How to scroll a UIScrollView on load when using auto layout - ios

I have a UIScrollView that is set up in the viewDidLoad method of a UIViewController (I'll call it a ScrollViewController). The scroll view contains pages of horizontal content (similar to the native weather app).
When displaying the scrollview, it should be possible to choose which page it starts on. My pattern is this:
init a ScrollViewController. Nothing much happens in here. A currentPage property is defaulted to 0.
set the scrollViewController.currentPage to the desired page number.
in viewDidLoad of ScrollViewController, read self.currentPage and use scrollToRect or setContentOffset to scroll accordingly.
The scrolling implementation seems fine, since I am using the same code elsewhere to jump to certain pages. But on first load, nothing happens (that is, the scroll view is not scrolled to the desired page).
I think I have found the reason - it seems that the contentSize of the scroll view (which is derived by autolayout remember) is 0 during viewDidLoad, and this seems that this prevents scrolling. It is also zero during viewWillAppear. Only in viewDidAppear does the scroll work, which of course makes for an odd user experience.
How can I resolve this? Is it wise to somehow force a layout in viewDidLoad? Or some other approach?

viewDidLayoutSubviews is what you are looking for. This is the method where all the subviews frames are completly initialized. So, try to call your scrollView's setup method inside it, in your viewController:
[super viewDidLayoutSubviews];
[self setupView];

You should be able to set content size manually. Where do you insert the pages inside the scroll view? I would suggest inserting them inside viewDidLoad or viewWillAppear and then scrolling to the desired page just after inserting them by setting its contentOffset.


One of my UICollectionViews is not scrolling or responding to touch events inside my UIScrollView container [Puzzling]

I have an unusual and challenging problem. I have researched deeply on StackOverflow and have been unable to find any solutions. Please do not ask about my design style- it must be this way.
I have a UIPageViewController that contains a UIScrollView which contains 4 UICollectionViews. Each of these collection views should be horizontally scrollable but not vertically scrollable. The scroll view is necessary because the screen is not large enough to display all 4 collection views. Upon loading the screen, the 4th collection view is not immediately visible. After scrolling down, the 4th collection view then becomes visible.
The problem I am having is the 4th collection view does not respond to touches. Specifically, it does not respond to taps or attempts to scroll. The other 3 work perfectly fine. What makes this puzzling and odd is that the 4th one is exactly the same as the other 3, the delegate and data source are set properly and user interaction is enabled. The only real difference between the problematic collection view and the others is that it is not immediately visible when the screen loads.
When I attempt to scroll it behaves as if I am trying to change the page, so the UIPageView changes the page. So the CollectionView isn't registering any touches at all. I have a hunch that it either has to do with the GestureRecognizer from the PageView or something to do with how it isn't visible on the screen upon the initial load.
Any thoughts?
Not 100% sure without seeing the initialization of code or storyboard, but the best thing is that maybe there is a view overlapping. You can run your program and click on the 2 overlapping rectangles. This is the Debug View Hierarchy. It shows you your current frame on your phone and you can see the view laid out in hierarchal status.
Solved my own problem thanks to impression7vx's mention of the Debug View Hierarchy. Had no clue this existed but it let me discover the flaw. I am just writing this to help people who stumble upon this in the future.
I had a content view inside the ScrollView that had a problematic constraint. I set it to have "Equal Heights" with the ScrollView but upon loading the screen the height was static. Only half of the scroll view showed and that half would be registered as the height for the UIView. Since it was static the view would not become larger when I'd scroll, and the 4th collection view would not be inside that container view anymore. For some reason, since the collection view wasn't in the container view it wouldn't register touches.
Solved by manually making the height the same value of the scroll view! This allowed the content view to contain all of the collection views which made them behave normally again.
Just take NSLayoutConstraint of height of the UIView inside the UIScrollView
#IBOutlet weak var scrollContentViewHeight: NSLayoutConstraint!
Set height of this scrollContentViewHeight equal to height of dynamic size of the UIScrollView
if scrollableView.contentSize.height = 840.0
scrollContentViewHeight.constant = 840.0
set it on viewDidLayoutSubviews
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
scrollableView.contentSize.height = 840.0
scrollContentViewHeight.constant = 840.0

