3D Reconstruction upto real scale - opencv

I am working on a project to detect the 3D location of the object. I have two cameras set up at two corners of the room and I have obtained the Fundamental matrix between them. These cameras are internally calibrated. My images are 2592 X 1944
K = [1228 0 3267
0 1221 538
0 0 1 ]
F = [-1.098e-7 3.50715e-7 -0.000313
2.312e-7 2.72256e-7 4.629e-5
0.000234 -0.00129250 1 ]
Now, How do I proceed so that given a 3D point in space, I should be able to get points on the image which correspond to the same object in the room. If I can obtain the right projection matrices (with correct scale) I can use them later as inputs to OpenCV's traingulatePoints function to obtain the location of the object.
I have been stuck at this since a long time. So, please help me.

From what I gather, you have obtained the Fundamental matrix through some means of calibration? Either way, with the fundamental matrix (or the calibration rig itself) you can obtain the pose difference via decomposition of the Essential matrix. Once you have that, you can use matched feature points (using a feature extractor and descriptor like SURF, BRISK, ...) to identify which points in one image belong to the same object point as another feature point in the other image.
With that information, you should be able to triangulate away.

Sorry its not coming in size of comment..
so #user2167617 reply to your comment.
Pretty much. A few pointers, though: the singular values should be (s,s,0), so (1.3, 1.05, 0) is a pretty good guess. About the R: Technically, this is right, however, ignoring signs. It might very well be that you get a rotation matrix which does not satisfy the constraint deteminant(R) = 1 but is instead -1. You might want to multiply it with -1 in that case. Generally, if you run into problems with this approach, try to determine the Essential Matrix using the 5 point algorithm (implemented into the very newest version of OpenCV, you will have to build it yourself). The scale is indeed impossible to obtain with these informations. However, it's all to scale. If you define for example the distance between the cameras being 1 unit, then everything will be measured in that unit.

May be it will be simplier use cv::reprojectImageTo3D function? It will give you 3D coordinates.


Image point to point matching using intrinsics, extrinsics and third-party depth

I want to reopen a similar question to one which somebody posted a while ago with some major difference.
The previous post is https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52536520/image-matching-using-intrinsic-and-extrinsic-camera-parameters]
and my question is can I do the matching if I do have the depth?
If it is possible can some describe a set of formulas which I have to solve to get the desirable matching ?
Here there is also some correspondence on slide 16/43:
Depth from Stereo Lecture
In what units all the variables here, can some one clarify please ?
Will this formula help me to calculate the desirable point to point correspondence ?
I know the Z (mm, cm, m, whatever unit it is) and the x_l (I guess this is y coordinate of the pixel, so both x_l and x_r are on the same horizontal line, correct if I'm wrong), I'm not sure if T is in mm (or cm, m, i.e distance unit) and f is in pixels/mm (distance unit) or is it something else ?
Thank you in advance.
So as it was said by #fana, the solution is indeed a projection.
For my understanding it is P(v) = K (Rv+t), where R is 3 x 3 rotation matrix (calculated for example from calibration), t is the 3 x 1 translation vector and K is the 3 x 3 intrinsics matrix.
from the following video:
It can be seen that there is translation only in one dimension (because the situation is where the images are parallel so the translation takes place only on X-axis) but in other situation, as much as I understand if the cameras are not on the same parallel line, there is also translation on Y-axis. What is the translation on the Z-axis which I get through the calibration, is it some rescale factor due to different image resolutions for example ? Did I wrote the projection formula correctly in the general case?
I also want to ask about the whole idea.
Suppose I have 3 cameras, one with large FOV which gives me color and depth for each pixel, lets call it the first (3d tensor, color stacked with depth correspondingly), and two with which I want to do stereo, lets call them second and third.
Instead of calibrating the two cameras, my idea is to use the depth from the first camera to calculate the xyz of pixel u,v of its correspondent color frame, that can be done easily and now to project it on the second and the third image using the R,t found by calibration between the first camera and the second and the third, and using the K intrinsics matrices so the projection matrix seems to be full known, am I right ?
Assume for the case that FOV of color is big enough to include all that can be seen from the second and the third cameras.
That way, by projection each x,y,z of the first camera I can know where is the corresponding pixels on the two other cameras, is that correct ?

