How do I increase maximum download size in an MVC application? -

I am frankly stumped. This is beyond my experience.
I have a C# MVC program that generates a zip file in a MemoryStream for downloading. The action method is called by a button click to JavaScript.
The only problem is that in some cases the potential file size can easily exceed one Gig and from my reading, that is a common problem. I've tried upping the Maximum Allowed Content Length to 3000000000 in Request Filtering on IIS (IIS8). I've tried adding requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength to my web.config. I've even tried breaking up the zip through multiple calls to the action method (without success), although I have yet to get any confirmation/denial that this is even possible.
Is there any setting within IIS or my web.config that I could be overlooking? Could this be a company network issue, not solvable on an app developer's level?

Okay, so it's kind of hard to explain big concepts in 400 characters or less, so I think I'm just causing more confusion sticking in the comments section. Besides, I think we're close enough here to an "answer" as you're likely to get.
The default constructor of MemoryStream essentially sets the initial size to 0. In reality, the initial size is set to somewhere around 256, but since the initial size is mostly a guide, and it doesn't actually claim that space until its needed, it starts at 0.
Each time you write to the stream, it checks how much is being written versus the remaining size of the buffer array. If it can't fit the write, it creates a new, larger buffer array and copies the old buffer array into that. In this way, setting an initial size can help somewhat, in that you start off with a larger initial buffer array and you may not need to grow that buffer. You might have a better chance of getting a contiguous block of memory, which I'll explain the importance of in a bit, but that actually kind of works against you, as well. If you only need 1MB for the file, but you're initializing with 100MB and there's not 100MB of contiguous memory, you'll get an OutOfMemoryException, even though there might be 1MB of contiguous memory available.
Regardless of whether you initialize or not, there remains certain immutable facts. First, MemoryStream requires contiguous memory. Even if you technically have memory available on the system, it's possible you might not have large blocks of available memory. In other words if you have 4GB available, but it's all fragmented, even trying to create a 1GB stream in memory could fail, simply because it can't reserve 1GB of contiguous memory. Obviously, the larger the file you're tying to create in memory, the greater the chances that you're going to run into this issue. For this reason alone, I would say you're out of luck without raising the amount of system RAM. With 8GB and probably only 4-6GB actually available to IIS and then split up between worker processes and threads, the odds that you're going to be able to claim 25% or so of the available RAM as contiguous space, is highly unlikely.
The next immutable fact may or may not be relevant, but since you haven't specified, I'll mention it. If your web app is deployed as 32-bit, you'll have a hard limit of 2GB for any object, meaning a MemoryStream could never house more than 2GB (actually around 1.3-1.6GB as .NET code consumes some of that address space), and any attempt to make it do so will result in an OutOfMemoryException, even if you had some ridiculous amount of RAM on the system like 1TB+. If your app is 64-bit, this is less likely an issue as you can address a ton more memory, assuming it's compiled properly. You'd have to pretty much try to screw that up, though, so you should be fine.
Finally, multiple writes can cause an issue as well. As I said previously, the buffer array resizes (if necessary) in response to writes. Each time it resizes, the new buffer array must also be able to fit in contiguous address space. As a result, multiple resizes can cause you to bump into an OutOfMemoryException you wouldn't have hit if you had written all the data from the start. This is where initializing the MemoryStream can be helpful, but as I said before, it's also a double-edged sword, as your initial buffer size might be too great to begin with and you end up with an exception where you may have not had one letting it grow organically. Long and short, try to write everything to the stream in one go rather than piecemeal.


