Spring Data #Query on fields - neo4j

The #Query on the property retrieves the values only if I retrieve the entity from the DB.
public class Team
private Long nodeId;
#RelatedTo (type = "PREVIOUSLY_KNOWN_AS")
private Team previouslyKnownAs;
#Query ("START t=node({self}) MATCH t-[:PREVIOUSLY_KNOWN_AS]-other RETURN other")
private Iterable<Team> aliases;
The below test works only if I uncomment the line to read it explicitly from the db. Why is it necessary? I see the query being run after the save(t) but the alias field is null if I doesn't read it from DB by uncommenting the line
public void alias()
Team t = new Team();
t.setName("Alpharetta One");
Team prev = new Team();
prev.setName("Previous Name");
//t = teamRepo.findOne(t.getNodeId());//only works if I uncomment

I dont think that the save operation will update the POJO which you give to it, while the returned Object should be a managed enttiy.
The key lies in the reference documentation
The #Query annotation leverages the delegation infrastructure supported by Spring Data Neo4j.It provides dynamic fields which, when accessed, return the values selected by the provided query language expression.
Since it is a dynamic field, the value isnt instanciated but instead fetched from the DB every time the get method is called. To do this, a proxy object has to be used. However there is no way for SDN to change your t Object reference to the proxy object, and thats why its not working, if you are not using the entity returned by save().


Spring Data Elasticsearch : detect mapping differences

In Spring Data Elasticsearch is there a way of detecting that the mapping on the index does not match the mapping created from the Entity object?
I allowed Spring Data Elasticsearch to create the mapping originally from the entity model annotated with #Document and #Field
At a later point I add a new field to the model, but do not update the index mapping, this new field then won't be correctly configured until I re-index to the new mapping
So is there a way to detect such discrepancies so I will know which indexes need to have their mappings re-created, and documents re-indexed?
This is an interesting question, but the answer is not too complicated.
Let's assume we have a Foo entity class to be stored in an foo index and a FooRepository that uses this class. On
application startup, when the index does not exist, it will be created with the mapping derived from the entity.
In order to detect changes in the maping derived from the class and the one stored in Elasticsearch you can use an
approach like this:
public class FooMappingValidator {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FooMappingValidator.class);
private final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
private final ElasticsearchOperations operations;
public FooMappingValidator(ElasticsearchOperations operations) {
this.operations = operations;
public void checkFooMapping() {
var indexOperations = operations.indexOps(Foo.class);
if (indexOperations.exists()) {
LOGGER.info("checking if mapping for Foo changed");
var mappingFromEntity = indexOperations.createMapping();
var mappingFromEntityNode = objectMapper.valueToTree(mappingFromEntity);
var mappingFromIndexNode = objectMapper.valueToTree(indexOperations.getMapping());
if (!mappingFromEntityNode.equals(mappingFromIndexNode)) {
LOGGER.info("mapping for class Foo changed!");
This is a Spring component that has ElasticsearchOperations injected and that has a method that is annotated with
#Autowired. An autowired method is executed after all the dependencies have been injected in the beans. This means
it runs before the normal application logic is started.
In this method we first get an IndexOperations instance for our entity class. Next we check if the index exists,
if it doesn't, we do not need to check.
In the next step we get the current mapping from the entity and convert it to a JsonNode and do the same with the
mapping we retrieve from Elasticsearch. We use JsonNodes here because the have an equals() method that
does the comparison we need.
If we detect that the both mappings are different, we write the new one to the index with the putMapping() method.
This only works when new properties are added to the entity, as existing mappings cannot be changed in Elasticsearch,
there you'd need reindexing.

Call Stored Procedure in Grails (Step by step)

