Routing errors while processing URL(s) without a http prefix - ruby-on-rails

We render HTML within a certain page and certain links don't have a http prefix (e.g. when you click on it throws a routing error. Is there a easier way to navigate to the right URL in such cases

Normally, the link_to takes care of you in this regard. You say html, so I assume we can't use ERB code, so you'll have to hardcode the links into the HTML.
Make sense?
Of course without any html code or routes.rb code, I can't tell you whether or not there isn't anything wrong with your existing code.

Why do you need to use absolute links within your application? Navigating to just "/bar" on that case would be fine.
If you use the link_to helper function on your views, it should rely on url_for which by default generates relative paths.
If you need absolute paths, you can specify a default host on your application (How do I set default host for url helpers in rails?) or specify it on the host option for the url_for function (


How do I correctly render images via Hotwire Turbo streams?

My problem: When rendering images using Hotwire/Turbo, all URLs render with host instead of my actual hostname. Regular views are fine, but rendering partials through a Turbo stream leads to ActiveStorage URLs like
Context: I have a simple Todo app, with a working view, partial, and turbo stream which together show a Todo and a list of associated users. When I join a User to a Todo, the turbo stream renders the correct partial, and puts the user's name and avatar in the DOM where I want. However, the image URL from ActiveStorage contains the hostname.
I've set my standard URL options in config/environments/*.rb, including routes.default_url_options[:host], and config.action_mailer.default_url_options[:host]. I also learned about the file config/initializers/application_controller_renderer.rb, where you can set an http_host parameter; however, I've set http_host, the https boolean, and still Turbo is rendering my image_tag with
Further, I've found limited advice about how to manipulate the default renderer programmatically (in order to fix the issue). This source says to grab ApplicationController.renderer and override the properties, like so:
renderer =
http_host: request.host_with_port,
https: (request.protocol == "https://"),
"rack.session": request.session
but the broadcast_action_to methods do not appear to accept a renderer parameter, so this doesn't actually help me within Turbo.
There must be a configuration that I'm missing, but I'm not finding it in the Turbo or Hotwire documentation.
I was missing config.action_controller.default_url_options. Once I configured that the same as the other default_url_options, my links began to render properly.
In my case I have a dynamic default_url_options as my application is multi-tenant so I added this to ApplicationController:
def default_url_options
{ host: SiteSetting[:entity], protocol: 'https' }
I think this all springs from having an asset_host configuration in place so that normally image url's have the asset host in them. ActiveStorage url's use the current default host (not the asset host of course) because they're actually redirect routes rather than actual files. I'd assume if asset_host isn't set, then the image paths would be relative and not absolute? It'd be ideal if they could just be kept relative regardless.

How to hide url in angular?

Is it possible to not using angualar routes, because if I defined an routes like:
my url will look like,
I dont want to change url, just nice and clean, in this case how to defined template for defferent controller and how to load the template in ng-view, and how to pass url parameter?
any idea?
You cannot do that with the built-in routing mechanism because path is required for every route. However, you can use ui-router library in order to create URL-less states and navigate to them using either code or directive.
I created this plunker to demonstrate how to use ui-router to navigate among states without modifying URL.

