App Store iOS Submission Issue - Icon Size? - ios

I received the following message after submitting an update.
If your application supports the iPhone device family, you must
include square icons of the following dimensions: 57x57 pixels and
120x120 pixels.
Why 120x120? Retina resolution is 114x114 which I have. Is it because of iOS 7? iOS 7 isn't even out yet though.

iOS 7 iPhone Retina icon is looking like it is going to be 120px by 120px.
iOS 7 iPhone:
Standard: 60px x 60px
Retina: 120px x 120px
iOS 7 iPad:
Standard: 76px x 76px
Retina: 152px x 152px
Looks like Apple decided to start enforcing the requirements a bit early, which does not surprise me in the slightest.

Same problem happened here bud I did not have an option to continue. It gives me the red dot and "Invalid Binary". However i've managed to fix that issue after 1 day trial and error.
The sollution is:
Rename the icon files in a way that they do not contain #2x suffix!
I also added "CFBundleIcons" key to the Info.plist file and added the "CFBundleIconFiles" array under the Primary icon key.

I don't think there is any necessary adjustments for the standard size, but there are adjustments needed for retina. This is a direct screenshot from Xcode 5.
It's kind of bogus, because you're right iOS7 isn't out, so they shouldn't force you. I submitted my app during the keynote with no trouble, but made the conversion quickly and am actually resubmitting now for iOS 7. It's weird that you got that message and I didn't.

iOS 7 isn't out yet as stated, but it's prudent for Apple to start enforcing the soon-to-be requirements as early as is feasible. You will notice that apps with a 57x57 or 114x114 icon will occasionally display entirely wrong on an iOS 7 device.
Implementing the new guidelines early - bearing in mind we should be getting a GM imminently - ensures that a lot of these problems will be eliminated.

I guess you shouldn't use the XCode beta version to submit your apps but remain on using your old XCode non-beta to submit your apps!
Here I didn't had any problems whatsoever regarding the old #2x suffix and the sizes.


iPhone XS Max / XR not able to use native resolution when using launch images in Xcode 10

I'm using the old school launch image approach instead of a Launch screen storyboard for unrelated reasons.
Normally when Apple has come out with new physical form factors they have added the ability to include images for the new screen sizes in the image asset catalog, which would in turn enable your app to run at native resolution instead of being scaled up from previously supported resolutions.
However, this time around that does not seem to be the case. This is how the LaunchImage asset looks in the final version of Xcode 10 (i.e. not GM):
As you can see there are no drop-ins for iPhone XS Max or iPhone XR, which both have a different (higher) resolution than iPhone X and iPhone XS.
I have seen other people with the same issue, however without any solution.
I can't seem to find any iOS 12 or Xcode 10 documentation suggesting that Apple only supports storyboards or xibs for launch screens going forward.
I had it set up like on your picture, and then I noticed that in the inspector on the right there is an 'iOS 8.0 and later' section of checkboxes that weren't checked - when I checked the Portrait one, the XS Max and XR boxes appeared. If you have that checked, maybe unchecking and checking it again would fix the problem.
Thanks to #Paulw11 for providing the answer.
As of this writing you have to delete your current LaunchImage asset (of course remember to copy your files to somewhere else first) and the go into your asset catalog and add a new LaunchImage asset. Then it will have the necessary drop-ins:
This seems like a bug to me, unless they're quietly pushing people to use storyboards?

App icon not showing up on iPhone - Xcode 9.1

The iOS deployment target on the app is 11.1 and after adding the icon, I am noticing that the icon is not showing up. I came across other posts here on SO and seems like adding a profile to an image helped, but it didn't help me.
Am I missing something here?
Read the warnings shown on the left in Xcode. Your icon images are the wrong size.
The 2x images needs to be 120x120 and the 3x image needs to be 180x180. You used a 60x60 image for both.
Remember, the icon needs to be 60 points (not pixels). 60 points is 120 pixels for 2x and 180 pixels for 3x.
For app icon, icon sizes are very important. If you provide any size that not same as required then the icons are not showing properly. Read this document you will understand about app icon sizes.
You did not provide the actual size of icons as required. Please provide the actual size.
180px × 180px (60pt #3x)
120px × 120px (60pt #2x)
40px × 40px (20pt #2x)
20px × 20px (20pt #1x)
This link will help to create different size of icons you need.
For anyone having this issue on Xcode 10 beta 1, upgrade to beta 2 or later. It is mentioned in the changelog that this was an issue in beta 1. I had this exact issue on beta 1 and upgrading to beta 2 solved it.
May be useful to someone.
I had the same problem on:
Xcode: 13.0
Min Deployment Target: 12.1
Device: iPhoneXs - 15.0.1
Double, triple checked the icon sizes as per documentation. And recreated the App Icon as well. Spent lots of hours exploring SO, apple forums. Finally...
The AppIcon started showing up just after restarting the device.
Update: App icon started showing up on the device after upgrading Xcode to 13.2.1.
Follow below link:
Drag and drop 1024 x 1024 icon in above link. That site creates all size of icons and you can set icon Assets to AppIcon.
Hope this link helps you. :)
Check the plist maybe there is a different name for your appicon asset catalog.
If you you migrating old leagcy objective-c project to new assets catalogue, there could be a key in plist like "Icon files (iOS 5)". remove it. and keep only Appicon.
Check Build Settings - Asset Catalog App Icon Set Name.
Also sometimes helpful to delete the old app from ios device then reboot device and install again

iPhone X: Incorrect launch-screen orientation used

I am testing image launch-screens on the iPhone X and ran into a strange behavior. So I'd like to request some feedback before opening a radar:
I created a portrait and landscape launch-screen with the dimensions 1125 x 2436 Pixel (portrait) and 2436 x 1125 Pixel (landscape). Then I add them to the asset catalog and they are picked up correctly:
So far so good. Then I run the app on the iPhone X Simulator (I've reset the app before to ensure nothing is cached) and the (stretched) landscape-image is shown.
I validated the png sources to have a valid non-alpha background and am still unable to show the correct launch-screen. I noticed that the portrait image is not even copied to the resulting product:
So that might suggest an issue with Xcode 9. Any feedback is more than welcome, thanks guys!
EDIT: Side-note: When removing the landscape image from the asset-catalog, the portrait one is copied and picked up correctly.
UPDATE 09/29/2017: Apple confirmed that it is indeed an issue in Xcode and it will be given to the related engineering-team.
For the iPhone X, try using a launch screen storyboard instead of launch images.
This is mentioned in the new "Building Apps for iPhone X" video on Apple's developer site:
(It's mentioned at the 2:50 mark.)
To set a launch screen storyboard, create a storyboard file and choose it from the "Launch Screen File" dropdown in your project settings.
This is finally fixed in Xcode 9.1 Beta 2 and above!
Using only the portrait image (and no landscape one) seems to work, at least on the simulator. Anyhow, iPhone X can launch apps only from portrait. Don't know if this solution will create issues on the actual device (iPhone X isn't available yet at time of this writing). I would guess it doesn't.
This is clearly an xCode 9 bug, i've the same problem, also the filename of the asset is not correct, following previous naming convention there must be 2 files, LaunchImage-1100-Portrait-2436h#3x.png and LaunchImage-1100-Landscape-2436h#3x.png (note why 2436h and not 812h, all the others resolution are expressed in point not pixel)

