Claims-based Authentication Token Expiry - wif

Researching I found how to change the life of a token by using the powershell command
set-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust-TargetName "your app display name Relying party in ADFS trust"-
TokenLifetime "value in minutes"
My problem is that once time passes I need to log out,I do not know if this is possible, thank you for your help.

The token lifetime and your session lifetime are two different things. If you want automatic log out you can do it by configuring the session cookie lifetime at your relying party:
Windows Identity Foundation - relying party session security token lifetime

Good overview here:
ADFS 2.0 time out and relation between Freshness Value,TokenLifetime and WebSSOLifetime parameters.
Essentially, there are two parameters:
This is a server wide setting which applies to all the RP’s (Relying Party).
This is a RP level setting which applies to a particular RP. It will not affect other RP’s configured in the ADFS server.
Key point:
In order to prompt a user to re-authenticate, we require WebSSOLifetime to be lower than the TokenLifetime.

This almost sounds like a duplicate of my question
How to set the timeout properly when federating with the ADFS 2.0
What I had to do was to have a local event handler that deletes the cookie but also make sure that ADFS doesn't automatically renew thr session.


Should an oAuth server give the same accessToken to a same client request?

I am developing an oAuth2 server and I've stumbled upon this question.
Lets suppose a scenario where my tokens are set to expire within one hour. On this timeframe, some client goes through the implicit auth fifty times using the same client_id and same redirect_uri. Basically same everything.
Should I give it the same accessToken generated on the first request on the subsequent ones until it expires or should I issue a new accessToken on every request?
The benefits of sending the same token is that I won't leave stale and unused tokens of a client on the server, minimizing the window for an attacker trying to guess a valid token.
I know that I should rate-limit things and I am doing it, but in the case of a large botnet attack from thousands of different machines, some limits won't take effect immediately.
However, I am not sure about the downsides of this solution and that's why I came here. Is it a valid solution?
I would rather say - no.
You should NEVER store access tokens in plain text on the Authorization Server side. Access tokens are credentials and should be stored hashed. Salting might not be necessary since they are generated strings anyway. See OAuth RFC point 10.3.
Depending how you handle subsequent requests - an attacker who knows that a certain resource owner is using your service and repeat requests for the used client id. That way an attacker will be able to impersonate the resource owner. If you really return the same token then at least ensure that you authenticate the resource owner every time.
What about the "state" parameter? Will you consider requests to be the "same" if the state parameter is different? If no then a botnet attack will simply use a different state every time and force you to issue new tokens.
As an addition - generally defending against a botnet attack via application logic is very hard. The server exposing your AS to the internet should take care for that. On application layer you should take care that it does not go down from small-bandwidth attacks.
You can return the same access_token if it is still valid, there's no issue with that. The only downside may be in the fact that you use the Implicit flow and thus repeatedly send the - same, valid - access token in a URL fragment which is considered less secure than using e.g. the Authorization Code flow.
As a thumb rule never reuse keys, this will bring additional security in the designed system in case of key capture
You can send different access token when requested after proper authentication and also send refresh token along your access token.
Once your access token expires, you should inform user about that and user should re-request for new access token providing one-time-use refresh token previously provided to them skipping need for re-authentication, and you should provide new access token and refresh token.
To resist attack with fake refresh token, you should blacklist them along with their originating IP after few warnings.
PS: Never use predictable tokens. Atleast make it extremely difficult to brute force attacks by using totally random, long alpha-numeric strings. I would suggest bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(512)), if you are using php.

What does this hospital mean with the following OAuth requirements?

We've got a hospital as a customer which wants to have an app developed. This app will probably make use of various ways of validation, of which OAuth2 is one. They have a list of requirements, of which one kind of puzzles me:
For every user session, the app needs to generate an unpredictable
"state parameter". The app needs to validate the "state value" for
every request which is sent to the redirect URL; the "state" needs to
be recorded with all authorization requests; and the "state value" has
to be validated with the access token which it receives.
Although they don't specifically mention it I guess this talks about OAuth. I've got some experience with OAuth2. I know what access tokens and refresh tokens are. But this story is above my head. What kind of "state parameter" and "state value" are they talking about?
Could anybody shed some light on this story?
This is about the state parameter that OAuth 2.0 has defined in the authorization request as a RECOMMENDED parameter ( used to protected against cross-site request forgery and to correlate requests and responses in general:
RECOMMENDED. An opaque value used by the client to maintain
state between the request and callback. The authorization
server includes this value when redirecting the user-agent back
to the client. The parameter SHOULD be used for preventing
cross-site request forgery as described in Section 10.12.
I believe they chose to write an OAuth 2.0 client application requirement on their own words. The specification states that:
The client MUST implement CSRF protection for its redirection URI. This is typically accomplished by requiring any request sent to the redirection URI endpoint to include a value that binds the request to the user-agent's authenticated state (e.g., a hash of the session cookie used to authenticate the user-agent). The client SHOULD utilize the "state" request parameter to deliver this value to the authorization server when making an authorization request.
(emphasis mine, read the whole story in section 10.12 of the specification)
For a more step-by-step guided approach on how to use the state parameter you can refer to Using the State Parameter. This page mentions Auth0, but the process should be the same for any other OAuth 2.0 compliant server. Also note that the specific steps assume a browser-based application and as such store the unpredictable state parameter in Web storage. Other types of clients would use other stores, but the principle remains the same.