Dynamic Array Memory Allocation Strategies

I've written a 32bit program using a dynamic array to store a list of triangles with an unknown count. My current strategy is to estimate a very large number of triangles and then trim the list when all the triangles are created. In some cases I'll only allocate memory once in others I'll need to add to the allocation.
With a very large data set I'm running out of memory when my application is memory usage is about 1.2GB and since the allocation step is so large I feel like I may be fragmenting memory.
Looking at FastMM (memory manager) I see these constants which would suggest one of these as a good size to increment by.
ChunkSize = 64 * 1024;
MaximumSmallBlockSize = 32752;
LargeBlockGranularity = 64 * 1024;
Would one of these be an optimal size for increasing the size of an array?
Eventually this program will become 64bit but we're not quite ready for that step.
Your real problem here is not that you are running out of memory, but that the memory allocator cannot find a large enough block of contiguous address space. Some simple things you can do to help include:
Execute the code in a 64 bit process.
Add the LARGEADDRESSAWARE PE flag so that your process gets a 4GB address space rather than 2GB.
Beyond that the best you can do is allocate smaller blocks so that you avoid the requirement to store your large data structure in contiguous memory. Allocate memory in blocks. So, if you need 1GB of memory, allocate 64 blocks of size 16MB, for instance. The exact block size that you use can be tuned to your needs. Larger blocks result in better allocation performance, but smaller blocks allow you to use more address space.
Wrap this up in a container that presents an array like interface to the consumer, but internally stores the memory in non-contiguous blocks.
As far as I know, dynamic arrays in Delphi use contiguous address space (at least in the virtual memory address space.)
Since you are running out of memory at 1.2 gb, I guess that's the point where the memory manager can't find a block contiguous memory large enough to fit a larger array.
One way you can work around this limitation would be to implement your array as a collection of smaller array of (lets say) 200 mb in size. That should give you some more headroom before you hit the memory cap.
From the 1.2 gb value, I would guess your program isn't compiled to be "large address aware". You can see here how to compile your application like this.
One last trick would be to actually save the array data in a file. I use this trick for one of my application where I needed to load a few GB of images to be displayed in a grid. What I did was to create a file with the attribute FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY and FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE and saved/loaded images from the resulting file. From CreateFile documentation:
A file is being used for temporary storage. File systems avoid writing
data back to mass storage if sufficient cache memory is available,
because an application deletes a temporary file after a handle is
closed. In that case, the system can entirely avoid writing the data.
Otherwise, the data is written after the handle is closed.
Since it makes use of cache memory, I believe it allows an application to use memory beyond the 32 bits limitation since the cache is managed by the OS and (as far as I know) not mapped inside the process' virtual memory space. After doing this change, performance were still pretty good. But I can't say if performances would still be good enough for your needs.

How to solve memory segmentation and force FastMM to release memory to OS?

