How to avoid collision force in box2D? - ios

i'm creating simple iOS game with Cocos2D and Box2D. In my game user has to create full word by shooting to squares with letters. If shooted letter is correct the square should explode, otherwise the square should fall down. I have created simple contact listener and I can detect collision between bullet and square but the problem is how to avoid collision force when letter is incorrect? I that situation (incorrect letter) i want square to simply fall down without applying collision force to the square.
Maybe I can delete the square and create new one at the position of deleted, but i think it's not the best idea :)

One suggestion I would make would be on collision, if the letter is incorrect, set the bodies x and z velocities to 0. This way when they collide with incorrect squares they will simply fall.
Another thing you could do would be to set the target square's body as fixed ( or rigid, I can't remember what it's called in Box2d off the top of my head). So even if an incorrect letter collides with it, it will not budge but the letter will bounce off it. And it the letter is correct, you can explode it as normal.

The solution I would advice is to set the velocity of the bullet to 0 in both directions in the PreSolve callback of the contact listener. Obviously you do a check in the PreSolve function. This way as the function is called PreSolve, the collision calculation have not happened yet. so setting velocity to 0 will make the bullet to have no effect on the square in terms of force.


Detecting collision on only one side of a rectangular physics body - Swift3

I am currently working on a 2D endless runner, written in Swift3 and using Spritekit.
Short question:
Is there a way to only check for collisions on the right side of my character's rectangular physics body?
More info:
The platform on which the character runs is made of puzzle pieces and the user builds upon it as the game progresses. The character progresses left to right, in respect to the background (which goes right to left).
I want the character to automatically jump when he collides with a piece on his right side. However, any pieces that the player puts to the right of him (same Y value as the character) is of the same class as the pieces underneath him.
So the same code that checks for collision between the character and pieces to his right, and make him jump, will also make him jump as long as the game detects collision between the character and the pieces under him.
I have not been able to find another problem like mine, since usually others' characters are colliding with objects of different classes from their ground class.
P.S. I have tried to make my character a SKSpriteNode with two physics bodies, but I could not find any helpful documentation. If it helps any, my character also performs a looping running animation--though I can't imagine that would harm anything.
You could achieve that by detecting collisions with your rectangle and then deciding whether the collision was with the side of your interest or not. Here is a discussion about how to do that. Good luck!
Have you tried adding a non visible sub node (e.g. feetNode) to your character's sprite node and giving that sub node the physics body (class) for floor contact ?
Depending on the rest of your logic, it may allow you to use a different physics class for your character have more flexibility in collision detection.
In fact, you could probably use that approach with several sub nodes in your character's sprite node and have multiple collision behaviours for the character depending on what hits it.
Once you obtain the contact point of the 2 bodies that are colliding, determine which body is the one that is colliding by checking the categorymasks and then check its CGPoints x position. This x position can be compared to the other body's x position to know exactly which side it is colliding from.
if Body A's x position > Body B's x position, Body A is on the right and if not, its on the left.
As simple as that.
Hope this helps!

