it says "To search for an exact phrase, enclose the phrase in quotation marks. For example, to search for videos matching the phrase "spy plane", set the q parameter to %22spy+plane%22."
But for example I want vids with "Hong Jason" in the title. But,
I get "Mr. Curiosity by Jeffery Hong (Jason Mraz cover)"
It seems that vid was got because it has "Hong (Jason"
So Youtube can't eliminate that "(", so I got incorrect result.
How can I solve this?
How can I do a REAL exact search?
Maybe the documentation could use some update ?
Try this:,link[#rel='alternate'])
CARD TRANSACTION 12NOV21 V DEBIT 007905AED 111.04 Card Ending with 8906 Majid Al Futtaim A89517641 ATM
I have the above bank transaction string, and I am looking to extract the description which lies between 8906 and the unique transaction code immediately beginning with A i.e. desired output "Majid Al Futtaim".
I tried:
But the output I get is the spaces inherent and "Majid Al Futtaim A89517641", whereas I just want "Majid Al Futtaim" only.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Given the sole string you've shared, this should work:
I've made some predictions about variation in pattern within this formula; but there is no way to control for something the scope of which I can't see in full.
I would use this regex pattern:
Card Ending with \d+\s+([A-Za-z]+(?: [A-Za-z]+\b)*)
Your updated sheets code:
=regexextract(B2, "Card Ending with \d+\s+([A-Za-z]+(?: [A-Za-z]+\b)*)")
Here is a regex demo showing that the pattern is working.
it should be:
=TRIM(REGEXEXTRACT(B2, "8906(.+)A.+"))
So I have this spreadsheet
And I want to essentially grab the value to the right of the value.
So for example, if I look for x, I want to get the values of E9, and E15. So far this is my query:
=LOOKUP(D23 , $D$5:$E$16 , $E$5:$E$16 , FALSE)
But all I'm getting is:
Formula parse error
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
I thought I might be making a mistake, since I forgot I'd have to SUM, but after changing the key to tax it still doesn't work
I tried both LOOKUP and VLOOKUP, same problem in each
I also tried smth I found in a tutorial, but no luck
=VLOOKUP(D23 , $D$5:$E$16 , 2 , FALSE)
To figure out which "breaker" you need (, of ;), take a close look at the formula help. It's the blue question mark next to the fx
Try using SUMIF (Documentation) instead of LOOKUP or VLOOKUP.
Like so:
Also, as you are using a Polish "Locale", you should use ; instead of ,.
Reasoning: whether you have to use , or ; depends on the "Locale" of the spreadsheet, under File –> Spreadsheet Settings. For example, a US or UK "Locale" would use the former (,) while a Hungarian or Polish "Locale" would use the latter (;)
You should use SUMIF
I am looking for the regex to filter username just like the instagram usernames.
I don’t know much about regex but I can use it in my swift function.
As I know that regex algorithms changes depending on the programming language, so I need that instagram username regex for swift language.
Instagram username rules
Two matches # mentions with no space between #thebox193#discodude
Matches with one . in them #disco.dude but not two .. #disco..dude
Beginning period not matched #.discodude
Ending period not matched #discodude.
Match underscores _ #_disco__dude_
Max characters of 30 #1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
More information here
This should work /^(?!...)(?!..$)[^\W][\w.]{0,29}$/igm
Fiddle for this:
I'm trying to pull data from another Google Sheet to feed another Google Sheet. I need to pull from a full name field, which will have something like, "Bob Smith" and then I need to have it rewrite into the new Google Sheet as "bsmith".
Basically, "Get first letter of the first string, then concatenate the entire second string, and then make all lowercase."
So far I've gotten =LEFT(A28,1) working to grab the first letter of a string, but then not sure how to grab the second word and then concatenate.
To get the 2nd word you need to FIND() the first space then read from that position + 1 to the end of the string using MID(). & is used for concatenation.
=lower(left(A28,1) & mid(A28, find(" ", A28) + 1, len(A28)))
Try this for a Google sheet specific solution:
It uses REGEX, a much more sophisticated engine and easily adaptable to variations than LEFT and/or MID.
=lower(left(A28)&index(split(A28," "),2))
(Assumes only ever two words.)
Somes places are not found from google api,
It used to return results before the last update but it does not anymore.
examples :
Pizza hut - france
Domino's pizza - france
In & out burger - los angeles
Do you know why ?
Had the same issue but solved it this way:
For spaces: have to enclose the whole name in double quotes: %22name%20with%20spaces%22
For quotes: have to encode them as a space: Domino%20s
I tried it with your pizza hut example and got results back with my key