Note: 32 bit application, which is not planned to be migrated to 64 bit.
I'm working with a very memory consuming application and have pretty much optimized all the relevant paths in respect to memory allocation/de-allocation. (there are no memory leaks, no handle leaks, no any other kind of leaks in the application itself AFAIK and tested. 3rd party libs which I cannot touch are of course candidates but unlikely in my scenario)
The application will frequently allocate large single and bi-dimensional dynamic arrays of single and packed records of up to 4 singles. By large I mean 5000x5000 of record(single,single,single,single) is normal. Also having even 6 or 7 such arrays in work at a given time. This is needed as there are a lot of cross-computations made on these arrays and having them read from disk would be a real performance killer.
Having this clarified, I am getting out of memory errors a lot because of these large dynamic arrays which will not go away after releasing them, no matter if I setlength them to 0 or finalize them. This is of course something FastMM is doing in order to be fast, I know that much.
I am tracking both FastMM allocated blocks and process consumed memory (RAM + PF) by using:
function CurrentProcessMemory(AWaitForConsistentRead:boolean): Cardinal;
MemCounters: TProcessMemoryCounters;
result := 0;// stupid D2010 compiler warning
maxCnt := 0;
// this is a stabilization loop;
// in tight loops, the system doesn't get
// much chance to release allocated resources, which in turn will get falsely
// reported by this function as still being used, resulting in a false-positive
// memory leak report in the application.
// so we do a tight loop here, waiting, until the application reported memory
// gets stable.
LastRead := result;
MemCounters.cb := SizeOf(MemCounters);
if GetProcessMemoryInfo(GetCurrentProcess,
SizeOf(MemCounters)) then
Result := MemCounters.WorkingSetSize + MemCounters.PagefileUsage
if AWaitForConsistentRead and (LastRead <> 0) and (abs(LastRead - result)>1024) then
until (not AWaitForConsistentRead) or (abs(LastRead - result)<1024) or (maxCnt>1000);
// 60 seconds wait is a bit too much
// so if the system is that "unstable", let's just forget it.
function CurrentFastMMMemory:Cardinal;
var mem:TMemoryManagerUsageSummary;
result := mem.AllocatedBytes + mem.OverheadBytes;
I am running the code on a 64bit computer and my top memory consumption before crashes is about 3.3 - 3.4 GB. After that, I get memory/resources related crashes anywhere in the application. Took me some time to pin it down on the large dynamic arrays usage which were buried down in some 3rd party library.
The way I am getting over this is that I made the application resume itself from where it left off, by re-starting itself and closing with certain parameters.
This is all nice and dandy if memory consumption is fair and current operation finishes.
The big problem happens when the current memory usage is 1GB and the next operation to process requires 2.5 GB memory or more to be processed. My current code limited itself to an upper value of 1.5 GB used memory before resuming, but in this situation, I'd have to drop the limit down under 1 GB which would basically have the application resume itself after each operation and not even that guaranteeing that everything will be fine.
What if another operation will have a larger data set to process and it will require a total of 4GB or more memory?
To note that I am not talking about actual 4 GB in memory, but consumed memory by allocating huge dynamic arrays which the OS doesn't get back once de-allocated and hence it still sees it as consumed, so it adds up.
So, my next point of attack is to force fastmm to release all (or at least part of) memory to the OS. I'm specifically targeting the huge dynamic arrays here. Again, these are in a 3rd party library so re-coding that is not really in the top options. It's much easier and faster to tinker in the fastmm code and write a proc to release the memory.
I can't switch from FastMM as currently the entire application and some of the 3rd party libs are heavily coded around the use of PushAllocationGroup in order to quickly find and pinpoint any memory leaks. I know I can write a dummy FastMM unit to solve the compilation references, but I will be left without this quick and certain leak detection.
In conclusion: is there any way I can force FastMM to release at least some of it's large blocks to the OS? (well, sure there is, the actual question is: did anybody write it and if so, mind sharing?)
later edit:
I will come up with a small relevant test application soon. It doesn't appear to be that easy to mock up one
I doubt that the issue is actually down to FastMM. For huge memory blocks, FastMM will not do any sub-allocation. Your allocation request will be handled with a straight VirtualAlloc. And then deallocation is VirtualFree.
