adding a uibutton over uitableview - ios

I'd like to add a UIButton in a fixed position on my view, over my UITableView. I'm using a UITableViewController and Storyboard.
In the image below, the black square with the white triangle is static; i.e. it always remains in that position no matter where you scroll to with the UITableView. How can I replicate this?

You can create a UIViewController and add your UITableview onto that controller's view, then you can add your button as a subview of that controller's view above the UITableview.


Rounded button above the UISCROLLVIEW

I have been working in a project which has a uiscroll view where the uiscroll view size is set programatically with height 225 and width is self. I have created two uiimageView where it displays two images and I have animated it by moving using a page view controller. Finally the image moves atomically like a slide show with page view controller. I have removed the navigation controller do I need to keep a back button for navigation when I place a unbutton above uiscrollview it was stating like scrollview ambitious scrolling content. I need to place a rounded back button above scroll view. I have attached the image of my storyboard. When I tried to place a button it is not visible in stimulator header scroll view is the UISCROLLVIEW where the animated image is placed

Is it possible to place a UIToolbar below a UICollectionView without a UINavigationController?

I have a UICollectionViewController that contains a UICollectionView, and a UIToolbar. I would like to place the UIToolbar below the UICollectionView (at the bottom of the screen).
What I have now is the UICollectionView that goes all the way to the bottom of the screen and the UIToolbar placed on top of it in the zorder. In the picture below the collection view extends below the toolbar.
I understand that I can do this with a NavigationController, but I have also read that navigation controllers are for drill down behavior. I don't want that- the items in this toolbar do not necessarily change the view. Also it seems like the NavigationController would make my code more complicated than necessary.
Note, my UIToolbar is added programmatically. I have also tried adding it in the storyboard but I can't figure out how to place the toolbar in my view. This is my storyboard:
I cannot drag the toolbar into the view and when I run this the storyboard toolbar does not appear.
This question/answer makes it seem like the toolbar can be "snapped" to the correct position or the scrollview can be "re-sized", but I'm not seeing this behavior.
If you have created a UICollectionViewController then the UICollectionView is the main view and as such you can't put things above of below it and that is why you can't drag the UIToolbar onto the view.
What you will need to do is create a UIViewController which conforms to the UICollectionViewDataSource and UICollectionViewDelegate protocols instead. That will have a UIView as its main view and to that you can add a UICollectionView and a UIToolbar and position them as you want. Don't forget to also link the data source and delegate of the UICollectionView to your UIViewController.

Make UIView fix position to the top of UITableViewController

I want to make custom Navigation Bar using UIView but I don't want to embed Navigation Controller. I have tried making UIView but end up the UIView is scrollable. The main thing about Navigation Bar is sticked to the top whether the UITableViewController scrolled or not.
How to make the custom Navigation Bar with UIView has fixed position like the original navigation bar. Thanks!
Instead of using a UITableViewController, you should probably use a regular UIViewController and then add a UITableView and your custom UIView as subviews. UITableViewControllers aren't very flexible when it comes to adding subviews. They are meant to take up the entire screen.
For static table views you need to add a UITableViewController as a Container ViewController to another UIViewController. So you will have one main UIViewController that has your custom UIView nav bar and a Container View Controller that holds your UITableViewController.
Simply Create Table Header View.
1.Using Table View Delegate Methods Create Header View Programatically of the Starting Cell.

Custom View for scroll in UITableView

I need to create a custom view for scroll the UITableView/ ScrollView.
Here I attached the picture,
While scroll the color I need to scroll the tableView and up/down arrow button press also the same function.
How can I implement the scroll.
Create a UIView subclass that has controls for moving the page and the scroll bar.
Then you can update the scroll bar from the scrollViewDidScroll method.
Similarly, when the buttons are pressed you can tell the scroll view to setContentOffset.

Avoid UIButton overlay on UIPickerView ios

I am started to learn iOS. I am doing small app. In that I placed UIPickerView and UIButton in ViewController. On view controller tap, UIPickerView will show to the user. On showing, the detail, UIButton also show (overlay on UIPickerView). How can I Put the UIButton back to viewController.
How to avoid inappropriate view.?
See the update button in UIPicker view
this depends on the order you add your subviews to your view. try [viewController.view sendSubviewToBack: yourButton]
in interface builder drag the view you want to place on top of your view hierarchie to the bottom. on the picture UISegmentedControl would overlap the UIButton if not properly aligned.
Go to your xib file and drag your Picker object to the bottom of its container as in the image below:
