Apache Sling JCR browser required - sling

I've just started learning sling. The biggest problem to me at this stage is to browse JCR repository. Is there any good tool to view what is inside repo, showing resources and all properties?
I need something like this one:
thanks in advance

Sling does include a basic explorer that you can access at /.explorer.html
I haven't followed the status of the https://github.com/onflapp/RESTed explorer lately, but that looked quite interesting last time I looked: https://github.com/onflapp/RESTed
There's also http://www.jcrbrowser.org/sling/website/ which I haven't tried in a long time but might be worth looking at.

Another option is Composum, which describes itselfs as a 'Slingified' JCR browser.
Some of its additional features ( complete list ) are:
repository tree with configurable filters
node creation / deletion / move / reorder
property manipulation
binary data upload / download
component rendering and asset view
template based queries with history
JSON view, download and upload
ACL view and manipulation

I have a JCR Browser that is Open Source and on GitHub. It uses JQueryMobile and SpringBoot.


Alfresco digitale workspace localization issue

I have installed Alfresco using docker images as explained in this Angel Borrow's github repos. All goes fine.
But some translation key are not processed. On this image you can see that the translation key "LOGIN.LABEL.USERNAME" is not replaced by it' value.
There are several other issues like that on some popups in ADW (Alfresco Digital Workspace) app.
What is the best way to fix that?
PS : The same localization issues also exist on alfresco cloud.
The first think to check is if you have an adBlock extension activated on your browser page, if it's the case, disable adblock for Alfresco digitale workspace and reload.
You can debug error by using developer tools on your browser (F12)
in network you can see errors related to labels blocked and have more details.

Azure DevOps: How to show wiki pages in own application without the devops main menu?

I'd like to show the Azure DevOps Wiki I created for my project within a WPF View with a Browser control. I used the following url:
Is it possible to show only the Wiki, without the DevOps main menu on the left side (Overview, Summary, Dashboards, Wiki, Repos, Pipelines, etc.)?
Is it possible to show only the Wiki, without the DevOps main menu on
the left side (Overview, Summary, Dashboards, Wiki, Repos, Pipelines,
As you can see from this link, this is the link which represent the whole page contained the left panel and right content displayed. If you want to use this link as the part of your WPF view, it may not be shown only wiki.
But there has an work around, since WPF support Markdown language, you can use the below api to get the its markdown script:
https://dev.azure.com/{org name}/{project name}/_apis/wiki/wikis/{wiki name}/pages/%2F10
And then, use these to used into your WPF script.
To use this API, you need to pass the credential to the script first. To supply the credential, you can link a .cs file which written with C#.
In this .cs file, use the follow C# script to get connect with your org:
var url = new Uri("https://dev.azure.com//{org}");
VssCredentials cre = new VssCredentials(new Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Common.VssBasicCredential(string.Empty, "{PAT token}"));
var connection = new VssConnection(url, cre);
var workitemClient = connection.GetClient<xxxxHttpClient>();
Just wanted to share what we finally ended up with for our WPF "WikiView" user control:
we use the WikiHttpClient's GetPageAsync() to get all pages' content (page.Page.Content) and save the markdown (*.md) files locally using the path name in page.Page.GitItemPath
we use the GitHttpClient to get all images from the "attachments" folder within the wiki repository
Markdig to convert the markdown to html (and manually fix absolute link addresses to relative ones)
a ListBox for the wiki pages (table of contents)
a CefSharp browser control to show the html (the WPF BrowserControl displayed images too small)
I will supply some code in case that's of interest.
Given that the wiki is actually markdown, you can always download the source and use a markdown viewer. E.g. VsCode markdown preview.

Add Client Log in area to Kirby

I'm pretty new to Kirby, trying to build my first site with it, and the site is for a photographer who wants clients to be able to log in where they can view and download their photos. Is that something I could do with Kirby? I saw this - http://getkirby.com/blog/frontend-authentication - but it was a while ago, and I didn't see any plugins listed on their current plugin list that seemed to fit what I'm looking for.
Have a look at http://getkirby.com/docs/solutions/authentication.
You may update your Kirby root.

Adobe DTM header for a library download

Background: My company is starting a proof of concept for adobe DTM and I am starting to familiarize myself with it. We have many different domains and many different internal sections that all may want to use different libraries on different pages. We are using the library download setup in DTM. I've watched a lot of the tutorials the tool and have read all of the documentation that I could find on the headers.
Issue: I believe that the libraries are all created with the DTM tool. For instance, if we create a rule, or add 3rd party javascript to DTM, then that would be placed in the library. Because of the way that the team has generally thought about js libraries before, where we upload them ourselves, most of the team believes that we can physically place the 3rd party js libraries in the location designated by the header and that we can reference them with an include() call in the Javascript/Third Party Tags section of a rule. I don't believe this is possible. Is there anyone who can shed some light on this?
Thanks for your time,
(I already answered this at the Adobe Forums, but I thought I would include the reply here for others looking at stack exchange)
I could be wrong in my assumptions, but I have always understood this method as a way to simply host DTM functionality on your own servers for downtime/uptime/SLA reasons. :) Meaning, you would want to go with this option simply because you need to ensure that DTM embed urls/scripts never ever go down and that they are lightning fast and never give you issues. :) You would then use the script loading capabilities by configuring the DTM UI to load the 3rd party scripts or custom built scripts through rules. You would load them either on pageLoad top or bottom, domReady, or onLoad. There is more documentation on this option here and some reasons why you would use that option:
However, you can also include these scrips just like you would with any other javascript reference like you mentioned above. The trick would be just figuring out the url to include as your src attribute. DTM itself has an API that you can use to load scripts, and it also includes a "settings" property and "configurationSettings" property that you can use to find a lot of those scripts that you are interested in loading. See all _satellite object documentation here:
In more detail, you could do something like this to get your script path dynamically after DTM embed scripts have loaded:
var scriptSrc = "//domainOfHost.com/" + _satellite.settings.scriptDir + "scriptSrc.js";
Then you could use this function on the _satellite object to load the script you are interested in:
_satellite.loadScript: function (url, callback)
url: the URL of the script
callback(optional): the function to be called after the script has loaded.
DESCRIPTION: Load an external script.

How to implement blogging feature in umbraco 7

Recently I am started exploring Umbraco 7 cms and building a site where I need to implement a blogging feature.I want to do it using MVC razor syntax but I am also open for extension.But primarily I want to do it using coding . Please help me by giving some ideas and resources to accomplish the task.
You can use uDateFoldersy for this purpose. using it you will be able to do following with out any coding.
Configure multiple nodeTypeAliases for landing (root eg. news, blog) nodes.
Configure multiple nodeTypeAliases for nodes to put in date folders (eg. article, blogpost)
Configurable property alias for date property (you can call it anything!)
Automatic folder creation occurs on the Saved event.
Change of a date in a node results in the node being moved.
Moving a node to another date folder results in the date being changed.
Year, month and day folders can be disabled
Nodes can be created directly on a year or month folder, and will stay at the folder.
Define your own date folders (if you want)
The package includes mvc view and a master page.
This will make your development a lot easier as the basic features needed to implement for a standard blog will be done with this extension.
A complete blog package is UBlogsy, it has tags, categories, authors, data folders and more. Also working in Umbraco 7 (see details on downloadpage)
For a blogwebsite I created my own Razor scripts to run it the way I want it to Run ;)