That's assuming that you are allocating those 380MB objects in one contiguous block. I suspect that what you actually have are ragged 2D dynamic arrays. And they are not single allocations. a 5000x5000 ragged 2D dynamic arrays takes 5001 allocations to initialise. One for the row pointers, and 5000 for the rows. Those will be medium FastMM blocks. There will be sub-allocation.
I think you are asking too much. In my experience, any time you need over 3GB of memory in a 32 bit process, it's game over. Fragmentation of address space will stop you before you run out of memory. You cannot hope for this to work. Switch to 64 bit, or use a cleverer, less demanding allocation pattern. Or do you really need dense 2D arrays? Can you use sparse storage?
If you cannot alleviate your memory demands that way, you could use memory mapped files. This would allow you to make use of the extra memory that your 64 bit system has. The system's disk cache can be larger than 4GB and so your app can traverse more than 4GB of memory without actually needing to hit the disk.
You could certainly try different memory managers. I honestly do not hold out any hope that it would help. You could write a trivial replacement memory manager that used HeapAlloc. And enable the low fragmentation heap (enabled by default from Vista on). But I sincerely doubt that it will help. I'm afraid that there won't be a quick fix for you. To resolve this you face a more fundamental modification to your code.
Your issue as others have said is most likely attributable to memory fragmentation. You could test this by using VirtualQuery to create a picture of how memory is allocated to your application. You will very likely find that although you may have more than enough total memory for a new array, you don't have enough contiguous memory.
FastMem already does a lot to try and avoid problems due to memory fragmentation. "Small" allocations are done at the low end of the address space, whereas "large" allocations are done at the high end. This avoids a common problem where a series of large then small allocations followed by all large allocations being released results in a large amount of fragmented memory that is almost unusable. (Certainly unusable by anything slightly larger than the original large allocations.)
To see the benfits of FastMem's approach, imagine your memory layed out as follows:
Each digit represent a 100mb block.
Small allocations represented by "s".
Large allocations repestented by capital letters.
Now if you free all your large blocks, you should have no trouble performing similar large allocations later.
The problem is that "large" and "small" are relative, and highly dependent on the nature of your application. FastMem defines a dividing line between "large" and "small". If you happen to have some small allocations that FastMem would classify as large, you may encounter the following problem.
Now if you free the large blocks you're left with:
And an attempt to allocate something larger than 400mb will fail.
You may be able to tweak the FastMem settings so that all your "small" allocations are also considered small by FastMem. However, there are a few situations where this won't work:
Any DLLs you use that allocate memory to your application but bypass FastMem may still cause fragmentation.
If you don't release all your large blocks together, those that remain may induce fragmentation which will slowly get worse over time.
You could take on the task of memory management yourself.
Allocate one very large block e.g. 3.5GB which you keep for the entire lifetime of the application.
Instead of using dynamic arrays, you determine the pointer locations to use when setting up a new array.
Of course the simplest alternative would be to go 64-bit.
You could consider alternate data structures.
Do you really need array lookup capability? If not, another structure that allocates in smaller chunks may suffice.
Even if you do need array lookup, consider a paged array. Sparse arrays are a combination of arrays and linked lists. Data is stored on pages, with linked lists chaining each page.
A simple variant (since you mentioned your arrays are 2 dimensional) would be to leverage that: One dimension forms its own array providing a lookup into one of multiple arrays for the second dimension.
Related to the alternate data structures option, consider storing some data on disk. Yes performance will be slower. But if an efficient caching mechanism can be found, then maybe not so much. It would be better to be a little slower, but not crashing.
Dynamic arrays are reference counted in Delphi, so they should be automatic released when they are not used anymore.
Like strings, they are handled with COW (copy on write) when shared/stored in several variables/objects. So it seems you have some kind of memory/reference leak (e.g. an object in memory that holds still are reference to an array).
Just to be sure: you are not doing any kind of low level pointer tricks, aren't you?
So please yes, post a test program (or send the complete program private via email) so one of us can take a look at it.

