Trouble with Non-Native Menu in jQuery Mobile - jquery-mobile

I have a select that I'd like to use the custom menu display (rather than native) in jQuery Mobile. However, I'm just getting strange behavior out of the non-native menu (jsfiddle link). In this case, the non-native menu is only showing one of my three options.

Found the issue right after I posted it. Every option needs a value attribute set (corrected jsFiddle).

Depending on how many options you have, radio buttons groups might be a better option. The problem with any select is that it requires the user to act before ever seeing what their options are. From a user experience perspective, if you don't have a vast amount of options, use radio buttons. This section of a blog post I wrote might help.


Embed Menu/PopupMenu or TListItems on a form

Is there any way to embed a TPopupMenu directly on a form, as if it was a panel always open? or maybe just the TMenuItems.
No, it is not possible to embed a menu on a form. The reason is partly that a menu isn't an ordinary window that you can easily manipulate.
So you need to find a different solution. And there are many options you can chose from:
Using a TToolBar:
It doesn't look particularly modern and out of the box you don't get much control over the appearance, though. Also, I don't know exactly how robust this solution is. I stopped using toolbars many years ago.
Using a TCheckListBox:
In this case, I'd recommend you to create a subclass TCheckListBoxEx which toggles an item if you double-click its caption.
Creating a custom control:
This is what I'd do if it is about a central GUI in an important application, because this way you get full control over the appearance and behaviour and can make it really robust. I have done a modern such menu at work, but currently I am at home so I cannot show you it. Here, however, is a menu I made more than ten years ago for a hobby project:
If you don't need the menu to be attached to the form like a control, but only need it not to close when you select an item in it, there are (hacky) ways to achieve that. But that is a different Q.

How to create radio buttons and drop down menu bar in Swift (for iOS app development)?

I am beginner in iOS app development and am creating an app where I need to create radio button and drop sown menu bar using swift .
Please suggest me, how could I do that ??
Welcome to SO. In general, this site isn't really suited to "show me how to do <development task>" questions. It's intended for specific technical questions about code you are trying to get working.
I'll take pity on you since this is your first post.
Neither radio buttons nor drop-down menus are standard iOS controls. You should consider using iOS standard user interface elements instead.
The iOS equivalent of radio buttons is a segmented control (UISegementedControl)
The iOS equivalent of a drop-down menu is a UIPickerView.
If you really want radio buttons and drop-down menus you could create them yourself, but as a beginner that is likely over your head. You might want to look for open source components that do what you need. Try checking out CocoaControls. There are lots and lots of custom controls. You can likely find what you're looking for there under a reasonable source license like the MIT license.

Create a drop down select box with dynamic options

I am trying to recreate a popular effect that all iPhone users have seen before on their settings page. Something like when selecting a wireless network. There is normally a title that says "Available Networks" with a blue arrow icon to the right. onClick there is an accordion style slide down effect to reveal the available networks.
I am trying to recreate this to use as a drop down input for my app's settings page since iPhone does not have anything like that in their storyboard builder interface. The other issue is the options will be dynamic (coming from a database).
Has anyone seen a tutorial on this or maybe an open source app I can use as reference.
I am using iOS 6.1 using Storyboards.
I should have spent a little more time researching I am sure I would have have this post that was very helpful regardind the actual code for the drop-down not so much the dynamic data. How to create DropDown in xcode?

jQuery Mobile Popups and Dialogs

jQuery mobile 1.2 alpha introduces Popups while it already has a similar widget, called Dialogs. They both seem very similar in nature.
What are the technical differences between Popups and Dialogs?
What Popups can do (any practical usecase as example preferred) that is impossible with Dialogs?
They are quite different beast. Here is my opinion based on my limited experience.
Dialogues take over the page, they contain a fullscreen dark background to make the "dialog" appear to have replaced the page.
Any page can be presented as a dialog by adding the data-rel="dialog" attribute to the page anchor link.
Like pages, you can specify any page transition you want on the dialog by adding the data-transition attribute to the link.
Can be chained.
Displays within the current page, and are probably more similar to the functionality commonly referred to as modals or lightboxes.
Can't be chained.
Popups are probably more suited for alerts, tooltips, small yes/no ok/cancel messages, making a thumbnail popup into a larger image, small ajax forms(newsletter, login, post a comment) etc. Useful when you don't want to overload the page with information, and only want to reveal certain functionality to users when they need or request it.
Dialogues on the other hand could be used in situations where you need to convey a lot of information (terms and conditions acceptance screen, etc), or when you really want to emphasis an alert, menu, the choice a user has, etc. Dialogues kind of break the flow of a page so should be used more cautiously.
One neat feature of the popups is that they can be used as overlay panels, which could be used to create a menu that slides in from the side of the screen, not too dissimilar to the menu in the Facebooks iphone application.
At the end of the day, either could be used, and neither is right or wrong, a lot of it comes down to personal preference, and how you want your application to flow.
One important difference is Popups appear in the same page as an element, where as dialogue is a different page in all and the background is blank.

How to separate menu and content in the same page

I have a list of menu items and content in a single page. In PC browser or ipad, I want to see both parts in the same page. But in the smaller devices such as iphone and android phone, I want to separate the two so that you selects one of menu items in a page and see its content when he clicks it.
Jquery mobile demo page already does it. But I can't figure out how I can achieve it. Can someone explain or point to any good reference? Thanks
You may take a look at the following blog post which illustrates how you could organize your views so that based on the client type you could provide different contents.
