Z3 invalid function application: not to false - z3

I have the following line in my program:
return Z3_mk_not(ctx, term);
When I run the program, Z3 fails at this line with the following error message:
WARNING: invalid function application, sort mismatch on argument at position 1
WARNING: (define not Bool Bool) applied to: false of sort Bool
Error: type error
... does anybody know what to make of this? I'm using Z3 version 4.3.1 with the new solvers API.
valgrind does not report any memory violations.

The term in question was in the wrong Z3_context. The error message was just slightly misleading, and along with the fact that valgrind didn't complain this wasn't the thing I considered first.


F# FSI "Unexpected compiler generated literal in interaction" with "#I __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__"

If I create a new F# file 'Test.fsx' in VSCode with the line
attempting to run the code in FSI generates the error
Test.fsx(2,4): error FS0010: Unexpected compiler generated literal in interaction. Expected incomplete structured construct at or before this point, ';', ';;' or other token.
Any idea what might be going wrong?
It is a known issue in VS2019, which has been fixed in VS2022.
You may replace the code with
#I "."

How do I find the error details using the match function on Lua?

I'm just asking a question on finding error details from the error function.
Like I would like to find error details from example.lua:50: "then" expected near "if".
Any ways on how to do that on Lua? I'm working on something for ComputerCraft on Lua. (Minecraft Java mod)
I'm trying make a function that returns the error parsed out. It's supposed to return 3 variables, var1: file name, var2: line number (if none it is specified nil), var3: error text.
example.lua is the file where the error is. 50 is the line number. There is a syntax error, likely in the if condition. (I'm not familiar with ComputerCraft, so I don't know where that file might be.)

dask: astype() got an unexpected keyword argument 'errors'

for what reason dask astype givers error if errors keyword is specified, while that should work fine according to the docs?
df['listing_id'] = df['listing_id'].astype('int32', errors='ignore')
Here is the error :
TypeError: astype() got an unexpected keyword argument 'errors'
The doc also says
This docstring was copied from pandas.core.frame.DataFrame.astype.
Some inconsistencies with the Dask version may exist.
You were warned :)

problems using the declaration of char

My codes and the errors that I got
I got this problem with the turbo c++ that every time I'm compiling my codes it just pull some errors which I already tested to online compiler (gdb online compiler).
The first error is "Declaration is not allowed here".
The file is .C, not .CPP, so it is probably compiled as C and not as C++. Variable definitions in the middle of the code are only allowed in C++. Just move the definition to the beginning of the function.
The following warnings are "Function should return a value".
If a function is not defined as void (eg. int) it should have a return statement which returns a value of the type of the function.

Read a list from stream using Yap-Prolog

I want to run a (python3) process from my (yap) prolog script and read its output formatted as a list of integers, e.g. [1,2,3,4,5,6].
This is what I do:
['my_script.py', MyParam],
read(Out, OutputList),
However, it fails at read/2 predicate with the error:
PL_unify_term: PL_int64 not supported
Exception ignored in: <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>
BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
I am sure that I can run the process correctly because with [stdout(std)] parameter given to process_create the program outputs [1,2,3,4,5,6] as expected.
Weird thing is that when I change the process to output some constant term (as constant_term) it still gives the same PL_int64 error. Appending a dot to the process' output ([1,2,3,4,5,6].) doesn't solve the error. Using read_term/3 gives the same error. read_string/3 is undefined in YAP-Prolog.
How can I solve this problem?
After asking at the yap-users mailing list I got the solution.
Re-compiled YAP Prolog 6.2.2 with libGMP option and now it works. It may also occur in 32-bit YAP.
