IBM Worklight 6.0 - jQuery Mobile widgets palette does not show up - jquery-mobile

I am designing using jQuery Mobile, but the widgets palette does not show. I did include the script of jquery and jQuery Mobile in my header.
It is quite strange that sometimes it shows, sometimes it does not.

Please review the answer in this question: IBM Worklight - jQuery palette does not show up
When using jQuery Mobile 1.3.1 the palette will display however it will not display if using 1.3.2; this is fixed internally for the upcoming Worklight 6.1.0 release.
See if the provided steps help in showing up the jQuery Mobile Widgets palette.
Also as Orlando suggested in the comments above, if you get any errors in the Erros view in Eclipse when the palette contents is missing, please edit the question with this information.

the jquery mobile widget palette works when you add the normal jquery files and not the minified version of the jquery files.
the pallet seems to work if you have addded the non minified files to your .html file.


Does jquery mobile use any template library?

I am choosing a template library for my jQuery Mobile project. I wonder if jqm uses any template library internally, since it uses requireJS for AMD I figured it might use an off-the-shelf library for templates.
I did not find any in the source code, but want to confirm with SO.
If it doesn't, do you have a recommendation for a template library that works well with jqm (I know it is an open-ended question).
No, there is no template engine behind jQuery mobile.
No. jQuery Mobile does not include any template library. You are free to choose the ones you like. There are many good templating libraries like mustache.js, dust.js, handlebar.js etc.

worklight studio 6.1 jquery widgets discovery failed

In Design perspective, when displaying my html main file, in the palette view, the jquery mobile widgets does not show in Worklight studio 6.1.
It doesn't work with any version of jQueryMobile greater than 1.3.0. But It's ok with one application over 4 using version 1.3.0.
Here is the pop-up error message:
An internal error occurred during: "Discoverying jQuery Mobile widgets for /MyProject/apps/MyApp/common/MyApp.html".
How to solve the issue?
Please mention in the question the jQuery Mobile version you are using.
Worklight Studio's RPE (Rich Page Editor) will not work with jQuery Mobile 1.4, may fail with 1.3.2. It will work with 1.3.1.
You can continue using any version you'd like, but if using the RPE, take note of the above.
There is no workaround.
If your issues are different, then please, be more descriptive when asking questions.
"sometimes works, sometimes doesn't" is not helpful.

Jquery mobile style backward compatibility issue

The following style classes are not working in the recent versions (1.3.x) of Jquery mobile. But they worked fine in earlier versions. What am I missing?
There was an issue reported with regards to this on jQuery gitHub.
They say that it was removed on purpose and advise what should be used now.

JSF 2 compatible with jQuery Mobile?

so I have been tasked with finding out whether an existing JSF project can incorporate jQuery Mobile. I have only finished college 2 months ago so I have limited experience, which is why I am turning to you guys for help.
The project is using eclipse with JSF,Maven and Spring. At the moment it is my belief that only jQuery mobile 1.0 is fully usable with JSF. One of the pre-requisites of the project however states that the latest version of jQuery Mobile must be used.
So my question is this, is jQuery 1.2 fully usable with JSF? Or does it have parts that are not compatible.
If so does anyone have any good tutorials they can link to on how to use this?
Thanks in advance for any help provided, any information that needs clearing up or any clarification needed just let me know.
I have used jQuery Mobile 1.0 in combination with JSF2 in the past, and things worked pretty well. Not sure about the 1.2 version, but I don't know any reason why that wouldn't work.
As mentioned in Chaney's comment, binding and retrieving data to the jQuery controls can sometimes be troublesome. You might want to check out PrimeFaces Mobile, which takes most of that burden off you and should get you started pretty quickly (if it doesn't conflict with any other component libraries you are using). The latest version of PrimeFaces Mobile seems to use jQuery 1.8.2 and jQuery Mobile 1.1.0.

PhoneGap UI Investigation

I am investigating creating cross platform mobile apps using PhoneGap.
I have looked at JQuery Mobile and dojo for UI components.
What other ones are out there? So far I am impressed with both, but they leave me looking for more.
The reason is that JQuery Mobile doesn't look very native. Dojo looks more native for the layout and graphics aren't quite right in my mind. For instance the back button is the same height as the header on Android (assuming I am using it right).
We have found Sencha Touch quite interesting.
The one I use for my app is ionic
quick and easy uses Angular JS