Adding a Scrolling Subview to a UITableView (NOT a Cell)

I'm creating my views programmatically. I have a UITableView in my UIViewController subclass that I want to add a scrolling subview to that is not a cell. I want to add some text-based subview to the UITableView that scrolls with the table and starts out above y=0 so the user will only see it if he pushes the table down. That is, it should reside above the first section of my table. If it helps for visualization, I intend to make something similar to those "scroll down to refresh" features and want some indication to the user that scrolling down causes a refresh. Is there any way to do this without something messy like using another UITableViewCell to represent it or abusing the UITableView delegate methods to move a view around whenever the user scrolls?
Simply using [tableView addSubview:] in my viewWillLoad only makes it appear for a split-second then disappear once the table data is loaded. This seems weird to me because UITableView is a subclass of UIScrollView, which is meant to hold other views in it. Using [tableView.backgroundView addSubview] does nothing.
P.S. Why not use a UIRefreshControl for this? I'm still undecided but leaning towards not using one because I don't like how slow that spinning wheel "feels" when the refreshes are usually very very quick. I've been looking at other options like flashing the background subtly and only showing a wheel if it's taking a longer time than usual.
I You can implement pull to refresh with only a table view
To do this using the scroll view delegate, since tableview is a subclass of scroll view.
Set view controller to be the tableview delegate and implement
(void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
When scrollview content offset y value passed a point, add a label to the viewcontroller.view not tableview. When you scroll back or release, remove the view.
You might also be able to add label to the table view and set the frame origin to negative y value, so when you pull the label will move into view (Never tested this do might not work)

UIScrollView stops scrolling when another view loads and dismisses

I have a UIScrollView and another UIView (view2) inside it. 'view2' scrolls fine when app launches. But, whenever I show and dismisses another VC (a UIImagePickerControler in this case) scrollView becomes non scrollable.
I have set the content size at viewDidAppear , so this must be something related to AutoLayout constraints. I've tested with all the constraints removed but still getting the same result.
Any idea why is this happening?
Not a complete answer, but make sure your viewDidAppear: method doesn't assume it's only called once. It will be called again when the second view controller is dismissed.