Can anyone tell me how to call stored procedure from Grails which is present in User-defined path.
For that purpose you can use Groovy Sql.
To use Groovy SQL:
import groovy.sql.Sql
Request a reference to the datasource with def dataSource or def sessionFactory for transactions
Create an Sql object using def sql = new Sql(dataSource) or def sql = new Sql(sessionFactory.currentSession.connection())
Use Groovy SQL as required
Grails will manage the connection to the datasource automatically.
Note: dataSource and sessionFactory are beans that you would have to inject in your pojo/bean class.
So to execute sql code written on your file:
String sqlFilePath = grailsApplication.parentContext.servletContext.getRealPath("/data/proc.sql")
String sqlString = new File(sqlFilePath).text
Sql sql = new Sql(sessionFactory.currentSession.connection())
This will execute any sql statements written in your file on your sql server.
From JDriven's blog post Grails Goodness: Using Hibernate Native SQL Queries:
In the following sample we create a new Grails service and use a
Hibernate native SQL query to execute a selectable stored procedure
with the name organisation_breadcrumbs. This stored procedure takes
one argument startId and will return a list of results with an id,
name and level column.
class OrganisationService {
// Auto inject SessionFactory we can use
// to get the current Hibernate session.
def sessionFactory
List breadcrumbs(final Long startOrganisationId) {
// Get the current Hiberante session.
final session = sessionFactory.currentSession
// Query string with :startId as parameter placeholder.
final String query = 'select id, name, level from organisation_breadcrumbs(:startId) order by level desc'
// Create native SQL query.
final sqlQuery = session.createSQLQuery(query)
// Use Groovy with() method to invoke multiple methods
// on the sqlQuery object.
final results = sqlQuery.with {
// Set domain class as entity.
// Properties in domain class id, name, level will
// be automatically filled.
// Set value for parameter startId.
setLong('startId', startOrganisationId)
// Get all results.
In the sample code we use the addEntity() method to map the query
results to the domain class Organisation. To transform the results
from a query to other objects we can use the setResultTransformer()
Hibernate (and therefore Grails if we use the Hibernate plugin)
already has a set of transformers we can use. For example, with the
org.hibernate.transform.AliasToEntityMapResultTransformer (in place of addEntity) each result row is transformed into a Map where the column aliases are the keys of the map.
resultTransformer = AliasToEntityMapResultTransformer.INSTANCE

Dapper.NET mapping with Data Annotations

So I have a class with a property like this:
public class Foo
public static string Gibberish { get; set;}
For saving data, I have it configured so that the update/insert statements use a custom function:
public static string GetTableColumnName(PropertyInfo property)
var type = typeof(ColumnAttribute);
var prop = property.GetCustomAttributes(type, false);
if (propr.Count() > 0)
return ((ColumnAttribute)prop.First()).Name;
return property.Name;
This handles fine, but I noticed that when I go to retrieve the data, it isn't actually pulling data back via the function for this particular column. I noticed that the other data present was pulled, but the column in question was the only field with data that didn't retrieve.
1) Is there a way to perhaps use the GetTableColumnName function for the retrieval part of Dapper?
2) Is there a way to force Dapper.NET to throw an exception if a scenario like this happens? I really don't want to have a false sense of security that everything is working as expected when it actually isn't (I get that I'm using mapping that Dapper.NET doesn't use by default, but I do want to set it up in that manner).
I'm looking in the SqlMapper source of Dapper and found:
private static IEnumerable<T> QueryInternal<T>(params) // my knowledge of generics is limited, but how does this work without a where T : object?
while (reader.Read())
yield return (T)func(reader);
so I learned about two things after finding this. Read up on Func and read up on yield (never used either before). My guess is that I need to pass reader.Read() to another function (that checks against column headers and inserts into objects appropriately) and yield return that?
You could change your select statement to work with aliases like "SELECT [Column("GBBRSH")] AS Gibberish" and provide a mapping between the attribute name and the poco property name.
That way, Dapper would fill the matching properties, since it only requires your POCO's to match the exact name of the column.

Modify params before saving domain object

I needed a domain class that held a list of Strings. It seems fairly well-known that GORM can't handle this, so I've worked around it. At first I tried using getters and setters in the domain class, but that caused problems. Then I found on Stack Overflow a way to use afterLoad() and beforeValidate() to rewrite properties as shown below. This has worked well to allow me to turn the List into a String for persistence and back to a List for use in the app.
class Entries {
// persisted to database
String _entry
// exposed to app
List entry
static transients = ['entry'] //don't try to persist the List
def afterLoad() {
// split the String from the database into a List
entry = _entry?.split('\\|')
def beforeValidate() {
// join the List into a String for persisting
_entry = entry.join('|')
static constraints = {
_entry maxSize:4000
This works fine programmatically. The only problem is that the Grails scaffolding can't deal with this, even if I try to enter a pipe-delimited string. I understand the reason why is that the scaffolding creates a form field for _entry, so entry is null when it tries to save the object. And beforeValidate() relies on a List of Strings to work.
I tried to get around this in the controller, by setting params.entry = params._entry, prior to the call to new Entries(params). [I recognize that this is not a perfect solution, but this was my first pass at getting the form working.] And then I added a test in beforeValidate() to set entry = _entry if entry was null. Basically:
params.entry = params._entry // I added this line
def entriesInstance = new Entries(params)
def beforeValidate() {
if( entry == null ) entry = _entry // I added this line
_entry = entry.join('|')
I thought that would allow me to enter pipe-delimited strings into the scaffolded Create Entries form and get something into the database.
To my surprise, though, I found that both entry and _entry were null in beforeValidate(), even though I printed and verified that params contained both keys in the controller. I don't understand why this happens. How did my adding a new key to params result in nulls arriving in the domain class?
The follow-up question is, of course, what's the right way to make the scaffolded Create Entries form accept a pipe-delimited String that makes it into the database?
I needed a domain class that held a list of Strings. It seems fairly well-known that GORM can't handle this, so I've worked around it.
I don't agree with you here
class Xyz {
static hasMany = [entries: String]
Should create a seperate table to hold your list of strings (It will actually be a Set). Here are the docs

