What is the best size for a buffer in BlackBerry? - blackberry

In my application I need to read data from an input stream. I have set the current buffer size for reading as 1024. But I have seen in some Android applications buffer size has been kept as 8192 (8 KB). Will there be any specific advantage if I increase the buffer size in my application to 8KB?
Any expert opinion will be much appreciated.
Edit: (I am using BB OS 6 and 7 and I am dealing with network inputstream.)

I can't say that I've found the universally best buffer size, but it seems to me that something in the range of 1KB to 8KB should be fine in most situations (for BlackBerry Java apps).
Keep in mind that if the amount of data is small (so you'd probably only need one or two buffers at 1KB-8KB), it's probably best just to use the IOUtilities method:
byte[] result = IOUtilities.streamToBytes(inputStream);
with which you don't need to actually pick a buffer size. But, if you know that result would be a large block of data, you're probably right in wanting to read one buffer at a time.
However, I would argue that the answer should almost always be obtained simply by building the app, and measuring performance with a few different values for byte buffer size. It's easy enough to change one constant, build, run and measure again, and then you're not guessing, or taking the advice of someone who doesn't know all the details of your app.
See here for information about BlackBerry Eclipse plugin memory analysis, and
here for BlackBerry Eclipse plugin profiling.
These tools are found in Eclipse by selecting the Window menu, then Show View -> Other... -> BlackBerry -> BlackBerry Memory Statistics View, or BlackBerry Profiler View, while debugging.
This way, you can see how much memory, or processor, the network code is using during the call to retrieve data and populate your buffer.
BlackBerry InputStream to String conversion

This question was also asked in the official BlackBerry forum here:
The OP gave this clarification:
"I am reading from network. Once I establish socket connection with the server, the server will send me notifications one after the other. I need to read the notifications/data from the inputstream available in the socket connection. For this I have a background thread which checks anything is available in the inputstream and if something is available, it will read with the help of a buffer and then passes the read data to a StringBuffer."
Given this information, I have a different take, in that I think the BlackBerry network handling abstracts the Java application from the network buffer processing to the extent that the application buffer size will have little if any impact on the performance.
But be aware, this is only my opinion.
My response on that thread was as follows:
First thing to note is that the method "isAvailable()", in my experience, does not work correctly on OS 5.0 and earlier. It is fixed in OS 6 (at least from my testing).
Because isAvailable() was broken, (and for other application reasons) what I have implemented for a socket connection is that each message is preceded by a length. So in the socket connection, I read the length of the next message, and then the actual data. This is done with no blocking - in other words I read the entire message, regardless of size. I recommend you do the same. The message must exist in full somewhere so it makes no difference if it is in some memory managed by the socket connection, or in some memory managed by you.
Note also, until OS 6.0, when you did the read you would get all the data to fill the buffer you had - in other words it waited till the buffer was full. In OS 6.0 and later, the read can complete without giving you a full buffer.
In your case, you might be working in a post OS 6.0 only, so you could use isAvailable() - create a buffer of that size, and read everything. I can't see that it makes any difference whether you have the bytes in memory managed by the socket, or memory managed by you.
But in fact, I would argue that the best approach is the one that makes your processing simplest. So for example, if you know that the next message is 200 bytes, then read 200 bytes, and then process that message. Then read the next message.
You could spend a lot of time attempting to manage the buffers to match the underlying socket buffers. I don't know exactly how the underlying BlackBerry socket processing code works, but it doesn't put data directly into your buffers. So let it manage its buffer size to optimize the network, you manage your buffer size to optimize your processing. That will work best for everyone.


How do I increase maximum download size in an MVC application?

I am frankly stumped. This is beyond my experience.
I have a C# MVC program that generates a zip file in a MemoryStream for downloading. The action method is called by a button click to JavaScript.
The only problem is that in some cases the potential file size can easily exceed one Gig and from my reading, that is a common problem. I've tried upping the Maximum Allowed Content Length to 3000000000 in Request Filtering on IIS (IIS8). I've tried adding requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength to my web.config. I've even tried breaking up the zip through multiple calls to the action method (without success), although I have yet to get any confirmation/denial that this is even possible.
Is there any setting within IIS or my web.config that I could be overlooking? Could this be a company network issue, not solvable on an app developer's level?
Okay, so it's kind of hard to explain big concepts in 400 characters or less, so I think I'm just causing more confusion sticking in the comments section. Besides, I think we're close enough here to an "answer" as you're likely to get.
The default constructor of MemoryStream essentially sets the initial size to 0. In reality, the initial size is set to somewhere around 256, but since the initial size is mostly a guide, and it doesn't actually claim that space until its needed, it starts at 0.
Each time you write to the stream, it checks how much is being written versus the remaining size of the buffer array. If it can't fit the write, it creates a new, larger buffer array and copies the old buffer array into that. In this way, setting an initial size can help somewhat, in that you start off with a larger initial buffer array and you may not need to grow that buffer. You might have a better chance of getting a contiguous block of memory, which I'll explain the importance of in a bit, but that actually kind of works against you, as well. If you only need 1MB for the file, but you're initializing with 100MB and there's not 100MB of contiguous memory, you'll get an OutOfMemoryException, even though there might be 1MB of contiguous memory available.
Regardless of whether you initialize or not, there remains certain immutable facts. First, MemoryStream requires contiguous memory. Even if you technically have memory available on the system, it's possible you might not have large blocks of available memory. In other words if you have 4GB available, but it's all fragmented, even trying to create a 1GB stream in memory could fail, simply because it can't reserve 1GB of contiguous memory. Obviously, the larger the file you're tying to create in memory, the greater the chances that you're going to run into this issue. For this reason alone, I would say you're out of luck without raising the amount of system RAM. With 8GB and probably only 4-6GB actually available to IIS and then split up between worker processes and threads, the odds that you're going to be able to claim 25% or so of the available RAM as contiguous space, is highly unlikely.
The next immutable fact may or may not be relevant, but since you haven't specified, I'll mention it. If your web app is deployed as 32-bit, you'll have a hard limit of 2GB for any object, meaning a MemoryStream could never house more than 2GB (actually around 1.3-1.6GB as .NET code consumes some of that address space), and any attempt to make it do so will result in an OutOfMemoryException, even if you had some ridiculous amount of RAM on the system like 1TB+. If your app is 64-bit, this is less likely an issue as you can address a ton more memory, assuming it's compiled properly. You'd have to pretty much try to screw that up, though, so you should be fine.
Finally, multiple writes can cause an issue as well. As I said previously, the buffer array resizes (if necessary) in response to writes. Each time it resizes, the new buffer array must also be able to fit in contiguous address space. As a result, multiple resizes can cause you to bump into an OutOfMemoryException you wouldn't have hit if you had written all the data from the start. This is where initializing the MemoryStream can be helpful, but as I said before, it's also a double-edged sword, as your initial buffer size might be too great to begin with and you end up with an exception where you may have not had one letting it grow organically. Long and short, try to write everything to the stream in one go rather than piecemeal.

Are there memory limitations when outputting to a ScrolledText widget?

I am fairly new to Python and to GUI programming, and have been learning the Tkinter package to further my development.
I have written a simple data logger that sends a command to a device via a serial or TCP connection, and then reads the response back, displaying it in a ScrolledText widget. In addition, I have a button that allows me to save the contents of the ScrolledText widget into a text file.
I was testing my software by sending a looped command, with a 0.5 second delay between commands. The aim was to test the durability of the logger so it may later be deployed to automatically monitor and log the output of the devices it is connected to.
After 30-40 minutes, I find that the program crashes on my Windows 7 system, and I suspect that it may be caused by a memory issue. The crash is a rather nondescript, "pythonw.exe has stopped working" message. When I monitor the process using Windows Task Manager, the memory used by pythonw.exe increases each time a response is read, and will eventually reach nearly 2Gb.
It may be that I need to rethink my logic and have the software log to the disk in 'real time', while the ScrolledText box overwrites the oldest data after x-number of lines... However, for my own education, I was wondering if there was a better way to manage the memory used by ScrolledText?
Thanks in advance!
In general, no, there are no memory limitations with writing to a scrolled text widget. Internally, the text is stored in an efficient b-tree (efficient, unless all the data is a single line, since the b-tree leaves are lines). There might be a limit of some sort, but it would likely be in the millions of lines or so.

How can I measure my router's buffer?

So i'm curious, is there any info on a router's config page or manual, or is there any way to measure it's buffer? (I'm talking about the "memory" it has to keep packets until the router can transmit them)
You should be able to measure your outgoing buffer by sending lots of (UDP) data out, as quickly as possible, and see how much goes out before data starts getting dropped. You will need to send it really fast, and have something at the other end to capture it as it comes in; your send speed has to be a lot faster than your receive speed.
Your buffer will be a little smaller than that, since in the time it takes you to send the data, at least the first packet will have left the router.
Note that you will be measuring the smallest buffer between you and the remote end; if you have, for example, a firewall and a router in two separate devices, you don't really know which buffer you are testing.
Your incoming buffer is a lot more difficult to test, since you can't fill it fast enough (from the internet side) not to be deliverable quickly enough.

What is buffer? What are buffered reads and writes?

I heard the word buffer after a long time today and wondering if somebody can give a good overview of buffer and some examples of how it matters in today's world.
A buffer is generally a portion of memory that contains data that has not yet been fully committed to its intended device. In the case of buffered I/O, generally there is a fast device and a slow device. The devices themselves need not have disparate speeds, but perhaps the interfaces between them differ or perhaps it is more time-consuming to either produce or consume the data than the other part is.
The idea is that you temporarily store the generated data in a buffer so that it is not lost when the slower device isn't ready to handle it. Once the device is ready, the another buffer may take the current buffer's place and the consuming device will process the data in the first buffer.
In this manner, the slower device receives the data at a moderated pace rather than the fire-hose that the original data source can be.

OutOfMemoryException Processing Large File

We are loading a large flat file into BizTalk Server 2006 (Original release, not R2) - about 125 MB. We run a map against it and then take each row and make a call out to a stored procedure.
We receive the OutOfMemoryException during orchestration processing, the Windows Service restarts, uses full 2 GB memory, and crashes again.
The server is 32-bit and set to use the /3GB switch.
Also I've separated the flow into 3 hosts - one for receive, the other for orchestration, and the third for sends.
Anyone have any suggestions for getting this file to process wihout error?
If this is a flat file being sent through a map you are converting it to XML right? The increase in size could be huge. XML can easily add a factor of 5-10 times over a flat file. Especially if you use descriptive or long xml tag names (which normally you would).
Something simple you could try is to rename the xml nodes to shorter names, depending on the number of records (sounds like a lot) it might actually have a pretty significant impact on your memory footprint.
Perhaps a more enterprise approach, would be to subdivide this in a custom pipeline into separate message packets that can be fed through the system in more manageable chunks (similar to what Chris suggests). Then the system throttling and memory metrics could take over. Without knowing more about your data it would be hard to say how to best do this, but with a 125 MB file I am guessing that you probably have a ton of repeating rows that do not need to be processed sequentially.
Where does it crash? Does it make it past the Transform shape? Another suggestion to try is to run the transform in the Receive Port. For more efficient processing, you could even debatch the message and have multiple simultaneous orchestration instances be calling the stored procs. This would definately reduce the memory profile and increase performance.