SpriteKit & Swift Ball Speed

I have made a game using SpriteKit and Swift 3 and have figured out all aspects of the game except the speed of the ball node in the game. Im confused with the different function applyImpulse() and ball.physicsBody.velocity, as I have tested both and don't seem to really understand what the speed I'm actually programatically settings is. Any clarification on what I should be using would be great?
Also whilst testing (by printing the ball's velocity to the console every collision) I would see sometimes the ball's speed would simply go to some long and random decimal value when it hit other nodes such as a paddle which I hadn't specifically coded anything to happen with the ball's speed in the case of a collision with it.
In summary I would appreciate:
Just general clarification regarding speed of the ball in SpriteKit and how I should approach it (what method/function I should use)
How I would make it so the ball's speed doesn't got to these very long random decimals
In regards to the values, there is not really a set rule of what the values are for impulses and forces. It depends on how big your sprites physics body are etc. An impulse of 80 might be a perfect jump value for 1 sprite size, but than make it half the size and that 80 is suddenly way to high. There are also factors such as gravity, mass etc than can have an effect on this.
So you usually just play around with the values until you get the desired result.
In regards to the collision with the paddle, you need to check your bit mask values and your dynamic properties. SpriteKit by default sets collisions to all objects, so if you dont specifically tell your paddle/ball to ignore each other they will collide.
There are also things such as restitution, friction, damping etc that can have an effect on how you sprites behave when colliding.
There are loads of tutorials on google about SpritKit physic/collisions or read the apple documentation.
In regards to the difference between velocity and impulses/forces, as per apples documentation
"First, you can control a physics body’s velocity directly, by setting its velocity and angularVelocity properties. As with many other properties, you often set these properties once when the physics body is first created and then let the physics simulation adjust them as necessary. For example, assume for a moment you are making a space-based game where a rocket ship can fire missiles. When the ship fires a missile, the missile should have a starting velocity of the ship plus an additional vector in the direction of the launch.
When a body is in the simulation, it is more common for the velocity to be adjusted based on forces applied to the body. Another source of velocity changes, collisions, is discussed later."
So basically the general rule of thumb is this:
1) Only set the velocity property when you create the physics body. I never needed to do this for my games yet.
The only time I really use the velocity property is for things such as double jumping where I need to set it to 0 to have a consistent double jump
...velocity.dy = 0
2) When you are playing the game already than
a) If you are trying to continuously move your ball you should use
in something like the update method of your SKScene.
b) If you want to make your ball jump, so basically a short 1 time thing, you should use
Hope this helps

SceneKit: PhysicsWorld relative to body

I have a ship that everything is centered around and everything moves relative to it. It is a first person shooter. Right now when I fire, and the ship speeds up, it catches up to the bullets. I would like the physics world to move relative to the ship's speed so that the bullet is essentially unaffected by ship speed.
The physics engine is doing the right thing, but not the right thing for my game.
I have other elements that move relative to the ship as it moves, which move correctly now, so don't want make ship stationary and move everything else in world around it. I don't see a direct way to do this maybe there is an indirect way? Perhaps I can manually take over the positioning of the bullets. I would like to use the other parts of the physics engine for doing collisions etc so don't want to completely manually do it, but will if that is the only option.
Anyone else have any suggestions?
It sounds like your bullets are receiving air friction. This is controlled by the physics bodies "damping" property. A value of 1.0 will make it static without movement. A value of 0 will allow it to move continuously without ever stoping. The default value is 0.1 as per the Apple documents. Assign your node like so to remove the damping(air friction)...
yourNode.physicsBody.damping = 0

How would I build pool-cues / simplified pinball-style plungers with SpriteKit?

I'm working on a game in which the user should be able to trigger 'rods' that come out from the edge of the screen to displace elements on screen (balls). These projectiles roughly resemble pool-cues. Or perhaps pinball plungers, except that they start from the 'loaded' position (mostly offscreen), and when triggered, they eject out, then quickly retreat.
I'm unclear how I should build these with Sprite Kit.
The game uses the PhysicsEngine, and the onscreen balls should be effected both by gravity AND they should be displaced when they collide with the rods. However the rods should neither be effected by gravity, not displaced when they collide with the balls -- they should simply retreat regardless of whether they've made contact with the balls.
I realize I can set the affectedByGravity property for the rods. However because they will still displace slightly when they collide with the balls. How can I 'fix' or 'peg' them in place? Do I need to use an SKPhysicsSlidingJoint? If so, has anyone encountered any examples online? Is there a simpler way to do this?
A related physics engine, Box2D distinguishes static, kinematic, and dynamic bodies.
Kinematic bodies can move and will collide with other objects, but they are themselves not affected by dynamic bodies or forces like gravity. Thus, consider setting rod.dynamic = NO; but animate it with actions. See also here in the reference for SKPhysicsBody.

CORONA SDK Physics that dont affect every sprite

I want to make some sprites affected by physics gravity, but not all of them in the display screen. For example, the player don't need to be affected and, when collision with another, this one leaves another sprite object that will be affected.
Sorry for my english i'm foreign and try to explain better I can do.
Check this thread out,
Collision Filtering
or check for collision filtering and masking bits.
Are you looking for this?
Setting gravityScale for a physics body to zero makes it unaffected by gravity.
myObj.gravityScale = 0
Setting it to a negative value makes it "float", for example if you want a balloon going up :)
