The problem
I came across a problem today and I do not know how to solve it. It is very strange to me, because the code I've written should (according to my current knowledge) is correct.
So below you can find a sample parser combinators. The most important one is pOperator, which in very simple way (only for demonstration purposes) builds an operator AST.
It consumes "x" and can consume multiple "x" separated by whitespaces.
I've got also pParens combinator which is defined like:
pPacked pParenL (pWSpaces *> pParenR)
so it consumes Whitespaces before closing bracket.
Sample input / output
The correct input/output SHOULD be:
in: "(x)"
out: Single "x"
in: "(x )"
out: Single "x"
but I'm getting:
in: "(x)"
out: Single "x"
in: "(x )"
out: Multi (Single "x") (Single "x")
-- Correcting steps:
-- Inserted 'x' at position LineColPos 0 3 3 expecting one of ['\t', ' ', 'x']
but in the second example I'm getting error - and the parser behaves like it greedy eats some tokens (and there is no greedy operation).
I would be thankful for any help with it.
Sample code
import Prelude hiding(lex)
import Data.Char hiding (Space)
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.UU as UU
import Text.ParserCombinators.UU hiding(parse)
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.UU.Utils as Utils
import Text.ParserCombinators.UU.BasicInstances hiding (Parser)
data El = Multi El El
| Single String
deriving (Show)
---------- Example core grammar ----------
pElement = Single <$> pSyms "x"
pOperator = applyAll <$> pElement <*> pMany (flip <$> (Multi <$ pWSpaces1) <*> pElement)
---------- Basic combinators ----------
applyAll x (f:fs) = applyAll (f x) fs
applyAll x [] = x
pSpace = pSym ' '
pTab = pSym '\t'
pWSpace = pSpace <|> pTab
pWSpaces = pMany pWSpace
pWSpaces1 = pMany1 pWSpace
pMany1 p = (:) <$> p <*> pMany p
pSyms [] = pReturn []
pSyms (x : xs) = (:) <$> pSym x <*> pSyms xs
pParenL = Utils.lexeme $ pSym '('
pParenR = Utils.lexeme $ pSym ')'
pParens = pPacked pParenL (pWSpaces *> pParenR)
---------- Program ----------
pProgram = pParens pOperator
-- if you replace it with following line, it works:
-- pProgram = pParens pElement
-- so it seems like something in pOperator is greedy
tests = [ ("test", "(x)")
, ("test", "(x )")
---------- Helpers ----------
type Parser a = P (Str Char String LineColPos) a
parse p s = UU.parse ( (,) <$> p <*> pEnd) (createStr (LineColPos 0 0 0) s)
main :: IO ()
main = do
mapM_ (\(desc, p) -> putStrLn ("\n=== " ++ desc ++ " ===") >> run pProgram p) tests
return ()
run :: Show t => Parser t -> String -> IO ()
run p inp = do let (a, errors) = parse p inp
putStrLn ("-- Result: \n" ++ show a)
if null errors then return ()
else do putStr ("-- Correcting steps: \n")
show_errors errors
putStrLn "-- "
where show_errors :: (Show a) => [a] -> IO ()
show_errors = sequence_ . (map (putStrLn . show))
pOperator = applyAll <$> pElement <*> pMany (flip <$> (Multi <$ pWSpaces1) <*> pElement)
is equivalent to:
foldr pChainl pElement (Multi <$ pWSpaces1)
according to: Combinator Parsing: A Short Tutorial
And it is used to define operator precedense.
The definition of pMany reads:
pMany :: IsParser p => p a -> p [a]
pMany p = pList p
and this suggest the solution. When seeing the space we should not commit immediately to the choice to continue with more x-es so we define:
pMany :: IsParser p => p a -> p [a]
pMany_ng p = pList_ng p
Of course you may also call pList_ng immediately. Even better would be to write:
pParens (pChainr_ng (pMulti <$ pWSpaces1) px) --
I did not test it since I am not sure whether between x-es there should be at least one space etc.
I'm trying to parse a small language with Haskell-like syntax, using parsec-layout. The two key features that don't seem to interact too well with each other are:
Function application syntax is juxtaposition, i.e. if F and E are terms, F E is the syntax for F applied to E.
