worklight studio 6.1 jquery widgets discovery failed - jquery-mobile

In Design perspective, when displaying my html main file, in the palette view, the jquery mobile widgets does not show in Worklight studio 6.1.
It doesn't work with any version of jQueryMobile greater than 1.3.0. But It's ok with one application over 4 using version 1.3.0.
Here is the pop-up error message:
An internal error occurred during: "Discoverying jQuery Mobile widgets for /MyProject/apps/MyApp/common/MyApp.html".
How to solve the issue?

Please mention in the question the jQuery Mobile version you are using.
Worklight Studio's RPE (Rich Page Editor) will not work with jQuery Mobile 1.4, may fail with 1.3.2. It will work with 1.3.1.
You can continue using any version you'd like, but if using the RPE, take note of the above.
There is no workaround.
If your issues are different, then please, be more descriptive when asking questions.
"sometimes works, sometimes doesn't" is not helpful.


jQuery Mobile 1.4 and Microsoft Edge

I am working on RWD application which was developed using jQuery Mobile 1.3. We have decided to upgrade jQuery Mobile from version 1.3 to 1.4. Our concern is how well jQuery Mobile works in Microsoft Edge on Windows 10. The jQuery site does not mention anything about Microsoft Edge.
jQuery Mobile is developed around standards and common conventions, as is Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and other browsers. You should not run into any serious issue when using any of these modern browsers.
There are currently 271 open issues on GitHub for jQuery Mobile. A cursory search didn't reveal anything serious with Microsoft Edge. If you do happen to run into issues, please file them on Github, and share them here so that we can help you identify temporary work-arounds.
Internet Explorer versions 8 through 11 received an A in jQuery Mobile's Graded Browser Support. Considering the fact that Microsoft Edge has received thousands of bug fixes more than Internet Explorer 11, I would say it's safe to assume you should have a wonderful experience using jQuery Mobile along with Microsoft Edge.

IBM Worklight 6.0 - jQuery Mobile widgets palette does not show up

I am designing using jQuery Mobile, but the widgets palette does not show. I did include the script of jquery and jQuery Mobile in my header.
It is quite strange that sometimes it shows, sometimes it does not.
Please review the answer in this question: IBM Worklight - jQuery palette does not show up
When using jQuery Mobile 1.3.1 the palette will display however it will not display if using 1.3.2; this is fixed internally for the upcoming Worklight 6.1.0 release.
See if the provided steps help in showing up the jQuery Mobile Widgets palette.
Also as Orlando suggested in the comments above, if you get any errors in the Erros view in Eclipse when the palette contents is missing, please edit the question with this information.
the jquery mobile widget palette works when you add the normal jquery files and not the minified version of the jquery files.
the pallet seems to work if you have addded the non minified files to your .html file.

JSF 2 compatible with jQuery Mobile?

so I have been tasked with finding out whether an existing JSF project can incorporate jQuery Mobile. I have only finished college 2 months ago so I have limited experience, which is why I am turning to you guys for help.
The project is using eclipse with JSF,Maven and Spring. At the moment it is my belief that only jQuery mobile 1.0 is fully usable with JSF. One of the pre-requisites of the project however states that the latest version of jQuery Mobile must be used.
So my question is this, is jQuery 1.2 fully usable with JSF? Or does it have parts that are not compatible.
If so does anyone have any good tutorials they can link to on how to use this?
Thanks in advance for any help provided, any information that needs clearing up or any clarification needed just let me know.
I have used jQuery Mobile 1.0 in combination with JSF2 in the past, and things worked pretty well. Not sure about the 1.2 version, but I don't know any reason why that wouldn't work.
As mentioned in Chaney's comment, binding and retrieving data to the jQuery controls can sometimes be troublesome. You might want to check out PrimeFaces Mobile, which takes most of that burden off you and should get you started pretty quickly (if it doesn't conflict with any other component libraries you are using). The latest version of PrimeFaces Mobile seems to use jQuery 1.8.2 and jQuery Mobile 1.1.0.

Support of jQuery mobile in Aptana

i'm searching for a developement bundle to extend the functionality of aptana to support jQuery Mobile code. Does anybody know a good plugin?
I did not find any code assist for JQuery Mobile in aptana but i found out that Titanium Studio offers JQuery Mobile support. It's another Eclipse-based IDE that is designed for mobile web developpement.
See this Stackoverflow question that helped me : jQuery Mobile Content Assist
You can activate it as a bundle, for more info refer to #craig.kaminsky answer in this question, I used it and it works:
How to enable jQuery support in Aptana Studio 3
If you don't have git installed and find any issues this may be of help:
jQuery on New Aptana Studio 3

Problem with Silverlight 3 plugin on FireFox

I recently upgraded to SilverLight 3 (beta) and for some reason the SilverLight plug in will not view local SilverLight Projects, i.e. when I hit F5 (debug) I can see the page loading, but then nothing happens. Does anyone have any ideas?
I haven't tried the new beta yet, so I can't help you much, but it's possible that the old Silverlight plugin and the new beta plugin are conflicting. Try fully uninstalling both plugins and then reinstall.
It turns out it wasn't the FireFox plugin. For whatever reason the Silverlight 3 plugin is more strict than the Silverlight 2 plugin, and when debugging the project it will choke on displaying the app due to the as of now unfound error.
In my case it turned out to be an old version of the Toolkit dll, specifically the autocompletebox. It was compiling fine, but threw the runtime error every time it would try to load.