External link routes in rails

Simple enough. When were making a typical restful rails app we would keep all routes inside of our applicaiton. Very rarely would a path link to an external path. But if we were to do it, I'm wondering what the best way is.
A typical matching of home
match "home"=>"appcontroller#home"
If we were matching an external url to a variable of path. We might do something like the below?
First method
match "external"=>"http:/"
Then in our html.erb
<%= link_to 'Google', external_path %>
Note this is not actually a legal way of doing things but something similar may exist. It seems very close to the current way of defining paths in rails but with an external landing.
Second method
Something that I've seen done elsewhere is to create a global variable for the external URL and use it in the link. EG.
in environment.rb or production.rb or whatever
Then in our html.erb
<%= link_to 'Google', #ext_path %>
So to recap. Whats the best way to use external URLS in rails. Paths? Variables? Other?
Any input appreciated
I would have kept external links only in views. Because this links are not related to the any kind of logic of the application, and it's just an UI elements.
So, this way seems to me the best:
<%= link_to 'Google', "" %>
If you need to use this element many times, maybe it makes sense to bring this code into the helper, for example:
def search_engine_link
link_to 'Google', ""
And I really think that is's not very good place to introduce a more complex logic.
I'd probably use application-wide helpers wrapped around constants.
Helpers because I'd rather not see constants in templates, constants for environment-specific values.
I might use a hash to store the URLs: this keeps them more-tightly-coupled, and would allow environment-wide defaults, overriding per-environment as necessary.
The helpers could take symbols, or be generated from the hash keys, to generate xxx_path methods as happens with routes in routes.rb.
I found myself needing to do this because I had a link to an external site which I intended to make local in future.
In Rails 4 you can add this to config/routes.rb:
get '/contact',
to: redirect(''),
as: 'contact_us'
Which at the price of an extra redirect, lets you write:
<%= link_to "Contact us", contact_us_path %>
A note about use of redirect(...) in the routes file. Redirect generates a 301-redirect, which is a specific thing, Google describes it as...
If you need to change the URL of a page as it is shown in search
engine results, we recommend that you use a server-side 301 redirect.
This is the best way to ensure that users and search engines are
directed to the correct page. The 301 status code means that a page
has permanently moved to a new location.
So, using a 301-redirect in your routes for links to external websites may work, which it does, but the status information that is carried with that redirect is not correct.
If you've moved pages in your web app and want to tell the Google index (and everyone else) about it, then by all means use the redirect() to assure Google updates the index, but it's not optimal to use for standard external links out of your web app.

Using MVC Routes as Shortcodes

We have been trying to implement shortcodes on an ASP.NET MVC web app that allow users to uniquely invoke a given article/page using an assigned short code.
For e.g.: would map to an actual URL:
I have created various routes throughout the site that map these shortcodes to various actions and controllers within the application. From a shortcode/route point of view, everything is working great.
I, however, noticed a couple of interesting things. I have hyperlinks that I use Url.Action method to generate the URL pointing pages. Many of these pages also have short codes associated with them. For e.g.: I have a link that says:
Go to Power page
This is a page that also has the previously mentioned short-code assigned to it. When I use Url.Action, I ideally expect it to create a link as /Power/Home/Index or /Power/Home, but since I also have a route constraint mapped to it, it now generates the link as /power.
Is there a way I can just use the actual link URL when generating links? I only want short-codes when I am sending out emails etc. I want the site to generate actual URLs.
This may or may not be possible, but I wanted to see if there were any ideas out there that I could use.
Index and Home are likely defined in your route table as defaults for the Action and Controller element. When you generate the Url it wont include the defaults if they aren't needed.
You could write your own Action overload or helper, which would allow you to take more direct control of the generated URL or action link. You could approach it from two different ways: 1) a helper to generate short-code specific urls and links, and/or 2) a helper to generate the full url and/or link. If Url.Action is returning the short-code version due to your routing configuration, I'd think a good place to start would be the second option, creating a helper/extension method that will generate the full url for you.
Here's how I solved this:
Instead of naming a route with short code to point to the action url, I made the route point to a different Controller action which would then redirect to the actual route that I want it to.
For e.g.: Originally I had the code "power" defined in the route table such that it would point to
Now instead of pointing it to that action - Index, controller - Home, area - Power, I make it resolve to: action - Power, Controller - Home, Area - ShortCode.
In the controller now, I simply do a RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new { Area = "Power" });
This ensures that the actual links to /Power/Home do not resolve to the shortcode "power".
This is a simple fix increased the work by a little bit, but works like a charm.

ASP.NET MVC 2 parameters throws JS error

My application works fine when I have only one parameter.
But it failes when I add one more part to the url. Let's say I want to add the end month-year parameter to the url routing. Mow it becomes:
I do get both parameters in my action method. I parse it and retrieve the data and pass the Model to the View. With this scenario it throws the client side JS error when I try to access any of the form elements. I get "object expected" error. The same view works fine using just first parameter. What could be the issues here?
I also loose the CSS styles when this error occurs.
well, without seeing any code at all this is difficult to troubleshoot, but I'd say it's likely because you are referencing your javascript and css files using a relative path like:
Adding the second url parameter has caused the browser to be unable to find the urls because you have added what looks like an extra level of depth to the url.
You should provide absolute urls to your scripts and css files. An easy way to do this is to use the "ResolveUrl" method like so:
<%= ResolveUrl("~/Content/Scripts/myjavascript.css") %>