What is the fastest way for reading huge files in Delphi?

My program needs to read chunks from a huge binary file with random access. I have got a list of offsets and lengths which may have several thousand entries. The user selects an entry and the program seeks to the offset and reads length bytes.
The program internally uses a TMemoryStream to store and process the chunks read from the file. Reading the data is done via a TFileStream like this:
FileStream.Position := Offset;
MemoryStream.CopyFrom(FileStream, Size);
This works fine but unfortunately it becomes increasingly slower as the files get larger. The file size starts at a few megabytes but frequently reaches several tens of gigabytes. The chunks read are around 100 kbytes in size.
The file's content is only read by my program. It is the only program accessing the file at the time. Also the files are stored locally so this is not a network issue.
I am using Delphi 2007 on a Windows XP box.
What can I do to speed up this file access?
The file access is slow for large files, regardless of which part of the file is being read.
The program usually does not read the file sequentially. The order of the chunks is user driven and cannot be predicted.
It is always slower to read a chunk from a large file than to read an equally large chunk from a small file.
I am talking about the performance for reading a chunk from the file, not about the overall time it takes to process a whole file. The latter would obviously take longer for larger files, but that's not the issue here.
I need to apologize to everybody: After I implemented file access using a memory mapped file as suggested it turned out that it did not make much of a difference. But it also turned out after I added some more timing code that it is not the file access that slows down the program. The file access takes actually nearly constant time regardless of the file size. Some part of the user interface (which I have yet to identify) seems to have a performance problem with large amounts of data and somehow I failed to see the difference when I first timed the processes.
I am sorry for being sloppy in identifying the bottleneck.
If you open help topic for CreateFile() WinAPI function, you will find interesting flags there such as FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING and FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS . You can play with them to gain some performance.
Next, copying the file data, even 100Kb in size, is an extra step which slows down operations. It is a good idea to use CreateFileMapping and MapViewOfFile functions to get the ready for use pointer to the data. This way you avoid copying and also possibly get certain performance benefits (but you need to measure speed carefully).
Maybe you can take this approach:
Sort the entries on max fileposition and then to the following:
Take the entries that only need the first X MB of the file (till a certain fileposition)
Read X MB from the file into a buffer (TMemorystream
Now read the entries from the buffer (maybe multithreaded)
Repeat this for all the entries.
In short: cache a part of the file and read all entries that fit into it (multhithreaded), then cache the next part etc.
Maybe you can gain speed if you just take your original approach, but sort the entries on position.
The stock TMemoryStream in Delphi is slow due to the way it allocates memory. The NexusDB company has TnxMemoryStream which is much more efficient. There might be some free ones out there that work better.
The stock Delphi TFileStream is also not the most efficient component. Wayback in history Julian Bucknall published a component named BufferedFileStream in a magazine or somewhere that worked with file streams very efficiently.
Good luck.

40 million page faults. How to fix this?

I have an application that loads 170 files (let’s say they are text files) from disk in individual objects and kept in memory all the time. The memory is allocated once when I load those files from disk. So, there is no memory fragmentation involved. I also use FastMM to make sure my applications never leaks memory.
The application compares all these files with each other to find similarities. Over-simplified we can say that we compare text strings but the algorithm is way more complex as I have to allow some differences between strings. Each file is about 300KB. Loaded in memory (the object that holds it) it takes about 0.4MB of RAM. So, the running app takes about 60MB or RAM (working set). It processes the data for about 15 minutes. The thing is that it generates over 40 million page faults.
Why? I have about 2GB of free RAM. From what I know Page Faults are slow. How much they are slowing down my program?
How can I optimize the program to reduce these page faults? I guess it has something to do with data locality. Does anybody know some example algorithms for this (Delphi)?
But looking at the number of page faults (no other application in Task Manager comes close to mine, not even by far) I guess that I could increase the speed of my application IF I manage to optimize memory layout (reduce the page faults).
Delphi 7, Win 7 32 bit, RAM 4GB (3GB visible, 2GB free).
Caveat - I'm only addressing the page faulting issue.
I cannot be sure but have you considered using Memory Mapped files? In this way windows will use the files themselves as the paging file (rather than the main paging file pagrefile.sys). If the files are read only then the number of page faults should theoretically decrease as the pages won't need to written out to disk via the paging file as windows will just load the data from the file itself as needed.
Now to reduce files from paging in and out you need to try and go through the data in one direction so that as new data is read, older pages can be discarded for ever. Here is where you trade off going over the files again and caching data - the cache has to be stored somewhere.
Note that Memory Mapped files is how windows loads .dlls and .exes amongst other things. I've used them to scan though gigabyte files without hitting memory limits (we had MBs in those days and not GBs of ram).
However from the data you describe I'd suggest the ability to not go back ovver files will reduce the amount of repaging going on.
On my machine most pagefaults are reported for developer studio which is reported to have 4M page faults after 30+ minutes total CPU time. You get 10 times more, in half the time. And memory is scarce on my system. So 40M faults seems like a lot.
It could just maybe be you have a memory leak.
the working set is only the physical memory in use for your application. If you leak memory, and don't touch it, it will get paged out. You will see the virtual memory useage (or page file use) increase. These pages might be swapped back in when the heap memory walks the heap, to get swapped out again by windows.
Because you have a lot of RAM, the swapped out pages will stay in physical memory, as nobody else needs them. (a page recovered from RAM counts as a soft fault, from disk as a hard one)
Do you use an exponential resize system ?
If you grow the block of memory in too small increments while loading, it might constantly request large blocks from the system, copy the data over, and then release the old block (assuming that fastmm (de)allocates very large blocks directly from the OS).
Maybe somehow this causes a loop where the OS releases memory from your app's process, and then adds it again, causing page faults on first write.
Also avoid Tstringlist.load* methods for very large files, IIRC these consume twice the space needed.

