Somes places are not found from google api,
It used to return results before the last update but it does not anymore.
examples :
Pizza hut - france
Domino's pizza - france
In & out burger - los angeles
Do you know why ?
Had the same issue but solved it this way:
For spaces: have to enclose the whole name in double quotes: %22name%20with%20spaces%22
For quotes: have to encode them as a space: Domino%20s
I tried it with your pizza hut example and got results back with my key
CARD TRANSACTION 12NOV21 V DEBIT 007905AED 111.04 Card Ending with 8906 Majid Al Futtaim A89517641 ATM
I have the above bank transaction string, and I am looking to extract the description which lies between 8906 and the unique transaction code immediately beginning with A i.e. desired output "Majid Al Futtaim".
I tried:
But the output I get is the spaces inherent and "Majid Al Futtaim A89517641", whereas I just want "Majid Al Futtaim" only.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Given the sole string you've shared, this should work:
I've made some predictions about variation in pattern within this formula; but there is no way to control for something the scope of which I can't see in full.
I would use this regex pattern:
Card Ending with \d+\s+([A-Za-z]+(?: [A-Za-z]+\b)*)
Your updated sheets code:
=regexextract(B2, "Card Ending with \d+\s+([A-Za-z]+(?: [A-Za-z]+\b)*)")
Here is a regex demo showing that the pattern is working.
it should be:
=TRIM(REGEXEXTRACT(B2, "8906(.+)A.+"))
I have some cells with multiple lines of text, and I'm looking for a specific word in that text. So for the example below, every row that contains the word "Canada" should return as "TRUE"
Canada, Male
Hi, I'm from Canada! I love to play hockey
UK, Female
I grew up in London
USA, Female
I'm originally from Canada but now live in NYC
I guess I'm thinking about this the wrong way, because IF + SEARCH seems to only return an exact match for the selected cell(s), which of course is an issue for cells with unique text. I'm really not sure what else to try.
In your situation, how about using REGEXMATCH as follows?
Sample formula:
In this sample formula, the values of columns "A", "B" and "C" are joined and Canada is searched using REGEXMATCH.
When this sample formula is used, the following result is obtained.
=INDEX(REGEXMATCH(A1:A&B1:B&C1:C; "Canada"))
be aware that regex is case sensitive so if you need so use:
I have transcripts of online customer service interactions in Sheets that I would like to anonymize. They are formatted like so:
09:11:37 - Jane Doe : Good morning!
09:12:00 - John Smith : Hello!
The entire sheet has many many different names and hundreds of interactions, so find and replace is still tedious. Is there a way to isolate everything between "-" and ":" and either replace or delete on each line? I found examples of similar things, but could never get the syntax quite right.
Also open to other ideas or tool suggestions!
You can use regular expression
=regexreplace(A1,"(\-.*: )","")
Just a little idea, I would give.
You can use SEARCH() to find where : and - is and you can extract the sub string from the text.
A3 has "09:11:37 - Jane Doe : Good morning!"
LEFT(A3, SEARCH(" - ", A3) - 1) would give me 09:11:37 and what basically we are doing is getting Substring from the beginning of the text.
MID(A3, SEARCH(" : ", A3) + 3 , 100000) would give be Good morning!
now finally use CONCATENATE to join these strings as
= CONCATENATE( LEFT(A3, SEARCH(" - ", A3) - 1), " ", MID(A3, SEARCH(" : ", A3) + 3 , 100000))
Now you will get the string as 09:11:37 Good morning!
Hope that works. Play around with the formula cheat sheet.
I am fairly new to Google sheets, and essentially what I am trying to do is remove all non-duplicate values that do not exist or is listed in another sheet or row - and also store the non-duplicate values somewhere else
In my example sheet here, I am trying to only keep the Alcohol names that are listed in column G
So in my case, I only want to keep the following records:
Alcohol Name Alcohol Type Origin
Martell Cognac France
Captain Morgans Rum Jamaica
Wray & Nephew Rum Jamaica
Hennessey Cognac France
Barcardi Rum Cuba
Courvoiser Cognac France
Famous Grouse Scotch Scotland
Jack Daniels Whisky USA
Grants Scotch Scotland
Ciroc Vodka France
I also want to keep any that did not appear in the list in a separate table like this:
Alcohol Name Alcohol Type Origin
Russian Standard Vodka Russia
Southern Comfort Bourbon USA
Ciroc Whisky France
At the moment I am having to manually check a longer list one by one and it is taking lot of time and my arm hurts..
If someone can please help me with sorting it such that it looks like this, would be great! I don't know if there are formulas we can use
Use this formula to only keep the Alcohol names that are listed in column G
=QUERY(A1:C," where A matches '"&TEXTJOIN("|",1,G2:G)&"' ",1)
To order them use
=QUERY(A1:C," where A matches '"&TEXTJOIN("|",1,G2:G)&"' order by A",1)
Use this to keep any that did not appear in the list in a separate table.
You see, you only put not in the formula
=QUERY(A1:C," where not A matches '"&TEXTJOIN("|",1,G2:G)&"' ",1)
it says "To search for an exact phrase, enclose the phrase in quotation marks. For example, to search for videos matching the phrase "spy plane", set the q parameter to %22spy+plane%22."
But for example I want vids with "Hong Jason" in the title. But,
I get "Mr. Curiosity by Jeffery Hong (Jason Mraz cover)"
It seems that vid was got because it has "Hong (Jason"
So Youtube can't eliminate that "(", so I got incorrect result.
How can I solve this?
How can I do a REAL exact search?
Maybe the documentation could use some update ?
Try this:,link[#rel='alternate'])