What could be the reason for triangulation 3D points to result in a warped (paraboloid) plot? Trying to perform 3D reconstruction using SFM

I am trying to do 3D reconstruction using SFM (Structure From Motion). I am pretty new to computer vision and doing this as a hobby, so if you use acronyms please also let me know what it stands for so I can look it up.
Learning wise, I have been following this information :
Plus links below from quick question.
My end goal is to use this on persons face, to create a 3D face reconstruction. If people have advice on this topic specifically please let me know as well.
I do the following steps :
IO using OpenCV. A video taken using a single camera.
Find intrinsic parameters and distortion coefficients of the camera using Zhangs method.
Use SIFT to find features from frame 1 and frame 2.
Feature matching is done using cv2.FlannBasedMatcher().
Compute essential matrix using cv2.findEssentialMat().
Projection matrix of frame 1 is set to numpy.hstack((numpy.eye(3), numpy.zeros((3, 1))))
Rotation and Translation are obtained using cv2.recoverPose().
Using Rotation and Translation we get the Projection Matrix of frame 2
curr_proj_matrix = cv2.hconcat([curr_rotation_matrix, curr_translation_matrix]).
I use cv2.undistortPoints() on feature pts for frame 1 and 2, using information from step 2.
Lastly, I do triangulation points_4d = triangulation.triangulate(prev_projection_matrix, curr_proj_matrix, prev_pts_u, curr_pts_u)
Then I reassign prev values to be equal curr values and continue through the video.
I use matplotlib to display the scatter plot.
Quick Question :
Why do some articles do E = (K^-1)T * F * K and some E = (K)T * F * K.
First way : What do I do with the fundamental matrix?
Second way : https://harish-vnkt.github.io/blog/sfm/
Issue :
As you can see the scatter plot looks a bit warped, I am unsure why, or if I am missing a step, or doing something wrong. Hence looking for advise.
Also the Z axis, is all negative.
One of the guesses I had, was that the video is in 60 FPS and even though I am moving the camera relatively quickly, it might not be enough of the rotation + translation to determine the triangulation. However, removing frames in between, did not make much difference.
Please let me know if you would like me to provide some of the code.
I believe I have an answer but I am not sure why it works. Hence if someone could expand, plus mention what the 3rd column of the 4D points is, then I will approve that answer and delete this.
Doing this on 4D points after triangulation : points_4d /= points_4d[3] (1)
The documentation does not mention it : https://docs.opencv.org/4.5.3/d9/d0c/group__calib3d.html#gad3fc9a0c82b08df034234979960b778c
My best guess, is that doing (1) is similar to doing this : cv2.convertPointsFromHomogeneous(). Converting from homogeneous space to euclidean space.
Edit 20211003 : Please see a comment for further explanation.

Nature of relationship between optic flow and depth

Assuming the static scene, with a single camera moving exactly sideways at small distance, there are two frames and a following computed optic flow (I use opencv's calcOpticalFlowFarneback):
Here scatter points are detected features, which are painted in pseudocolor with depth values (red is little depth, close to the camera, blue is more distant). Now, I obtain those depth values by simply inverting optic flow magnitude, like d = 1 / flow. Seems kinda intuitive, in a motion-parallax-way - the brighter the object, the closer it is to the observer. So there's a cube, exposing a frontal edge and a bit of a side edge to the camera.
But then I'm trying to project those feature points from camera plane to the real-life coordinates to make a kind of top view map (where X = (x * d) / f and Y = d (where d is depth, x is pixel coordinate, f is focal length, and X and Y are real-life coordinates). And here's what I get:
Well, doesn't look cubic to me. Looks like the picture is skewed to the right. I've spent some time thinking about why, and it seems that 1 / flow is not an accurate depth metric. Playing with different values, say, if I use 1 / power(flow, 1 / 3), I get a better picture:
But, of course, power of 1 / 3 is just a magic number out of my head. The question is, what is the relationship between optic flow in depth in general, and how do I suppose to estimate it for a given scene? We're just considering camera translation here. I've stumbled upon some papers, but no luck trying to find a general equation yet. Some, like that one, propose a variation of 1 / flow, which isn't going to work, I guess.
What bothers me a little is that simple geometry points me to 1 / flow answer too. Like, optic flow is the same (in my case) as disparity, right? Then using this formula I get d = Bf / (x2 - x1), where B is distance between two camera positions, f is focal length, x2-x1 is precisely the optic flow. Focal length is a constant, and B is constant for any two given frames, so that leaves me with 1 / flow again multiplied by a constant. Do I misunderstand something about what optic flow is?
for a static scene, moving a camera precisely sideways a known amount, is exactly the same as a stereo camera setup. From this, you can indeed estimate depth, if your system is calibrated.
Note that calibration in this sense is rather broad. In order to get real accurate depth, you will need to in the end supply a scale parameter on top of the regular calibration stuff you have in openCV, or else there is a single uniform ambiguity of the 3D (This last step is often called going to the "metric" reconstruction from only the "Euclidean").
Another thing which is apart of broad calibration is lens distortion compensation. Before anything else, you probably want to force your cameras to behave like pin-hole cameras (which real-world cameras usually dont).
With that said, optical flow is definetely very different from a metric depth map. If you properly calibraty and rectify your system first, then optical flow is still not equivalent to disparity estimation. If your system is rectified, there is no point in doing a full optical flow estimation (such as Farnebäck), because the problem is thereafter constrained along the horizontal lines of the image. Doing a full optical flow estimation (giving 2 d.o.f) will introduce more error after said rectification likely.
A great reference for all this stuff is the classic "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision"