Coping with, and minimizing, memory usage in Common Lisp (SBCL)

I have a VPS with not very much memory (256Mb) which I am trying to use for Common Lisp development with SBCL+Hunchentoot to write some simple web-apps. A large amount of memory appears to be getting used without doing anything particularly complex, and after a while of serving pages it runs out of memory and either goes crazy using all swap or (if there is no swap) just dies.
So I need help to:
Find out what is using all the memory (if it's libraries or me, especially)
Limit the amount of memory which SBCL is allowed to use, to avoid massive quantities of swapping
Handle things cleanly when memory runs out, rather than crashing (since it's a web-app I want it to carry on and try to clean up).
I assume the first two are reasonably straightforward, but is the third even possible?
How do people handle out-of-memory or constrained memory conditions in Lisp?
(Also, I note that a 64-bit SBCL appears to use literally twice as much memory as 32-bit. Is this expected? I can run a 32-bit version if it will save a lot of memory)
To limit the memory usage of SBCL, use --dynamic-space-size option (e.g.,sbcl --dynamic-space-size 128 will limit memory usage to 128M).
To find out who is using memory, you may call (room) (the function that tells how much memory is being used) at different times: at startup, after all libraries are loaded and then during work (of cource, call (sb-ext:gc :full t) before room not to measure the garbage that has not yet been collected).
Also, it is possible to use SBCL Profiler to measure memory allocation.
Find out what is using all the memory
(if it's libraries or me, especially)
Attila Lendvai has some SBCL-specific code to find out where an allocated objects comes from. Refer to and write him a private mail if needed.
Be sure to try another implementation, preferably with a precise GC (like Clozure CL) to ensure it's not an implementation-specific leak.
Limit the amount of memory which SBCL
is allowed to use, to avoid massive
quantities of swapping
Already answered by others.
Handle things cleanly when memory runs
out, rather than crashing (since it's
a web-app I want it to carry on and
try to clean up).
256MB is tight, but anyway: schedule a recurring (maybe 1s) timed thread that checks the remaining free space. If the free space is less than X then use exec() to replace the current SBCL process image with a new one.
If you don't have any type declarations, I would expect 64-bit Lisp to take twice the space of a 32-bit one. Even a plain (small) int will use a 64-bit chunk of memory. I don't think it'll use less than a machine word, unless you declare it.
I can't help with #2 and #3, but if you figure out #1, I suspect it won't be a problem. I've seen SBCL/Hunchentoot instances running for ages. If I'm using an outrageous amount of memory, it's usually my own fault. :-)
I would not be surprised by a 64-bit SBCL using twice the meory, as it will probably use a 64-bit cell rather than a 32-bit one, but couldn't say for sure without actually checking.
Typical things that keep memory hanging around for longer than expected are no-longer-useful references that still have a path to the root allocation set (hash tables are, I find, a good way of letting these things linger). You could try interspersing explicit calls to GC in your code and make sure to (as far as possible) not store things in global variables.