Indentation can be used to denote nesting, i.e. the following two are equivalent:
X = case Y of
A -> V
B -> W
X = case Y of A -> V; B -> W
I haven't managed to figure out a combination of skipping and keeping whitespace that would allow me to parse a list of such definitions. Here's my simplified code:
import Text.Parsec hiding (space, runP)
import Text.Parsec.Layout
import Control.Monad (void)
type Parser = Parsec String LayoutEnv
data Term = Var String
| App Term Term
| Case Term [(String, Term)]
deriving Show
name :: Parser String
name = spaced $ (:) <$> upper <*> many alphaNum
kw :: String -> Parser ()
kw = void . spaced . string
reserved :: String -> Parser ()
reserved s = try $ spaced $ string s >> notFollowedBy alphaNum
term :: Parser Term
term = foldl1 App <$> part `sepBy1` space
part = choice [ caseBlock
, Var <$> name
caseBlock = Case <$> (reserved "case" *> term <* reserved "of") <*> laidout alt
alt = (,) <$> (name <* kw "->") <*> term
binding :: Parser (String, Term)
binding = (,) <$> (name <* kw "=") <*> term
trim :: String -> String
trim = reverse . dropWhile (== '\n') . reverse
runP :: Parser a -> String -> Either ParseError a
runP p = runParser (p <* eof) defaultLayoutEnv "" . trim
If I try to run it on input like
s = unlines [ "A = case B of"
, " X -> Y Z"
, "C = D"
via runP (laidout binding) s, it fails on the application Y Z:
(line 2, column 10):
expecting space or semi-colon
However, if I change the definition of term to
term = foldl1 App <$> many1 part
then it doesn't stop parsing the term at the start of the (unindented!) third line, leading to
(line 3, column 4):
expecting semi-colon
I think the problem has to do with that name already eliminates the following space, so the sepBy1 in the definition of term doesn't see it.
Consider these simplified versions of term:
term0 = foldl1 App <$> (Var <$> name) `sepBy1` space
term1 = foldl1 App <$> (Var <$> name') `sepBy1` space
name' = (:) <$> upper <*> many alphaNum
term3 = foldl1 App <$> many (Var <$> name)
runP term0 "A B C" -- fails
runP term1 "A B C" -- succeeds
runP term3 "A B C" -- succeeds
I think part of the solution is to define
part = [ caseBlock, Var <$> name' ]
where name' is as above. However, there are still some issues.
Traditionally, arithmetic operators are considered to be binary (left or right associative), thus most tools are dealing only with binary operators.
Is there an easy way to parse arithmetic operators with Parsec, which can have an arbitrary number of arguments?
For example, the following expression should be parsed into the tree
(a + b) + c + d * e + f
Yes! The key is to first solve a simpler problem, which is to model + and * as tree nodes with only two children. To add four things, we'll just use + three times.
This is a great problem to solve since there's a Text.Parsec.Expr module for just this problem. Your example is actually parseable by the example code in the documentation. I've slightly simplified it here:
module Lib where
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Language
import qualified Text.Parsec.Expr as Expr
import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as Tokens
data Expr =
Identifier String
| Multiply Expr Expr
| Add Expr Expr
instance Show Expr where
show (Identifier s) = s
show (Multiply l r) = "(* " ++ (show l) ++ " " ++ (show r) ++ ")"
show (Add l r) = "(+ " ++ (show l) ++ " " ++ (show r) ++ ")"
-- Some sane parser combinators that we can plagiarize from the Haskell parser.
parens = Tokens.parens haskell
identifier = Tokens.identifier haskell
reserved = Tokens.reservedOp haskell
-- Infix parser.
infix_ operator func =
Expr.Infix (reserved operator >> return func) Expr.AssocLeft
parser =
Expr.buildExpressionParser table term <?> "expression"
table = [[infix_ "*" Multiply], [infix_ "+" Add]]
term =
parens parser
<|> (Identifier <$> identifier)
<?> "term"
Running this in GHCi:
λ> runParser parser () "" "(a + b) + c + d * e + f"
Right (+ (+ (+ (+ a b) c) (* d e)) f)
There are lots of ways of converting this tree to the desired form. Here's a hacky gross slow one:
data Expr' =
Identifier' String
| Add' [Expr']
| Multiply' [Expr']
deriving (Show)
collect :: Expr -> (Expr -> Bool) -> [Expr]
collect e f | (f e == False) = [e]
collect e#(Add l r) f =
collect l f ++ collect r f
collect e#(Multiply l r) f =
collect l f ++ collect r f
isAdd :: Expr -> Bool
isAdd (Add _ _) = True
isAdd _ = False
isMultiply :: Expr -> Bool
isMultiply (Multiply _ _) = True
isMultiply _ = False
optimize :: Expr -> Expr'
optimize (Identifier s) = Identifier' s
optimize e#(Add _ _) = Add' (map optimize (collect e isAdd))
optimize e#(Multiply _ _) = Multiply' (map optimize (collect e isMultiply))
I will note, however, that almost always Expr is Good Enough™ for the purposes of a parser or compiler.
