Human full body detection: contour rather than rectangle - opencv

I have to implement a contour detection of full human body (from feet to head, in several poses such as raising hands etc.) using opencv. I managed to compile and run code I found here, but it only draws a rectangle around the body, and not the exact contour. Can one help me with identifying and displaying the contour itself?

I'm afraid the answer to this question is:
There's no algorithm that can do this perfectly.
Computer vision has not developed to that extent yet. Take a look at recent papers in CVPR, PAMI, and you will find that most algorithms are "rectangle", or more specifically, bounding-box based, in terms of human labeling and algorithmic detecting.
It is true that you can find the contours within the bounding-box. However the computer just doesn't know which contour belongs to the specified object.
I suggest you search for "human pose estimation" for further information.

One approach that might work is background subtraction:
This would work for video but perhaps also for single images in a scenario where you were in a controlled (fixed camera) environment where you had an image of the pose and also and image of the background, with no one present.

You can use the function findCountors within the returned bounding box:


Determine movement/motion (in pixels) between two frames

First of all I'm a total newbie in image processing, so please don't be too harsh on me.
That being said, I'm developing an application to analyse changes in blood flow in extremities using thermal images obtained by a camera. The user is able to define a region of interest by placing a shape (circle,rectangle,etc.) on the current image. The user should then be able to see how the average temperature changes from frame to frame inside the specified ROI.
The problem is that some of the images are not steady, due to (small) movement by the test subject. My question is how can I determine the movement between the frames, so that I can relocate the ROI accordingly?
I'm using the Emgu OpenCV .Net wrapper for image processing.
What I've tried so far is calculating the center of gravity using GetMoments() on the biggest contour found and calculating the direction vector between this and the previous center of gravity. The ROI is then translated using this vector but the results are not that promising yet.
Is this the right way to do it or am I totally barking up the wrong tree?
Here are two sample images showing slight movement downwards to the right:
Comparison between the contours:
As you can see the shape of the contour is pretty much the same, although there are some small differences near the toes.
Seems like I was finally able to find a solution for my problem using optical flow based on the Lukas-Kanade method.
Just in case anyone else is wondering how to implement it in Emgu/C#, here's the link to a Emgu examples project, where they use Lukas-Kanade and Farneback's algorithms:
You may need to adapt a few things, e.g. the parameters for the corner detection (the frame.GoodFeaturesToTrack(..) method) , but it's definetly something to start with.
Thanks for all the ideas!

Which edge detection algorithm in OpenCV suitable for detecting objects?

I have to make a bot which has to overcome obstacles autonomously in an arena that will be filled with rocks. The bot has to find its way through this area and reach the end point. I am thinking of using edge detector operators like canny and sobel for this problem.
I want to know whether those will be suitable options for this problem. If so, then after detecting the edges, how can I make the bot find the path, overcoming the rock obstacles?
I am using QT IDE and opencv library.
Since you will be analyzing frames of video, and the robot will be moving most of the time, image differences and optical flow too will be helpful. Edge detection alone might not help a lot, unless the surroundings and obstacles are simple and have known properties. Posting a photo of the scene can help those who want to answer the question.
Yes, canny is a very good edge detector. In fact the opencv implementation uses sobel to get the gradient estimate. You may need to apply a Gaussian filter to the image before edge detection. Edges are good features to look for rocks, but depending on the background other features such as color may also be useful. It probably would be easier if you gather 3D scene information via stereo, or laser scanner, or kinect like sensor. Also consider detecting when you bump into rocks and building up a map of where they are.
You can use contours to detect any object. You can estimate its size by finding the area of the contours. Then you can use moments to find the center of the object.

OpenCV intrusion detection

For a project of mine, I'm required to process images differences with OpenCV. The goal is to detect an intrusion in a zone.
To be a little more clear, here are the inputs and outputs:
An image of reference
A second image from approximately the same point of view (can be an error margin)
Detection of new objects in the scene.
Recognition of those objects.
For me, the most difficult part of it is to take off small differences (luminosity, camera position margin error, movement of trees...)
I already read a lot about OpenCV image processing (subtraction, erosion, threshold, SIFT, SURF...) and have some good results.
What I would like is a list of steps you think is the best to have a good detection (humans, cars...), and the algorithms to do each step.
Many thanks for your help.
Track-by-Detect, human tracker:
You apply the Hog detector to detect humans.
You draw a respective rectangle as foreground area on the foreground mask.
You pass this mask to "The OpenCV Video Surveillance / Blob Tracker Facility"
You can, now, group the passing humans based on their blob.{x,y} values into public/restricted areas.
I had to deal with this problem the last year.
I suggest an adaptive background-foreground estimation algorithm which produced a foreground mask.
On top of that, you add a blob detector and tracker, and then calculate if an intersection takes place between the blobs and your intrusion area.
Opencv comes has samples of all of these within the legacy code. Ofcourse, if you want you can also use your own or other versions of these.
I would definitely start with a running average background subtraction if the camera is static. Then you can use findContours() to find the intruding object's location and size. If you want to detect humans that are walking around in a scene, I would recommend looking at using the built-in haar classifier:
where you would just replace the xml with the upperbody classifier.

