Devise Messaging System - ruby-on-rails

I'm on Rails 4 and looking for a good Messaging system (Inbox, send, recieve etc) for Devise. I looked arround and browsed A LOT of sites but cant seem to find something good and developed.
If you know a good gem please share it with me :)

ruby-toolbox has a few gems for messaging systems.
The top one on there is Mailboxer.
Here is a sample app using it with Devise


Adding Email to my Rails app

I currently Have an application that can sign up a subscriber. Everything is pretty basic at this point. The people I'm creating this app for would like the ability to send custom emails to everybody that is subscribed. I'm new to web development and I'm not sure what the capabilities of rails are and I'm not sure what the best way to handle this request is? My first thought is to try and integrate with the mailchimp api and when a user subscribes it automatically fills their email and name in the mailchimp list. So, now the owners of the app can send custom email through mailchimp. My question is - What is the best way to implement this feature in my rails app. What services are available and what tutorials will help me set it up? Any help would be great Thank You!
The pragmatic studio has a decent tutorial on how to set up ActionMailer. I would recommend watching it and then moving on to third-party tools for production.
How to Create, Preview, and Send email from your Rails app
Here is the gem I used to send emails from my rails app. . This gem has good documentation and I am sure you can handle your requirements using this.

Authenticating a user to a Rails app through an URL emailed to them

I am trying to build an application which will have a simple workflow where a user is emailed a specific URL which links to their account and provides them with a voucher for redemption.
Does anyone know of a good rails gem or other solution which would help me generate a user specific URL which is valid for a one time login to the application.
I've done a bunch of poking around on rubygems, github and stackoverflow and don't see anything obvious.
Hopefully this isn't an obvious question :)
Most popular gem for user authentication is Devise.
On the other hand Devise is very complex and it can be a little bit difficult to get the hang of it.

rails real-time application

I am building a real-time application ,and I am using private_pub gem based on fayejs
but it doesn't have a lot of features like pusher ex. presence channels which I can fetch online users
for me pusher is expensive for my application
I read some posts about but I didn't know how to implement it with rails and also if I need to learn node.js before using it
hope any one could help me
I do not know why exactly it is expensive for your application but I have never found any problem.
Please refer this link.

User Messaging with RoR and Mongoid

i searched the web now several hours but get no clear answer.
I have a Rails-App (Ruby 1.9.3/Rails 3.2.2/MongoDB) which uses Devise as User-Authorization.
Now i'd like to have a simple messaging function between users: 1 to 1 and 1 to n.
Are there any gems that fulfill this need and support Mongo or are there any tutorials or best practices for this?
Maybe relevant too: In the next step i plan to make the messages available in an iOS and Android App (both native) too.
You just need implement it. A gem to do that is too specific and need a lot of update to be generic.
I think anyone do that.
Sending message to iOS and Android is completly different so you can't have gem to do that easily. Code it.

How to setup facebook-connect for authlogic in rails3?

I have been searching a lot on the net to get facebook-connect integrated with authlogic in rails3. There are a number of solutions based on facebooker, oauth etc. but none of them seem to say anything on whether they work with rails 3 or not. Can anyone guide to me on how to get facebook-connect working with authlogic in "rails3". I see that there are a lot of questions related to this on the site but none seems to have actually answered the question.
I strongly recommend you to use with this gem This combo works amazing with two of my projects and it is free if you only want to use authentication (like in my case).
PS. look at railscast: I know that, this podcast show how to use Janrain with Devise, but it helped me with Authlogic so it also can help you.