Recommended design for OTP/2FA support in OAuth2

I'm trying to add OTP/2FA support into OAuth2, but after much reading through the RFC6749, it's still not clear how OTP/2FA could be cleanly added without violating the specification.
Although OTP/2FA entry can be added into the authorize dialog flow, there is no provision for adding it into token. For example, public client apps with Resource owner password-based privileges may want to provide the token directly when requesting a new access_token, rather than having to embed a HTML dialog box.
Therefore my questions are;
Does the RFC allow for custom grant_type? Should this be used to provide 2FA/OTP functionality?
Does the RFC allow for additional attributes on an existing grant_type? For example, grant_type=token&otp_code=1234 (RFC does not make it clear if additional attributes are allowed on grant_type's within the specification)
Should OTP functionality be placed into headers? This is the approach that Github used, but it feels really ugly/hacky.
Are there any other approaches that I have overlooked?
Thank you in advance
The RFC allows for an extension (custom) grant, see section That grant could define additional attributes.
OAuth 2.0 does not define how the Resource Owner authenticates to the Authorization Server, with the exception of the Resource Owner Password Credentials grant. Your proposal could be designed as an extended variant of that grant.
I'm working on something similar. I've got an endpoint at which you can request certain metadata for a user such as whether or not 2fa / mfa / otp is turned on and the salt (and iterations and algorithm) for Proof of Secret / Secure Remote Password.
If you go that route you can simply extend the grant types with an mfa or totp field (that's what I'm doing). You could also create a custom grant type as mentioned above (perhaps more proper).
Another solution is to check for MFA / 2FA / OTP during the authorization dialog step.
If I were done with my OAuth2 implementation I'd link you to that code too, but here are some libraries for an Authenticator:
Browser Authenticator has the components you need to generate and verify a key and token in the browser:
Node Authenticator has the complementary server-side code:
You would still need to provide your own database storage mechanism and link it in to your OAuth implementation or you could make a very simple one and run it as a microservice.
I agree with Hanz Z.: you can design your own grant type to consume OTP.
But OTP can also be used for client authentication (confidential clients as you have to store credentials).
For example, we could imagine an header in the token request (X-OAuth2-OTP = 01234567). Client authentification will fail if the client activated OTP but no header is set.
Based on specifc SCOPE (Ex. OTP) you can mark bearer(access_token) as ""verified_otp = false"" on the backend, then after authorization server received valid otp for that session mark your bearer(access_token) as ""verified_otk = true"". For your resource server, check verified_otk field befores authorize calls that depends this verification.

How to identify provider for oauth2 redirect_uri callback?

Im trying to undertand how to properly identify which provider a returning authorization request was initiated by. I see three approaches:
Use provider specific redirect_uri callback URIs. /oauth2/<provider-name>/callback etc.
Encode provider id/name in state parameter somehow
Store a pending provider id/name in the web session
Try to verify response with all used providers
I've read parts of the OAuth2 spec but I can't find anything discussing it. Looking at other client implementations it seems as provider specific URIs is the most common solution. Am I missing something?
Clients may not be multi-tenant and are tightly integrated with a single Authorization Server, so there's no need to store a provider identifier because there's only a single fixed one. That may be the reason why there's no obvious solution.
Multi-provider clients like your's should store the provider identifier as part of the state. This is because the state should be protected, and the provider specific redirect_uri is not. One could play an access token for provider A against the callback for provider B and thus defeat the purpose of a provider specific callback.
state can be protected either by reference to server state or to an encrypted cookie, or by value in the form of a self-contained encrypted structured value for the state parameter, and thus can be a safe mechanism to store the provide identifier.

Box API OAuth2: multiple redirect_uris, long lasting refresh token

I have two questions about Box's Oauth2 API in a testing environment.
Is it possible to have multiple redirect_URI addresses? I'd like to use one address for production (e.g.,, one for ongoing development (http://localhost:8000/box_redirects_here) and one for automatic UI tests (http://localhost:8001/box_redirects_here). As far as I could see, the only way to do that would be to create three different Box applications - is there an easier way? BTW, both Dropbox and Google Drive do support multiple redirect URIs.
I have a set of automatic tests that I'd like to run a few times a day. The challenge I'm facing is that every time I run these tests, my refresh_token is invalidated, and I can't use it again - which means I can't run the same set of tests a few hours later without manually getting a new token. One solution would be to save the refresh token, for example in a file, so I could reuse it across testing sessions. But:
It's really cumbersome.
if different developers are running these tests from different machines with no common file system that doesn't really work.
Again, for whatever reason this doesn't seem to be an issue with Google Drive or with Dropbox.
This is not currently possible, and I agree that would be nice.
Your best option is to save the access/refresh token pair to a file or a database (in the event that there's no common filesystem.) The OAuth2 spec grants implementers wide latitude on how they issue refresh tokens, if they issue them at all (I don't think Dropbox does.) While Box's implementation makes integration testing a bit challenging, I think that it ultimately hews most closely to the spec's recommendations.
For your first question, you might be able to get close to what you want by using the redirect_uri query parameter. Although you won't be able to supply an arbitrary redirect URI, you can give one that has the same base URL as the redirect URI in your app console.
From the OAuth tutorial:
Wildcard redirect_uri values are also accepted in the request as long as the base url matches the URI registered in the application console. A registered redirect_uri of can be dynamically redirected to if passed into the request redirect_uri parameter.
For your second question, John is right - Box invalidates a refresh token after it has been used. Although this can be annoying, it's also more secure.
