Dynamic routes on runtime in Rails - ruby-on-rails

I'm developing a site using refinery. Now for one specific page that is created in the back-end of refinery, i want to use my own controller and views. All the User can do with this page is to set the menu-position, title, meta-info etc. The URL for this page has to look the same as all the other pages.
So for example, the menu structure looks like:
specific page
And the URL for "specific page" looks like "locale/menu1/menu2/specific page"
The site is available in multiple languages, so i have to create these routes for all languages.
Currently i'm creating the routes like this:
specific_page_id = 1
Refinery::I18n.frontend_locales.each do |lang|
slugs = []
page = Refinery::Page.find_by_path_or_id(nil, specific_page_id)
# get slug for page in current language
slugs << page.translations.select { |p| p.locale == lang }.first.slug
# get all slugs from parrent pages
while !page.parent_id.blank?
page = Refinery::Page.find_by_path_or_id(nil, page.parent_id)
slugs << page.translations.select { |p| p.locale == lang }.first.slug
match "/:locale/#{slugs.reverse.join("/")}" => "controller#action", :via => :get, :constraints => { :locale => /#{lang}/ }
With this, i'm getting a route to the specified page in every language like described above.
But the problem is, when the user changes the name of the page or the position in the menu, the routes have to be generated again, which isn't done too often.
Now my question is, how can i do this more dynamically on run-time? I've read a bit about constraints but i don't know if this is what i need.
Thanks for your help!

I needed to figure out building routes off a database model myself in a Rails 4 application (which is called "ComingSoon" in the examples below. I wanted pages that could be edited on the back-end and given a user-friendly name, which is stored in the Page#name field. So "About Us" titled page typically becomes "about_us" name, which leads to "http://localhost:3000/about_us" The following is the technique I came up with:
Create a new model in app/models/dynamic_router.rb
class DynamicRouter
def self.load
ComingSoon::Application.routes.draw do
Page.all.each do |pg|
get "/#{pg.name}", :to => "pages#show", defaults: { id: pg.id }, as: "pages_#{pg.name}"
def self.reload
The key above is that I pass the page's id as one of the parameters, so look up is still on the Page#id field, which is, IMHO, a lot better than using the friendly plugin or lookups on slugerized values.
Add the following line to your config/routes.rb
ComingSoon::Application.routes.draw do
# ...
Finally, when the Page is updated, we need to reload the routes, so add an after_safe callback on the Page model:
class Page < ActiveRecord::Base
after_save :reload_routes
def reload_routes
I plan to refine this further to only reload routes if the name attribute is changed and perhaps simply edit the existing route rather than reloading everything if performance proves to be an issue (which at the moment, its not).


Dividing a Rails edit view for the purposes of UI

So I have a 'Project' model which respective db table has many attributes.
Ideally, when I hit projects/1/edit, I'd like the user to:
See and be able to edit only a portion of the project attributes
See a navigation menu that allows her to navigate to another view that allows to see and edit the attributes left.
All this instead of showing all the attributes in one 'edit' view.
I'm leaning to a JS solution that hides and shows specific attributes when a menu is clicked. However, I'd ideally want that the urls reflect the section the user is located for example:
Instead of a url like projects/1/edit I'd like something like:
projects/1/edit/name_of_section_1 and projects/1/edit/name_of_section_2
In any case I wonder what would be the best practice when it comes to divide views like this.
UPDATE: Only a few precisions/revisions from Dan's solution below for future reference
I've used his second approach successfully revising his proposed code as follows:
revised the controller name for both routes to 'projects'
resources :projects do
member do
get "settings/:panel" => "projects#edit", as: :settings
patch "settings/:panel/update" => "projects#update", as: :update_settings
There was some mistake in the proposed code for the edit action so I slightly changed it to make it work
def edit
panel = ['general', 'invitations', 'welcome_message', 'danger'].detect{|p| p == params[:panel] }
render template: "projects/#{panel}.html.erb" if panel
There's a couple of ways to do this and there all equally valid.
If you need all the fields filled in to create the record you'll either need to have tabbed views with javascript (bootstrap has a nice plugin for this)
To do this with custom routes you could have:
resources :projects do
member do
get "settings"
patch "update_settings"
get "settings2"
patch "update_settings2"
which would give you URLs like /projects/1/settings and projects/1/update_settings
If you have lots of panels you could do this more efficiently with something like this:
resources :projects do
member do
get "settings/:panel" => "settings#edit" as: :settings
patch "settings/:panel/update" => "settings#update" as: :update_settings
to allow for routes like /projects/1/settings/page1 and /projects/1/settings/page2
in your controller you could then have:
def edit
if panel = ['page1', 'page2'].detect{|p| p == params[:panel] }
render template: panel
this checks ifs its a valid panel you've made and then renders that specific template you've created in app/view/projects/page1.html.erb

