EPG from multicast save to xml or any other file - vlc

i'm wondering how to save EPG from live transsimition over multicast. I've tryed with VLC but he dumps into some strange code.. Also i've trying with tv_grab_dvb-0.9 and have problems with save file. Any suggestions, or maybe solutions? Thx, for reading!!


What is the proper way to RTSP stream, transcode and save to file?

While showing the rstp-stream, we are trying to transcode, and record it to file for later use.
VLC 2.1.1 seems to work when using
vlc rtsp-stream :sout=#transcode{vcodec=mp1v,vb=700,scale=1}:duplicate{dst=display,dst=std{access=file,mux=asf,dst="C:\file.mpg"}}"
This seems to be broken on VLC 2.2.4
Documentation on VLC's wiki seems outdated.
Discrepancies with the vcodec/mux pairing as well as using samplerate instead of vb seem to fix it.
vlc rtsp-stream :sout=#transcode{vcodec=mp4v,scale=0.5,samplerate=44100}:duplicate{dst=display,dst=std{access=file,mux=mp4,dst='C:\file.mpg'}}"

ExtAudioFile - how to set meta data

I am writing audio content to a m4a file with ExtAudioFileWriteAsync and it is working perfectly. However, I would also like to add meta data to the exported file.
Is this at all possible? If so, how?
Any help would be much appreciated.
I ended up doing it with AVAssetExportSession, loaded the file I am trying to edit into an AVURLAsset, adding the metadata to the export session, then saving the export.

Uploaded files empty on Parse.com iOS

In my app I upload audio file to parse. Most of the time the file is uploaded properly but few times the audio file uploaded is of 0 bytes. I am very sure about the files that they are not empty as all the audio files that got uploaded empty, plays fine in my app.
I would like to know if the files got uploaded, under what conditions Parse would save a 0 byte file?
What should I do to overcome this problem?
Thanks in advance
Several things come to mind. First of all could you post the code to the upload? What is occurring is that the push connection is being lost so Parse gets a connection, sees nothing coming through the pipes and thinks to itself that its all there is to it. I haven't seen your code yet, but have you tried using blocks? or saveEventually?

red5 1.0.1 : truncated recorded stream .flv.ser : Error -18 truncated box

I've recorded streams using streamPublishStart callback with Red5 streaming server. It works. But a few times, the internet connection fall down in the publisher side. Then, in the streams directory, I have got a .flv.ser file. It's not playable. I've tried to repair/fix it with all software that propose it. No success. I've use flvcheck.exe and the report is : Error -18 truncated box. I've seen discussion on Adobe forums but no interesting things. Could you propose me a technic or a software to solve my problem.
thanks in advance,
Did you get your question answered? The .flv.ser is a temp file, created until Red5 is done processing the stream. When done, there is a new file without the .ser extension. What I had to do was create a ajax script that looks at the directory for a .flv.ser file and prevents closing the page until the conversion is completed. Red5 version one is slow at doing the conversion. I'm testing 1.0.2 RC1 right now, but initial results look like it is even worse. I hear version .8 is the best for recording so I may have to downgrade to that.
I'm late to the party but you simply have to concatenate the files. On Linux this works like this:
cat foo.flv foo.flv.ser > playable_foo.flv
I read that somewhere else but I forgot where it was.

Save images phonegap query iOS (url in xml)

I'm sort of stuck with a iOS / phonegap question.
I have a XML on the server which I download successful with ajax. I even save the XML in the local storage and can read it later when offline.
The next step is the one where i need a startup. Within the XML I've got image URLs. I would like to download them and save them locally.
What is best practice and also the quickest way?
Do i need the FileWriter plugin for that? Or do i need to save them in a database as base64?
And after that how can i read them to show in the application?
Thanks in advance
There is no simple way as far as i can tell. You may wish to try using the cache manifest, or downloading them using code such as this: http://blog.clearlyinnovative.com/post/2056122828/phonegap-plugin-for-downloading-url-all-the-code
Full project here: https://github.com/aaronksaunders/FileDownLoadApp
Good luck