Measuring an object from a picture using a known object size

So what I need to do is measuring a foot length from an image taken by an ordinary user. That image will contain a foot with a black sock wearing, a coin (or other known size object), and a white paper (eg A4) where the other two objects will be upon.
What I already have?
-I already worked with opencv but just simple projects;
-I already started to read some articles about Camera Calibration ("Learn OpenCv") but still don't know if I have to go so far.
What I am needing now is some orientation because I still don't understand if I'm following right way to solve this problem. I have some questions: Will I realy need to calibrate camera to get two or three measures of the foot? How can I find the points of interest to get the line to measure, each picture is a different picture or there are techniques to follow?
Ps: sorry about my english, I really have to improve it :-/
First, some image acquisition things:
Can you count on the black sock and white background? The colors don't matter as much as the high contrast between the sock and background.
Can you standardize the viewing angle? Looking directly down at the foot will reduce perspective distortion.
Can you standardize the lighting of the scene? That will ease a lot of the processing discussed below.
Lastly, you'll get a better estimate if you zoom (or position the camera closer) so that the foot fills more of the image frame.
Analysis. (Note this discussion will directed to your question of identifying the axes of the foot. Identifying and analyzing the coin would use a similar process, but some differences would arise.)
The next task is to isolate the region of interest (ROI). If your camera is looking down at the foot, then the ROI can be limited to the white rectangle. My answer to this Stack Overflow post is a good start to square/rectangle identification: What is the simplest *correct* method to detect rectangles in an image?
If the foot lies completely in the white rectangle, you can clip the image to the rect found in step #1. This will limit the image analysis to region inside the white paper.
"Binarize" the image using a threshold function: If you choose the threshold parameters well, you should be able to reduce the image to a black region (sock pixels) and white regions (non-sock pixel).
Now the fun begins: you might try matching contours, but if this were my problem, I would use bounding boxes for a quick solution or moments for a more interesting (and possibly robust) solution.
Use cvFindContours to find the contours of the black (sock) region:
Use cvApproxPoly to convert the contour to a polygonal shape
For the simple solution, use cvMinRect2 to find an arbitrarily oriented bounding box for the sock shape. The short axis of the box should correspond to the line in largura.jpg and the long axis of the box should correspond to the line in comprimento.jpg.
If you want more (possible) accuracy, you might try cvMoments to compute the moments of the shape.
Use cvGetSpatialMoment to determine the axes of the foot. More information on the spatial moment may be found here: and here
With the axes known, you can then rotate the image so that the long axis is axis-aligned (i.e. vertical). Then, you can simply count pixels horizontally and vertically to obtains the lengths of the lines. Note that there are several assumptions in this moment-oriented process. It's a fun solution, but it may not provide any more accuracy - especially since the accuracy of your size measurements is largely dependent on the camera positioning issues discussed above.
Lastly, I've provided links to the older C interface. You might take a look at the new C++ interface (I simply have not gotten around to migrating my code to 2.4)
Antonio Criminisi likely wrote the last word on this subject years ago. See his "Single View Metrology" paper , and his PhD thesis if you have time.
You don't have to calibrate the camera if you have a known-size object in your image. Well... at least if your camera doesn't distort too much and if you're not expecting high quality measurements.
A simple approach would be to detect a white (perspective-distorted) rectangle, mapping the corners to an undistorted rectangle (using e.g. cv::warpPerspective()) and use the known size of that rectangle to determine the size of other objects in the picture. But this only works for objects in the same plane as the paper, preferably not too far away from it.
I am not sure if you need to build this yourself, but if you just need to do it, and not code it. You can use KLONK Image Measurement for this. There is a free and payable versions.

how to recognize the object I detect in video frames is a people or a car

I have a problem to detect object in images or video frames.
I have a task that is detect some people or something who enter into the sight of web camera, and then my system will be alarm.
Next step is recognize which kind of thing the object is, in this phase I know use Hough transform to detect line, circle, even rectangle. But when a people come into the sight of camera, people's profile is more complex than line, circle and rectangle. How can i recognize the object is people not a car.
I need help to know that.
thanks in advance
I suggest you look at the paper "Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection" by Dalal and Triggs. They used Histograms of Oriented Gradients to detect humans in images
I think one method is to use Bayesian analysis on your image and see how that matches with a database of known images. I believe some people run a wavelet transform to emphasize more noticeable features.