Open CV - Several Methods for SfM

I got a task:
We have a system working where a camera does a halfcircle around a human head. We know the camera matrix and the rotation/translation of every frame. (Distortion and more... but I want first to work without these parameters)
My task is that I have only the Camera Matrix, which is constant over this move, and the images (more than 100). Now I have to get the translation and rotation from frame by frame and compare it with the rotation and translation in real world (from the system which I have but only for compare, I have too prove it!)
First steps I did so far:
use the robustMatcher from the OpenCV Cookbook - works finde - 40-70 Matches each frame - visible looks it very good!
I get the fundamentalMatrix with getFundamental(). I use the robust Points from robustMatcher and RANSAC.
When I got the F i can get the Essentialmatrix E with my CameraMatrix K like this:
cv::Mat E = K.t() * F * K; //Found at the Bible HZ Chapter 9.12
Now we need to extract R and t out of E with SVD. By the way camera1 position is just zero because we have to start somewhere.
cv::SVD svd(E);
cv::SVD svd(E);
cv::Matx33d W(0,-1,0, //HZ 9.13
cv::Matx33d Wt(0,1,0,//W^
cv::Mat R1 = svd.u * cv::Mat(W) * svd.vt; //HZ 9.19
cv::Mat R2 = svd.u * cv::Mat(Wt) * svd.vt; //HZ 9.19
//R1 or R2???
R = R1; //R2
//t=+u3 or t=-u3?
t = svd.u.col(2); //=u3
This is my actual status!
My plans are:
triangulate all points to get 3D points
Join frame i with frame i++
Visualize my 3D points them somehow!
Now my Questions are:
is this robust matcher dated? is there a other method?
Is it wrong to use this points as descriped at my second step? Must they be converted with distortion or something?
What R and t is this i extract here? Is it the rotation and translation between camera1 and camera2 with point of view from camera1?
When I read at the bible or papers or elsewhere i find that there are 4 possibilities how R and t can be!
´P′ = [UWV^T |+u3] oder [UWV^T |−u3] oder [UW^TV^T |+u3] oder [UW^TV^T |−u3]´
P´ is the projectionmatrix of the second image.
That means t could be - or + and R could be total different?!
I found out that I should calculate one point into 3D and find out if this point is infront of both cameras, then I have found the correct matrix!
I found some of this code at the internet and he just said this no further calculating:
cv::Mat R1 = svd.u * cv::Mat(W) * svd.vt
t = svd.u.col(2); //=u3
Why is this correct? If it isn't - how would I do this triangulation in OpenCV?
I compared this translation to the translation which is given to me. (First i had to transfer the translation and rotation in relationship to camera1 but I got this now!) But its not the same. The values of my program are just lets call it jumping from plus too minus. But it should be more constant because the camera is moving in a constant circle.
I am sure that some axes may be switched. I know that the translation is only from -1 till 1 but I thought I could extract a factor from my results to my comparevalues and then it should be similiar.
Does somebody have done something like this before?
Many people doing a camera calibration by using a chessboard, but I can't use this method to get the extrinsic parameters.
I know that visual sfm can do this somehow. (At youtube is a video where someone walks around a tree and get from these pictures a reconstruction of this tree using visual sfm)
This is pretty the same what I have to do.
Last question:
Does somebody know an easy way to visualize my 3D Points? I prefere MeshLab. Some experience with that?
Many people doing a camera calibration by using a chessboard, but I can't use this method to get the extrinsic parameters.
A chess board or checker board is used to find the internal/intrinsic matrix/parameters, not the extrinsic parameters. You're saying you have got the internal matrix already, I suppose that's what you meant by
We know the camera matrix and ...
Those videos you have seen on youtube have done the same, the camera is already calibrated, that is the internal matrix is known.
is this robust matcher dated? is there a other method?
I don't have that book so cant see the code and answer this.
Is it wrong to use this points as descriped at my second step? Must they be converted with distortion or something?
You need to cancel the radial distortion first, see undistortPoints.
What R and t is this i extract here? Is it the rotation and translation between camera1 and camera2 with point of view from camera1?
R is the orientation of the second camera in the first camera's coordinate system. And T is position of the second camera in that coordinate system. These have several usages.
When I read at the bible or papers or elsewhere i find that there are 4 possibilities how ....
Read the relevant section of the bible, this is very well explained there, triangulation is naive method, a better approach is explained there.
Does somebody know an easy way to visualize my 3D Points?
To see them in Meshlab a very easy way is to save the coordinate of the 3D points in a PLY file, this is an extremely simple format and supported by Meshlab and almost all other 3D model viewers.
In this article "An Efficient Solution to the Five-Point Relative Pose Problem", Nistér explain a very good method to determine which of the four configurations it the correct one (talking about R and T).
I've tried the robust matcher and I think is quiet good. The problems that has this matcher is that is really slow because it uses SURF, maybe you should try with others detectors and extractors to improve the speed.I also believe that the function in OpenCV that calculates the fundamental matrix does not need the Ransac parameter because the methods rate and symmetry do a great job removing the outliers, you should try the 8-point parameter.
OpenCV has the function triangulate, this only needs two projection Matrices, points that are in the first and the second image. Check the calib3d module.

