player.loadVideoById() loads video from same point every time - youtube-api

When making multiple calls to the YouTube API method player.loadVideoById() with the same videoId and different startSeconds, the video will continue to start from the startSeconds time first specified.
For example, if I run player.loadVideoById({videoId:vID, startSeconds:startTime}) the video will load and play from startTime as requested. However, if I execute this statement again and change the startTime parameter, the video will load from the startTime I first specified. I have run this command manually with no variables for the vID and the startTime so I can rule out the idea that my input variables simply aren't changing.
Anyone else have this problem?


Why Aren't The Sounds in my Sound Group not working?

I was trying to make a music player for my game, however, when I was trying to get my sound to play it refused to work. The games output works before and after the sound, but I can't hear anything. I tried using both a folder and sound group (what I'm using currently) and both did not work. How would I fix this? I presume it has something to do with client-server but I am not sure.
local ss = game:WaitForChild("SoundService")
local rp = game:WaitForChild("ReplicatedStorage")
local list = ss.Music:GetChildren()
local num = math.random(1, #list)
local track = list[num]
local name = track.Name
plr.PlayerGui.Overhead.Notch.SongTitle.Text = track.Name
local song = ss.Music:WaitForChild(name)
print("waited length")
You never play anything. You don't actually reproduce the Sound. To run a Sound, use Sound:Play()
Your repeat until condition is also wrong. The music will not stop playing once that event is fired, and it will actually not matter at all - when the loop finishes running once, it will compare if literally rp.SongOff.OnServerEvent evaluates to true. OnServerEvent is the literal event itself, which will be true since it is not false or nil. So the loop will stop running when it runs once.
Instead, you likely want to make a function that plays the music, and run this function whenever:
Playing music is requested with the remote
The playing music naturally ends (
And then, bind to that stop music remote a function that stops the sound.
Also you should have some more shame, you didn't even try to hide you're making a nazi game

Playing random audio files in sequence with AKPlayer

I am working on a sort of multiple audio playback project. First, I have 10 mp3 files in a folder. I wanted AKPlayer to play one of these audio files randomly, but in sequence - one after the other. But playing a random file after another random file seems to be tricky. Here's what I've written:
let file = try? AKAudioFile(readFileName: String(arc4random_uniform(9)+1) + ".mp3")
let player = AKPlayer(audioFile: file!)
player1.isLoopiong = true
player.buffering = .always
AudioKit.output = AKPlayer
try? AudioKit.start()
player.start(at: startTime)
This code loops the first chosen random file forever - but I simply wanted to play each random files once. Is there any way I can reload the 'file' so the player starts again when it's done playing? I've tried calling multiple AKPlayers (but calling 10 players must be wrong), if player.isPlaying = false, sequencer, etc, but couldn't exactly figure out how. Apologize for such a newbie question. Thank you so much.
AKPlayer has a completion handler
to be called when Audio is done playing. The handler won’t be called
if stop() is called while playing or when looping from a buffer.
The completion handler type is AKCallback, which is a typealias for () -> Void. If you have some good reason not to use 10 AKPlayers, you could probably use the completion handler to change the file and restart the player. But you could also create an array with 10 AKPlayers, each loaded with a different file, and have a function that selects a player at random for playback (or that cycles through a a pre-shuffled array). The completion handler for each player in the array could call this function, when appropriate. As per the doc quoted above, make sure that the AKPlayer is not looping or else the completion handler won't be called.
yes, you can use the completionHandler of the player to load a new file into the same player when playback finishes. In your completion block:
player.load(url: nextFile)
Another approach is to use the AKClipPlayer with 10 clips of a predetermined random order and schedule them in sequence. This method will be the most seamless (if that matters).

Get YouTube Live Stream total duration

I want to get the total duration of a current live stream on YouTube (not ended!). This is straightforward for normal videos, e.g.:{VIDEO_ID}&key={KEY}
However, for live streams such as Earth live from ISS this just returns a duration of "PT0S" which essentially means it's 0 seconds long.
There should be a way to get it. One way to get it is via Javascript, if you have the live stream open in your browser:
ytplayer = document.getElementById("movie_player");
console.log("Duration: " + ytplayer.getDuration());
Is it possible to get from a server-side? Other people have asked the same but have not received an answer yet.
Edit: I've just noticed the javascript way of getting the duration doesn't make any sense. For a live stream that started 2 hours ago, getCurrentTime() returns correctly 2*60*60=7200 when at the current time, but getDuration() returns 10245 for whatever reason.

Matt Gallagher's AudioStreamer play mp3 from offset before playing state

I did not found solution for one issue: how to play mp3 file from offset immideately?
I can only play file then send -(void)seekToTime: but in this case sound begins and interrupts then begins from defined offset.
I tried to apply seekToTime method on ASStatusChangedNotification (in different cases of AudioStreamerState) but there were without result.
upd: I think that may set time offset after the file began streaming (before playing). But how?
What I did was create a method to seek to the desired time that I run after [streamer start]:
while(streamer.bitRate == 0) {
If you're concerned about waiting too long, you can add a time out: either a count of times through the loop, or set a start time and compare it to the current time to break out of the loop.
This blog post has another take:

ytplayer api event when reaching a position in a video?

Is there a way to cause an event when a video reaches a specific time? I want to get to a callback function at the time when the video has reached to a certain time, and the time it takes for the video to reach that time is unpredictable, since the user can skip part of the video, or buffering might take some time before the video resumes, or something like that, so simply setting a timed event wont work because the video might reach specific time earlier.
I can query the time of the video, but what I want is to get a callback when the video has reached a certain time. Is there a way to do this?
I'm not going to write the full code, but you should set up an interval, like this:
var time = 70; // Time in seconds, e.g. this one is one minute and 10 seconds
var reached = false;
var interval = setInterval(function(){
if(player.getCurrentTime() >= time && !reached) {
reached = true;
function timeReached() {
// Do what you have to
You can use this Javascript wrapper for the YouTube player API.
The API provides very simple event handling. E.g:'5000', function() {
alert("You're five seconds into this Youtube clip");
use player.getCurrentTime()!