UITableViewController weird behavior after popping a view controller

My UITableView has a bunch of reusable cells, and when I tap on one of them, it takes me to another view controller (via push segue) showing the details of that cell (let's say it's an item, so it would show details about an item - name, price, image, etc...). When I pop that view controller (by tapping on the back button), the UITableView has a strange behavior:
a) if it's scrolled all the way to the bottom, it will scroll automatically tad up (around 50 points), leaving the last cell barely visible, so I have to scroll back down again. My cell all have 60 points for height.
b) the scrollbar always shows and then disappears, indicating that something is moving that UITableView (although if not scrolled to the bottom, the content will not move automatically).
This happens in multiple UITableView's I have in my app. I am not forcing a reload of the table view in viewWillAppear, so I don't understand what is happening. My content is static after loading from the server (unless the user changes it, and then the reload is executed). But simply showing details of an item and popping that VC doesn't change anything in the table view.
Edit: Okay, I've figured what the problem is: I'm hiding a UIToolbar when pushing that segue. If I keep it always visible (which I don't want), it still shows the scrollbars animating when popping in my table view but doesn't scroll the table view if on the last few rows.
Add the following to viewDidLoad.
self.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = NO;
This solved my problem of table view moving down after navigating back to view controller.
I managed to fix the first issue. It seems like the tableview is not taking into account the 44 points of the UIToolbar.
Save the tableview offset in prepareForSegue: (save it in a CGPoint property)
self.tableViewScrollOffset = self.tableView.contentOffset;
Then, in viewWillAppear:, check if it has been modified. If so, restore it.
if(self.tableView.contentOffset.y != self.tableViewScrollOffset.y) {
[self.tableView setContentOffset:self.tableViewScrollOffset];
self.tableViewScrollOffset = CGPointZero;
This behavior is indeed a bug in iOS 8.x.
All answers given so far can not really solve the issue. The issue is, that iOS forgets (or doesn't) consider the previously calculated cell sizes, when a table is being redrawn for instance when the view is being pushed.
One approach to solve this can be found here: UITableView layout messing up on push segue and return. (iOS 8, Xcode beta 5, Swift) (so this question is even a duplicate to this one).
However, the solution provided there is overkill and there are certain situations why this caching will fail (for instance a UIContentSizeCategoryDidChangeNotification is not regarded)
But there is a quite simpler solution even though it is odd:
If you are using a manual performSequeWithIdentifier in didSelectRowAtIndexPath, just add a [self.tableView reloadData] just before.
If you are using a IB seque from the cell, just add [self.tableView reloadData] in your prepareForSeque code.
The reason, why this solves the issue is, that this will force iOS to re-estimate the visible cells and so it no longer scrolls the content to another location. Fortunately, tableView reloadData doesn't cost too much overhead here as only the visible cells will be re-estimated.
Just a hunch, have you got a rogue scrollToRowAtIndexPath:atScrollPosition:animated hanging around?
I was also facing this issue. I managed to find it out. The reason in my case is tableview header height was calculating based text and text height was negative due to which tableview was shifting down even though the contentinset and scrollinset are zero.
This was only occurring for first time. Next time it is calculating correct. One weired thing i found is that when Class A (having tableview) have pushed another Class B from init. When keyboard from Class B is opened viewDidLoad of Class A is called. and before Class B is unloaded from navigation controller. Tableview is reloaded for Class A.
Setting the automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets as suggested above did not work neither did caching and setting the tableViewScrollOffset work.
Hence came up with an workaround which worked like a charm for me.
The workaround was to add an Dummy UIView which has height of 1px and width of 320px and place it between the "Top Layout Guide" and the UITableView. This view's background could be set to clear so that it is invisible.
Now using Autolayouts, fix the Dummy View's top to the Top. Now set the tableview's top constraint with respect to Dummy View. Found that this resolved the issue of the tableview's misplacement.
Screenshot of the Dummy View along with the autolayout constraints have been provided for easy reference. The Dummy View has been set to a larger height and red background colour for illustration purpose only.

iOS prevent subview of tableview from scrolling with tableview

I have added a subview to my tableview and when ever the user scrolls the tableview, the subview scrolls with it. How do I prevent this? I know it's probably along the lines of not adding the view to the tableview's subviews, but I have no knowledge of any other ways to do this. Thanks.
If you want to make a view a subview of the table view, then you can make it floating (non-scrolling) by changing its origin.y value in the scrollViewDidScroll method.
-(void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
self.iv.frame = CGRectMake(self.ivOrigin.x, self.ivOrigin.y + self.tableView.bounds.origin.y, self.iv.frame.size.width, self.iv.frame.size.height);
In this example, "iv" is a property for an image view, and "ivOrigin" is a property for the initial origin of the image view (defined when I created the image view and its frame in viewDidLoad).
The UITableView is built and intended to be a view of things that scroll.
So, you can either fight that, which as you're discovering is quite hard since everything about the component is built and focused around scrolling and fast display of a subset of the full list data... Or, you can not fight it and put your static item on top of the table as a fixed-position item.
If there's a reason you can't add the table view and your animate-out item in your main view, you can always add a custom UIView class that contains both the table view and your animated view. Have your custom view class expose the contained table view as a .table property, and the container you're putting things in can be tweaked to use "mycontainerObject.tableview" instead of just "tableview" where needed.
Yes, it's a little more work to write the custom UIView subclass and give it a couple properties to hold the UITableView and whatever UIView you're animating out.. but it's likely a lot safer in the long run than trying to "hack" into the UITableView's methods and view hierarchy to try to give it a "fixed in place" behavior.