Rectification of uncalibrated cameras, via fundamental matrix

I'm trying to do calibration of Kinect camera and external camera, with Emgu/OpenCV.
I'm stuck and I would really appreciate any help.
I've choose do this via fundamental matrix, i.e. epipolar geometry.
But the result is not as I've expected. Result images are black, or have no sense at all.
Mapx and mapy points are usually all equal to infinite or - infinite, or all equals to 0.00, and rarely have regular values.
This is how I tried to do rectification:
1.) Find image points get two arrays of image points (one for every camera) from set of images. I've done this with chessboard and FindChessboardCorners function.
2.) Find fundamental matrix
CvInvoke.cvFindFundamentalMat(points1Matrix, points2Matrix,
_fundamentalMatrix.Ptr, CV_FM.CV_FM_RANSAC,1.0, 0.99, IntPtr.Zero);
Do I pass all collected points from whole set of images, or just from two images trying to rectify?
3.) Find homography matrices
CvInvoke.cvStereoRectifyUncalibrated(points11Matrix, points21Matrix,
_fundamentalMatrix.Ptr, Size, h1.Ptr, h2.Ptr, threshold);
4.) Get mapx and mapy
double scale = 0.02;
CvInvoke.cvInvert(_M1.Ptr, _iM.Ptr, SOLVE_METHOD.CV_LU);
CvInvoke.cvMul(_H1.Ptr, _M1.Ptr, _R1.Ptr,scale);
CvInvoke.cvMul(_iM.Ptr, _R1.Ptr, _R1.Ptr, scale);
CvInvoke.cvInvert(_M2.Ptr, _iM.Ptr, SOLVE_METHOD.CV_LU);
CvInvoke.cvMul(_H2.Ptr, _M2.Ptr, _R2.Ptr, scale);
CvInvoke.cvMul(_iM.Ptr, _R2.Ptr, _R2.Ptr, scale);
CvInvoke.cvInitUndistortRectifyMap(_M1.Ptr,_D1.Ptr, _R1.Ptr, _M1.Ptr,
mapxLeft.Ptr, mapyLeft.Ptr) ;
I have a problem here...since I'm not using calibrated images, what is my camera matrix and distortion coefficients ? How can I get it from fundamental matrix or homography matrices?
5.) Remap
CvInvoke.cvRemap(src.Ptr, destRight.Ptr, mapxRight, mapyRight,
(int)INTER.CV_INTER_LINEAR, new MCvScalar(255));
And this doesn't returning good result. I would appreciate if someone would tell me what am I doing wrong.
I have set of 25 pairs of images, and chessboard pattern size 9x6.
The book "Learning OpenCV," from O'Reilly publishing, has two full chapters devoted to this specific topic. Both make heavy use of OpenCV's included routines cvCalibrateCamera2() and cvStereoCalibrate(); These routines are wrappers to code that is very similar to what you have written here, with the added benefit of having been more thoroughly debugged by the folks who maintain the OpenCV libraries. while they are convenient, both require quite a bit of preprocessing to achieve the necessary inputs to the routines. There may in fact be a sample program, somewhere deep in the samples directory of the OpenCV distribution, that uses these routines, with examples on how to go from chessboard image to calibration/intrinsics matrix. If you take an in depth look at any of these places, I am sure you will see how you can achieve your goal with advice from the experts.
cv::findFundamentalMat cannot work if the intrinsic parameter of your image points is an identity matrix. In other words, it cannot work with unprojected image points.
