use your iPhone for debug, maybe, because your iPhone's storage space is less than your debug App.
Clean your iPhone --- Real machine
Clean your Mac --- Simulator
This looks like another time waster courtesy of Apple's amazingly high class development team. On iOS11 Xcode9 (pick your beta, any one works) this will happen randomly. Appears to be more frequent if you dare to switch apps while compiling. Just build again and stare at xcode - it'll work the second time without fail in my experience.
Apparently this message can also appear if the system clock of device where the app is being installed is too far away from the current time.
I was doing some tests with date formatters by changing my iPhone's system clock and eventually forgot to reset it to the current time. Afterwards it always displayed the same message ("could not write to the device.") whenever I attempted to run the app. Simply resetting the clock in Settings fixed the issue.
Nothing helped me. I followed the below steps,
Clean derived data folder
Quit Xcode and disconnect device
Restart Macbook
Restart Device
Open Xcode
Clean and run the project
Finally I got it working!!
I am facing same issue then solved out follow this step and now its working.
Deleting the app from the device
Try to install another application
Remove derived data in X-code.
Restart X-Code then clean and build the project then run.
It's still not working then
Remove un-used application
Restart the device and check the Available and capacity in settings
Again app run in device
I hope its worked, enjoy it.
My problem was I had initially installed the app using a different set of developer credentials on the device. Deleting the app from the device fixed it.
Maybe it can be due to the following error App installation failed. No code signature found. In my case after a project clean the description of the error switched to "No code signature found".
In my case I created two frameworks but they had the same bundle identifier.
This caused the installation to fail, so double check the frameworks bundle identifiers and make sure that each of them have a unique bundle identifier.
Environment: Xcode 10
sometime this error occurs due to wrong certificate.Please make sure your certificate.
Also this the error shown if your machine running Xcode is low on space.
Once I had to load an App Container for debugging purposes into an iPad, said operation failed because the container was too big (18 GB) for this device (16 GB minus the OS), so that I desisted the task and completly forgot about it, leaving the failed installation in the device. Later, when trying to install a different application this error appeared, once I got rid of the failed app installation, everything got back to normal.
Basically, your Ipad might be low in storage.
One reason this can happen is if your app bundle contains broken symlinks.

Sencha app with Cordova on Xcode

I am trying to build a ios package using sencha and phone gap. I followed the steps here I am able to build and run the package on ios simulator. However, I can only see the index.html page. All the model, view and controller folders with js files created by sencha are not copied there. So, I am not able to run the app which i built using sencha.
When i click on the app/view/Main.js i get error The requested URL was not found on this server.
Any help on this would be great.
I think that the problem is that they expect you to run only the "production" version of you app inside cordova. When you set production the microloader is not used and everything is compiled into one file instead. That should solve the issue.