I'm trying to write a Parser for S Expressions from Prof. Yorgey's 2013 homework.
newtype Parser a = Parser { runParser :: String -> Maybe (a, String) }
Given the following definitions, presented in the homework:
type Ident = String
-- An "atom" is either an integer value or an identifier.
data Atom = N Integer | I Ident
deriving Show
-- An S-expression is either an atom, or a list of S-expressions.
data SExpr = A Atom
| Comb [SExpr]
deriving Show
I wrote a parser for Parser Atom and Parser SExpr for A Atom.
parseAtom :: Parser Atom
parseAtom = alt n i
where n = (\_ z -> N z) <$> spaces <*> posInt
i = (\ _ z -> I z) <$> spaces <*> ident
parseAAtom :: Parser SExpr
parseAAtom = fmap (\x -> A x) parseAtom
Then, I attempted to write a parser to handle a Parser SExpr for the Comb ... case:
parseComb :: Parser SExpr
parseComb = (\_ _ x _ _ _ -> x) <$> (zeroOrMore spaces) <*> (char '(') <*>
(alt parseAAtom parseComb) <*> (zeroOrMore spaces)
<*> (char ')') <*> (zeroOrMore spaces)
Assuming that parseComb was right, I could simply make usage of oneOrMore for Parser [SExpr].
parseCombElements :: Parser [SExpr]
parseCombElements = oneOrMore parseComb
So, my two last functions compile, but running runParser parseComb "( foo )" never terminates.
What's wrong with my parseComb definition? Please don't give me the whole answer, but rather a hint - for my own learning.
I am very suspicious of zeroOrMore spaces, because spaces is usually a parser which itself parses zero or more spaces. Which means that it can parse the empty string if there aren't any spaces at that point. In particular, the spaces parser always succeeds.
But when you apply zeroOrMore to a parser that always succeeds, the combined parser will never stop - because zeroOrMore only stops trying again once its parser argument fails.
As an aside, Applicative expressions like (\_ _ x _ _ _ -> x) <$> ... <*> ... <*> ...... which only use a single of the subparsers can usually be written more succinctly with the *> and <* combinators:
... *> ... *> x_parser_here <* ... <* ...
As a simplified subproblem of a parser for a real language, I am trying to implement a parser for expressions of a fictional language which looks similar to standard imperative languages (like Python, JavaScript, and so). Its syntax features the following construct:
integer numbers
identifiers ([a-zA-Z]+)
arithmetic expressions with + and * and parenthesis
structure access with . (eg
tuples (eg (1, foo, bar.buz)) (to remove ambiguity one-tuples are written as (x,))
function application (eg foo(1, bar, buz()))
functions are first class so they can also be returned from other functions and directly be applied (eg foo()() is legal because foo() might return a function)
So a fairly complex program in this language is
(1+2*3, f(4,5,6)(bar) + qux.quux()().quuux)
the associativity is supposed to be
( (1+(2*3)), ( ((f(4,5,6))(bar)) + ((((qux.quux)())()).quuux) ) )
I'm currently using the very nice uu-parsinglib an applicative parser combinator library.
The first problem was obviously that the intuitive expression grammar (expr -> identifier | number | expr * expr | expr + expr | (expr) is left-recursive. But I could solve that problem using the the pChainl combinator (see parseExpr in the example below).
The remaining problem (hence this question) is function application with functions returned from other functions (f()()). Again, the grammar is left recursive expr -> fun-call | ...; fun-call -> expr ( parameter-list ). Any ideas how I can solve this problem elegantly using uu-parsinglib? (the problem should directly apply to parsec, attoparsec and other parser combinators as well I guess).