iOS 9 Splash screen is black

My apps' splash screens are all plain black after upgrading to iOS9.
Does anybody know why this is? Some of them are using a .xib splash screen and some are using images, but they're all just black now. Does an app have to be built with Xcode 7 for the splash screen to work in iOS9? Has anyone seen some documentation on whether this is an intended breaking change from Apple?
Thank you!
UPDATE: Looking through the apps again it seems my older apps, which only had a Launch image and no .xib are still displaying correctly, so the issue seems related to the launch screen .xib
As hagi pointed out in the comment, after re-installing the very same binary it starts working again so the cause is probably that launch images are generated from the xib whenever the app is installed, and stored somewhere, and then when upgrading to iOS9, for some reason (unintended Apple bug most likely), the generated images are cleared, and the app ends up with no splash. And that's why the old-fashioned launch images are still safe and not affected by this, cause they're already baked into the app.
I'll report it as a bug to Apple.
Easy fix. No need to mess with anything. Xcode 7 just prefers the images to be "Universal".
Click on Assets.xcassets folder
Click the + sign to Import from Project.
Select all images
Done. Now your launch screen works and Xcode is happier.
Same problem here after I updated to iOS 9. Re-installing the app from the App Store seems to solve the problem. I guess, it's an iOS 9 glitch.
I had the exact problem and had a black launch screen after using Xcode 7, and at first re-adding the images in Launch-Screen.xib worked but it went black again.
I fixed this permanently by moving the images referenced by Launch-Screen.xib into an asset catalog, rather than using the png filenames.
Just to point out that once again (as this solution didn't appear in answers, and I've personally lost around two hours when "fixing" that), sometimes, especially when the app is in active development/debugging, it requires iOS device to reboot for the launch screen to be fixed.
Black screen default come because, iOS strictly enforces some a startup images it can be black or any images.
Use UILaunchImages key to the Info.plist file and use a dictionary to describe each launch image.
check following references
A launch storyboard or xib must be provided unless the app requires full screen
I am using xcode7.1 it works. Please download latest xcode7.1
I hope above information will help you.
In the storyboard 'Clears Graphics Context' box unchecked then It works.
What worked for me was
1 - Go to LaunchScreen.storyboard
2 - Select is the initial view controller
enter image description here
And you are good to go.
With me uninstalling the app, or rebooting the device didn't help. I used XCode for 5 more minutes, which is the mean time between failure in XCode and it gave "Unkown error occurred" error, which was very helpful. Of course as an experienced XCode developer I knew what to do, force-quit, clean the project, rebuild.
The first error was solved meanwhile as I had forgotten about that.
The problem maybe because missing image size: .png, #2x.png, #3x.png at LaunchScreen.xib
I made loading screen by LaunchScreen.xib
In this xib has load a image launch.png
But there are missing size launch.png, just exist launch#2x.png and launch#3x.png
After add missing image: launch.png, black square bug is gone.
Starting from iOS9 and Xcode 7 you are required to provide a LaunchScreen.storyboard for your launch screen in order to support the new multitasking feature on iPad.
To opt out of being eligible to participate in Slide Over and Split View, add the UIRequiresFullScreen key to your Xcode project’s Info.plist file and apply the Boolean value YES.
I have fixed this issue after removed Size Classes for LaunchScreen.xib
I used only Auto Layout for it.
I noticed the same issue on the launch screen and have a black square in the middle of the screen.
It might be due to missing images at the specified formats .e.g #2x, #3x etc.
I had the same problem. I downloaded Xcode 7 and upgraded my project to swift 2.0. After recompiling the issue was gone at first but then it started to happen again later on during my tests on other unrelated code.
So far two things get this fixed, in both cases temporarily. Remove the background image, add the same image with another name. New image works for a while. Second, is you resize the image view, and in most cases the image starts to work again, but only for a while.
I submitted my new update to iTunes connect while I was seeing the splash screen. Not sure if this is an operating system issue or app api issue that gets corrected with a recompilation of code.
I also tried enabling and disabling the new Bitcode feature but that didn't help.
I had the same issue with the new iOS 9 project I built using Unity (5.2). To fix that I added the image that I want to show as the launch image to the LaunchScreen-iPad.xib file's Image view.
The common solution of adding the Images in LaunchImage and setting it in Launch Image Source and deleting the entry in Launch Screen File did not solve my issue. The launch image is dependent on the iPhone you are using. Since my app was for iOS 8.0 and greater, choosing it in LaunchImage will ask you to upload only Retine 4.5" and Retina 5.5" images. But these sizes will work for iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. You should upload the images based on the device.
iPhone 4S:640 x 960 (#2x)
iPhone 5:640 x 1136 (#2x)
iPhone 6: 750 x 1334 (#2x) portrait, 1334 x 750 (#2x) landscape
iPhone 6 Plus: 1242 x 2208 (#3x) portrait, 2208 x 1242 (#3x) landscape
I wasted so much time solving the black screen launchimage issue. Hope this helps someone.
We always need to add proper size of image if we are using image.Assets for Launch image and select correct options for launch image Source on Clicking project navigator>General>AppICons and launch images > launch image Source > BrandAssets
If size of launch image is not correct with respect to device on which you are try to running app, then your app will run as iPhone 4 showing black top and bottom bars.
Resizing the image and changing the format to png fixed it for me :
Resize the images (1x => 500 × 825) (2x&3x => 600 × 991)
Change to png
Clean building folder and Derived Data
Restart xcode and simulator

What is going on with the app icon

Can someone please tell me what is going on with app submission and the icon i have submitted my app with a icon at 72X72 so apple sends me this email
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "Spotify HD". Your delivery was successful, but you may wish to correct the following issues in your next delivery:
Missing recommended icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly '76x76' pixels, in .png format.
Missing recommended icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly '152x152' pixels, in .png format.
So i change the dimensions to what they are after and then when i try and validate the app with xcode i get the following error.
You app icon dimensions 76X76 dont meet the size 72X72????
What is going on.
The new icon sizes are likely in preparation for iOS 7. Try checking the documentation for iOS 7 to determine changes for submission specific to icon sizes.
In preparation for iOS 7, Apple has asked all developers to start submitting their new iOS 7 ready apps. One of many changes to the new OS is new varying sizes to icons. You should submit all the icon sizes you previously used to need to submit (in order to maintain backwards compatibility) and additionally include a 76x76 and 152x152 icon. "Splash screen" images in iOS 7 have also changed their default size, so all those resources will need to be adjusted. Also bear in mind that icons in iOS 7 will no longer get the automatic 'shine' treatment - so make sure your icons look good without it (and it is not recommended to add your own shine - it's against guidelines and would look out of place).
According to the new prerelease doc for iOS 7.
You need to have new size icon added for iOS 7.
Changing to only iOS 7 size icon will not work like you have done in your case as your app is also targeting iOS 6 which requires different icon size for iPad.
You need to add both size icons for iOS 6 and iOS 7 to successfully submit.
Icon sizes specified in apple doc here