Saving reference properties with just the foreign key in Entity Framework

I am sure this question has been asked before, so I apologize in advance, but am not sure of the correct keywords to include in my searches...
I am having trouble understanding the proper pattern for updating (or even inserting) an object when one of its properties is a collection of other properties in a disconnected environment (like a website). My issue has to do with the idea that a web application is only returning a collection of id's as opposed to the full object. I think the best way to explain this is with code snippets.
Given the following objects
Public Class User
Public Property UserId As Integer
Public Property Username As String
Public Property Roles As ICollection(Of Role)
End Class
Public Class Role
Public Property RoleId As Integer
Public Property RoleName As String
Public Property Users As ICollection(OF User)
End Class
Public Class EFDbContext
Inherits Entity.DbContext
Public Property Users As Entity.DbSet(Of User)
Public Property Roles As Entity.DbSet(Of Role)
End Class
A database is created with 3 tables - Users, Roles, and RoleUsers.
I know I can easily do the following
Dim db = New EFDbContext()
Dim r1 = New Role() With { .RoleName = "User" }
Dim r2 = New Role() With { .RoleName = "Admin" }
Dim u1 = New User() With { .UserName = "test1", .Roles = New List(Of Role) }
And it will save both new roles to the database (giving them RoleId values of 1 and 2 respectively), a new user (giving it a UserId value of 1) and a new Role-User entry with RoleId 1 and UserId 1.
However, when dealing with a disconnected scenario like a website, most people would have a View Model to represent the input from the user which then gets mapped back to the Entities. In addition, for values representing the Roles, the data coming back would most likely only contain the unique key representing the Role. For example,
Public Class UpdatedUserViewModel
Public Property UserId As Integer
Public Property Username As String
Public Property RoleIds As ICollection(Of Integer)
End Class
Dim userEntity = db.Users.Find(user.Values.UserId)
AutoMapper.Mapper.Map(userValues, userEntity)
So while the userEntity.Roles collection may contain a single item, the mapper probably just added the entry with something like
ForMember(Function(u) u.Roles, Sub(m) m.MapFrom(Function(su) su.RoleIds.Select(Function(r) New Role() With {.RoleId = r})))
And now we come to the problem, when the SaveChanges() method is called, EF throws a Validation error because the .RoleName property is Nothing.
How does this situation get handled? Are we supposed to manually loop through the Roles and fetch each one from the database? Can we not use mapping tools? Do I give bogus values for the "missing" properties and then loop through and mark them as Unchanged?
I know this was long but I thought the walk-throughs would be helpful...
You can use this algorithm
Start with the root entities.
For each root entity, e.g. a of type A, set a's properties except for navigation properties (at least all the mandatory ones (non-nullables))
Add the As to the context.
Next prepare child entities (entities that must have exactly 1 A) e.g. b of type B.
Set b's properties (except navigations, at least all non-nullables).
For each b, add b to its a (e.g. a.Children.Add(b)).
Continue with child entities of above
Save and apply changes
If you have an entity with a non-nullable navigation that already exists in DB and has not yet been accessed via context, you can set the relationship by ID (assuming you've mapped the FK to a property in the model) instead of setting the entity itself.
If your IDs are not store generated, make sure you set them too. If they are, make sure they are defined as store generated in EDMX.
If you have FKs in the DB, make sure the EDMX is aware of them so that the inserts will happen in the correct order (or if using Oracle you can try using deferred constraints instead if you want).