Rails Nested Resource Scoped to Controller

In my app, websites have many pages. I'm trying to setup my URLs to look like
I want it so page names don't need to be globally unique. They just need to be unique within the website they belong to.
This is what my routes look like so far
resources :websites do
resources :pages, :path => ''
I got it working by changing this line in the pages controller.
def show
#page = Page.find_by(website_id: params[:website_id], id: params[:id])
However, then I updated that line to use Friendly ID...
def show
#page = Page.friendly.find_by(website_id: params[:website_id], id: params[:id])
Now I get an error undefined method name for nil:NilClass because I have <% provide(:title, #page.name) %>
No, You don't need.
The rails g controller websites/pages to use with namespace.
Your URL: websites/1 the id = 1 is unique. and the pagename also unique for each website
=> websites/1/pagename is unique
It's fine for:

Rails url needing posts/:id/the-name-of-post

I would like my rails url to look like:
when i use the following in my posts model,
def to_param
the urls look great upon mousover in the browser. and function correctly. however, once the page is loaded in the browser url it looks like:
and to be clear, the "name" is just for good looks - the post is retrieved only by id. also i do not want to use a database slug approach.
how should i better approach this?
ps. don't want "/posts/345-the-great-concept" either ...
Its escaped because its not part of the path, but a param, so it needs to be escaped or you will be on the wrong uri.
def to_param
edit: Okay, so the slash is indeed important; Here's how to tackle it:
Create a custom route for that:
# in config/routes.rb
resources :posts
match '/posts/:id/:slug' => 'posts#show', :as => :slug
Then create your slug method:
# in app/models/post.rb
def slug
Then change your routes to the show action so the link to the fancy url:
# in any link to show; redirect after create, etc..
link_to slug_path(#post, :slug => #post.slug)
I created an app to test all this out, if interested, you can check it out at:

Static pages in Ruby on Rails

What are the standard way of making a Ruby on Rails application that will have pages such as
I would appricate if someone had links or an answers rather than just say use a gem because I want to learn how to make simple webapps with such behavior.
Depends on how you want to handle the content in those pages.
Approach #1 - store content in views
If you just want to put all your content in ERB views, then a very simple approach is to create a PagesController whose purpose is to deal with static pages. Each page is represented by one action in the controller.
class PagesController < ApplicationController
def home
def about
def contact
match '/home' => 'pages#home'
match '/about' => 'pages#about'
match '/contact' => 'pages#contact'
Then create home.html.erb, about.html.erb, and contact.html.erb views under app/views/pages. These views contain whatever content you want on your static pages. They'll by default use your app's application.html.erb layout.
You'll also want to look into page caching to give yourself a boost in performance.
Approach #2 - store content in database
Another approach I've used is to make a very basic CMS for static pages. In this case, pages are represented in the model. It uses the friendly_id gem to handle slugs for each page so that they can be retrieved by a pretty name in the URL (e.g., /about) rather than by ID.
class Page < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :title, :content
validates_presence_of :title, :content
has_friendly_id :title, :use_slug => true, :approximate_ascii => true
class PagesController < ApplicationController
def show
#page = Page.find(params[:id])
render 'shared/404', :status => 404 if #page.nil?
<%= raw #page.content %>
match '/:id' => 'pages#show'
Note: put this entry at the end of routes.rb since it matches everything.
Then how you want to create, edit and update pages are up to you - you can have an admin interface, or build it in to your public interface somehow. This approach can benefit from page caching too.
Another option is the high_voltage gem: https://github.com/thoughtbot/high_voltage
This makes it super easy to create static pages where the content is stored in views.
Jeff's approach #1 (storing content in views and having a route and controller action for each static page) is a good one. The only thing I would add is to use the controller macro in your routes.
So, instead of this:
match '/home' => 'pages#home'
match '/about' => 'pages#about'
match '/contact' => 'pages#contact'
You can do this:
controller :pages do
get :home
get :about
get :contact
It's two extra lines, yet much so much more elegant, since it eliminates repetition and groups your static page routes together visually.
It also uses the get http verb method instead of match, which is a better practice for Rails routes (and more concise, now that Rails 4 requires the http verb to be specified when using match.
Jeff's Approach #1 works great for me. Here is a trick to make the controller dynamically look up pages. With this, you don't need to touch the controller nor the routes.rb for adding pages. Just drop the pages under app/views/pages and the controller will find it.
class PagesController < ApplicationController
def show
render params[:id]
Check out Michael Hartl's http://railstutorial.org
which comes in a 2.3.8 and 3.0.x version. It covers this with great examples and leads you through building them very early on and you will also have the opportunity to learn a lot more than this example.
I highly recommend it.
get ':id', to: 'pages#show'
class PagesController < ApplicationController
def show
render params[:id]
rescue ActionView::MissingTemplate
render :file => "#{Rails.root}/public/404", :layout => false, :status => :not_found
Then place your static pages in app/views/pages/{name}.html.erb (or whatever template format.)
An adequate answer to your question would basically look like an introduction to the Rails framework: the MVC structure, templating, and routing DSL at least. Jeff has given a good stab, but his answer still assumes a lot of basic Rails knowledge on your part.
I'd suggest though, that if your webapp is really that simple, Rails might be overkill. I'd look into something lighter, like Sinatra, which has a much lower learning curve than Rails and does a great job of this kind of thing without having to deal with complex routing, magic MVC action/template mapping, etc.
I'd suggest adding your pages in the public folder so as to be served directly without having to pass through rails at all. I'm not an expert though so I'm not sure if this could have any cons if the page is static.
For more you can create static pages using Jekyll bootstrap or also Jekyll using Danger blog
Refer it is very helpful.

Rails: Difference between List and Index

I appreciate this is an incredibly noob question, but having Googled multiple combinations of search terms I regretfully am still in the dark. These things can be difficult when one doesn't know and so obvious when one does.
I have semi-home page where incoming customers can choose to see a queried list or do a handful of other things. This isn't a home page but a sort of mini 'switchboard' within the site.
The seven standard RESTful Rails controller methods are (as I understand them):
List # shows a list of records generated with .find(:all)
Show # shows details on one record
New # initiates new record
Create # saves and renders/redirects
Edit # finds and opens existing record for edit
Update # updates attributes
Delete # deletes record
What to use when some users need to see a selected 'list' of records that isn't literally .find(:all)? How would this work given I still need a list function that gives me .find(:all) for other purposes?
I've heard of 'index' being used in Rails controllers, but I don't know the difference between index and list.
For best practice and best design, what controller methods would you use for a mini-switchboard (and other intermediate pages such as 'About Us')?
Any specific answers would be a bit more useful than links to http://guides.rubyonrails.org/action_controller_overview.html etc. :) Thanks very much.
First, I think it's important to note that the "standard methods" are neither standard nor methods in a sense. These are considered actions, and are only standard in that they are the conventions used with scaffolding. You can create any number of actions and group them logically with a controller.
If you open up [Project]/config/routes.rb and read through the comments, I think you'll understand a little better how controllers and actions map to a specific route. For instance, you can create a named route to the login controller's login action and call it authenticate by adding to the top of your routes.rb:
# ex: http://localhost/authenticate
map.authenticate 'authenticate', :controller => 'login', :action => 'login'
# map.[route] '[pattern]', :controller => '[controller]', :action => '[action]'
# ex: http://localhost/category/1
map.category 'category/:id', :controller => 'categories', :action => 'list'
# ex: http://localhost/product_group/electronics
map.search 'product_group/:search', :controller => 'products', :action => 'list'
To partially answer your question, you may want to consider adding a category model and associating all products to a category. then, you can add a named route to view items by category as in the code block above.
The major benefit to using named routes is that you can call them in your views as category_url or category_path. Most people don't want to do this and rely on the default route mappings (at the end of the routes.rb):
# ex: http://localhost/category/view/1
map.connect ':controller/:action/:id'
# ex: http://localhost/category/view/1.xml
# ex: http://localhost/category/view/1.json
map.connect ':controller/:action/:id.:format'
The key thing to mention here is that when a URI matches a route, the parameter that matches against a symbol (:id, or :search) is passed into the params hash. For instance, the search named route above would match a search term into params[:search], so if your products have a string column called 'type' that you plan to search against, your products controller might look like:
class Products < ApplicationController
def list
search_term = params[:search]
#products = Product.find(:all, :conditions => ["type = ?", search_term])
Then, the view [Project]/app/views/products/list.html.erb will have direct access to #products
If you'd really like an in-depth view into Ruby on Rails (one that is probably 10 times easier to follow than the guide in the link that you posted) you should check out
Agile Web Development with Rails: Second Edition, 2nd Edition