See below my current version of the program. It works well but function application is only working on identifiers to remove the left-recursion:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module TestExprGrammar
) where
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Text.ParserCombinators.UU
import Text.ParserCombinators.UU.Utils
import Text.ParserCombinators.UU.BasicInstances
data Node =
NumberLiteral Integer
| Identifier String
| Tuple [Node]
| MemberAccess Node Node
| FunctionCall Node [Node]
| BinaryOperation String Node Node
parseFunctionCall :: Parser Node
parseFunctionCall =
FunctionCall <$>
parseIdentifier {- `parseExpr' would be correct but left-recursive -}
<*> parseParenthesisedNodeList 0
operators :: [[(Char, Node -> Node -> Node)]]
operators = [ [('+', BinaryOperation "+")]
, [('*' , BinaryOperation "*")]
, [('.', MemberAccess)]
samePrio :: [(Char, Node -> Node -> Node)] -> Parser (Node -> Node -> Node)
samePrio ops = asum [op <$ pSym c <* pSpaces | (c, op) <- ops]
parseExpr :: Parser Node
parseExpr =
foldr pChainl
<|> parseNumber
<|> parseTuple
<|> parseFunctionCall
<|> pParens parseExpr
(map samePrio operators)
parseNodeList :: Int -> Parser [Node]
parseNodeList n =
case n of
_ | n < 0 -> parseNodeList 0
0 -> pListSep (pSymbol ",") parseExpr
n -> (:) <$>
<* pSymbol ","
<*> parseNodeList (n-1)
parseParenthesisedNodeList :: Int -> Parser [Node]
parseParenthesisedNodeList n = pParens (parseNodeList n)
parseIdentifier :: Parser Node
parseIdentifier = Identifier <$> pSome pLetter <* pSpaces
parseNumber :: Parser Node
parseNumber = NumberLiteral <$> pNatural
parseTuple :: Parser Node
parseTuple =
Tuple <$> parseParenthesisedNodeList 1
<|> Tuple [] <$ pSymbol "()"
instance Show Node where
show n =
let showNodeList ns = intercalate ", " (map show ns)
showParenthesisedNodeList ns = "(" ++ showNodeList ns ++ ")"
in case n of
Identifier i -> i
Tuple ns -> showParenthesisedNodeList ns
NumberLiteral n -> show n
FunctionCall f args -> show f ++ showParenthesisedNodeList args
MemberAccess f g -> show f ++ "." ++ show g
BinaryOperation op l r -> "(" ++ show l ++ op ++ show r ++ ")"
Looking briefly at the list-like combinators for uu-parsinglib (I'm more familiar with parsec), I think you can solve this by folding over the result of the pSome combinator:
parseFunctionCall :: Parser Node
parseFunctionCall =
foldl' FunctionCall <$>
parseIdentifier {- `parseExpr' would be correct but left-recursive -}
<*> pSome (parseParenthesisedNodeList 0)
This is also equivalent to the Alternative some combinator, which should indeed apply to the other parsing libs you mentioned.
I don't know this library but can show you how to remove left recursion. The standard right recursive expression grammar is
E -> T E'
E' -> + TE' | eps
T -> F T'
T' -> * FT' | eps
F -> NUMBER | ID | ( E )
To add function application you must decide its level of precedence. In most languages I've seen it is highest. So you'd add another layer of productions for function application.
E -> T E'
E' -> + TE' | eps
T -> AT'
T' -> * A T' | eps
A -> F A'
A' -> ( E ) A' | eps
F -> NUMBER | ID | ( E )
Yes this is a hairy-looking grammar and bigger than the left recursive one. That's the price of top-down predictive parsing. If you want simpler grammars use a bottom up parser generator a la yacc.
I want to create a parser combinator, which will collect all lines below current place, which indentation levels will be greater or equal some i. I think the idea is simple:
Consume a line - if its indentation is:
ok -> do it for next lines
wrong -> fail
Lets consider following code:
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.UU as UU
import Text.ParserCombinators.UU hiding(parse)
import Text.ParserCombinators.UU.BasicInstances hiding (Parser)
-- end of line
pEOL = pSym '\n'
pSpace = pSym ' '
pTab = pSym '\t'
indentOf s = case s of
' ' -> 1
'\t' -> 4
-- return the indentation level (number of spaces on the beginning of the line)
pIndent = (+) <$> (indentOf <$> (pSpace <|> pTab)) <*> pIndent `opt` 0
-- returns tuple of (indentation level, result of parsing the second argument)
pIndentLine p = (,) <$> pIndent <*> p <* pEOL
-- SHOULD collect all lines below witch indentations greater or equal i
myParse p i = do
(lind, expr) <- pIndentLine p
if lind < i
then pFail
else do
rest <- myParse p i `opt` []
return $ expr:rest
-- sample inputs
s1 = " a\
\\n a\
s2 = " a\
-- execution
pProgram = myParse (pSym 'a') 1
parse p s = UU.parse ( (,) <$> p <*> pEnd) (createStr (LineColPos 0 0 0) s)
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ parse pProgram s1
print $ parse pProgram s2
return ()
Which gives following output:
Test.hs: no correcting alternative found
The result for s1 is correct. The result for s2 should consume first "a" and stop consuming. Where this error comes from?
The parsers which you are constructing will always try to proceed; if necessary input will be discarded or added. However pFail is a dead-end. It acts as a unit element for <|>.
In you parser there is however no other alternative present in case the input does not comply to the language recognised by the parser. In you specification you say you want the parser to fail on input s2. Now it fails with a message saying that is fails, and you are surprised.
Maybe you do not want it to fail, but you want to stop accepting further input? In that case
replace pFail by return [].
Note that the text:
rest <- myParse p i `opt` []
return $ expr:rest
can be replaced by (expr:) <$> (myParse p i `opt` [])
A natural way to solve your problem is probably something like
pIndented p = do i <- pGetIndent
(:) <$> p <* pEOL <*> pMany (pToken (take i (repeat ' ')) *> p <* pEOL)
pIndent = length <$> pMany (pSym ' ')